View Full Version : oggi patchano..

14/09/2005, 10:28
hanno patchato ieri.
io sono in crisi pura.

commento americano di ieri:

If your one of the peeps saying the nerfs not so bad your probably not running MC, Onyxia or BWL. Just finished MC run with this nerf and our MT's got tossed. our healers where over taxed and we wiped


Blizzard said it was a bug to mitigate financial damage fromplayers from completing end game content too quickly and getting bored then quitting. Open your eyes. This has absolutly nothing to do with defense being "overpowered"
and everything to do with the almighty dollar.

They are trying in vain to create another FFXI.
Why do you think nothing ever gets buffedonly nerfed?

avro' bisogno di giorni e giorni per riprendermi (e soprattutto 19 malati che mi facciano nastrogirare zul gurub per prendermi tot item che mi servono)

14/09/2005, 10:46
eccovi notizie sul primo boss di zul gurub

Spent about 2-hours in ZG with a 20-man. Attempted Boss "High Priestess Jeklik" 3 times...here are my observations...DON'T read if you want to see it for yourself first
(information is approx)

She transforms to bat after being pulled
In bat form she has 2 tough abilities
-AoE damage (1000 or so) plus about 8 seconds silence
-Even with aggro she'll charge a second person, causing damage before returning to who had the most hate

After 40-50% health she'll turn back to human form, in this form she:
-life drains
-and self heals (a lot, and for large amounts)

After about 30 seconds into the fight, non-elite bats will add, in groups of 3-5

After several minutes, adds drop fire bombs...not sure if it's random location or if they target

Well those are some of the special abilities. On our first attempt we got her down to 39% with most of the group left...but she self healed and by the time we wiped she was almost back to full health:(

-Need AoE group...3-4 AoE'ers and a healer to focus on adds (worked very well)
-Healers need to keep a moderate distance to avoid silence
-Clear the entire area around her

Biggest question is how to stop her health regen when she changes to human form...preist/hunter/lock mana burn type spells?
(she's immune to silence and stun)

Well hope we can get some more input on this...i'm probably off on a few things, but it's a start

FYI she's the boss if you take the first right...in an area with groups of non-elite bats and bat riders.
NOTE: once you kill the riders they explode and deal 4000+ AoE damage....ouch

Therefore recommend all but one melee to get out of the way before they go down

cmq 2 sono le strategie: o farle finire il mana a suon di burn e sting oppure nastrodevastarla di silence modello add di sulfuron.

droppa questo PALCRITICO CLICCAMI (http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=19918)


The riders were quite a surprise.

currently we are on the 2nd boss. The boss has a dirty surprise for everyone.

an AOE that CAN crit for 15 THOUSAND.
Most of our cloth wearers died on the initial pull.

and around 30 percent, he turned into a serpent that farts out the green fog from scholomance.

Hexxer is a freak - a shaman freak - he drops mindcontrolling totems and healing totems with 10k health - the healing totem heal him for 4% each tick.. on top of that he summons you randomly into a pit of 15 skeletts

cmq pare che i boss no siano difficilissimi dopo che si capisce cosa si debba fare, anche se le abilita' che hanno dato ai mobs sono effettivamente rompipalle.

Lightmage [Ow]
14/09/2005, 11:03
Porco dio io volevo leggere una patch con dei cambiamenti nel content del pvp...

Non ho comprato un cazzo di gioco per vedermi i vermi scoreggiare acido o Hexxar cagare dei paletti dal culo con 5 volte la mia vita e sentirmi inferiore ad uno steccato per struzzi. Ma va va blizzard di...

14/09/2005, 11:23
Originally posted by Lightmage [Ow]@Sep 14 2005, 09:03
Porco dio io volevo leggere una patch con dei cambiamenti nel content del pvp...

Non ho comprato un cazzo di gioco per vedermi i vermi scoreggiare acido o Hexxar cagare dei paletti dal culo con 5 volte la mia vita e sentirmi inferiore ad uno steccato per struzzi. Ma va va blizzard di...
1 nuovo bg non ti basta :blink: ?

Lightmage [Ow]
14/09/2005, 20:17
Il bg non ? pvp, ? quanto di pi? la blizzard sia riuscita a fare >_<

14/09/2005, 21:06
questo gioco e&#39; prettamente pve e lo sara&#39; fino a quando non aggiungeranno un qualcosa simil "confine" di daoc.

fattene una ragione, nessuno cmq ti constringe ad andare dai serpenti che sparano acido :blush:

14/09/2005, 22:23
Il confine scordiamocelo :( Daoc aveva 3 reami e questo impediva una netta predominanza di un reame. Avendo 2 reami la cosa rischierebbe di degenerare :( SIGH SOB