View Full Version : some other changes in 1.11

23/05/2006, 16:34
* A permanant version of Aqual Quintessence (called Eternal Quintessence) is provided after completing the Hydraxian Waterlords quest chain. This is avaliable to players who have a reputation level of Revered. See Duke Hydraxis for more information.
* When dueling, all other duelers have unique icons over there heads (skulls, diamonds, shields, etc)
* When standing there is a global cooldown of 1.5 seconds.
* Temporary weapon buffs (such as poisons, enchanting oils, sharpening stones and shaman weapon buffs) will no longer be removed when zoning. These buffs will also persist when logged out.
* Added brand new loading screens for Scarlet Monastary.
* The LookingForGroup channel is now worldwide. Players in Eastern Plaguelands can look for groups in Ironforge or Stormwind.

* New item rewards have been added for those who have achieved Rank 14 in the PvP Honor System.
* Players can no longer queue up other players with the deserter debuff for a battleground by forming a raid and having the leader in a different subgroup, and joining as a group.

* Ignite - Appears to not be "rolling". Unconfirmed, possible bug.
* Evocation - Cooldown reduced to 8 minutes.
* Cooldown on the use of a Mana Gem has been decreased to two minutes.
* Pyroblast - Cooldown removed. (Confirm?)

* New Talent: Vitality - Increases the maximum stamina of the warrior by 2% per level at a maximum of 10% *Unintended addition, will be removed in next build*
* Talent Improved Bloodrage has been redesigned. It now increases the base rage you get from Bloodrage by 3/5 rage.
* Execute - Now has a blueish color on hit.

* Zandalarian Hero Charm - Initial effect has been reduced to 200 damage and 400 healing. The effect is now reduced 25 damage and 50 healing every spellcast.
* Deathdealer Shoulder - 10 stamina removed.
* The Primal Hakkari tokens used to obtain items in the Zul'Gurub armor quests now contain a "Classes:" flag. This will make it easier to determine what classes use the item.
* Noggenfogger Elixer - Cooldown removed.

* New repeatable quests have been added to the goblin cities to help re-establish reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel. These NPCs are representitives of the Steamwheedle Cartel so those with negative reputation can intereact with them.

Raids and Dungeons
* The Ironbark Protectors in DM West now have an Entangle Root spell that lasts for ~12 seconds.

User Interface
* Buffs that have 'charges' now display how many in the buff icon.
* Debuffs are now colored coded by type. Green border is poison, purple is a curse, light blue is magic, etc.
* A leader of a raid can put symbols on a target similar to Hunter's Mark. These are purely cosmetic and assist with the organization of a raid.
* Default UI now reports quantity of an item looted, on the loot output channel. For example, "Player received loot: [Dense Stone]x3"
* Bank bags now have a higher contrasted background than before (white stone rather than dark blue).
* Inventory/bank bags are now scaled down and take up less amount of space on the screen when opened.
* Extra game tips have been added to the loading screen.
* When right clicking a player's name in chat, the whisper option has been replaced with a target option. This option does not work if the player is not in your interest area.
* Extended action bars now show hotkey and range information just like the default action bar.
* When a GM ticket is open, an estimated wait time is now displayed.
* Several technical LUA changes (for UI mod authors): http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/th...p=1#post343889 (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-interface-customization&t=343889&p=1&tmp=1#post343889)

World Environment
* The hills south of where Lord Kazzak spawns have been leveled, making them climbable.


23/05/2006, 16:35
old, ho replyato 5 minuti fa sul forum di ngi.


i noggerfogger senza cd andrebbero a palate e quel goblin figlio di cane si farā 100g al giorno...
puttana eva

23/05/2006, 16:40
* New repeatable quests have been added to the goblin cities to help re-establish reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel. These NPCs are representitives of the Steamwheedle Cartel so those with negative reputation can intereact with them.

GO maaaark torna amico dei piccoli goblin!

23/05/2006, 16:47
* Ignite - Appears to not be "rolling". Unconfirmed, possible bug.

chi spiega?

oh conflitto qui non c'č inedia, ti metto in barile di letame e ti butto giā da una cascata di fango se fai ancora il figo

23/05/2006, 16:49
rolling = rullando

ignite non sembra essere "rullante"


23/05/2006, 16:52
che scontrosi sti gnomi <_<

cmq cazzo centra Inedia? :look:

23/05/2006, 16:53
looking like ignite isn't stacking, havn't verified

About Ignite - its stacking but isn't rolling on the PTR.

When you crit with the ignite talent, it does it's damage over 2 ticks (4 seconds). However, if you crit again with ignite active, the effect is supposed to stack and reset the 4 second timer. Hence, chain criting cause cause some crazy extra damage. The reseting of the 4 second ignite timer is known as rolling.

23/05/2006, 17:12
che scontrosi sti gnomi <_<

cmq cazzo centra Inedia? :look:

scherzo eh :linguaccia:

23/05/2006, 17:12
* Deathdealer Shoulder - 10 stamina removed.

Nemmeno il tempo di prenderli che giā li nerfano.

Cmq prevedo un rewamp del rogue molto vicino, visto la frequenza con cui ci stan nerfando asd

23/05/2006, 17:14
Pls ricordatemi di modificare l'item quando la patch va su :P

23/05/2006, 17:19
Cmq prevedo un rewamp del rogue molto vicino, visto la frequenza con cui ci stan nerfando asd

non dirlo neanche per scherzo :cry2:

ho paura di quello che potremmo diventare :cry2:

23/05/2006, 17:25
Come fai a spammare cosė velocemente sia qui che su NGI e chissā dove altro? asd

23/05/2006, 17:43

23/05/2006, 17:49

SPAM EDIT :ph34r:

23/05/2006, 18:09
proprio no...

č che mi č passata la voglia... (http://gaming.ngi.it/forum/showpost.php?p=7811736&postcount=39)

:cry2: :cry2:

23/05/2006, 18:16