View Full Version : Super ninja hotfix 13/02/2013

13/02/2013, 16:26

grandiiiiiiiiii, rimossa quella stupida immunità del cazzo ahahah, l'han tenuta 10 giorni manco :D

Players may note the following changes:

· Alpha Squad boosts were regranted with full six months and extra bonus to resources and experience. All Alpha Squad players must re-equip the new boost.
· Depot – New Mana Anti-Vehicle Turret available for purchase.
· Light Assault – Fixed a bug where jump jet cert progression would not properly
· Invulnerability for revived players has been removed
· Effect added to help indicate temporary invulnerability on respawn
· Membership status window should correctly display loyalty level
· Missiles locked on to the vehicle in flight will again provide audio/visual indicators
· Fixing descriptions of the Mosquito M14 Banshee magazine certs