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20/10/2005, 03:55
World of Warcraft Expansion: Legends of Azeroth

New Realms will opened for Expansion users only where the expansion changes are effected.

Character transfer to expansion realms from all realms will be permitted for all existing realms.

Expansion Realms Type.
PvP Conquest
PvP Normal
RP-PvP Conquest
Rp-PvP Normal

Experience Azeorth in whole new light. Experience whole new adventures, expanded areas, you'd hardly recognise it. Larger, more dangerous, more mysterious, the never-ending struggles of Azeroth take the next level to titanic porpotions.

The Level Cap has now been extended to 100. This will take place in two phases. First to 75, then later to 100

The Expansion also comes with an Audio-enabled program that allows players to speak to one another - you will need a microphone to communicate.

Fully new implemented Weather System.

Rain, fog, mist, thunder storms, snow storm, sand storms, dust storms, wild fires, haze from heat all visible and dynamic with sound effects.

Random effects of winds. 7 degrees of winds from very light to very strong. Tree branches sway, in strong winds character movement can be slowed by as much 20%

Distinct climates worldwide from Constant winter, to temperate and Tropical

Player animation has changed accordingly:

Visible differences between wet and dry hair. Wind movements and strength affect hair.

Also clothes correspond to weather, cloth gets wet and looks drenched in rain whiles mail has a glossy sheen. Capes if visible, flap

Perspiration and sweat is visible on faces and clothes and takes shorter time to appear in Hot climates and days, a longer time at cooler periods and hardly ever in snowy climes..

Weather affects blow air rides like Gryphons off course, freak storms can materialise anywhere sending Ships off course.

Over 100 new player animations and visuals including 5 variations of each. in particular new /sing , /scream emotes.

An audio visual pack has been added on 2 special CDS that contain the additions. Options exist to turn some of these on or off.

No less than 75 cut-scenes for quests and battle grounds. [Cut-scenes cannot be viewed if collecting or delivering a quest while still in a party]

Animations for over 500 quests

Speech implementation for ALL quests from NpCs

World topography has been refined to be clearer, mountains are for more varied, the thousand needles peaks for example look razor sharp and more versatile vegetation has been added.

You can sink in snow or sand

Running in water, snow, sand or dusty regions creates visible splashes and dust/sand/snow clouds.

Movement speed responds accordingly to analogue controls, and vibrations can be physically felt on appropriate controllers.

The music library has been severely expanded, no two areas will sound the same, instances have new exciting theme tunes characteristic of the instance. Even taverns have different music depending on what racial capital you are in, with audible laughter, ordering, shouts, fights taking place.

NpCs can be heard advertising there wares, children rushing from learning houses during the day, market places come alive and work places thrive. New sounds for throne-rooms of all racial leaders.


Day and Night are no longer uniform worldwide, night in Kalimdor is day on Azeroth: It is mid afternoon in westfall whiles late-afternoon - dusk in Quel'Thalas

Distinctly different luminosities for dawn, early morning, afternoon, late-afternoon, dusk, twilight , night.

Night luminosity varies from very dark requiring a light to see anything to starlight/moonlight night, or settlement light.

Time zones introduced around the world


Dread knight [Horde or Neutral only]: Hybrid /Tank/nuker

Necromancer [Horde or Neutral]: Magical nuker/ summoner

Ranger [Alliance or Neutral]: Hybrid magical & Physical Ranged/Melee dps dealer

Spellbreaker[Alliance or Neutral]: Hybrid (DoT, buffer/de-buffer)

Mechanik [Any]: Magical & Mechanical utility/dealer

Amazon [Any]: Melee combatant Hybrid

Paladin [Alliance or Netural Only]
Shaman [Horde or Neutral Only]
The rest may belong to any faction

New classes have been added complete with a fully array of skills, abilities, and the customary three talent trees.
(Special Druid alteration: Tauren and Night ELf driuds are penalised for fighting each other.)

Because of the Faction system change, certain classes you select will make you unable to join certain factions

Certain racial types can never get along

Hero Classes
Four Categories of Hero Classes.

Tank Heroes

Healing Heroes

Magical Nuking Heroes

Melee Dps Hereoes

They are based on the four major roles each class can adopt.

Each class has been given Epic Spells and Abilities that are class specific once they become a Hero.

And they may learn some basic skills in the Hero Category they choose. For e.g. a Warrior in the Healing Hero classes does not just learn ways to recover through spirit enhancements only, but learns some healing ability to an extent he can even take on that role in part.

There are four special sects of Hero Classes for each category you can diversify in.

The Level Cap has now been extended to 100.

High Elf - Classes: Ranger, Spellbreaker, Amazon, Hunter, Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Warlock
Naga - Necromancer, Warrior, rogue, hunter, mage, priest, warlock.
Goblin: Mechanik, Amazon, Warrior, rogue, Mage, Hunter.
Dryad: Amazon, Ranger, Warrior, Priest, Druid, Hunter.

In Addition to what they have now.
Orc: Dread Knight, Necromancer, Amazon [Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Warlock]
Undead: Necromancer, Dread Knight [Warrior, Mage, Warlock, Rogue, Priest]
Human: Spellbreaker, Mechanik [Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, Priest, Mage, Warlock]
Night Elf: Ranger, Amazon [Warrior, Druid, Hunter, Priest, Rogue]
Troll: Necromancer, Amazon [Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, Rogue, Mage, Priest]
Tauren: Amazon [Druid, Shaman, Warrior, Hunter]
Dwarves: Mechanik [Paladin, Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest]
Gnomes: Mechanik, Spellbreaker [Mage, Warlock, Warrior, Rogue]

Racial abilities receive 4 upgrades now, 1 at level 25, at 50, at 75 and at Level 100.


New Emotes

Added over 30 new facial types and variations for each race.

Added body type selection from gaunt thin to very fat (not available to all races and some classes)

Long periods of rested state or inactivity will cause a physical broadening of features, which will decrease incrimentally to your original body gait selection as you work through your rest state.

Default faction or neutral now selectable as choice.

Up to two new skills can be selected at start, some races can’t learn scertain skills, e.g. Tauren can’t climb trees.


You can now learn to climb trees and mountains

Ride mounts

Fight with mounts


Note some classes automatically have these skills from start. E.g. Night & High Elves have the climb tree ability, Dwarves the climb mountain, Undead Swimming.

You can now train running, swimming, riding and climbing skills to different degrees allowing faster movement, or able to climb more difficult areas, or swim faster and breathe under water longer

New Areas
Dalaran [city & expanded Region]
Quel'Thalas [city & area on map]
Mount Hyjal [forest city & area]
Northrend [ Continental zone]
Southrend [continetal zone]
The Maelstrom
The Lairs of the Aspects
The Emerald Dream [The World in a totally new light-with some additional areas not available in the waking world]

Expanded Old Areas
World areas and Lost Areas.

Lost Areas

Random maze-like instances outdoors are generated every time you are declared as lost. You lose your marker spot on the map and your minimap goes blank. However instead of combating mobs, you must use intuition and find clues to help you out of them.

Every territory has a "lost" zone which is an external instance that resembles the area but which you cannot exit by simply walking to a fixed area. There is no sense of direction here, and you must find and use certain clues that will help you out.

You don't choose when to enter a "lost" area, you have a very high chance of being transported to the territories "lost" area by random exploration through that territory in particular areas you haven’t “discovered” yet. Your chances of getting lost in an area are almost non-existent once you discover the area.

However discovery of an area now requires you to have been through over half it's area. The experience has been raised dramatically as well.

You are also deposited in a random lost area if the victim of a freak storm while on gryphon/wyvern/hippogrriff back or travelling by Ship or Zepphlin. You woudn’t be transported to an area half way across the world, however sometimes you can be blown well off course.

To exit the “lost” zone you must complete certain tasks.

Existing Areas
[liMany outdoors areas have been expanded, some doubling in size, new settlements, dungeons and structures have been added.

Some new areas within old ones two have been added to accommodate new starting areas.

Specific detail has been given to houses, workplaces, taverns, shops. Visible tools and equipment can now be seen where appropriate. Workmen working. Shop items can now be seen displayed on walls and shelves but can still be selected via right clicking on the shopkeeper NPC.

Other World Area Changes

In addition to all areas being expanded to one degree or another - Major towns such as Southshore, Auberdine, Kharanos, Cross Roads, Ratchett, Bloodhoof Village, Razor Hill and more have been redsigned and expanded to look like towns rather than villages.

Stromgarde, Aeries Peak & Hinterlands, Stahnbrad in Alterac, Tauren Settlements in the Thousand Needles and Feralas as well as those zones have all been particularly extensively expanded. The Charred vale for example is partially Forested again, and partially burnt

A lot of attention to detail was given to Horde and Goblin areas with the trebling in size of Gadgetzan and Everlook, the addition of 2 new goblin towns of smaller size. Additional Orc settlements in the Barrens, with Night Elf and Tauren expanstions on Stone Talon Mountain.

Some neutral factions like the Argent Dawn and the Emerald Circle and others have been given settlement camps in their main areas of operation, and HQs in all major cities

A neutral Ogre town has been opened up in the expanded Tanaris. and the Theramore Isle human settlement has doubled in size and now stretches a greater distance into the marsh.

A rebel Silithid Hive in the Un'Goro crater, neutral, has been opened, with quests to do and repuatation to earn. The Crater's mountainous region has been expanded and a small neutral village has opened up in the north section.

Some Areas’ level requirements of have been altered to accomodate the starting areas of Trolls & High Elves. Stone Talon Mountain has expanded to an Upper & Lower section, the Upper section accomdates the starting area for the Dryads.

The world has almost trebled in size with the many new additions and zones to facilitate moving around, it is now possible to purchase a mount from as early as level 5
At Level 40 you may acquire a battlemount, trainable in 8 differnet types of warfare.
What was considered an epic mount before the expansion is no longer
New Seahorse (can move on both land and sea) mount has been added for Naga. Treant Mounts for Dryads (The Dryad can assume a two legged shape for mounting, they look like nightelves but with leaves and twigs as hair and thorny claws for fingers), Mechanical Tin Shredders for Goblins.

It is now possible to train riding skills in any races racial mount, however, battlemounts have specific advantages for their native race, allowing them to boost racial abilities.

Special Gnome and Goblin transports are available in most cities towns and villages that assist direct transportation to nearby territories or areas within territories.

All cities and flight paths have been given multitude stables and hatcheries to emphasize the volume of transport available. Depending on server population and day times, varying numbers of flyers and mounts are spawned in the hatchery and stables

General Structural Customisation
Gates and Doors are closed at night time for most towns and cities except for night elven settlements where the opposite occurs, closing at day time. You may still go into shops at night, but after a certain time, you will have to knock on the closed door, and the shopkeeper may charge you extra, the opposite true for night elves.

All cities have been expanded both internally and externally, many given underbellies and dungeons. NpC and shops have been detailed, the amount of NpCs increased tremendously. Cities now have themed activities, fairs and markets. Each City has a disntict activity Ranging From Gladiator Arena fighting to racing and Fishing where you may compete against members of your own faction and neutrals.

Also guards and engines have been increased and are all elite in every city. Beasts and racial related creatures having a bigger presence in the City.

Darnassus and the night elven kingdoms have been expanded. During the night, Darnassus, Auberdine, Astranaar and several new night elven towns come alive at night. Moonwells scattered all over glow, and new night elven specific activities can be found all over.
Darnassus has double in size, 4 new quarters added, new tree and marble homes.

Ogrimmar: New Stone structures have been added, and the cities size increased. All areas around expanded. Orcs have additional settlements and villages in Durotar and the Barrens

Thunderbluff now has an encampment at the base of the hill. And Mulgore has been expanded considerably, additional Tauren villages with quests, and renegade Bristleboar settlements too.

Ironforge: Iron forge has many new layers opened up beneath and above the entrance level areas. The Great forge has undergone a design upgrade, and though the greatest, is not the only one in the city.

Undercity: Has several entirely new sections, some in the ruined Lordaeron above. Others accessible only through tunnelled sewers that stretch north into Lordaeron

A second Night Elven city has been opened up in Mount Hyjal, it is also home to Furblogs and refugee blood elves. Details to follow as it is a high end-game level area.

The Gnome capital city has been opened up and is now the starting area for Gnomes. It’s been fully fitted out, with new structures visible from outside, a main train station port, and looks once more like a city with homes, trading areas, Throne castle/lab for the tinker. A dungeon area etc.

The Zul'Farrak Dungeon has been redsigned as a City and is now the opening area for Trolls. The cities boundaries have been re-placed, now having part lie within the desert of tanaris, part in the Thousand Needles and another part in the lush mountains of the Un’Goro Crater. A starting area zone has been created in the expanded thousand needles area that almost triples in size leading directly into Mulgore.

High Elves now share a starting area with the Dalaran Humans. The region surrounding Dalaran has been greatly expanded to accommodate the new starting area and the expansion of South Shore and Alterac.

Goblins start in a new low level Island South of Booty Bay. Furblogs in Teldrassil which has also been extended.

Naga homecity is a partially submerged city just off an Island halfway between the Maelstrom and Kalimdor.

Stone Talon Peak Has been considerably expanded and serves as starting area for the Dryads. Dryads have a Capital Forest of the Mystic Vale in the area formerly none as the Charred Vale. Stone Talon mountain has been split into 2 halves, upper and lower, Upper Stone Talon mountain holds the Peak and the Vale, whiles lower Stone-Talon Mountain is a questing area ranging from level 10-20. Ventrue Co. quests in the area have dropped by 10 levels, and new additional quests added in the expanded area.

The Timbermaw Hold near Moonglade has been extensively expanded as a home for the Furbolgs..

Naga, Dryad, Night Elf and High Elf settlements have also been added to Azshara and Winterspring. Dryad forest plains added to Ashenvale and Teldrassil

Further Tauren & Orc settlements added to Feralas (with an additional nightelven one on the coast), Dustswallow Marsh. And Troll settlements in Tanaris and the Shimmering Flats

Other racial settlements and zones have been extended such as Centaur oasis in the Barrens and the Maraudine area. Also secret Satyr settlements have been added through out Northern Kalimdor from Desolace to Azhara, Bristle boar and Silithid hives in southern Kalimdor.

All trains, ships and Zepphlins have fully manned NpC crews.

Alliance trams now start off in Gnomeragan.
Zepplins and Ships are now subject to be blown off course by freak storms stranding inhabitants on random islands where they can face challenges.

The Number of NpCs in towns and cities, settled areas has been greatly increased. Trade centres are visible for what they are, litter is evident in the human, Ogre, Troll and dwarven cities, with
cleanning crews seen tidying up at a fixed time each day after market closes.


All professions have many new item additions to lower and post level 60

Maximum Skill extended to 500

Master & Legend ranks available all through special quests.

Mini Professions – Jobs In need of money? Need a paid job? Many taverns, shopkeepers, librarians, farmers are now hiring where you can select anything from a 30mins – 24hr shift of doing a job quest. For e.g. in taverns, you have to serve drinks or take food from the cook to tables [cities have been expanded considerably and details made to match], throughout your shift, you have to quell random disturbances and fights. Listen to tall tales – or a farmer’s hand where you have a challenge to plough the field one shift, plant seeds another, weed a third, douse a fire or even repair his broken machine, if you’re not an engineer, you’ll need to find one quick or miss out on your payment.

4 new primary professions added and 1 Secondary

Several design changes to existing professions, on some gear, potions and devices you may customise what ability statistic or effect is applied by a slight variation of ingredients, for e.g. your chest piece may have Spirit instead of stamina by using green opals instead of red ones, +4 of 1 and +5 of the other instead of5/4 or 4/4 by having 4 green opals and 1 red.

Certain items can also have certain special abilities added to previously made or bought items if you are a Master or Legend, but you need to discover what does what, and sometimes bad combination can ruin a piece. A master alchemist can add an ingredient to an existing potion to add the effect of a size increase or turn into a skeleton. Or the Master Engineer add a red crystal to the bomb construction to give it a slow effect in addition

All manufacturing professions require the use of key tools, and animations have been added to each. For e.g. going to the forge to make leg piece will now animate the action of putting the ingredient on the anvil and raising the hammer to refine it, sparks may even fly on weapons where you visibly sing in oil/water tanks to cool after visibly heating in forge. The more complex the item, the more specialised a forge you may need. A tailor would need a sewing machine and items to make certain pieces and will be animated taking a seat and making the item in the time period. Items that can be tailored without can be made anywhere but will be animated as the PC will sit, take out a needle and cloth, and a sewing action ensue. Similar, some Alchemy or Engineering potions and devices require to go to a full lab in cities and stand at desks with equipment to make whiles others that don’t require, will have the animation simulated, you will see a vial being held the herb being crushed and ground, you pour some water into it the vial and swirl to make a potion. Some may require heat of a fire in which case you’d need to at least learn cooking enough to make one.
Making purple and rarer items now yields experience points.


New Faction: Neutral - whiles not a faction as such it simply means unaffiliated with Horde or Alliance. The Steamwheedle Cartell and the Argent Dawn are neutral factions for example. Whiles Stormwind, Darnassus and Ironforge are Alliance Factions, the Hyjal Elves are Neutral, Thunderbluff, Ogrimmar and Zul’Farrak are Horde Factions, despite the fact that Taurens may start off neutral. Gnomeragan & Undercity are Alliance & Horde leaning factions.

You can now change faction affiliation. Only Human and Dwarves start off default as Alliance, and Orcs & Trolls defaulted as Horde and Goblins the Neutral Steamwheedle Cartell. The rest can choose between Neutral and Horde or Alliance. [Elves (night & High), Gnomes, are neutral and are free to join a faction after doing some basic quests in the major settlements of the faction.]. Whiles Humans are defaulted to Alliance, they can choose Neutral to start with, however becoming horde is as hard as it is for an Orc to become Alliance.

You may also be part of certain smaller factions such as the Argent Dawn, the Cenerarion & Emerald Circles, the Bloodsail Buccaneers and more.

The Horde and the Alliance are the two Main Factions the PvP Honour system and the Conquest system are based around. Neutral .

Rival factions that are at war with yours will be flagged as hostile in all territories you encounter them except in their territory where in the PvP game, you have the option of disabling PvP whiles in your factions territory or zone.


Added over 1500 additional quests and epic quests.

Many new race specific quests, and class specific quests.

Some quests can now only be taken and completed at certain times.

We have introduced a more dynamic system that spawns necessary numbers of mobs for quests that involve killing x number of mobs. Meaning that certain mobs you will only see one or two of if casually passing by (unless there are quests involving those types of mobs that demand otherwise). However if you have a quest that pertains to the mob in the area, an appropriate number are spawned as you approach the area, growing if you are accompanied. We found this did the following
a) created the surprise factor for wandering adventurous who weren't on that quest,

B) gave a sense of completion to those who had finished a quest, afterall, if you are thinning the population of Gnolls in region x, you'd like to notice that you've had an effect, rather than see the whole lot respawned every time you pass.

c) This saved computer resources considerably and allowed appropriate numbers to be generated based on the number of people taking the quest who were in the specific are it spawned.

New 120-man titanic quests and battles have been introduced, this often have a racial leader and sometimes an army accompanying you. 120-man activities can link up to 3 full 40 man raids.

Miscellaneous quests and activities: Added to many cities and areas are activities you can partake in, such as Racing on tracks, or Tournaments in Arenas where spectators will gather to watch competitors, you will duel both PCs and NPCs and will have to progress to the last round to win. Each Capital city has a unique activity associated with it.

Some quests done in the original game have been replaced with new ones, for e.g. The Charred Vale being partially restored no longer has the old quests there, but new ones.

An additional 10 battlegrounds

30 new instances added. Including level 75+ Instance for Uldan and Uldranan. Instances added at Northrend, Southrend, Hyjal, The Maelstrom, Quel’Thalas, Ferelas, Un-Goro, Dustswallow Marsh, Thousand Needles, under each capital city, Dalaran, Stranglthorn Vale, Duskwood, Badlands, Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Arathi, Lordamere, Da’arsalan, Nagarathis. Spread through out the levels, a few original instances were closed such as Gnomeragan and Zul’Farrak.

Many Old Instances updated with new quests and new troubles

New type Realm : Conquest
Expanded Honour and Reptuation System!

Conquest realms has a worldwide theme available. The aim is to gain control of 2/3 of all territories for your faction.

It's a side game that is intended to be done gradually and designed so that normal questing and game play can continue despite it. You must win over a territories to the faction you have allied yourself with.

The aim is to pvp in groups or raids. Go to a Capital City of a race allied to your faction. There you can speak to a battlemaster to begin the conquest. Note this must be done otherwise any fighting in settlements will not be regarded as official victories.

You win a territory over by conquering the opposing faction's settlements/towns or bases.

You conquer a settlement/town or base by first having selected it with the battlemaster, then proceeding with your party or raid to the town and eliminating all NPCs and players.

The battle is declared as started once your party attacks any NPC guard or opposing faction PC in the area. After starting, you have a certain period of time called the joining period to call re-enforcements to your group from fellow faction members in the area or abroad. After joining period is over any new member arriving in the area will not be able to engage in pvp battle in that area till the battle is over.

The battle is over when you've killed all NPC guards and all opposing faction PC members that were part of the fight.

To prevent endless fights, once battle has commenced for settlement, you are given up to 5 times to die. After five deaths within that battle, you are flagged off for pvp in that area entirely for the duration of the battle unable to attack/heal or be attacked. IF your faction loses the battle, you are flagged off for pvp in that area for 120mins, however the controlling faction can initiate a conflict with you.

Once you win a settlement, all opposing faction NPC guards are replaced with the your faction NPC guard. The race of the guards depends on what racial capital city you selected the conquest for. And your faction and racial flags are &&$%ed.

In conquered settlements, the beaten faction PCs may still enter freely to hand in quests and purchase goods with the non-guard npcs who still remain unchanged. However the victorious faction can now buy items from the conquered factions NPCs. The conquering faction PCs are not allowed to attack the conquered factions PCs and vice versa unless the battle to reclaim the town has commenced. This is ensured by the NPC guards attacking any PC who starts attacking an opposing member. That way, ganking should be prevented for the conquered faction PCs who need to enter the settlement to hand in quests and trade.

Your faction can win back a settlement by contacting the battle-master in the racial capital the conquered settlement belonged to. Then proceeding with you raid group and initiating the battle by right clicking on any NPC guard. This then starts up the battle timer once more.

Each settlement, town or base now has an NPC guard leader depending on it's size and strategic importance. A settlement cannot be claimed without eliminating this boss.

Only contested territories are controllable in this way. Your faction, must seize control of all enemy settlements before the territory is declared as belonging to your faction.

Once you control 2/3 of the world, the server server records a win and the faction scores will be displayed on a special page of the website. Also special items and money will be granted to all participants.

Anyone may participate in conquest at any time, how much reward and reputation you receive once the game has been won depends on how many conquests you participated in.

At a later date, we will expand this to include capital cities, the aim will extend to, once having conquered 2/3, you must then proceed to win a battle for a capital city. Each capital city would have a surrounding territory that isn't contested. You must win just one surrounding territory and then the battle for the capital city commence. You only need one capital city to win the game.

Reputation & Honour System Changes.
Reputation's importance has been increased for all factions and racial alliances. Each racial faction has a settlement and territory you can now gain reputation for.

You gain reputation by completing quests largely, once you are gain a pvp rank, and the "Honoured" reputation with the town or area, you can choose to become an enlisted defender of the settlement. You do this by speaking with the settlements NPC leader or magister, or if an area, a designated NPC in a neighbouring town or city. Some such NPCs you must actually look for. Some settlements like major towns or capital cities require a minimum PvP rank to become a defender.

Being a defender means you get visual and audible recognition from the townspeople whenever you interact, and as you move to "Revered & Exalted" that increases.

There is a PvP element to a defender, whenever the settlement or area you have chosen to defend is undergoing a Conquest battle, you are alerted wherever you are on Azeroth and given the option to immediately teleport to an area near the settlement or zone being fought for, and you must join the battle before it closes off.

Defending your settlement successfully raises your reputation most with the settlement, and also with the settlements' racial capital. You are also rewarded for fending off the invasion with money. The extent your reputation rises depends on how many successful kills you made, and how many of your five lives you did not spend.

Failure to answer the summons to defend will decrease your reputation and losing the battle will lower rep for all defenders.

When nearby towns are being fought for, defenders from surrounding areas who do not have a high enough pvp rank to be listed as a town defender, may also be called, they are not penalised for not answering the call however, they gain higher reputation with the town they help and with the settlement or area they are defenders off.

Conversely, higher ranked pvp-honoured members able to be called defenderse of the larger settlements, are not informed when lower settlements are under attack, however they can lose reputation if they are high enough in rank to become Territorial Defenders and they failed to assist. (however the amount lost is smaller)

Having an exalted reputation with an area or settlement allows you to ride the settlements mount type and for certain quests and tasks you may have an npc defender from that area accompany you. He follows you passively but can defend you, or in a manner similar to pets, you can direct him to attack hostile targets. However that is the extent of your control. He mounts up when you do on a mount of his own, or should you not have one, he works. The number of guards you can enlist from your town depends on your reputation.

Higher reputation now also opens up access to new quests and plots.

Guilds play a much larger role now. There are better customisation menus, allowing you to better structure your guild, add notes, plan events with the scheduler.

Due to the expansion of Capital cities and some towns, guilds are now permitted to buy a headquarter within a capital city or a town. However it does not come cheaply. Your guild flag of similar design to your tabard will be displayed over the building.

All guilds can now have a trading house accessible via an NpC in your guild house, or if you do not have one, the auction house in a capital city. You can access wares sold by all guilds via the auction house, where you can search items by guild, or by item type where the name of the guild selling will be displayed. Guild members can be afforded a discount by the guild that is set by the guild master or a guild officer he can designate as treasurer. Discount rates can be set per rank as well.

Guilds can gain special reputation with factions when they exclusively partake in conquest campaigns as a guild.

Build YOur Guild House.
The world structures change from time to time, certain areas in or near capital cities or HQ of the faction your guild is associated, can have a guild house build. Guilds can either rent empty properties in towns or cities, or alternatively pay for ones to be build in the surrounding area.

After paying a high price, you can select several designs of accomodationi for your guild, each area can only have designs similar to those of the town/city they make their chapter house. The larger the dwelling the more expensive.

Once done, thhe request submitted to the GM HQ in the area, a structure would be &#&$%ed in after the weekly maintenance scheduled. Certain areas can reach a limit of new buildings, however there are many areas worldwide near towns and villages and faction HQs that we have provided sufficient land area for guild structures. Should an area be full near one town or city, then try another. [there are enough areas to cater for the maximum population of a realm players to each have a house - while this is not possible on an individual basis, we may seek to implement it later]

You recover rest state in your guild house and can have your hearthstone set to it.

New Item Types:
Ring slot has been expanded to five.
Items now have a weight factor that you cannot exceed even if you haven't used up all your slots.
Strength ability now directly increases that.

20/10/2005, 05:09
se fosse vero >>

unica cosa mi spaventa il cap a 75 e poi 100. cio' vuol dire ke l'equip fatto sino ad ora lo butti e ke le istanze end game di ora tipo mc ecc si faranno in 20 asd.

il sistema di conquista delle citta' e' >>>>>>

20/10/2005, 05:31
troppo fake :\
fight with mounts :sisi:

20/10/2005, 07:31
fake alla massima potenza.

- non sanno equilibrare 8 classi (o quante sono...) e ne aggiungono altrettante? la blizzard aveva detto da qualche parte che massimo avrebbe aggiunto due razze ma sicuramente non nella prima espansione.

- scalare montagne ed arrampicarsi sugli alberi poi sono il detect fake per eccellenza.

- sprofondare nella neve o nella sabbia? aahahahahhaa chi ha scritto sto fake ne ha di fantasia.

l'espansione non portera' tutte queste novita' (purtroppo).
bisognera' aspettare il blizzcon ma non penso che si sbatteranno + di tanto..

20/10/2005, 09:36
quella dovrebbe esser fake

questa è piu credibile

Ecco qui la presunta preview riassunta:

Nuovo Territorio:

Nuove Istance:
Kharazan - Nella zona di Deadwind Pass (per 5)

Caverns of Time a Tanaris (istance inusuale in cui si potra andare avanti e indietro nel tempo per partecipare ad alcuni degli eventi salienti della storia di Warcraft)

Cap alzato a lvl 70 al 70 sarà possibile fare quest epiche a iosa per arrivare ad avere la epic Mount volante usabile solo nelle Outlands

Nuova Professione : Jewelcrafting, con cui sarà possibile fare gemme da applicare ad armi ed armature per aggiungervi delle proprietà. Ovviamente le altre professioni potranno fare oggetti con questi slot disponibili per espansioni.

Nuove Razze:
Orda - Blood Elfs con nuovi territori di partenza sopra a Eastern Plaguelands e un nuovo dungeon.
Alleanza - Non si sa (ma si immagina i panda)

Possibilità di fare Battleground tra server diversi.

Effetti Atmosferici

Uscita: Non prima di maggio.

i pochi fortunati che son riusciti ad entrar in possesso di tgm 201 cmq ne sanno molto di piu...
tgm ha avuto l'esclusiva, poi la blizzard ci ha ripensato e ha deciso che non deve uscir prima del blizzcon...
tgm ha provato a richiamar tutti i numeri ma alcuni gli sono sfuggiti :)
nel forum di tgm non hanno fatto altro che cancellar topic su topic a riguardo, ma sui forum esterni a tgm non posson far nulla :)

questa dovrebbe esser la posizione ufficiale di tgm...

Nella giornata di lunedì 17 ottobre sono stati cancellati alcuni topic di discussione relativi al gioco World of Wacraft. E' stata inoltre modificata la copertina di The Games Machine presentata nell'area di anteprima della prossima uscita in edicola. Ciò è avvenuto nel rispetto di un accordo scritto preso con Blizzard Entertainment. La cancellazione non rappresenta quindi una volontà di disinformazione o di censura, ma solo l'evidente ottemperanza di una data di comunicazione prefissata per qualsiasi divulgazione di informazioni riservate. L'accaduto non determinerà alcuna modifica su quanto contenuto nel prossimo numero di The Games Machine che arriverà nelle edicole la prossima settimana.

Chiediamo pertanto ai lettori di The Games Machine e alla comunità di questo Forum di avere qualche giorno di pazienza.


http://forum.tgmonline.it/forum/index.php?...1&start=0&rid=0 (http://forum.tgmonline.it/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=258791&start=0&rid=0)

Cloud Wallace
20/10/2005, 11:14

cap al 100? sì, come no...

conquest realm? CEEEERRRTTTOOOOOOOOO :ph34r:

20/10/2005, 11:27
quoto quelle credibili sono quelle uscite e copiate in giro da chi ha già tgm
inquanto in teoria quelle sono news prese direttamente in sede blizzard

Cloud Wallace
20/10/2005, 13:04
TGM è da 4 ani sche scrive solo stronzate per vendere qualche copia in più. Alla xenia venderebbero pure le loro madri... :ph34r:

20/10/2005, 13:17
Goblin: Mechanik, Amazon, Warrior, rogue, Mage, Hunter.

Questo sarebbe stato bello :asd:

20/10/2005, 13:23
Originally posted by Cloud Wallace@Oct 20 2005, 11:04 AM
TGM è da 4 ani sche scrive solo stronzate per vendere qualche copia in più. Alla xenia venderebbero pure le loro madri... :ph34r:
a parte che è da un mesetto che tgm fa parte di FUTURE

se mi dicono che loro inviati sono stati in sede americana della blizzard ci credo

il tutto è suffragato da quello che è successo in questi ultimi giorni.

Non so se avete seguito la vicenda, ma tipo il 16-17 su TGMonline esce l'anteprima della copertina del nuovo TGM con tanto di scritta bella evidente "WORLD OF WARCRAFT: THE BURNING CRUSADE, La blizzard stupisce tutti portandoci al 70esimo livello"

Penso nel giro di 24H questa copertina fa il giro non solo di tutta italia ma di tutto il mondo finendo pure su topic aperti nel forum americano, ovviamente è da pensare che TGM avese l'esclusiva per pubblicare tali notizie DOPO la Blizcon che si terrà il 28-29 ottobre.

Ora non so esattamente che SNIUBATA colossare TGM abbia fatto (cose del tipo noi pubblichiamo tutto il 11/10 a voi va bene ? e la blizzard , si si a noi va bene, non considerando che magari in america nelle date abbreviate inverono il mese e il giorno :asd: ) sta di fatto che in redazione di TGM deve essere arriva una bella telefonata BY blizzard che gli intimava di editare l'immagine sul sito e ritardare fino a dopo la blizcon l'uscita del giornale, pena presumo cause per inadempienze contrattuali o qualcosa del genere.

infatti circa il 17 l'immagine su TGM online viene editata come la trovate adesso (anche se la copertina che si trova in edicola è quella che c'era prima infatti c'è gente che è già riuscita a mettere le mani sul giornale) e tutti i topic sul loro forum a riguardo vengono chiusi editati o deletati con risposte della redazione che si limitano al "no comment"

il tutto quindi lascia pensare che le informazioni su TGM siano vere, se no non si spiegherebbe tutto sto casino :lol:

Cloud Wallace
20/10/2005, 13:28
il tutto quindi lascia pensare che le informazioni su TGM siano vere, se no non si spiegherebbe tutto sto casino

Mai sentito parlare di hype e di strategie di mercato? Secondo te quante copie in più venderà tgm questo mese? Io dico tante, vito che tutti i bambini nutellosi ancora ci credono... E se poi le notizie si riveleranno fakes? Oramai le copie le avranno vendute... gg!!! :ph34r:

TGM ne ha fatte troppe oramai per essere ancora una rivista credimbile IMHO. :ph34r:

EDIT: e poi andiamo..i PANDA!!!! Le MOUNT VOLANTI!!!! Gli eventi PvP fra i server!!! Il cap a 70.... Abbiamo bisogno di altri indizi? :ph34r:
Le uniche cose sensate sono Deadwind Pass e Caverns of Time (anche se questa è già quasi tutta in game, tempo fa con un exploit ci entrammo e giravano già parecchi filmati) :ph34r:

20/10/2005, 14:10
quando uscirà l'espansione wow morirà

20/10/2005, 14:59
Sono fake entrambe.
Se tutto va come mamma blizzard vuole a inizio 2006 avremo la nostra simpatica scatolina lucida al modico prezzo di 30Euri & 99 iva inclusa.
E per avere qualche notizia sicura sul content basta aspettare poco meno di una settimana :)

20/10/2005, 18:07
l'espansioen e prevista per fine 2k6, detto questo io sono abbonato a TGM, dovrebbe arrivarmi a giorni e vediamo che dicono :D

cmq mi fido relativamente poco...

21/10/2005, 00:30
figo voglio la razza panda ! se la fanno me la compro e torno a pieno ritmo :tunz:

Mordred Pendragon Jr
21/10/2005, 18:43
il primo sicuramente fake.
il secondo speriamo di no.
chiederò a qualcuno della reda conferme e vi faccio sapere.
non sono ancora totalmente fuori dal giro :)

21/10/2005, 18:59
World of Warcraft - THE BURNING CRUSADE

Illidan has gone insane, and already the alliance between the Draenei, Naga, and Blood Elves has began to crumble. The Naga once again wish to return to the sea, and the Blood Elves' hunger for demonic energies increases day by day... Illidan was tortured by Kil'jaeden after he failed to defeat Arthas - but finally, Kil'jaeden saw another task for Illidan. One that, if he failed, he would be sent into the twisted nether to be consumed by demons... Kil'jaeden then told him everything that had happened since his defeat.

As unexpected as it was, Illidan returned to his three allies and told them of this new plan to destroy not only the Scourge, but all other enemies that would ever oppose them.

Kael'thas and his Blood Elves were to go to the Forsaken for aid. Though they were undead, Illidan explained that their leader was a High Elf - Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, General of Quel'Thalas... or, used to be, anyways. Kael'thas saw this as a great advantage, as he had personally known her in the past. Though their hatred of the Trolls and Orcs was strong, Illidan told them of the new plague they were creating - to kill not only the Alliance, but the Horde as well.

Illidan told the Draenei of the pact with the Alliance they would have to make. He told them that this Alliance would aid in the slaying of the remaining orcs, the Draenei's most hated enemy. Reluctantly, Akama, leader of the Draenei, agreed to this, though only because they were in debt to Illidan for saving them from being destroyed by orcs years ago.

The Naga were to go into the sea of Azeroth, and cripple the Scourge of Northerend by sneaking in, killing groups of Scourge, and fleeing back to the sea before the Scourge's main forces could catch them. Eager to return to the oceans of Azeroth, Lady Vashj and the Naga agreed to this almost immediately.

Blood Elves have made an alliance with the horde by becoming Allies of Sylvanas. The Blood Elves also have claimed to the orcs to want to be rid of the demonic powers corrupting them, and that they wanted to be redeemed of the dark powers they once tried to harness. The orcs, though slowly and unsure, finally accepted the Blood Elves. In turn, the Tauren and Trolls also followed the example of the Undead and the Orcs, and accepted the Blood Elves as part of the new Horde.

Akama went to the Night Elves to plead. They told them of the demonic orcs that had forced them from their homeland, Draenor, and that they wish for an alliance against the Horde. The Alliance, though suspicious of the Draenei true intentions, has accepted the Draenei plead for an alliance.

Soon after Kael, leader of the Blood Elves, Lady Vashj, leader of the Naga, and Akama, leader of the Draenei, had left Outlands, Kil'Jaeden once again imprisoned Illidan within the Black Citadel and closed the Dark Portal to Azeroth... The Blood Elves, Naga and Draenei were meant to never return.

In the Royal Throne Room of Undercity, Sylvanas entered with many of her most powerful guards at her side. She had found out of the betrayal of Varmithras, and that the natherizim Balnazzar still lived. To her surprise, many undeads had already been slaughtered in the Throne Room... and Varmithras was nowhere to be found.

A dark Nightmare has enveloped the Emerald Dream, slowly corrupting it. Rumors have emerged that Archimonde has found his way into the Emerald Dream by using the powers of the World Tree before he died...

Max Level Increased

The max level players may now reach has been increased to 75, and many new max-level raid instances have been added to the game world.

New Races

Five races compromise the Horde, the brutal orcs, the shadowy undead, the spiritual tauren, the quick-witted trolls, and the reckless blood elves. Beset by enemies on all sides, these outcasts have forged a union tey hope will ensure their mutual survival.

Blood Elves
Serving Illidan to satiate their magical addiction, the blood elves have grown stronger than they ever imagined. But even now, with demonic magic in constant supply, many of the blood elves are hungering for even more magic.

Racial Traits:
Demonic Corruption - Due to their corrupted blood and their hunger for magic, the Blood Elves begin the game with +10 resistances to all types of magic. In Addition, all of their resistances to magical spells and effects, excluding Nature, are increased by 8%.

Available Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Warlock, Spellbreaker

The Alliance consists of five races: the noble humans, the adventurous dwarves, the enigmatic night elves, the ingenious gnomes, and the mysterious draenei. Bound by a loathing for all things demonic, they fight to restore order in this war-torn world.

Nearly wiped out by the Orcs during the early days of the Horde and then faced with the destruction of their entire world, the Draenei have become adept at survival and avoiding danger. Even knowing that the Burning Legion is the ultimate cause for their suffering, the Draenei survivors hope that their pact with the Alliance, and Illidan, will someday grant them a new homeland and, most importantly, help them in the eradication of their most hated enemy, the Orcs.

Racial Traits:
Unseen - Once every ten minutes, the Draenei may go invisible for fifteen seconds. This effect may not be cancelled, and the Draenei cannot attack or cast any spells, and they are also considered to be "in combat" for the entire time of this effect.

Available Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Spellbreaker

New Class: Spell Breaker

Spell Breaker - Among the Blood Elves, there are those who show such an amazing aptitude for magic that they can become almost immune to it's effects and can even twist the spells of others to benefit themselves. Called Spellbreakers, they were the elite, holding mastery over all forms of magic. Now, with demonic blood flowing through their veins, these Spellbreakers and their allies among the Naga and Draenei have begun to evolve into demons themselves, with the most powerful able to manipulate the fabric of the Twisting Nether.

Spell breakers begin the game with leather armor but are able to use mail once they reach level fourty.

Examples of Specific Abilities:

Shadow Orbs: Summons several shadowy spheres to circle the caster's body. This spell will increase the player's parry/block rate, with each parry or block causing shadow damage to the attacker. Each attack blocked/parried in this fashion will cause an orb to violently explode, causing minor arcane damage to the attacker and decreasing the number of orbs surrounding the player until all orbs are gone and the effect ends. 30 second cooldown.

Demon Fangs: Fangs are often the first demonic trait evolved by Spellbreaker characters. Using this ability will cause you to attempt to bite your enemy, causing shadow damage and causing a Damage over Time debuff on the opponent, unless resisted. 3 minute cooldown.

Fel Strike: The Spellbreaker's weapon is charged with demonic energy, causing extra shadow damage every hit. Lasts five minutes.

Dark Whispers: Has a 75% chance to temporarily lower nearby enemies' attack power by 10%, lower their hit points by 5%, or lower their mana by 5%. Has a 25% chance to buff nearby enemies' attack power by 10%, hit points by 10%, or mana by 10%. Effect is random on every target. 1 Minute Cooldown.

Fel Concentration: Has a 50% chance to either slow casting time of the target by 10%, or making it 10% faster. May be used on Party Members or enemies. Lasts 5 seconds. 15 second cooldown.

Talent Trees:

Fel Protection - Centered around defensive abilities that allow the Spellbreaker a chance to survive when up against melee classes.

Fel Combat - Talents used to improve offensive spells and abilities used by the Spellbreaker.

Spellbreaking - Talents used to attempt to increase spell the spell resistances of the Spellbreaker.

Example Talents:

Spell Alignment: The caster attempts to align his body with the next spell cast upon him. Once hit by the spell, his body 'aligns' to that spell's school, making him immune to that spell school for 20 seconds. Lasts until a hostile spell is cast on the Spellbreaker. 15 minute cooldown. LEVEL 40 TALENT - Fel Protection.

Spell Reflection: For 20 seconds, all positive and negative spells used on the Spellbreaker are reflected at the caster. 15 minute cooldown. LEVEL 40 TALENT - Fel Combat.

Spell Absorbtion: For 20 seconds, all spells used on the Spellbreaker will cause normal damage, but the mana cost of the spell is added to the Spellbreaker's mana. LEVEL 40 TALENT - Spellbreaking.

Improved Demon Fangs: Damage caused by the bite of the demon fangs does 5%/10%/15% more damage and has its cooldown reduced by 15/30/60 seconds. 3 ranks. FEL COMBAT.

Melee Specialization: Chance to cause shadow damage on hit with a melee weapon is increased by 10%/20%. 2 ranks. FEL COMBAT.Improved Shadow Orbs: Damage caused by the shadow orbs is increased by 10%/20%/30%. 3 ranks. FEL PROTECTION.

Shadow Shield: Increases your chance to block with a shield by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%. Also gives a chance to cause shadow damage equal to the amount of damage that had been blocked to the attacker by 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%. 5 ranks. FEL PROTECTION.

Fire Resistance: Increases your resistance to fire spells by 2/4/6/8/10. 5 ranks. SPELLBREAKING.

Frost Resistance: Increases your resistance to frost spells by 2/4/6/8/10. 5 ranks. SPELLBREAKING.

Shadow Resistance: Increases your resistance to shadow spells by 2/4/6/8/10. 5 ranks. SPELLBREAKING.

Arcane Resistance: Increases your resistance to arcane spells by 2/4/6/8/10. 5 ranks. SPELLBREAKING.

New Areas

The Goblins have finally accepted to allow the other civilized races of Azeroth onto their home of Undermine.

This is a level 60-65 zone, and is now the main hub of neutral transportation.

With the aid of the Horde and Argent Dawn, the Blood Elves drove some of the remaining Scourge out of Quel'thalas. The Blood Elves have started to rebuild their cities, and have unexpectedly found that some cities were untouched.

After a long struggle, the Gnomeregan Exiles were finally able to retake their home, with the aid of both, Horde and Alliance adventurers. The Clean Zone is the new starting area for gnomes. Gnomeregan can take the player to about level 12 afterwhich they have to go to other areas.

The New Echo Islands:
Farther south of the Echo Islands was a large chain of many islands, which ended up also being named the "Echo Islands".

Nothing but beasts had lived on these islands when the trolls found them. It is the new starting area for Trolls. These islands can take the player to about level 12.

The Horde and Alliance are now able to reach the continent of Northerend, thanks to the aid of the Goblins of Undermine. A zeppelin will take the players to the town of Valgarde in Northerend, where they will begin many quests to oppose the Scourge. Northerend is a massive level 65-75 zone, and contains many new max-level instances.

The Emerald Dream:
The Emerald Dream is the primal heart of Azeroth. It is an echo of what the world would be like if intelligent beings had not altered its surface. The ethereal layer of the Emerald Dream shares the same space of the Physical layer one on top of the other - a parallel realm overlapping the physical world like an invisible and intangible layer. It is characterized by its green hue and verdant forests. The Emerald Dream, though, is like a perpetual time-frame of creation, back when the Titans reshaped the planet to bring order to chaos. Yet both realms share the same time. Time passes normally within the Emerald Dream as in the Physical world. The Emerald Dream is ruled by Ysera the Dragon Aspect of the Dream, empowered by Eonar the Titan to watch over the Emerald Dream realm. Lately, the Emerald Dream has been affected by the Nightmare. It is not a place. It is an effect that roams the Emerald Dream randomly affecting other dreamers and attacks them during their sleep. The nightmare twists and reshape the dreams corrupting the sleeping dream-form. Those trapped within the Nightmare are known as the Unwaking. Their physical form may die of starvation, not able to wake up as the affected can't escape the Emerald Dream. There are many magical and planar ways to reach the Emerald Dream. Sometimes, Ysera can't detect intruders that enter the Emerald Dream by means of magic plane-shifting. There are rumors that somehow Archimonde was able to affect the Emerald Dream through the World Tree. Since the World Tree was bound to the Emerald Dream, Archimonde might have found a way to infiltrate the Emerald Dream before dying. Only time will tell... The Emerald Dream is a level 70-75 zone which will have players attempt to cleanse the Emerald Dream of the Nightmare - and, if the rumors that are told are true, Archimonde will once again need to be defeated by mortals...


All boats from neutral cities, such as Ratchet, and Booty Bay now connect to Undermine. New boats have been added to Steamwheedle Port, Menethil Harbor, and Theramore which will take anyone on it to Undermine. In addition, there is a new zeppelin which will take the player to Undermine. There is also a zeppelin on Undermine which will take the player to the shores of Northerend, to a town called Valgarde. All goblin-owned transportations now have atleast four level 62 Undermine Bruisers on them. Alliance-owned and Horde-owned transportation now force any members of the opposite faction on them into PVP, and are also now guarded by atleast four level 60 guards.

New High-End Instances

Naxxaramas Necropolis:
Within Stratholme, near the Slaughterhouse of Baron Rivendare, is the Naxxaramas Necropolis. Kel'Thuzad reigns the Undead Scourge from the Naxxramas Necropolis. This new 40-player, level sixty raid instance is equal in difficulty to Blackwing Lair, and will send the player to assault the Tower of Medivh.

The Tower of Medivh:
This tower was described by Medivh as an Hourglass. As the sand particles flow slowly through the hourglass clock, time flows in different places of the glass, allowing one to see the past - and future - of Azeroth. This is a 40-player max-level raid instance, much more difficult than Naxxaramas Necropolis.

Caverns of Time:
This is the lair of Nozdormu, one of the five great dragon aspects. Nozdormu, unlike most other dragons in the game, requires the aid of mortals. To repair damage done to the timeline, Nozdormu will send players on large raids into two 40-player, level sixty raid instances, and one 40-player max-level raid instance, the first two being equal in difficulty to Naxxaramas Necropolis, and the final being equal in difficulty to The Tower of Medivh.

The desolate place of Outland emits flashes of light and streams of energy. Outland is currently a way station. Many portals are still active within some of the floating asteroids, leading to other worlds. This new zone is for groups of five or more max level players. Among the creatures that inhabit Outland are Felboars, Phase spiders, Draeni, Fire Elementals, Fungal Horrors, Succubi, Nether Dragons(composed of nether energy, and not related to real dragons).

Beneath the Black Citadel, there is a very large prison. Rumors have been created that heroes from past wars are still being held within this prison, and that even now the ruler of the Black Citadel tortures these heroes. Other rumors are that Kil'jaeden, the most powerful entity of the Burning Legion, dwells withing this Citadel, plotting the destruction of Azeroth. This is a large, 50-player raid instance.

Rumors have emerged that Alexstrasza and her dragonflight are keeping anyone from getting near Grim Batol. They are protecting something deep within its walls, a secret power. Some say they are protecting a powerful artifact or creature.

Some have gone as far as to speculate that Deathwing has been held captive and imprisoned within Grim Batol, though, others believe in the possibility that the creature that now holds the essence of the Sunwell might be under protection of the Red Dragonflight. Anyone who dares to venture into this max level 50-player raid instance will find themselves standing against the power of the Red Dragonflight, Alexstasza, herself. This is equal in difficulty to The Black Citadel.

Malygos lives in Northrend in a deep and complex cavern. He is known to gather relics of arcane power, keeping them locked away from mortals. Frozen Orcs, Nagas, Trolls and Wendigos are many of the victims of the horror of Malygos' power, and to display what happens to those who venture into the Lair of Malygos. This is a 50-player max level raid instance, equal in difficulty to Grim Batol.

Icecrown mountain is the most difficult instance to ever be in Azeroth, and will challenge anyone to stand against the power of not only the Lich King's armies, and his most trusted lieutenant, Anub'arak, but also the Immortal Lich King himself.

This is a 100-player max level raid instance, and will challenge the Horde and Alliance to work together to defeat the Immortal Lich King. To have the full 100 players, 50 players of max level on Horde and 50 players of max level on Alliance must work together, merging both groups of 50 into one large raid party. Upon Icecrown, Horde and Alliance may not attack eachother at any time, but are instead able to aid eachother. Leaders of the Argent Dawn have also worked together to teach the Alliance and Horde to understand both, Common and Orcish, so they may communicate as they work together to defeat the Immortal Lich King.

Deep within the Emerald Dream is the Eye of Ysera. The Eye of Ysera is a large golden dome that randomly appears in the Emerald Dream, and the dome in which Ysera dwells. No one has ever been able to enter or penetrate the golden dome. That is, until the Nightmare came... And once again, if the rumors were true, this is where Archimonde will most likely be...

cross dopo cross dovrebbe arrivare da wowguru

21/10/2005, 19:10
Questo e' quello che c'era su tgm online.

After one year of the exit on US market, many world of warcraft players ask informations on the first, inevitable, expansion. For answer to these questions, the californian software house is preparing an event for his fan the 28th and 29th of October “Blizzcon”, where Blizzard will reveale the details on the World of Warcraft’s future. For this date, the TGM readers, already known…
Kindly invited by Vivendi to visit Blizzard offices, we have the chance to have a preview about the details of “The Burning Crusade” the first World of Warcraft expansion that will create a revolution on some aspect of this bestseller game.
First of all the Background: Sargeras, the corrupted titan that represent the worst in the WoW universe, it’s always intented to destroy all the universe, has begin his work, his troups have never encountered any obstacle and have not stopped excepted for the resistance on Azeroth(that is both the region, the continent, the planet). But his actual plan for now is ignoring this place, for concentrating on the Outland. This is the name given at the point where are found the rest of the planet Draenor, the original planet of the orcs, rests that flown on the emptiness and grant the access to the Twisting Nether, a sort of parallel dimension that allow to reach every planes of esistance in the universe. It’s unuseful to say that a resource like this, a “node” like for invading all the worlds it’s extremely appetible for Sargera’s demoniac forces, and here we’ll be called the Azerothc forces, the only one that has shown the ability to combat the titan and his followers, Archimonde and Kill’Jaeden.
All the expansion will be centrated on the Outland, Medivh and the Dark Portal, to make procede on the most important story of the world of warcraft. At least other than Outlands two new dungeons will be introduced on Azeroth(the planet), scrictly tied to characthers and events encountered in the expansion. The first will be presented in details at Blizzcon (it will be possible to play with it) and it will be many probably a 5 characthers istance – but it’s still on decision – situated in Kharazan, the Medivh’s tower that’s found in the Deadwind Pass (between Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows). From the descriptions received and the short tour that we have osserved we know that it will quikly evolve from the “classic undead istance” to something stranger, where can be encountered the numeous results of the magic experiments of Medivh.
Much more unusual will be the Caverns of Time, raid instance in Tanaris that will allow to travel in the time and participate to the most important events of the story of Azeroth, from the openm of the dark Portal by Medivh, the liberation from slavery of Thrall and the mythologic battle of Mount Hyal (seen in Warcraft III) when the forces of humans, orcs and elves battle united to defeat Archimonde. All this is possible because the Caverns of Time is the place where bronze dragons, headed by Nordozmu, control the streaming of the time.
Tecnically the dungeon in the futur can be expanded to allow the visit of other importans moment of WoW story.
These are the news that can be alredy expected: the surprise begin with the max level that will be increased to lvl 70. (Here is a little comment redactional about the exp lost at lvl 60 for quest done and experience not earned).
Altough Hero Class are not be announced (in the words of Rob Pardo, Vice President of Game Design “if we mistake we hero class we can definitely ruin the game”), Blizzard has not denied that they could be included in the expansion but they have not promised it. Other game like Everquest with Alternate Advancement Point and Daoc with Master Level has shown how this players evolution can be very complicated.
The second great news is that both the faction will have a new race (no new class). Because one of the reason alliance have more player than horde seem to be tied to an extetical reason(horde races are “ugly”): orcs, trolls, taurens and forsakens will be joined by the Blood Elves, a little smaller than their cousin, that are dedicated to magic in his darker former and dependent from it. The blood elves could sure be mages, warlock and warriors, it’s not certain if they can be rogue or hunter, at the moment they have a racial trait called Mana tap that leak slowy the mana from enemy, that can be applied more time, like sunder armor that gonna charge a second ability called “Arcane Torrent”(but the head of development Kaplan continued to call it “Arcane Torment) that work like a “silent” spell with an area, this has left us a little surprised because it seems a little unbalanced also against a warrior, to make a confront, but is early to speak about it, because the exit that will be next year is still far and many things will be surely changed. Very interesting is the characterization given to this race, with a starting area very lightly e sunny but also frightful with many signs of magic used for frivolous scopes (deforming plants, palace floating in the air) and strange crystals containing demons imprisoned to take advantage of their energies. The actual “home” of Blood Elves is what remains of Quel’Thalas, it is found northern tha Eastern Plaguelands, after a valley currently sealed from a stack of logs, it will composed of 3 zone Eversong Woods with the capital city Silvermoon, Ghostland and Zul’Aman, a region inhabited by trolls that could host or become a new thematic dungeon like Zul’Farrak and Zul’Gurub. The new race of the alliance has not be announced and will probably announced short time after Blizzcon, but we can make always an hypothesis: thinking the “beautiful race” is gonna to horde and looking at all chances, nothing can prevent us to think about pandarean, introduced originally like “april fouls” and then incorporated truly in Warcraft III (this can be more than a supposition, but is better stop here..).
The news are more: there will be a news profession using Jewelcrafting, we don’t know if with this “work” it will possible to forge ring, amulets or trinket, but for sure it will be possible to craft gems to inseter in “socket” found in the armor and weapons, like in Diablo2. To support this blacksmither, tailor and leatherworker can craft item with socket for host gems for jewelcrafting.
Here Toso(a TGM redactor) still complain about the impossibility of crafting “staff”: but is stil true that is possible that jewelcrafting is not the only profession added in the expansion and things can still change before the exit of the expansion.
Continuing with the news about Outlands, that will be divided in many reagion, from rock and devasted Hellfire Peninsula to the forest of Zenga Marsh, one of the few zone of Draenor survived from destruction. The most interesting news for the maniac of the story is that in one of this region, the Shadowmoon Valley, it is found Black Temple where Illidan reside, true “boss” of all the zone.
Thinking that only Arthas was enable to stop the ex demon hunter(seen in WarcraftIII and expansion) the players also of 70 lvl have still something hard to face. It’s true that they can count on many new resources, included the desired flying mounts: responding the thousand requests of players, Blizzard has decided that players once reached lvl 70 can put their hands, at the end of a long and hard quest, on a flying mount that can be only used only in the Outland, using the “floating island” founded in the region.
There are no news about the engine, also if seems blood elves model will have 20% more of polygons compared to “old” race models. The graphic should have in the following month a little restyle with the introduction of the atmospheric effect but the rest should remain the same, also if they are experimenting various trick (like Specular Environment Mapping) to improve look in general. They are concentrating more on the contens, the graphic engine is always in time to be changed. From the tecnichal poins, it can be expected from the expansion the possibility to play BG “from server”, that can be participated to players from all the realms, thing that theorically will bring the end of the queue.
Wait for other anticipations and modernization to come in the next months, expecially thinking we have to discover the race that will join the alliance (we have told our idea).

Gli danno i blood elf perche' han solo razze brutte esteticamente ...

21/10/2005, 20:01
sappiate che se le raziali dei blood elves saranno quelle descritte da ciocca rerollo horde :|

Cloud Wallace
21/10/2005, 20:36
tgm ftw! dateci il pandaren!!!!!! :ph34r: ma per favore.... :ph34r:

21/10/2005, 22:01
speriamo esca la razza "gatto di lightmage"che ha l'abilità raziale di romperti il kazzo(almeno a me mi odia :cry: )
oppure nn so la razza "ice maker"che in pratica ha l'abilità raziale di fare il fumo piu buono del mondo e di fumarsi i cilum per aumentare forza e stamina,quando poi ne fuma troppi enntra in "fatturion berserker"si ekko,potrebbe essere la hero class del war ekko si
oppure il "poeta maledetto"che tramite le sue poesie ti impedisce di giokare come voresti e alla fine ti finisce facendoti ingollare dell'oppio il tutto condito da un pò di etere ghgh
cmq come kazzo fate a leggervi tutte quelle riviste io ero rimasto a the games machine,per il resto sempre kiesto a lightmage:)

21/10/2005, 23:44
Ci dovessero seriamente essere i blood elves vi abbandono :)

22/10/2005, 03:17
Icecrown mountain is the most difficult instance to ever be in Azeroth, and will challenge anyone to stand against the power of not only the Lich King's armies, and his most trusted lieutenant, Anub'arak, but also the Immortal Lich King himself.

This is a 100-player max level raid instance, and will challenge the Horde and Alliance to work together to defeat the Immortal Lich King. To have the full 100 players, 50 players of max level on Horde and 50 players of max level on Alliance must work together, merging both groups of 50 into one large raid party. Upon Icecrown, Horde and Alliance may not attack eachother at any time, but are instead able to aid eachother. Leaders of the Argent Dawn have also worked together to teach the Alliance and Horde to understand both, Common and Orcish, so they may communicate as they work together to defeat the Immortal Lich King.

Di quanto postato sopra questa parte - per quanto cosa strafiga - nn mi convince molto : |

22/10/2005, 04:56
fosse vera sarebbe totale e significa che verrà implementato un modo per comunicare con l'orda...
cmq gg blizzard ancora una volta sgrava l'orda...
cioè nuova razza e nuova classe fatta apposta per quella razza che è orda :|
mah :whine:

ps: dimenticato...

22/10/2005, 12:26
beh dai, lo spell-breaker sembra carino e ce l'hanno tutte e due le fazioni...bisognerà vedere quanti avranno lo stomaco di levellarsene uno fino al 75

Cloud Wallace
22/10/2005, 14:28
ahahahahahahahha il 75°...ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! :ph34r:

22/10/2005, 14:28
ma + che altro quanti avranno il coraggio di rerollare un draeni :| son bruttissimi :<

22/10/2005, 15:04
15 lvl farmando MC? :P

22/10/2005, 15:19
Originally posted by Damian@Oct 22 2005, 02:04 PM
15 lvl farmando MC? :P
omg, con l&#39;exp divisa per 40 ^_^

qualcuno si ricorda quanto prendeva delora quando non era ancora di 60?

Mordred Pendragon Jr
22/10/2005, 22:28
non se può sentì.
cmq già farsi un sessanta è da ammazzarsi i coglioni, figurarsi un 70 &#33;

cmq io voglio i negri come nuova razza per l&#39;ally.
+ 10% sul danno da "armi lunghe"