View Full Version : Sneak Peek Updated facility layout & Esamir Lattice

25/05/2013, 22:53

skippate a 1:18:20 per vedere un pò di roba, io ovviamente non ho ancora guardaot tutto, quindi man mano che guardo posto e vi dico... però posso dirvi... AIR SHIELDS :OOOOOOOOOOOOO

26/05/2013, 13:40
1:20:10 starts the Esamir Preview

Disclaimer: all that you're watching is still VERY W.I.P. so don't take it as granted, as Luperza & Kalyper stated, it will soon come on the Test Server for us to test :D
so don't be hatin and bask at the sight of these awesome changes

i've taken quite a few screeshots to highlight the changes, look at the end of the post to read the notes to help understand what you're seeing and the Devs thoughts and prediction, i haven't reported their whole talk or proper explanation, so if you want their words, just watch the FNO Recap :)

1- VERY SUPER Work in progress Battle Flow on Esamir, it's just to show you that it's undergoing the same process of indar, with bases location being shifted, some other might be removed or new ones added (see freyr)
2- example of base movedhttp://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/2.png
3- Giant Walls!http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/3.png
4- Bridges Everywhere!http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/4.png
5- the Dome shield thing (lulz)http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/5.png
6- dome shield as seen from below, (W.I.P. look)
7- Snowy Trees inside Freyr! (there are a few outside aswell, but very few)http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/7.png
8- there are more trees inside the Freyr (light assaults will love them!)
9- 4 outposts for Freyr!
10- Random screen of an outpost capture point
11- Air view
13- Eisa Got Wallz!
14- New northern outpost
15- air view + dome!
17- see notes
18- moar outposts! (i LOVE THE DESIGN)http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/18.png~original
19- air view (check the location above the minimap to understand where you are)http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/19.png~original
20- going to another eisa outposthttp://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/20.png~original
21- look at this AMAZING outpost :Ohttp://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/21.png~original
22- Mani Bio tower outposthttp://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/24.png~original

26/05/2013, 13:40
25- Mani Fortress!
26- Another Freyr outpost! (you can see the dome shield position)http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/28.png~original
27- Rocks and cover everywhere!http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/29.png~original
29- example of how an air unit can still poke insidehttp://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/31.png~original
30- postcard environment pretty much? :Dhttp://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/32.png~original
32- back to Eisa!http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/torokfremen/34.png~original

Check these notes below! or watch the full Video on the FNO recap for their commentary!
my impression?
THIS LOOKS SICK! altought it scares me about how it's going to affect vehicle gameplay, anyway it looks much more Planetside 1 :) (and i've played it for like 30 minutes hueheuheu)

----- FEW NOTES -----

- You can't shoot in or out the dome shields (no rockets, no flak, no bullets)
- Air can still fly through the dome shields
- The dome shield can't be disabled as of now but it's under discussion, we're planning on releasing them with no possibility of disable them
- Tthe dome shields doesn't cover all gaps, and there are weak spots for liberator tho shoot into, so they -can't spawncamp but can't even get shot from spawnrooms due to the Dome shield being in the way
they want vehicle to fight over the route to Outposts rather than inside outposts
- No Eta yet on esamir update, but it will go on Test server first, so we can test and make changes accordingly
- We introduced the dome shields with Esamir, then we will put them on Amerish, once that is done we will add them aswell on indar, but for last.
- On the second pass of indar we will add an outpost here :D (17)
- 1:40:45 he talks about a special generator which might influence link connection?, and maybe different type of generators, like one that manages all Turrets in the base, disabling them, or one that influences Terminals, this might come very soon,
- The look of the dome shield is temporary and W.I.P as almost everything else :P
- The shields looks like they cover everything, where air should be important then??
well these infantry area are purposelly made for infantry, altough you can still try to streak them as Air, you can some kind of play around the dome, by rushing in and out the dome, so it's gonna be a bit risky but rewarding (LOL), again it doesn't cover all of the base so you can keep shooting inside (31 for example) we might even change the size and position of the Air dome based on player feedback and ingame experience,
- on the Chat someone asked about "Dome shield" and snipers, how would they play in such a Cqc (close quarter combat) environment? well this took the devs by surprise :D snipers are kinda fucked ahah, they can't shoot in it, there's gonna be some hate, they then said they can probably think about it, maybe small arms fire can shoot trough shields, but it would be tricky because they would then damage ESF, so we'll see but thanks for pointing the problem out (1:53:00)
- Technical issues with changing vehicle shield render distance (which as you know some players exploit shooting from a distance where it doesn't render), which is very difficult for them now because of the Shield type, because the actual one hits harder on performance and they can't make it render much further without having an impact on player performance,
- With next game update comes new alerts, capture biolabs / etc. etc.