View Full Version : AUCHINDOUN - Auchenai Crypts (65-67)

30/01/2007, 11:45
Auchenai Crypts (65-67)


Shirrak the Dead Watcher
1st boss in Auchenai Crypts wing of Auchindoun
Level (Normal): 66 Elite
Health: 76,000
Level (Heroic): 72 Elite
Type: Undead

Inhibit Magic – Casting time increased by 50%, stacks up to 4 times.
Carnivorous Bite – bleed attack when Shirrak pulls players toward him
Focus Fire – Shirrak will emote “Shirrak the Dead Watchers focuses on (party member name)!” beneath that player a flare will appear, about 3 seconds later he will shoot 3 AoE blasts around flared location for 1600-1700 fire damage.

Send the tank in first and once aggro is acquired everyone else come up the stairs. Healers should be aware almost immediately that Inhibit Magic will/has stacked 4 times and all spells will take 200% longer to cast. You need to spread out a good amount for this fight, that way when Shirrak does his Focus Fire only 1 party member has to move.
Main things to focus on here is avoiding his nasty Focus Fire which he does give ample warning for and healers need to be mindful that heals will take 200% longer to cast.

Loot Table: http://www.ampwow.com/wow/viewNewCreatures/18371-Shirrak+the+Dead+Watcher.php (http://www.ampwow.com/wow/viewNewCreatures/18371-Shirrak+the+Dead+Watcher.php)

Exarch Maladaar
Exarch Maladaar is the second boss of the Auchenai Crypt wing of Auchindoun.
Level (Normal): 67 Elite
Level (Heroic): 72 Elite
Type: Humanoid

Soul Scream – AoE shout disorienting players.
Soul Cleave – All damage and healing is reduced by 50%.
Summon Dark Side – Creates a shadow of target player that will attack the party.
Avatar of the Martyr – At 15% health summons an Avatar of the Martyr with a nasty Mortal Strike.

Exarch can be incredibly difficult or incredibly easy, the main difference between the two is how long the Dark Sides or Clones live. As soon as Exarch summons a Dark Side ALL dps should be redirected toward it until dead, they are powerful and love to kill precious healers.
At about 15% heal he will summon his Avatar of the Martyr which can Mortal Strike but that is the only trick he has, at this point in the fight all dps remains on Exarch. He should not summon anymore Dark Sides after the Avatar is out. After Exarch Maladaar is dead we can take out his Avatar and check his loot.

Loot Table: http://www.ampwow.com/wow/viewNewCreatures/18373-Exarch+Maladaar.php (http://www.ampwow.com/wow/viewNewCreatures/18373-Exarch+Maladaar.php)