View Full Version : World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.9.3

07/02/2006, 17:52
- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.9.3 (2006-02-07)

Love is in the Air!
Are you looking for love? All of Azeroth soon will be! As winter
draws to a close the races are starting to seek that special someone.
Be on the lookout for amorous individuals! Put on that special
perfume or cologne, express your love, and receive gifts in return!
Prepare yourself... love will soon be in the air!

- Added native support for Intel-powered Macs such as the iMac (Core
Duo) and MacBook Pro. World of Warcraft is now a Universal
Application. Be advised that the minimum supported MacOS X version
has been changed to 10.3.9; World of Warcraft version 1.9.3 and later
will not launch on older revisions of MacOS X.

- The default graveyards in Alterac Valley for each side were moved
further up the tunnels away from the battlegroud exit. This should
prevent accidentally leaving the battleground.

- Eye for an Eye - This talent will now still do damage when the
paladin is stunned. In addition, if the critical hit kills the
paladin, damage will still be dealt to the spellcaster.
- Greater Blessing of Sanctuary - Paladins with Righteous Fury will now
generate extra threat correctly when this Blessing procs.

- Deadly Poison V - The charges were inadvertently not increased with
the new rank of the ability. Increased from 105 to 120 charges.
- Slice and Dice - This ability should no longer miss.

- Shield Block - This aura will now correctly be removed when the
charges are all consumed. However, it is still possible when fighting
multiple opponents to get extra blocks due to technical restrictions.

- Arcanist Gloves were not receiving the intended spell damage bonus;
this has been corrected.
- The Stamina and Intellect on Kezan's Unstoppable Taint were
inadvertently flipped; this has been corrected.
- The Enigma's Answer and Stormcaller's Wrath effects now have tooltips.
- The mana regeneration effect from food no longer causes threat.
- Quicksand Waders are now Bind on Pickup.
- The Slime-coated Leggings now have their proper nature resistance.
- Prophetic Aura, Mageblood Potion, Wizard Oils, and the Mana
Regeneration bracer enchant no longer generate threat for the wearer,
and should also provide the increased mana regeneration on normal
ticks instead of every 5 seconds.
- The Ancient Hakkari Manslayer has the proper icon again.

- The Engineering schematic for the Tranquil Mechanical Yeti now
requires a Cured Rugged Hide rather than Ice Thistle E'ko so that
both Horde and Alliance Engineers can make the recipe.
- Stormshroud Gloves are now Bind on Equip.

Quests & Reputation
- Grammar fixed for gossip associated with the quest "Trial of the Sea
Lion" in Moonglade.
- Fixed a bug with the quest "Glyphed Oaken Branch" that was having the
quest become available sooner than it should have.
- The reputation modifier of Squire Leoren Mal'derath has been reduced.
- Zandalar Tribe reputation rewards for killing mobs in Zul’Gurub have
been increased.
- Winterfall Spirit Beads and Deadwood Headdress Feathers now stack in
quantities of 250.

Raid & Dungeons
- Various bugs have been rectified in the Ahn'Qiraj dungeons.
Molten Core
* It should now be very difficult to remain out of combat while
fighting the bosses in Molten Core.
* A small number of spawns have been removed from Zul'Gurub to allow
for a slightly faster clearing time.
* Increased cooldown on Poison Bolt Volley of High Priestess Mar'li.
* Slightly reduced the melee damage of High Priestess Mar'li.
* The vengance effect gained by the death of the raptor Ohgan during
the Bloodlord Mandokir fight has been increased in power.
* Reduced the overall damage of High Priest Thekal.
* Slowed the rate at which the panthers spawn during the High
Priestess Arlokk fight.
* Hakkar:
Melee damage reduced.
Cause Insanity should now correctly target Hakkar's current target,
rather than closest.
Cause Insanity will no longer remove all threat gained.
Reduced the damage dealt by Poisonous Blood Siphon.
Increased cooldown on Blood Siphon.
Gained an Enrage ability after 10 minutes in combat.
No longer has the Slow ability.
Corrupted Blood now deals direct damage with a following damage
over time effect and no longer spreads to others in the raid.
Fixed a bug that was causing Corrupted Blood to target the current
target rather than the intended random target.
* Increased duration of Poisonous Cloud emitted by Sons of Hakkar.
* Shades of Jin'do are now considered Undead.
- Slightly increased the movement of Lethon's Spirit Shades.
- Reduced the duration of Lethon's Draw Spirit from 7 seconds to 5
- Fixed a bug that would cause Lethon's Draw Spirit to spawn two
spirits per person instead of one.
- King Gordok can no longer be seperated from Cho'Rush the Observer in
Dire Maul.

World Environment
- Royal Dreadguards, Undercity Guardians, and Ironforge Guards will now
detect enemy players at the same distance as the other cities' guards.
- Fixed a bug that would cause you to dismount in certain areas within
the Undercity.

07/02/2006, 18:01
* Shades of Jin'do are now considered Undead.

gg jin'do

per il resto mi pare abbiano come annunciato nerfato ZG in generale e buffato hakkar

ottima la cosa che si prende più rep killando i mob di ZG, in teoria c'è ne sono di meno ma considerando che molti si skippavano pensio sia un ottima cosa.

la voce "corretti bug in AQ" penso abbiano messo solo quello per non scrivere 10 pagine di patch notes :asd:

07/02/2006, 18:27
Originally posted by ciocca@Feb 7 2006, 05:52 PM
- Greater Blessing of Sanctuary - Paladins with Righteous Fury will now
generate extra threat correctly when this Blessing procs.

- Deadly Poison V - The charges were inadvertently not increased with
the new rank of the ability. Increased from 105 to 120 charges.

- Shield Block - This aura will now correctly be removed when the
charges are all consumed. However, it is still possible when fighting
multiple opponents to get extra blocks due to technical restrictions.

07/02/2006, 20:17
Molten Core
* It should now be very difficult to remain out of combat while
fighting the bosses in Molten Core.

ok, ora manca il nerf al mass-summon ed hanno finito di fixare mc :lingua:

07/02/2006, 20:59
- Reduced the duration of Lethon's Draw Spirit from 7 seconds to 5

ora diventa na isisezza paura

Cloud Wallace
07/02/2006, 22:39
jindo aoe ftw!!!!11 :ph34r:

08/02/2006, 05:41
Ciau rega, dopo 1 po' di tempo posto col mio nickname di 1 volta :sticazzi:
Mo speriamo di aver scelto la razza e la classe giusta sarebbe ora no? :evilol:
Qualcuno ha idea tra quanto uscira la 1.10 ? Non vedo l'ora della piogga e della neve :stupid:

08/02/2006, 05:52
Aspettando Patch 1.10.....
(Mi sa che ho il monitor buggato):sticazzi:
Zio porco! :muro:
(Orda mi e' piaciuta abbastanza) :rock:


08/02/2006, 11:00
World of Warcraft v1.9.3 UK Patch


08/02/2006, 15:29
Si ma qui quando verrà applicata ?

Cloud Wallace
08/02/2006, 15:32
è già up... :ph34r:

08/02/2006, 19:22

09/02/2006, 10:47
Modifiche non riportate nel change log:

Below are a few changes implemented in 1.9.3 that unfortunately, did not make the patch notes.

# Nefarian's reset should now consistently be 15 minutes regardless of what phase your raid may have wiped out on.
# The High Priests, High Priestesses, and Jin'do the Hexxer will now drop their epic items more often. Some of the rarest items from Zul'Gurub such as the Warblade of the Hakkari and Zulian Swift Tiger can now also be found a bit more frequently.
# Zul'Gurub coin and bijou drops were increased
# The stats on the Tier 1 Mage and Warlock sets (Arcanist and Felheart) have been changed.
# You now have to be out of combat to open a chest.

Update: According to QA and internal tests, the stranglethorn arena chest was not flagged with the "not in combat flag", so it should be fine. If your experiences prove otherwise, please post in the Bug Reporting forum, so we can attempt to reproduce the report.

Cloud Wallace
09/02/2006, 10:49
in pratica go farm jin'doo

voglio il suo martello :ph34r:

09/02/2006, 10:58
Originally posted by Cloud Wallace@Feb 9 2006, 09:49 AM
in pratica go farm jin'doo

voglio il suo martello :ph34r:
idem e pure il neck :shocked:
dovremmo usare la tecnica di onyxia per farmarlo T_T

09/02/2006, 13:44
Originally posted by Plate@Feb 9 2006, 10:47 AM
# You now have to be out of combat to open a chest.
questa è davvero pacco. per fortuna di può ancora sminare e raccogliere erbe pur stando in combat :asd:

09/02/2006, 14:07
Originally posted by Feror@Feb 9 2006, 09:58 AM
idem e pure il neck :shocked:
dovremmo usare la tecnica di onyxia per farmarlo T_T
Io la vedo molto Pala Undead AOE ....
Finalmente usero' quell'abilita' per qualcosa ...

Cloud Wallace
09/02/2006, 14:20
bisogna vedere

teoricamente le ombre sono immuni all'aoe, però holy wrath non è un'aoe come tutte le altre,ma piuttosto una serie di bolt singoli lanciati contro i bersagli nel raggio di'azione :ph34r: