View Full Version : Public Test Server is Active!

08/04/2013, 21:46
http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/i...active.114080/ (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/public-test-server-is-active.114080/)

Higby (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?members/higby.36/)Developer


Test Server Activated

hey all

This morning we've activated our Public Test server. There is a separate patcher to access Public Test which you can find here:


Some notes about what you will see right now on PT:

Currently we are working on changes to Indar's facilities and connectivity on Public Test, and will be for the next few weeks. If you'd like to check out the changes, and help us get the new battle flow rocking, jump on. We're going to be coordinating some organized testing nights to really give the flow a solid run through as we iterate.

There is a known issue with the map's performance on PT today which causes the map to take a couple seconds to fully load, we should have a quick fix up for this soon.

Please keep in mind, there are going to be a lot of issues with Live Test, you'll be likely to run into a lot more bugs and problems with the game there. Characters may be wiped periodically and downtime will be sporadic. On Public Test you can't use Station Cash and we do start you off with some certs to help us test quickly.

Also, be sure to keep your eye on the official Public Test announcement and discussion forums for update notes and known issues:

Announcements: http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/i...ouncements.69/ (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?forums/planetside-2-test-server-announcements.69/)
Discussion: http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/i...discussion.70/ (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?forums/planetside-2-test-server-discussion.70/)

Hope to see you on Public Test!

Test Server Policies

The goal of the Public Test is to give our community an opportunity to participate in the testing process and provide feedback before features go live. PlanetSide 2 is a large, complex game and we could use all the help we can get in making it better.

1. By its nature, Public Test will have more downtime, bugs, and general issues than Live servers.
· Although development and QA are also testing on internal environments, every individual change is not screened before going to the server and that will cause issues.
· We have an interest in keeping the server up and functional as best as possible, but we may have extended downtime from time to time.

2. Developers, QA and other SOE employees will also be on the Public Test Server frequently.
· Please treat them with the same respect as you would any other player on a Live server.
· We may have requests for players on Test to help with specific testing, so keep an ear out help out when you can.
· You may have questions for us, but please remember: It’s very likely we’re at work trying to get through large task lists and fix bugs on a tight schedule; we can’t promise we’ll have the time or ability to answer them.

3. There are no real money transactions on Public Test.

4. Game progression values on Public Test may be different than live.
· As an example, we are granting all new characters 10,000 cert points as a way to jump start their characters.
5. Public Test uses the same station account as Live, but the characters and actions on Public Test do not transfer to Live or vice versa.

6. There is no Customer Service support on this server except in the event of significantly disruptive players.
· If you run into an issue, report it via the in-game bug report tool or Test Server forum post. Devs, QA, and Community will be going through these frequently, but it’s likely we won’t have time to respond to most issues or posts directly.

7. Player wipes can happen on the Public Test server.
· Depending on what kind of testing we need to do, we may wipe all Public Test characters. Don’t get too attached to them!

8. Public Test Server won’t always be the latest and greatest features and content.
· After a major game update, the Public Test Server may have the same features and content as the live servers.
· When the next batch of features of content is ready to be put onto Public Test, we’ll be sure to make an announcement in the forums.

9. The Public Test Server is located on the US East Coast.
· Depending on your location, latency and server lag may be more prevalent.

You can find the Test Server client here (http://launch.soe.com/installer/PS2_Test_setup.exe).

08/04/2013, 22:01
Post contenente current Patch Notes

Battle Flow Improvements - The flow of combat in the live hex system can be tough to understand and predict, and can give the sense of chaos as opposed to appropriate tactical choices as forces move from one target to the next. We'd like to attempt a different approach that we think will improve the flow of battle significantly.

We have vastly reduced the connections available on the map

Each region is connected to only a handful of other regions, creating clear conquest lanes
This will better direct players to the next fight, and allow you to predict the best places to set up defenses

Vast areas of the continent are now part of the Neutral Zone

There are no restrictions or benefits to this zone
The Facility Forward Spawns have been removed - in their place are new Small Outposts
These function just like other Small Outposts. Their layouts are very similar to what the Forward Spawns were, plus the addition of Allatum Botany Wing and Saurva South Satellite.

Capture times are no longer impacted by Influence
Some underutilized outposts have been removed as they did not improve the new conquest flow

Nanite Pump Station
Archaeological Dig Site
ARC Bioengineering
Leopardwood Nursery
Spec-Ops Training Camp
Lost End Outlook
Mesa Comm. Station
Blackshard Platinum Mine

Some outposts were moved to locations that better serve the new conquest flow on Indar

Ceres Farms
NS Secure Data Labs
Seabed Listening Post
Nearly every outpost on Indar received some work to help secure the spawn rooms and the capture points. Our goal was to make it make it much tougher to impact these areas from vehicles

Crown Capture Points relocated. We moved two capture points for the Crown down onto the nearby bridges. We also moved the spawn room back into the tower

New Roads have been added to match the conquest lanes created with the new Hex map. They are…
From Indar Bay Point to Sandstone Gulch.
From West Highlands Checkpoint to Indar Comm Array to Dahaka Southern Post
From West Highlands Checkpoint to Allatum Broadcast Hub
From Gravel Pass to Blackshard Iridium Mine

We also removed some roads to better direct traffic along the conquest lanes. These areas remain passable terrain, we just removed the road.

From Allatum Research Lab to Hvar Northgate Garrison
From West Highlands Checkpoint to Allatum Research Lab
From West Highlands Checkpoint to Quarts Ridge Camp
From Gravel Pass to Tawrich Tower

Cloud Wallace
08/04/2013, 22:13

do want

09/04/2013, 00:01
ho avuto higby in team per qualcosa come, 5 minuti ahhaha, ero tutta eccitata, volevo mandarlo affanculo per tutti i bug che ci sono sui server live ma mi sono trattenuto


è un altro gioco.

09/04/2013, 01:09

minchia è bellissimo, hanno tolto 8mila hex inutili, le basi periferiche alle facility ora sono dei veri e propri outpost, ne hanno aggiunti di nuovi e reworkati quelli esistenti, tipo Allatum ora è belliffimo, si fighta duro e crudo

Cloud Wallace
09/04/2013, 12:31
speriamo cazzo

10/04/2013, 12:55

il timer di dahaka è 6:43, praticamente ora i timer sono Standardizzati per ogni outpost/facility
e sono i seguenti

4 minuti per le basi piccole
7 minuti per gli outpost piu grandi
10 minuti per le facility!

e non c'è più il rapporto 0/6 e via dicendo
ah e in sotto l'enemy activity ora si può vedere pure l'ally activity! tipo che ne so, friendly activity, allied platoons etc etc

10/04/2013, 12:58
latest patch notes

The Test Server has been updated to reflect the following changes:

Tank Mines have had their size and collision scaled up.
Removed forced weapon swap after deployment.
Improved traction for the Flash has been implemented.
Proximity Repair system should properly award support XP to the owner if they are not in the driver seat
Turret shadows should rotate with the turret appropriately
Removed capture bonus time for standing at the cap point. Standardized uncontested capture times are:

Small Outpost = 4 minutes
Large Outpost = 7 minutes
Facilities = 10 minutes

Ally activity is now displayed on the map.
Capture progress is now displayed on the map.
Removed blinking map regions.
Medals are now displayed in the loadout from the main Class screen.
Added a supply button to the loadout on the main Class screen.
Locked gear and weapons can now be viewed and unlocked from the loadout screen.
The Squad listing in the social window should now display additional squads when scrolling down.
Players can now preview vehicle items, decals, and tints.

10/04/2013, 14:01
ma la preview delle armor camo c'è già in game?

10/04/2013, 15:17
ma la preview delle armor camo c'è già in game?

sul test server si, è gran figa, la puoi vedere su tutti i veicoli / armi / armature, pure decal etc etc

un pò di preview e il loadout screen rivisitato, fast resupply i love you

10/04/2013, 15:51


ci sono poi numerose armi non utilizzabili ma con già la descrizione, per non parlare di una vagonata di slot tuta e abilità diversi, tra il melee boster, metabolysm, icarus jetpack e almeno 5 nuovi cloacking dell'infiltratore :O da quella che ti fa sprintare di più una volta hiddato ma con malus al danno subito a quello dell'invisibilità totale ma con durata più breve e via dicendo

10/04/2013, 16:21
scorgo un futuro pieno di lavoro per il mio medico :drop:

10/04/2013, 16:27
scorgo un futuro pieno di lavoro per il mio medico :drop:
c'è qualcosa anche per il medico :)

poi aggiungo quello che ho trovato in giro!

Interesting things I saw in TRVR.
-Three new SMGs with descriptions (More accurate one/more damage one/faster shooting one)
-All those pistols from beta got models
-Melee Booster (Backstabs Ahoy) and "Deployable Object Avoidance" suits for the Infiltrator (Future Sentry guns?)
-Two new MCG variants, one touted as "More maneuverable" and the other as the "TR's Mobile Turret"
-An NS anti armor flamethrower (in addition to the Anti Infantry one from beta)
-An NS "Frag Cannon" (read Grenade launcher) for Max Suits
-An ES Rocket Launcher arm for Max Suits
-A Deployable Shield Wall that blocks "small arms fire" for Engineers (replaces MANA Turret)
-Engineer's "Decontructer" Repair tool that heals allied stuff and Hurts enemy stuff (Sounds kinda Useless)
-Medic Nano Emitter, Description makes it sound like a deployable version of the existing Nanite Heal aoe.
-Medic "Nanite Burst", No description but intuition says it's probably an insta heal.
-Medic "Aegis Barrier", No description but intuition says it's probably a shield.

Cloud Wallace
10/04/2013, 21:16
cosa cazzo è la BRO-GUN?

11/04/2013, 16:58
cosa cazzo è la BRO-GUN?
http://www.troll.me/images/bed-gun/whatchu-say-bro.jpg (http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_full_width/hash/1e/42/Taylor%20Momsen%20Revolver%202_1.jpg)

25/04/2013, 02:02

We have a new build up on the public test server for everyone to check out. There are a number of changes associated with it, but here’s some of the stuff that jumped out at me:

The Harasser buggy is now available to all factions on test server

A three person vehicle with a driver, a gunner, and a (MAX capable) rumble seat

The map and minimap should now respect your empire color selections
VR zone consumables no longer eat your resources when resupply them
Explosives that are set to auto resupply will now attempt to purchase up to the max equip count for an item based on your available resources
Placed deployables should no longer disappear (to your client) when a you travel 300 meters away from them
Added a toggle for the empire-colored explosion animations on the map
Single Use Camos are being hidden in the marketplace. Very few people use/purchase them and with the recent loadout changes that show unpurchased items they are bloating the UI.
Refactored the Map UI so it’s performance should be significantly improved with the new hex system
The new MAX abilities didn't make this build but they are super close to hitting test, so keep an eye out over the next few days – it shouldn't be too long.

As always, we're eager to hear any feedback you guys have. Thanks!

omffggg la buggy!! e la zona tutorial appena entri con un pg nuovo!! ti spiega le basi, figata epica :D
e c'è il bottone teletrasportati a Hossin lol, però non funzia :P

Cloud Wallace
25/04/2013, 12:45
se la buggy è fatta di cartapesta la vedo poco utile, a meno che in torretta non gli puoi montare roba seria (anticarro) per fare tipo hit-and-run

25/04/2013, 13:32
se la buggy è fatta di cartapesta la vedo poco utile, a meno che in torretta non gli puoi montare roba seria (anticarro) per fare tipo hit-and-run

gli puoi montare tutto!!!!!!!!!!!!!! saron/enforcer/vulcan/fury/WALKER/RANGER/CANISTER/PPA/HALBERD/BULLDOG e via dicendo looooool!!
ha pure la flak armor e tanka a schifooooo, gli puoi pure mettere il max dietro :O :O :O
e ha pure gli stessi slot difensivi di un lightning, può avere il turbo, il radar da 50 metri, e può avere il coso per passare attraverso gli scudi, L M A O !!!

e i max sono follia, pura follia, sarà impossibile guidare tank LOL

10/05/2013, 04:40
ho fatto un pò di un evento sul test server... omfg lo ZOE... il max vanu se va live così caga in testa a qualsiasi cosa in game :O
si muove talmente veloce che è impossibile hittarlo, sembra michael jackson sotto droghe afnetaminiche/speed che fa moonwalking instagibbando tutto, è impossibile kitarlo ne tantomeno fightarlo 1v1, magari gli farete male ma vi SBRAGHERA IL CAZZO! XD

detto questo ho beccato buzzcutpsycho sul test server col suo outfit di pagliacci, ringrazio dio che non siamo sul suo server, mi sta proprio sul cazzo
si è messo pure a spararmi con tutto l'outfit asd

le torri AV alla base SE di Zurvan, bardatissime

10/05/2013, 12:11

SCU changes and Cap Time Adjustments
SCU overload time changed to 60 seconds
SCU shields now come down at the 2 minute 30 second mark
SCUs now shut down all terminals, turrets, spawns, spawn doors and the spawn room pain field when it explodes

han messo il tutorial sul test server

Cloud Wallace
10/05/2013, 13:31
quindi si tornerà alla situazione dove per cappare una base devi avere una squadra fissa sulla flag (tutti afk, just in case) e un plotone davanti allo spawn room a camperare le porte fino a 2:30min, poi SCU down e dopo 1 min assrape degli stronzi rimasti.
Spero mettano più tunnel da spawn alla stanza scu come nelle amp station, se no è useless

10/05/2013, 14:43
quindi si tornerà alla situazione dove per cappare una base devi avere una squadra fissa sulla flag (tutti afk, just in case) e un plotone davanti allo spawn room a camperare le porte fino a 2:30min, poi SCU down e dopo 1 min assrape degli stronzi rimasti.
Spero mettano più tunnel da spawn alla stanza scu come nelle amp station, se no è useless

wut? c'è comunque da vedere cosa di questi cambiamenti vada live insieme al lattice o se non prima, se non avessi visto lo screen della mappa rifatta del lattice potrei dire che arrivava già sta week ma a quanto pare voglion far le cose coi controcazzi quindi fine maggio imho
cmq posto patch notes cosi vedi che han bilanciato anche i timer di cattura :)
so much win

Capture Time Adjustments

Small Outposts = 2 minutes
Large Outposts = 3 minutes
Facilities = 5 minutes

Here's another quick update on the big ticket stuff we've recently pushed to Test Server:

Interactive Tutorial:

When creating a new character, players will now have the option to participate in a brief tutorial covering the most basic mechanics of PlanetSide 2.
This can be skipped via a checkbox on the character customization screen
Existing characters can also run the tutorial at any time by going to the Support page and selecting the Go to Tutorial option.


Accessing main menu
Gravity Pads
Control Points
IFF Shields
Equipment Terminals
Recognizing Friend from Foe
Basic Combat
Warpgate Terminals
Instant Action

You guys have already seen various permutations of these as they've been developed, but just to make it official...

MAX ability updates:

New VS MAX Ability: Zealot Overdrive
Increases movement speed while active
Speed buff does not increase with cert level
Decreases armor effectiveness while active
Increases weapon damage while active
Damage increases with cert level
New NC MAX Ability: Aegis Shield
Shield absorbs all incoming frontal damage while active
Max is still vulnerable from the side and rear.
Shield has large health pool and fast regen rate
Health pool increases with cert level
New TR MAX Ability: Lockdown
Increases fire rate, projectile speed, and reload speed when deployed
All these stats increase with cert level
Locks down the max into position and limits their turning radius until undeploying

These still need tuning and balancing, so keep the feedback coming

SCU changes and Cap Time Adjustments
SCU overload time changed to 60 seconds
SCU shields now come down at the 2 minute 30 second mark
SCUs now shut down all terminals, turrets, spawns, spawn doors and the spawn room pain field when it explodes

Capture Time Adjustments

Small Outposts = 2 minutes
Large Outposts = 3 minutes
Facilities = 5 minutes

Battle Flow Improvements

We are messing with Esamir's map pretty hard, so steer clear or expect some significant broken-ness for the near future. Test will be catching the continent at various states of undress, so be advised.

Thank you all for the continued support on Public Test server - we appreciate everyone that takes the time to help us improve the game!

cazzeggiando ho pure scoperto che c'è già una camo per hossin, (ha un pattern e dei colori nuovi, they want our $$$$$$$$) e un nuovo elmo molto sci-fi a quanto pare per tutte le classi

14/05/2013, 14:31
Vanguard lumifiber sul test server (che non comprerò asd) e una nuova decorazione
la cosa interessante è quest'elmo che molto probabilmente con il toggle si potrà aprire chiudere (Swagghissimo)
la camo nuova

Cloud Wallace
14/05/2013, 16:50
elmo di iron Man ftw

15/05/2013, 13:57
@gisgo queste son le stats dell'enforcer sul test server, e invece l'enforcer canister (lo shotty) ha il caricatore portato da 3 a 5, e può essere certificato per 500 cp il 6o round nel magazine, quindi sarà abbastanza lolloso, se il fury viene nerfato potrei anche prenderlo come variante AI, farà lollare, però costa 1000 certs, mentre l'enforcer 250

30/05/2013, 17:38
Sul test server stanno aggiornando il look di un pò di armi, fin'ora han fatto Carnage BR, Anchor, Razor gd23ù
e poi c'è questa bellezza.... che sarebbe la nuova canna Heat, stessa arma, nuovo look


poi molto work in progress stan rifacendo i pattern e le texture di Indar, wohooo, fa molto marziano


18/06/2013, 12:10
nuovo jackhammer :Q_ :Q_ :Q_

9 up to 12 rounds con l'extended
modalità burst 3 colpi assolutamente GLORIOSA

il nuovo ir non spotta più, il termico ora rende come l'ir Live ora, e I RIBELLI SONO ORA RIBELLIIII!!!!


Cloud Wallace
18/06/2013, 13:46
a cosa serve l'IR se non spotta? Grazie SOE, al posto di rendere il termico migliore rende l'IR peggiore, GG




18/06/2013, 16:07
a cosa serve l'IR se non spotta? Grazie SOE, al posto di rendere il termico migliore rende l'IR peggiore, GG




no ma il termico è migliore, sul test esattamente come l'ir attuale live, cioè fino 185/190 metri spotti la gente, e fino a 350 di semplice visione, mentre il Night Visiong che giustamente non è Infrared illumina gli ambienti bui, è più realistico
Tradotto, ME GUSTA, sei un pezzente? prendi il NV e di notte ci vedi ma non hai l'edge, c'hai le cert? pigli il termico che finalmente ha il suo ruolo.


OMFG QUEL VIDEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO, ok.... devo andare a lavorare :| quando buttano fuori che si possono mettere più oggetti appearence sui veicoli è la fine

Cloud Wallace
18/06/2013, 19:41
allora ridatemi indietro le cert che ho speso sull'IR su tutti i veicoli, grazie... Oppure mettete un cazzo di robo che costa SC che fa respeccare le cert!!!

13/07/2013, 11:35
Patch Notes! 13/07/2013

Test Patch Notes

General Updates
…are totally in a half-implemented state on test. You can see some stuff in the UI, but it isn’t all there, so it’s broken and not ready for testing yet. Sorry. We’ll hopefully get that sorted early next week.

Environment Updates
Esamir Lattice
The lattice system already in use on Indar is now active on Esamir.

Facility Capture Time Tuning

All Amps and Tech on Indar/Amerish cap in 7 minutes instead of 10
Biolabs on both continents will cap in 7 minutes if you own the majority of the cap points (2/3 or 3/4). If you own all CPs, it will cap much faster

Infantry Updates
Weapon Tuning
M20 Basilisk

Damage fall off now begins at 75 meters instead of 50 meters
Minimum damage increased from 175 to 200
Minimum damage range increased from 100 to 200

M20 Drake

Damage fall off now begins at 150 meters instead of 100 meters
Minimum damage increased from 175 to 200

Certification Tuning
All classes other than HA and MAX should now have the following costs on the Ammunition Belt cert lines across all factions:

Rank 1: 1 CP
Rank 2: 10 CP
Rank 3: 100 CP
Rank 4: 1000 CP

Heavy Assault should have the following costs on the Ammunition Belt cert lines across all factions:

Rank 1: 50 CP
Rank 2: 500 CP

Advanced Shield Capacitor has been improved:

Rank 1: Damage recharge delay reduction changed from .5 to .8 seconds
Rank 2: Damage recharge delay reduction changed from 1 to 1.6 seconds
Rank 3: Damage recharge delay reduction changed from 1.5 to 2.4 seconds
Rank 4: Damage recharge delay reduction changed from 2 to 3.2 seconds
Rank 5: Damage recharge delay reduction changed from 2.5 to 4 seconds

UI Updates
Added More Unique Spot Icons
Added new spot icons for the following:

AV Turret (both facility and Engineer deployed)
AI Turret (both facility and Engineer deployed)
Facility AA Turret
All vehicles use their mini-map icon
Tank Mines

HUD Indicator Pass

Destroyed vehicles and turrets now remove their indicators
Empty ally vehicles will now show an indicator if you target them
Platoon members no longer show all names and extra info for up to 70 meters

Range-wise, they’re now treated like other allies
Squad mates still show as before with no range limit

Medics will now see the "needs heal" indicator when an ally is at less than or equal to 50% HP
Spotting while zoomed should no longer be harder to do than spotting from the hip
Dead squad members will now show the dead icon no matter how far away they are

Vehicle ESF Updates
Still some things in progress, but here’s what has made it to test so far:

Default cannons have been re-tuned. Some adjustments have been done to the empire specific characteristics and some are across the board.

New Descriptions:

“The Saron Laser Cannon is the standard air superiority nose cannon for the VS Scythe. Its specialized rounds can be reloaded quickly and travel faster than standard rounds.”
“The M20 Mustang is the standard air superiority nose cannon for the NC Reaver. Its high caliber rounds allow it to do more damage up close and at range.”
“The M18 Needler is the standard air superiority nose cannon for the TR Mosquito. Its small caliber rounds allow it to sustain fire for longer and at a higher fire rate.”

Fire rates have been slowed
Mosquito retains the fastest fire rate.

Saron Laser Cannon: Fire Rate reduced from 82 to 85
M20 Mustang: Fire Rate remains at 90
M18 Needler: Fire Rate reduced from 75 to 80

Magazine sizes increased
The sustained fire of these cannons should be longer than before. The Needler gains a larger clip and can sustain fire the longest.

Saron Laser Cannon:

Magazine size increased from 50 to 60
Magazine Size certifications reduced from 6/9/12/15 to 2/5/7/10
Ammo Capacity Increased from 600 to 720
Ammo Capacity certifications remains 60 per rank

M20 Mustang:

Magazine size increased from 50 to 55
Magazine Size certifications reduced from 6/9/12/15 to 2/5/7/10
Ammo Capacity Increased from 600 to 660
Ammo Capacity certifications reduced from 60 per rank to 55 per rank.

M18 Needler:

Magazine size increased from 50 to 75
Magazine Size certifications reduced from 6/9/12/15 to 2/5/7/10
Ammo Capacity Increased from 600 to 900
Ammo Capacity certifications increased from 60 per rank to 75 per rank.

Damage has been adjusted
This is to offset the fire rate reduction and to make the TTKs more even. Reaver retains the highest damage but also kills slightly faster.

Saron Laser Cannon: Max damage increased from 325 to 375
M20 Mustang: Max damage increased from 400 to 420
M18 Needler: Max damage increased from 300 to 375

Damage fall-off has been added.
Fall off for the Reaver starts at a farther range.

Saron Laser Cannon

Inflicts maximum damage up to 200 meters
Minimum damage inflicted beyond 325 meters
Minimum damage is 255

M20 Mustang

Inflicts maximum damage up to 225 meters
Minimum damage inflicted beyond 350 meters
Minimum damage is 290

M18 Needler

Inflicts maximum damage up to 200 meters
Minimum damage inflicted beyond 325 meters
Minimum damage is 245

Cone of Fire has been normalized to 0.3 degrees:

Saron Laser Cannon: CoF reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 degrees
M20 Mustang: CoF remains 0.3 degrees
M18 Needler: CoF remains 0.3 degrees

Time to reload reduced on the Scythe.

Saron Laser Cannon: Reload speed reduced from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds
M20 Mustang: Reload speed remains at 2.5 seconds
M18 Needler: Reload speed remains at 2.5 seconds

Projectile speed has increased for the Saron, but remains the same for Mustang and Needler:

Saron Laser Cannon: Projectile speed increased from 600 mps to 800 mps
M20 Mustang: Projectile speed remains at 750 mps
M18 Needler: Projectile speed remains at 750 mps

Rotary cannons have been re-tuned
Some adjustments have been done to the empire specific characteristics and some are across the board.

New Descriptions:

“The Hailstorm is a high damage, close range cannon that can unload rounds quickly. Its specialized rounds can be reloaded quickly and travel faster than standard rounds. VS use only.”
“The Vortek Rotary is a high damage, close range cannon that can unload rounds quickly. Its high caliber rounds allow it to do more damage up close and at range. NC use only.”
“The M18 Rotary is a high damage, close range cannon that can unload rounds quickly. Its small caliber rounds allow it to sustain fire for longer and at a higher fire rate. TR use only.”

Fire rates have been slowed across the board.
Damage increased so TTK remains near the same.

Hailstorm Turbo Laser: Fire Rate reduced from 50 to 70
Vortek Rotary: Fire Rate reduced from 60 to 80
M18 Rotary: Fire Rate reduced from 40 to 60
Hailstorm Turbo Laser: Damage increased from 308 to 360
Vortek Rotary: Damage increased from 388 to 500
M18 Rotary: Damage increased from 237 to 315

Magazine sizes were adjusted
To make the ‘Time Until Dry’ near the same duration. Mosquito retains the fastest fire rate and gains an advantage of a slightly larger magazine.

Hailstorm Turbo Laser:

Magazine size reduced from 40 to 35
Amount per certification rank adjusted from 2/5/7/10 to 3/5/8/10

Vortek Rotary:

Magazine size reduced from 35 to 25
Amount per certification rank adjusted from 2/5/7/10 to 2/4/6/8

M18 Rotary:

Magazine size remains at 50 rounds
Amount per certification rank adjusted from 2/5/7/10 to 3/3/3/3

Damage fall-off has been added.
Fall off for the Reaver starts at a farther range.

Hailstorm Turbo Laser

Inflicts maximum damage up to 125 meters
Minimum damage inflicted beyond 250 meters
Minimum damage is 300

Vortek Rotary

Inflicts maximum damage up to 150 meters
Minimum damage inflicted beyond 275 meters
Minimum damage is 425

M18 Rotary

Inflicts maximum damage up to 125 meters
Minimum damage inflicted beyond 250 meters
Minimum damage is 270

Reload speeds adjusted to be empire specific.
The Hailstorm has the quickest reload.

Hailstorm Turbo Laser: Time required to reload increased from 1.5 seconds to 1.75 seconds
Vortek Rotary: Time required to reload increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds
M18 Rotary: Time required to reload increased from 1.5 seconds to 2.25 seconds

Projectile speed has been increased for the Hailstorm, to give it an empire distinction, but remains the same for Vortek and M18:

Hailstorm Turbo Laser: Projectile speed increased from 550 mps to 700 mps
Vortek Rotary: Projectile speed remains at 650 mps
M18 Rotary: Projectile speed remains at 650 mps

Ammo Capacity
Hailstorm Turbo Laser:

Ammo Capacity changed from 400 to 350
Amount granted by certifications reduced from 40 to 35 per rank

Vortek Rotary:

Ammo Capacity changed from 350 to 250
Amount granted by certifications reduced from 35 to 25 per rank

M18 Rotary:

Ammo Capacity remains the same at 500 rounds
Amount granted by certifications remains the same at 50 per rank

Improved Respawn Logic
Updated facility respawn options to be the following:

All friendly facilities within one lattice-link to the region the player died/redeployed.

This includes the current region if it is friendly.
If there are multiple friendly linked facilities then the player can respawn at any of them.

Nearest Small outpost by lattice-links, if not already satisfied by #1.
Nearest Large outpost by lattice-links, if not already satisfied by #1
Nearest Named Facility (Tech plant, Bio lab, Amp Station) by lattice-links, if not already satisfied by #1

The above is in addition to any reinforcements needed, Sunderers, and squad spawn options that may be available.

These changes should allow players to always fall back to any linked friendly facility. It also allows players who have multiple access points to a region to respawn at any of those access points. Example: A faction that is attacking Regent Rock Garrison and owns both Xenotech Labs and Scarred Mesa Skydock will be allowed to respawn at either facility if they die at Regent Rock.

VS Audio Overhaul
VS Infantry Weapon fire audio was redone based on community and internal feedback. This includes audio for the Assault Rifle, Carbine, LMG, Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Rocket Launcher and Lasher, as well as suppressed variants for each weapon type.

Bug Fixes

1st person MCG anims no longer pop while in ADS and moving around
1st person firing animations should now function correctly if you pause firing while moving
Fixed a problem that caused C4 explosion audio not to play for the first explosion of a new game session
Players in the rumble seat of the Harasser or Flash will no longer display running animations to remote clients
Knifing while crouching will no longer make the player model stand up in 3rd person
Characters should no longer twitch when switching fire modes with the Jackhammer
Fixed an incorrect reload animation for the T5 AMC
Corrected incorrect footstep audio playing for all surfaces
Sparkler ornaments no longer lack color on low and medium graphics settings
Red dot scopes no longer reset their position on the rail when resupplying

Other Stuff

Did an FX pass on the new tutorial areas added with GU12
The low graphic settings cloak effect is now less grey and more transparent
Enemy explosives can now be spotted
Adjusted the pitch angle on several of the Harasser weapons so that the player could aim lower to the ground.
Moving diagonally with Jumpjets/Drifter Jumpjets will no longer exceed the intended movement speed


commenti personali

gg epicness, bug fix, more spotting, giocare medico sarà ancora più piacevole, implants!! basilisk OPNESS e.... Esamir Updateeeeeeeee

16/07/2013, 15:50
sto orgasmando su esamir


16/07/2013, 17:44
ho fatto un album su imgur con le screenz


Cloud Wallace
16/07/2013, 19:57
125 danni una SMG "hard hitting"? Mi sono perso qualcosa? Allora la cyclone è forse una bomba termonucleare?

17/07/2013, 00:37
la grey scales camo è davvero figa.

peccato che il friendly fire diventerà selvaggio, sembra un tr :asd:

17/07/2013, 01:22
125 danni una SMG "hard hitting"? Mi sono perso qualcosa? Allora la cyclone è forse una bomba termonucleare?

ha il danno minimo a 15 metri, che sale a 21 con le soft point, direi gran figata, scala meno delle altre smg sulla distanza, rendendola una smg migliore a mid-range rispetto alle altre, ottimo direi!
non è op e filla un certo ruolo, gg

21/08/2013, 17:11
Omfg questa changelog è Assoulutamente gamechanger, ancora un altro game update che rivolterà tutto :O

Test is going to be in an odd state of flux for the next week or so. As a result, you may see a number of incomplete/partially implemented features that aren't yet ready for testing - so these notes are only going to point you guys to look at a subset of what’s actually there. We’ll do our best to clean up the loose ends as soon as we can.

All that said, there are still some significant areas of the game that are ready for feedback and testing:

Physics and Projectile System Improvements
This has some far reaching ramifications, but the key things this hopefully does for you guys include:

Fix for guided rockets not traveling the correct path on other clients
Fix for projectiles not rendering when shot out of render distance (looking at you AV MANA turret)
Fixed Striker missiles flying through terrain and buildings and still hitting targets
Victims of the Phoenix missile should no longer see the projectile adjust course quickly within 10m and then detonate
Air to Air rockets won’t look like they’re bouncing back and forth to remote clients

This was dangeroso code to touch, so we’re interested to see if there were any unintended consequences we haven’t caught yet. Let us know if you find anything unusual.

Infantry Tuning
It’s still pretty early for these, but we wanted to get feedback as soon as possible.

These haven’t seen any significant testing yet so we’re definitely anticipating we may need to make some changes, so don’t be shy.
We’re not releasing numbers/data for these yet, but as things start to solidify we’ll remedy that.
Please let us know how you think these changes hold up in action.

Flak Armor changes (Infantry only)

Flak Armor will now also be affective against the direct impact damage of explosive projectiles. Includes:

Rocket Pods
Rocket Launchers
Grenade Launchers

MAX AV weapon update

Damage vs. Infantry being reduced (vehicle damage is unaffected)

NC Raven
NC Falcon
TR Fracture
TR Pounder
VS Comet

Damage vs. infantry being increased

VS Vortex

Other changes

NC Falcon projectile acceleration and max speed being slightly increased to extend its effective range and bring it more in line with other MAX weapons.

Drifter Changes
We’ve been messing around with ways to try and help make Drifter Jump Jets more interesting/useful. Here’s what we did:

Drifters now provide a greater initial height boost (~3 meters)
Initial fuel cost has been increased
Fuel consumption slightly reduced to compensate for initial fuel cost increase.
Repeatedly tapping the Jump jet key will now slightly increase height at the cost of fuel
Descriptions updated

We’re not sure if this is precisely where we want these though, so we’re really interested in your feedback to see if these changes are worthy of pushing to Live or if we need to do some more refining first.

Certification Clean Up
In an effort to clean up the certification trees, we’ve cleared out all the weapons you don’t own so they don’t display in the certs area until you actually purchase them. And unlike what we mistakenly pushed live a little while ago (hotfix pending), we now should account for the need to upgrade your engineer turrets.

But Wait! There’s More!

Added a display for Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) to air vehicles
Added another “Other” cosmetic slot for the Sunderer
Made ammo pack indicators smaller
Changed the rifle pose in 3rd person
Made alterations to the SCU Room Shield and the Vehicle Gate Shield model
Hooked up new phalanx turret icons on the squad display
Added dome shields to Amerish

Bug Fixes

Added a fix to prevent AOE damage hitting players inside IFF shields from certain angles
Fix for scope sway persisting into optics that aren’t intended to have any
Addressed large amounts of interpenetration in the spawn room at Andvari Frozen Reservoir that could cause players to get stuck in spawn tubes
Fixed a bug that caused Thermal or Nightvision to persist when switching from the gunner seat to the driver seat in the Harasser
Fixed missing gate shield generators at Freyr Amp Station
Repeatedly firing single shot weapons before the firing animation ends will no longer cause the weapon’s animation to pop
Fixed the M12 Kobalt’s thermal optics so they don’t reset/fade in during each reload
Fixed animation timing on the MSW-R’s cocking lever
Sunderer exhaust stacks should now display properly for players in first person that are seated in the passenger seat
Fixed a bug that allowed you to attempt to redeploy with the hotkey from the character select screen
Fixed missing reload audio for the Lasher X2
Fixed some alignment issues on the 3rd person Mosquito HUD
Fixed a broken animation for turning while the ammo pack equipped
Pilots can no longer utilize free-look to lock on to targets


Cloud Wallace
21/08/2013, 20:06
they see me rollin.....

PS: logga il pg schiavo! voglio le certz

22/08/2013, 02:18
they see me rollin.....

PS: logga il pg schiavo! voglio le certz

mi so rotto er ca