View Full Version : Nuovi Ct Mod + CT Raidassist

Cloud Wallace
29/03/2006, 19:33
A grande richiesta posto la versione aggiornata dei 2 mod, che a parte un piccolo errore su CombatStats (cliccate ok e gg, è un problema di salvataggio delle variabili, presto hotfixato) funziona perfettamente.

Provato in raid e con debuff curing in prima persona... chi dice che decursive non va fa sta facendo disinformazione

29/03/2006, 19:36
e per i druidi che whinano

per fixare DAB velocemente

There is a quick fix that can solve the (blocked mod) problem: Delete the DAB_AutoCastHooks.lua file from /World of Warcraft/Interface/Add ons/DiscordActionBars/
Removal of the hooking file will allow the mod to function but there are some (non-blocking) errors that popup related to loading keybindings. Once new keybindings are manually set for the current session, most if not all of the functions work until the next UI reload.
A fix for the keybinding issue: change line 83 in DAB_Initialization.lua from "DAB_Set_Keybindings();" to "--DAB_Set_Keybindings();". After this is done and you replace all your keybindings, type "/script SaveBindings(1)" without the quotes and they will be preserved.
Another fix for the keybindings problem that fixes it so that you do not have to enter in a /command to save your keybindings can be found on the Discord Mod forums, courtesy of Sarris. This fix requires some coding experience, but hopefully a new version of DAB will be released soon or someone can host a fixed version for download.

29/03/2006, 19:38
thorbal da dove l'hai scaricato? a me il sito non funge :/

Cloud Wallace
29/03/2006, 20:30
ieri notte dal sito di CT prima che lo floodassero :ph34r:

29/03/2006, 20:46
a me nn va :|

Cloud Wallace
29/03/2006, 21:31
a me nn va :|

cosa non va? :ph34r:

29/03/2006, 21:39
FIX decursive (nn di ctraid)
riga 947 Dcr_debug( debuff_name.." found!");
va cancellata o commentata con -- davanti

30/03/2006, 13:28
FIX decursive (nn di ctraid)
riga 947 Dcr_debug( debuff_name.." found!");
va cancellata o commentata con -- davanti

scusa la niubbaggine ma come arrivo alla riga 947? :\

nn ci capisco una ceppa di pc asd

30/03/2006, 13:30
a ok fatto ads

Cloud Wallace
30/03/2006, 17:19
Posto qui anche un fix molto efficace per tutti quei mod che improvvisamente hanno smesso di funzionare (tipo Hunter's Timer) senza ragione alcuna apparente (è un problema della Blizzard, hanno modificato il modo di chiamare il tooltip nei file xml senza avvertire i modder)

If your AddOn that you loved is suddenly broken I recommend trying the following:

1. Go to Interface/AddOns/<Broken AddOn>/ and open the <Broken AddOn>.xml file.
For example: for TotemTimers its TotemTimers.xml

2. Do a search for "GameTooltip", until you find a line that looks like:
<GameTooltip name="<Name>Tooltip" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate" parent="UIParent" hidden="true"/>

3. Change this section to:
<GameTooltip name="<Name>Tooltip" frameStrata="TOOLTIP" hidden="true" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate">
this:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE");

(Make sure to change the "/>" to ">" this should be the only change on the first line.
4. Reload the AddOn and hope it works.

Per me ha funzionato x Necrosis LDC e CCWatch, vedete voi

Cloud Wallace
30/03/2006, 19:42
altro fix che ho trovato x combatstats

if you have an error "<name> addon tried to call RegisterForSave ..." go to the addon folder /WoW/Interface/AddOns/<Addon name> and open all .lua files one-by-one.
In every lua file do the search for RegisterForSave, if you find the line with this phrase, comment it out, that is done by placing -- infront of the line, so basically if you have RegisterForSave(blah); change it to --RegisterForSave(blah); and also write down the variable for save, in this case blah.
After you went through al the lua files and commented out RegisterForSave(blah); you should have the list of 1 or more veriable, like blah. You will need to do the following to have addon save them over sessions as it used to:
in addon folder there should be a file called <addon name>.toc, open it with editor.
You should see something like:

## Title: Addon
## Interface: 10900
## Author: Me :)
## URL: http://www.wowwiki.com (http://www.wowwiki.com/)
## Version: 1.0
## DefaultState: enabled
## Notes: <Some note>
## SavedVariables: <Some variable>
## OptionalDeps:
## Dependencies:

you are interested in the line that starts with ## SavedVariables:. If the line is not there, insert it somewhere after ## Title: Addon and before ## Dependencies:
Now, add to the end of this line the list of variables you got from the .lua files, for example:
if you had 2 variables: blah1 and blah2 and line in .toc file looked like ## SavedVariables: blah your line should look like:
## SavedVariables: blah, blah1, blah2

that should fix it properly, however fix suggested above will still work, somewhat.

Questo ovviamente vale anche per altri mod che vi danno lo stesso errore