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23/11/2005, 09:27
dopo mesi e mesi d whine su ventrilo ecco la la cara blizz v ha ascoltando nerfando il war

Enrage - The talent will now grant 5/10/15/20/25% extra damage when enraged, instead of 8/16/24/33/40%

dovreste essere contenti..
ah inoltre hanno dato il totem of salvation all'orda.. beh ancora una volta gg blizzard.....

23/11/2005, 09:45
non e' un super nerf.
mi spiace che come al solito chi ne risentira' di piu' sara' il 2w ma al momento anche senza enrage un warr 2H che ti tocca i suoi 1500 te li fa allegramente seguiti da un secondo colpo.
Cmq c'era da aspettarsela una nerfatina, e penso che ne arriveranno altre poike' ora come ora uccido gli shaman IO..figuriamoci tu mazza e light..e per la blizzard uccidere cosi' facilmente il personaggio piu' sgravo del gioco e' inconcepibile.

23/11/2005, 10:01
ma parliamo degli altri cambiamenti:

Soul Shard Bags
Tailors now can make soul bags to hold soul shards. The smallest is a
20-slot bag, the recipe for which can be purchased in Gadgetzan. The
recipe for a larger bag can be found in Scholomance, and one for an
even larger bag can be found in Molten Core. In the main UI, these
soul bags will display how many shards they contain. So long as the
soul bags have room, any soul shards a warlock creates will
automatically go into the bag.

era ora.

- All Disorient effects have been renamed Incapacitate effects. This
includes Gouge, Sap, etc.
- All Confusion effects have been renamed Disorient effects. This
includes Blind, Scatter Shot, etc.

Era troppo bello bello levarsi il gouge? troppo tecnica la cosa in pvp per lasciarla?

- On-next-swing abilities will no longer cause multiple weapon procs
on a single swing.

do&#39;h Thorbal >_<

+ Turtles can now learn Shell Shield, allowing them to reduces all
damage taken by 50% for 10 sec.
+ Boars can now learn Charge, an ability that allows them to charge
to an enemy, immobilize that enemy for 1 second, and add a large
amount of Attack Power to the boar&#39;s next attack.
+ Gorillas can now learn Thunderstomp, an ability that causes high
threat area Nature damage.

ahahah fighissimo sempre piu&#39; dell&#39;idea che l&#39;hunter sia la classe piu&#39; versatile del gioco.

- Bestial Wrath - Damage bonus reduced, duration increased.
- Unleashed Fury - Damage bonus increased

I maghi saran felici :ti

- Lightning Shield - This spell will now proc when the shaman is struck
by elemental attacks.
- Stormstrike - Earthbind and Stoneclaw totems will no longer use up
charges of Stormstrike.
- New Spell - Tranquil Air Totem. Creates a totem that reduces the
threat caused by nearby party members by 20%.

GG blizzard

- Curse of Shadow and Curse of the Elements - These curses can no
longer cause resistance to become negative. To compensate, both
curses now increases the damage taken from the appropriate schools by
a percentage.
- Infernal and Doomguard - Increased armor 10% and damage 30% on both

belle notizie assieme al soul link non dispellabile

- Bloodthirst - The damage component has been increased to 45% of
attack power.
- Enrage - The talent will now grant 5/10/15/20/25% extra damage when
enraged, instead of 8/16/24/33/40%.

beh beh... non mi lamento piu&#39; di tanto :3:

- Gnome Racial Abilities
Escape Artist
+ Casting time lowered.
- Dwarven Racial Abilities
+ No longer snares the user.
+ Armor bonus increased.
+ Duration lowered.


cmq troppe novita&#39;.

23/11/2005, 13:03
a sto punto allo shammy manca il totem che fa 10000 danni aoe

Cloud Wallace
23/11/2005, 13:14
probabilmente lo avrà :ph34r:

23/11/2005, 13:43
Voglio Ambush AOE sui Rogue

23/11/2005, 13:50
Incubo ma che te ne fai?
Tu sei PRO cmq.

Cloud Wallace
23/11/2005, 13:55
sheep aoe ftw :ph34r:

PS: agla non prendertela male, il war adesso come adesso è eccessivo in pvp, e i mmorpg come woo non possono prevedere l&#39;one-shot :ph34r:

23/11/2005, 15:17
Originally posted by ciocca@Nov 23 2005, 12:50 PM
Incubo ma che te ne fai?
Tu sei PRO cmq.
In effetti...


23/11/2005, 15:49
totem of salvation cosa fa?

23/11/2005, 15:53
Originally posted by bOrNtokilL@Nov 23 2005, 02:49 PM
totem of salvation cosa fa?
Fa felici i bimbominchia&#33;&#33;&#33; :ph34r:

23/11/2005, 15:54
questo nerf propio quanto ho deciso di fare il war 2w :/