View Full Version : Anub'rekhan

19/07/2006, 11:41
sorry for the english and the wrong section of the forum. i dont speak IT
just wana help a bit.

a Friend from Greece
EU. Shattered Hand

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* Impale - This impale attack will target anyone on Anub's aggro list, not limited to and including the MT. The impale will hit a 5-10 yard area of effect and deals approximately 2500-3000 direct damage, and approximately 500-750 fall damage. This will be what will cause most non-tanks to die, and can be easily healed through with alert healers, and minimized if the raid group spreads out.

* Scarab Beetles - Whenever a raid member dies, several Scarabs (5-8) will spawn from their corpse. The scarabs are non-elite 60's with around 2500 health and can cause 200-300 damage a hit. With only one death, the scarabs are more of a nuisance, as they can be frost-nova'd and AoE'd fairly easily. Any more than 1-2 deaths will cause this to be a significant issue to the raid, and things will often spiral out of control very quickly if 2-3 people die at the same time.

* Locust Swarm - Every ~90 seconds, Anub'rekhan casts a spell that causes AoE damage in a wide radius (30 yards) around him, he will also slow to 40% of normal run speed. Remaining in the radius of effect will cause a DoT debuff to stack repeatedly, dealing a large amount of damage, around 500 damage/sec per stack. When he casts this spell, another Crypt Guard will also spawn at his initial engage point. Curse of Tongues will slow down this cast and is extremely important to surviving.

Locust swarm has a 90 sec cooldown.


There will be two adds that start the fight with Anub'Rekhan. They will need to be killed first before DPS engages the boss.


* Cleave for ~1000 damage to melee.
* Stacking Posion DoT which stacks almost every attack, counter this by having a second tank taunting fairly often.
* AoE Netting attack, which stops all movement for all those affected, it is important that melee get into position before the add does this attack.


* Very easily stunnable, paladins and warriors should be making sure it is stunned as much as possible.

10-15 seconds after they are killed, Anub'Rekhan can use an attack to explode their corpse, causing ~10 Scarab Beetles to spawn. Distance to Anub'Rekhan seems to be a factor to whether or not he will explode the corpse.


MT will move Anub'Rekhan into position.

The 2 adds will be pulled to the oposite side of the room, where they will be killed as soon as possible.
1 OT on the add that will be killed first, and 2 OT's on the second.
(this is so that third OT can't taunt the add when the poison dot stacks to high. )

As soon as the adds are killed, dps will switch to Anub'Rekhan.

-Mages should have a system worked out, so that there's always one mage that is camping the corpse of each add, ready for frostnove the corpse-scarabs.

When Anub'rekhan is about to cast Locust Swarm (get SpellAlert addon), EVERYONE will move out of range.

MT will start kiting Anub'Rekhan 180 degrees, ending in the opposite side of the room. A group of 3 ppl will move together with MT, a hunter with Aspect of the pack, 1 paladin and 1 druid for healing.

http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/1410/anubstrat2fc8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

At this point, a new add will spawn. This add will be pulled to a OT,
The adds will be pulled to the edge of the middle of the half of the circle where it will be killed.
This is so the mage guarding it doesn't get impaled and distracted from guarding them.

DPS now again switches, from Anub'Rekhan to the add.

After add is down, dps will focus once again on Anub'rekhan.

(mages will still camp the corpse for corpsescarabs)

This will continue every 90 sec, until he's down.

Important notes:

-Spreading out is very important to avoid massive raid dmg from the impale.
-Better safe then sorry. Keep yourself alive. Your death will spawn additional scarabs, hurting the raid.

19/07/2006, 11:42

19/07/2006, 11:43
If you dont want help tell me to remove the post


19/07/2006, 11:44
thank you, but he is no more... :cry2:

(don't remove the post, a lot of italian players read this forum, it is useful)

19/07/2006, 11:46
You kill the boss? if yes i can give u some tips for the other bosses as well

im my guild we are stuck at Patch for 5 days now :(


The second boss of the spider wing. She stands on a raised set of steps accompanied by some adds. Once the fight has started the room is sealed shut by spiders webs.


*Poison Bolt Volley - A huge ranged attack which sends poison bolts to seemingly random people in the room - doing noticable damage and having a DOT which must be cleansed. She can fire this at anyone she feels, for example people directly infront of her may not get hit , but people 50 yards away will.

*Rain of Fire - A nasty fire based attack, dealing approximatley 1500 damage per tick. She will cast this all over the room, but seems to cast it mostly on the melee who are attacking her - if it hits the rogues/tank on her the tank must move and the rogues accordingly. This is just like the blizzard on the twin emperors, you MUST be alert and move out of is as soon as you see the graphic or get a tick.

*Enrage - At approximatley 1 minute she will enrage, meleeing for 6k damage per hit on the tank and spamming lots of nasty bolts and ROF's. This can be stopped by mindcontrolling one of the tanked worshippers and using their silence ability to silence her nature school for 30 seconds and also dispell her enrage, this sacrifices the worshipper


There are 6 adds in this fight, 4 worshippers and 2 followers - The worshippers are used to silence.


We have around 2 minutes and thirty seconds to down this boss, she has around 1 million hitpoints.

The fight begins with the main tank running in and taking aggro of the boss, he tanks her in the middle of the room. The adds will be pulled to the back and offtanked.

A priest must Mind control a worshipper and bring it to the boss and use the silence ability, silencing her for 30 seconds, with around 10 seconds on the debuff left - another priest must mind control an add and bring it forward ready to be sacrificed once the initial silence has been removed.
This silence prevents the boss from enraging, and stops her from casting poison bolts.

The two followers are tanked way in the back of the room at all times , the tanks are healed by 4 assigned healers - either a druid+paladin or priest+paladin on each, the idea being that they can be cleansed by the pala/druid if a poison volley does hit.

-- Once the main tank has firm aggro and the adds are under control - everyone must unload on her, as much DPS as possible to bring her down before she enrages and cannot be stopped as we have no more adds.

All melee should be wearing fire resistance gear, and everyone should have some healthstones and healing potions ready to use if a rain hits.

We may get a volley of poison bolts from time to time so all paladins will be alert and start hammering their decursive buttons if we see one.

If the debuff on her does go off and she does not enrage, depending on how DPS is going and raid health we can give another few seconds before sacrificing another worshipper - giving us more "safe" fight time overall.

If she does enrage when there are no adds left the MT can shield wall and _everyone_ must burn her down as fast as possible - if this does happen it should be on a low percentage.

Important notes:

-Try and spread out as much as possible, as two people getting hit by rain of fire is a lot more healable than 10.

-Keep yourself up, use your pots/healthstones and make sure you run out of the fire - set your camera distance to max by going to interface>advanced options, and zoom out so you have a better view

-Priests must communicate with other priests and warriors on when they are about to mind control, and if mind control breaks - so another priest can

19/07/2006, 11:50
yes yesterday, dunno where will go this evening, for patch, i think we have too much tanks away from pc :)

19/07/2006, 11:52
Patch need at least 1 MT with T3 set items. is the stop boss for Naxx. (like Vael in BWL) so i suggest you to continue with spider and DK section (much easyer)

19/07/2006, 13:42
I haven't understood some details.

Followers must be tanked and nothing else, while worshippers... what? They may be MC, ok, but in the meanwhile? What are they doing? Then, when i MC one of them, i cast silence, which lasts for 30 s, and when do i have to sacrifice that worshipper? BEFORE she gets enraged? This means that we have to sacrifice 1 worshipper about every 50-55s, if she gets enraged every 60s, is that correct?

May NR help with the poison volley?

19/07/2006, 14:21
Followers get tanked at the back of the room, you kill them after the boss. (if u have more than 10 rogues then assing 2 to DPS down the followers so you can have some extra heal at the end of the fight)

Worshipers has a spesial ability Sacrifice (they suiside) that make the boss not to enrage for 1min. Every 30 sec (25-28 to be sure) need to MC and Sacrifice one of them near the boss so you delay the next enrage.
the "spare" Worshippers are tanked by OTs away but not to far from the boss.

the 1st Enrage start 3-4sec after you engage the boss.

if the boss goes enrage then the Sacrifice last 1min
if use the Sacrifice before the 2nd Enrage then u delay the enrage for 30sec

the fight is pretty easy and depends much on luck since the Rain of fire is complete random.

Use FR gear but dont gimp your DPS.
Watch the aggro while DPS like mad.
Get the phat lwet

NR potions help but only if the boss is near death. 5-6% the damg from the voley is imba

19/07/2006, 14:55
A simple question, did you never go2xp?

19/07/2006, 16:04
è un fake, sto tipo intendo

19/07/2006, 16:26
avra sentito puzza di ud

19/07/2006, 17:15
Thank you for answers and explanations ;)

19/07/2006, 18:31
eisai polu eugenikos ;p

19/07/2006, 18:53
pitaghiros?malaka no pusti!

19/07/2006, 19:06
eisai polu eugenikos ;p

skase mikro albanaki :asd:

19/07/2006, 19:08
vlaka gnome!;o

19/07/2006, 19:11
Pita Pita Pitaghiros!zazzi Zazziki
Cetriliolo E Zazziki Gnam Gnam Pitazazzikimalaka Kekeke

23/07/2006, 12:44