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28/09/2012, 13:38


DayZ developer Dean “Rocket” Hall has been going over his plans for DayZ at the Eurogamer Expo (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-27-dayz-standalone-release-this-year-says-dean-hall). “It has to be out before the end of the year,” he said. “Not just because we’ve committed to it but in order to achieve what we have to do. It has to be. There’s no ‘we hope it is’; it has to be.“And it’s going to be cheap. We’ve decided that we don’t need to sell a heap of units in order for us to be OK with where it’s going. The more units we sell of it the more ambitious we get, because the project has the better resources.”
Hall mentioned that Valve, Eve Online developers, CCP, and Notch have expressed interest in helping out with early code, but the project has experienced a setback. The two Bohemia Interactive developers arrested for espionage in Greece (http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/09/17/arma-3-dev-spying-accusations-completely-false-and-without-substance/) were responsible for building the updated version of Chernarus that’ll provide the setting for the standalone version of DayZ. “I just want to see them home,” he said. “Whatever I do to see them back is important.”
The fear of copycat games is one of the factors driving Hall’s determination to get DayZ out quickly. An audience member asked Hall about his thoughts on WarZ, which features many obvious similarities to his mod. “Should I sue anyone who ever mentions something to do with zombie horror – will that make a better game? And the whole premise of of DayZ, and the whole premise of our development is we’re going to make an awesome game. That’s what we’re selling. We’re going to price it low and lots of people are going to play it. If we compromise on that, we’re screwed.

sarà un natale zombesco :D

28/09/2012, 14:43
must have!

29/09/2012, 12:32

30/09/2012, 09:54
Basta che sia stabile e nn esca in pre-alpha :v

30/09/2012, 11:35
in beta sapevo io, stile minecraft

30/09/2012, 21:38
che spruzzzzz ,must have :asd:

04/10/2012, 14:54
uscirà in alpha :asd:

cmq fin'ora
past, present & future

forse arriverà su steam e costerà 15-20€ all'uscita

In March this year, Dean Hall, a soldier in the New Zealand army, started testing a new mod for ARMA 2, a mildly successful 2009 first person military sim, with his friends.
Called DayZ (http://www.dayzmod.com/), it was a novel mod that let players try to survive and scavenge for resources while dodging zombies.

He didn’t expect anyone else to join in, but he posted the download link in the server’s name anyway: anyone logging on to play ARMA 2 could download it and give it a go, if they liked. Then something curious happened. People did.

"At first there was one guy who stayed on it for about six hours and he didn’t say a word," says Matthew Lightfoot, who was operations manager for the DayZ mod, a close friend of Dean who now works for ARMA 2 developer Bohemia Interactive on the standalone version of the game.

"The next day it was two people, and then it was eight." In a few days, the team could no longer get on their own server for all the people playing the game. So more servers were added.

"We never thought it would go over 600 people so when it reached 1,000, it was like, ‘this is really strange.’"

People started buying ARMA 2 in the hundreds of thousands, just to install the mod. Within five months, DayZ had reached a million players. In August, Bohemia Interactive hired Hall and the team to turn DayZ into a full game.

"Just to give it a bit of perspective it took [darling of the indie gaming scene] Minecraft a year and a half to reach a million players," says Lightfoot.

That’s an astonishing feat when you consider the slow-paced nature of the game: the average player lasts well over an hour before being killed, and you can cover miles of in-game turf without seeing another living (or dead) soul. How did it happen?
Fight or flight

They say the best zombie films are the ones about the few humans left alive, and how they adapt to survive. The same is certainly true of DayZ, which dumps players in the middle of Chernarus, a fictional, desolate 225 sq km of of post-apocalyptic Soviet Russia.

It’s up to you to find resources to survive: you need to drink, you need to eat, it’s best to avoid breaking your limbs if you can, and you definitely need to avoid being eaten by zombies.

But it’s the other human players you really have to watch out for: with no particular goals except staying alive, it’s a constant struggle to work out who you can team up with, and who will leave you as food for the lurchers.

And that’s the beauty of the game. DayZ shows you who you really are: what would you do if you needed to survive?
A game changer


Would you share the last tin of tuna with a friend, or use it to off them and eat it all yourself? Lightfoot laughs at the question, in a good-natured, definitely-not-dastardly way. He says Hall plays the game as an eternal optimist, but in DayZ, he himself is "horrendously cruel".

"As for survival, I have no problem killing players if they’re a threat to me," he says. "I like to think I’m a nice person in real life."

His Macbethian descent isn’t unusual. Players have dispatched other players at least 8.87 million times so far: it’s The Walking Dead on an unbelievable scale. Some have set up "Hunger Games" style face-offs; others have forced players into in-game slavery; it’s even attracted the interest of psychologists: two students have been in touch with the team to examine how people play the game as the subject of their dissertations.

Lightfoot’s most horrifying memory is of the self-styled "Black Widow", a female player who would ask for help through voice chat in the game. "Men could hear she was female in distress, they’d be very chivalrous [and come to help]. Then she’d kill them and film it."

It’s this open gameplay that’s struck a chord with so many people. It’s the flip side to Minecraft’s build-what-you-like sandbox: it’s a shoot-what-you-like sandbox.

"I do think we’ve hit a different area of player versus player combat," says Lightfoot. "Players have got the choice as to whether people want to kill each other or not. It’s all about risk and reward...it’s all about player driven stories."

That 68 minute average survival time would be unthinkable in a new Halo or Call of Duty game, but people love DayZ. At the time of writing, the mod had 1,267,211 players, who had killed 2.14 billion zombies between them. Lightfoot says the true statistics are likely twice that given the sheer number of players on unofficial servers.

It’s already spawned imitators: another team is hard at work on a similar game called War Z, due for release next year. Hall is resigned, rather than flattered or impressed.

"Maybe they will make a better game, I don't know. Maybe what they're doing is not cool to me, but the way I look at it is what are my options? What could I do?" he told a crowd of journalists and fans at the Eurogamer Expo in London yesterday.
Stumbling into the future http://www.redbull.co.uk/cs/RedBull/RBImages/000/000/70/17/photo610x343/day-z-3.jpg

DayZ may have grown far quicker than Minecraft ever did, but now that Bohemia is turning it into a standalone game that won’t require an ARMA 2 purchase, it’s adopting much the same business model.

The game will be released as an alpha build (lots of bugs, new features all the time) before the end of the year for a less than final price: around €15-20 (£12-16), and probably through the Steam game download service, says Lightfoot.

Hall’s team of eight, several drawn from Hall’s gaming clan USEC, is now working on the game at Bohemia’s Prague offices; Lightfoot estimates 60 or so of the studio’s 200 employees have helped with the game so far.

Hall has been open about the new features he wants to include in the game, including diseases that can spread through the zombie and human populace (Hall’s brother is a virologist), underground mines you can carve out for safety, and a general attempt to stop hackers from ruining the game for others by cheating.

But there are other big shifts coming, says Lightfoot. The player cap may change: the current limitation of around 150-200 players isn’t a technical one (and nowhere near the 2,200 simultaneous players Just Cause 2 (http://www.redbull.co.uk/cs/Satellite/en_UK/Article/Just-Cause-2-Multiplayer--Behind-the-scenes-with-021243257915642) can support) - any more at the moment and areas of the map just get congested with hungry survivors.

Lightfoot says the map layout will definitely change: "A lot of people seem to have the same ideas. Lots of people go to the shops," he says. "Nobody is hiding up in the mountains."

"We’re reworking the maps to try and draw players across the map, and make the map have more of a historic backstory, so it actually feels like a more engaging world space." Where players previously shunned towns in the game with no water taps, they’ll now have reason to venture inland, away from the coast and into the deadly mountain ranges of Chernarus.

That’s a big shift, but as for Lightfoot, he’s still getting used to the sudden change his real life has taken. At the start of the year he was a student at Manchester Metropolitan university: now he’s working on a million-player game and adjusting to living in the Czech Republic.

"We’ve had to make ourselves much more professional. We’re actually now having to deliver something where previously there were no deadlines," he says. "It was if-and-when we wanted to do it." If they can gain a million players in five months, they can always lose them too: here’s hoping they don’t.

07/10/2012, 19:06

sicuramente ci giochicchieremo :v

10/10/2012, 10:59
But there are other big shifts coming, says Lightfoot. The player cap may change: the current limitation of around 150-200 players isn’t a technical one (and nowhere near the 2,200 simultaneous players Just Cause 2 (http://www.redbull.co.uk/cs/Satellite/en_UK/Article/Just-Cause-2-Multiplayer--Behind-the-scenes-with-021243257915642) can support) - any more at the moment and areas of the map just get congested with hungry survivors.
ma giocare tutti a just cause 2?

10/10/2012, 14:53

è in closed beta il mod, e l'ultima volta che hanno fatto beta event gli hanno ingoiato la banda con ddos ed è andato tutto a puttene dopo mezz'ora
Imba fail pray jeshus

17/10/2012, 13:23
few Screen shots of the DayZ standalone interiors have been put up here >
http://dayzdev.tumbl...hots-taken-from (http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/33639244299/interior-work-in-progress-screenshots-taken-from)

These are the screens:









17/10/2012, 13:25
Interior work in progress screenshots taken from inside DayZ standalone.Please note these are work-in-progress shots, with only basic texture work and initial lighting passes. I picked a random town in the game and took screenshots of a few of the houses. The screenshots are taken on “Normal” graphic settings (medium texture resolution) and are unaltered and uncropped.
Our artists have been very busy, methodically going through all buildings in Chernarus and adding interiors. The task can be pretty difficult, when the buildings where made interiors were not considered so it an be a challenge for the artists to make the interiors both look correct and work properly.
The village I used to take the screenshot in now has all its buildings enterable, including the sheds. Most focus has so far been on the buildings that are situated outside of the center, but focus now is turning to doing interiors for the city buildings. This is complicated by our desire to dramatically increase performance, and given the scene complexity inside cities we need to balance this with the desire to increase building scavenging opportunities inside the cities.
This was really just a very quick drop of a few screenshots, I’ll try to put forward some more screenshots of our artists work in the next few weeks.

quanto cazzo sarà epico....... si potrà entrare in ogni casa .Q_

18/10/2012, 00:19
torok u busta!

18/10/2012, 11:31
debbo fare un thread DayZ vs WarZ così poi lolliamo duro sopra con quello che trovo in internet :asd:
intanto ho letto questo di warz


Choose one of the hundreds of servers to play on.
Each Zombie Game world has an area of up to 400 square kilometers

400 km quadrati? lol è tipo il doppio di chernarus, magari senza oceano anche ghgh

trololol sandbox ftw always & forever

I want PAY FOR WIN! I have lots of money to spend!

Sorry pal, but this is the wrong game. Like in a real-world, post apocalyptic scenario, your money will mean much less than your natural survival skills, training and wits.

lol sulla carta è grosso sto coso

What is limit of players per server?

When renting a server you'll be able to choose between a predefined number of player slots. The lowest amount of players per server is 70 and the maximum is 250.

wtf server più distanti?

What's about lag?

We feel really confident about the issue of lag since War Inc. Battle Zone uses the same engine and is able to host a very fast-paced, precise action shooting game, with up to 64 players per map and only three datacenter locations - East Coast USA, Netherlands and Russia. That and the fact that players from Australia have been dominating the leaderboards. We've also improved the network code to produce even better results.

garino vs DayZ

When game will be released ?

We're planning to officially launch the game this Fall.
When you start closed Beta ?

We're planning on starting closed beta in Fall 2012.

si può già comprare... mhmhm

dopo la beta vi dico come va

stessa pane quotidiano cmq :asd:

http://forums.thewarz.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by MartyMcFly http://forums.thewarz.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://forums.thewarz.com/showthread.php?p=575240#post575240)
Update 2: Got lured for 20mins to another guys friend and killed when I was being friendly, killed for a hammer they had snipers.

OMG I laughed so hard when I read this... that totally sounds like something we would do.

Today we were running up to noobs on the street that had a hammer or something and dropping an empty gun down and backing off a few steps so it looked like we wanted them to have it and after they would switch to it and see it was empty we would rush them with our bats lol. My friend was laughing so hard on vent I thought he was going to pass out.

lol da fare

18/10/2012, 11:50
http://static4.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/CAN+I+GET+A+STRAIGHT+BUSTA+FOR+THIS+TREMENDOUS+DAY +_842b0b2fec7625875ff200923864d777.png

18/10/2012, 13:59
Torok s'e' convertito?

18/10/2012, 20:37
a cosa? fin'ora ho sentito che fa cagare warz cmq :asd: ultrabuggato

21/10/2012, 19:13
ancora screen


21/10/2012, 23:37
un paio di osservazioni mie:
in warZ ci saranno delle quest che ti daranno items e "abilità" a quanto pare...bella cagata.
potrai acquistare items con soldi veri,e non va bene..come sempre.
non ho capito se in warZ posso sparare nelle gambe a torok fingendomi suo amico

imho DayZ > WarZ

21/10/2012, 23:48

22/10/2012, 11:23
un paio di osservazioni mie:
in warZ ci saranno delle quest che ti daranno items e "abilità" a quanto pare...bella cagata.
potrai acquistare items con soldi veri,e non va bene..come sempre.

source or fake
non ho letto nè di quest nè di shop che ti dia vantaggi sugli altri player, anzi ho letto tutto il contrario

22/10/2012, 12:36
Oggi ho beccato un cecchino in ghillie, nn so se aveva sloggato o se era morto "in piedi" cmq l'ho svuotato. NV goggles per meeeeeee! :v

22/10/2012, 12:48
Oggi ho beccato un cecchino in ghillie, nn so se aveva sloggato o se era morto "in piedi" cmq l'ho svuotato. NV goggles per meeeeeee! :v

ne avevamo una a testa una volta :|

22/10/2012, 16:24
no, perchè i tentativi di torok per duparli fallivano miseramente.

23/10/2012, 13:01
in realtà funzionavano ma poi morivamo :asd: il problema è balsa che si veste e poi sparisce :|
a spese nostre ofc

ho una scimmia pd........ ora lo rimetto in download
poi trovo il modo di giocare su hive privati e mi provo questa

23/10/2012, 13:46


As many of you may know, two of Bohemia Interactive’s (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemia_Interactive) developers, Ivan Buchta (http://www.helpivanmartin.org/homepage/ivan-buchta/), and Martin Pezlar (http://www.helpivanmartin.org/homepage/martin-pezlar/), are currently detained in a prison in Greece, charged with allegations of spying. The arrest took place on September 9th near their hotel, and was first reported by Greek site Lesvos news
http://helpivanmartin.botnyx.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/FP_ivan_martin.jpg (http://helpivanmartin.botnyx.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/FP_ivan_martin.jpg)Facing up to 20 years in prison, for taking pictures of an island, just like countless other tourists before them, the Czech developers are being charged with espionage. Only because they happen to work on a computer game, a game that portrays Greece as a battlefield for a fictional futuristic conflict between the USA and Iran in the year 2035.
Ivan and Martin are no spies, but passionate community members, dedicated to the game and its experience for the player. Many of us have witnessed Ivan talking in interviews (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBmF4q-l1ZA) passionately about the progress of ARMA3 and all the new features, also developed by Martin.
It’s time to show our support, not only as a community, but as players and concerned citizens, for two developers, who now face a lifetime in prison for an unfortunate misunderstanding.
Ivan and Martin need your support right now, so please share this link with as many people as you can and leave a message for them as a sign of solidarity, hope and friendship.
Thank you for your time, your help is much appreciated

24/10/2012, 12:06
in realtà funzionavano ma poi morivamo :asd: il problema è balsa che si veste e poi sparisce :|
a spese nostre ofc

ho una scimmia pd........ ora lo rimetto in download
poi trovo il modo di giocare su hive privati e mi provo questa

Ieri notte ho loggato per vedere se trovavo un motoure per il mio ATV (rigorosamente rubato ad un altro negro in game) esco da uno degli stanzini della warehouse di Polana e vado verso le scale. Oh c'erano altre 2 persone online alle 24.30 e non me ne trovo uno davanti alla faccia? Il tempo di settare l'mp5 da semi a full auto e l'ho freddato flash verde dell'arma "uuh" "crack" (ossa rotte) xxx has died. Sto bastardo aveva addosso questo versione camo silenziata con lancia patate:
non l'ho lootato subito perchè mi sentivo uno stronzo (e nn avevo spazio). Stamattina ho riloggato e il cadavere era ancora li; tutto mio.

24/10/2012, 15:27
Ieri notte ho loggato per vedere se trovavo un motoure per il mio ATV (rigorosamente rubato ad un altro negro in game) esco da uno degli stanzini della warehouse di Polana e vado verso le scale. Oh c'erano altre 2 persone online alle 24.30 e non me ne trovo uno davanti alla faccia? Il tempo di settare l'mp5 da semi a full auto e l'ho freddato flash verde dell'arma "uuh" "crack" (ossa rotte) xxx has died. Sto bastardo aveva addosso questo versione camo silenziata con lancia patate:
non l'ho lootato subito perchè mi sentivo uno stronzo (e nn avevo spazio). Stamattina ho riloggato e il cadavere era ancora li; tutto mio.

fotutti hacker! bell'm4a3 :D

yuki ti do una quest, sii il prometheus fremen :asd:


24/10/2012, 20:19
omg orgasmo... stasera la scarico insieme a dayz commander


24/10/2012, 21:48
in realtà funzionavano ma poi morivamo :asd: il problema è balsa che si veste e poi sparisce :|
a spese nostre ofc

ho una scimmia pd........ ora lo rimetto in download
poi trovo il modo di giocare su hive privati e mi provo questa

io mi procuravo tutto da solo pezzenti magrebini

25/10/2012, 01:02
io mi procuravo tutto da solo pezzenti magrebini

pff, cmq dayz commander è la svolta REGA

http://www.dayzcommander.com/#download (http://www.dayzcommander.com/#download)

1) vi scarica e installa la mod
2) fa tutto da solo
3) patcha automaticamente mod e arma 2
4) friend list e server list pulita
5) filtri


25/10/2012, 15:56
Oggi finalmente ho riparato l'atv, ci ho fatto un giro e si è cappottato nel nulla. E' la prova che dio esiste: a meno di 500 mt ho trovato la UAZ:
posto solo per farvi rosicare


25/10/2012, 17:00
quanto sei gearato? :D EPICO L'UAZ, cmq io mi son fatto un giro su namalsk 6,7 ore oggi... porca troia che esperienza, una valanga di pvp, edifici e complessi molto più intelligenti, gente simpatica e banditi alterni, c'è un ospedale con supermercato annesso che non vi dico che disastro... vi dico solo che è finita con un cqc tra me e uno con un'accetta e siamo caduti insieme :asd:


25/10/2012, 17:58
ma se cambio mappa mi resetta l'equipaggiamento o tengo quello che ho addosso?

26/10/2012, 00:38
ma se cambio mappa mi resetta l'equipaggiamento o tengo quello che ho addosso?

io so solo che ciò che droppi nei private hive li hai solo sul private hive... ergo fai anche un nuovo pg in quelli, non penso ti prenda il tuo da server ufficiali

26/10/2012, 11:16
mmh come sospettavo database separati, beh meglio così.

26/10/2012, 12:01
yuki sei un nigga

26/10/2012, 13:41
I pg li salva in locale o in remoto sui server? Perche' nel primo caso basterebbe un copia e rinomina ^_^'

26/10/2012, 14:39
dio BOIA SON MORTO, fallujah è meh, tantissimi mezzi = figata, però la mappa è piatta

26/10/2012, 15:00
Oggi sono andato sull'isola dei famosi per vedere se c'era l'huey. Ho trovato questo (fottuti hackers):

26/10/2012, 15:29
l'isola dei famosi dove torok mi fà nuotare per ore,mi ammalo,gli zombie mi inseguono anche nell'acqua e lui sta a fapparsi vicino al faro..bella!:asd:

26/10/2012, 18:32
l'isola dei famosi dove torok mi fà nuotare per ore,mi ammalo,gli zombie mi inseguono anche nell'acqua e lui sta a fapparsi vicino al faro..bella!:asd:

oggi guarda con cosa giravo :(

si ha un RPK montato dietro :O

26/10/2012, 19:30
reinstallo e torniamo ad ammazzare animali,bambini,vecchi,scope volanti,sacchetti di plastica mossi dal vento...

26/10/2012, 21:25

aggiungimi sulla friend list di dayz commander yuki, sono "torok" in teoria

27/10/2012, 17:08
Mamma mamma! Torok mi fa giocare sui server di negri e chittoni!

27/10/2012, 17:46

rofl... proprio quando pensavo che in questo hive non ce ne fossero :asd:

27/10/2012, 18:03
dammi il cibooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo :asd:
ma anche da bere gh

28/10/2012, 03:51

HOLYSHIT (p.s.) neediamo sottosezione per Dayz :D

30/10/2012, 12:21



30/10/2012, 18:55
il mio più grande nemico è il freddo e un proiettile di M107 in testa :asd:

30/10/2012, 19:14
non c'è amore

05/11/2012, 12:04
quanta cazzo di verità!

rocket 4 president of gaming


ahahah oddio mi fa morire il paragrafo sulle wastelands ethics :asd: walltext per i survivor e anarchia per i bandit :asd:


07/11/2012, 13:23
Holy shit this is Motherfucking hARDCORE


DayZ Bounty wants to pay you real, actual money for killing zombies and fellow players

Most of us have built up a reflex that makes us distrust anything that combines the phrases “make money” and “playing games.” Profit and play can’t coexist, and any program that says it can is a scam. A damn scam.DayZ Bounty (http://dayzbounty.com/) is such a program, but its founders promise that it isn’t a scam. After launching a website earlier this week, I talked to the creators to get a sense of their intentions and learn more about how they plan to implement such an unusual idea.
Despite all appearances, DayZ Bounty’s creators say profit isn’t their purpose. “We’re not trying to make money. It’s hard to explain that,” says Jake Stewart, creative development lead on the project. Instead, Stewart and his colleagues James Ortiz and Andrew Defee see DayZ Bounty as a kind of club or community where members have a monetary stake in the game.
http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/dayz-bounty-founders-610x260.jpg (http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/dayz-bounty-founders.jpg)DayZ Bounty’s founders. From left: Jake Stewart, James Ortiz, and Andrew Defee.

“I consider it like playing skins in golf,” says Stewart. “Almost like a VFW [Veterans of Foreign Wars] or a Rotary club, where everyone has a say. Everyone has input. Everybody understands where everybody’s at and where all the money is going. We can vote on things. The community can take a vote on it and we go from there. That’s kind of what we’re getting at—having a huge involvement with everybody. If you pay your five dollars, you’re part of what we’re doing.”
The idea for the project emerged from a DayZ group that Ortiz and Stewart played in. “We started a kind of hero clan, ‘Super Hero Medic Squad (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SuperHeroMedicSquad).’ All we did was try and help people.” says Stewart. “One night, we got drunk and started messing around, and I was like, ‘Screw it. I’m bored. I’m tired of helping people. I’m going rogue.’ We all started killing each other.”
Then, they started placing bets.
“I’ll give you five dollars if you can take me out,” he continues. “And all of a sudden, I thought: this is a fun way to play. This’d be great if we had a whole community of people that were doing the same type of thing. James [Ortiz] and I had talked about maybe getting it together. I started messing around with the map editing and things like that, and he started working on the server end of things. I’d done map editing and other things in Oblivion and a lot of the older Elder Scrolls games.”
“We figured that if people had a value on their life… there’d be something to fear besides the zombies,” Ortiz says. DayZ Bounty was born.
http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/dayz-bounty-website-610x79.jpg (http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/dayz-bounty-website.jpg)
The next step was deciding on a financing plan. Funding for payout, Ortiz and Stewart decided, would come from members themselves. DayZ Bounty players will buy into “packages” of $5, $10, $15 or $20 to get a number of playable lives on DayZ Bounty servers, along with basic gear. Killing zombies, survivors, bandits, and the bandit with the most kills—called “the outlaw”—will earn you money. Each of these targets will have a different value. “We haven’t gone through alpha yet, and that’s when we’re going to start doing all the mock money before we set prices,” says Ortiz. “We’re basically trying to keep all the money in-game, where there’s no overflow of cash, but we’re not spending money to do it as well,” says Stewart, who resides in Virginia.
http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/2012-10-30_000601-610x343.jpg (http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/2012-10-30_000601.jpg)DayZ Bounty’s creators are in the process of creating a modified version of Chernarus.

In order to verify kills, users will have to run an additional mod atop DayZ. “We have a program that registers all kinds of kills. Headshots, all that stuff,” says Ortiz, who lives in Tennessee. “It’s the same way all that is registered within the game already, but we have a program that records it all. The player ID, their name, who they killed, what they killed, when they killed it.” Players will receive payment through PayPal.
For the program’s test period, DayZ Bounty will begin testing these kill values with mock money:

Zombies: $0.10 per 10 killed
Survivors: $0.05
Bandits: $0.25
The Outlaw: $5.00, with value on their head increasing $0.25 per hour of in-game time

With money on the line, though, exploitation is a natural concern. DayZ’s fun continues to be undermined by hacking, so much so that the standalone version of the game is adopting a new client-server architecture (http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/34430567933/whatever-you-say-it-is-it-isnt) to alleviate it. With money on the line, Stewart acknowledges that “there are going to be those people who exploit it,” but hopes that additional security measures—ones unspecified by DayZ Bounty during my interview to avoid tipping off hackers—will make exploitation more difficult. They’ve also added a spectating tool, and intend to “have somebody on 24/7 to be spectating the game, almost like a referee in a sense.” Before release, however, they’re inviting hackers to break it. “Right now, with alpha and beta, we want people to come in there and exploit the system. We want people to go in there and exploit the hell out of the system so we can tweak the rules enough to where it’s even. That’s what the next two months is all about,” says Ortiz.
More fundamentally, though, it’s unclear to me if Arma 2’s terms of service or other laws prohibit the act charging players for such a program, or even if DayZ Bounty constitutes gambling. Ortiz says they’re still waiting to receive Bohemia’s blessing. “We’ve thrown it out to them. We have not heard anything back. There are [existing DayZ] servers that do charge memberships and stuff like that to play there. In the long run, that’s kind of the same thing we’re doing. We’re just giving it more of a game-like feel. And you get a chance to get your membership fee back, so there is no financial gain that we’re trying to make here.”
DayZ Bounty will also be played on a reworked version of Chernarus, intended to rebalance the game for more competitive play. Andrew Defee, who’s helming marketing and web development on the project, says that the map changes are intended “push people a bit more towards PvP, instead of ‘zombie farming.’”
“Balance is really important to us,” says Defee. “While we’ve upped the amount of loot, we’ve dropped the spawn chances of various high-level weapons. I’ve played with our alpha players a good bit so far, and have yet to even see anyone with a sniper rifle, for example. We want players to be able to get at least partially geared more quickly, so they can do a bit more within the game, but we certainly aren’t trying to turn DayZ into Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty.”
http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/2012-10-30_00011-610x343.jpg (http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/2012-10-30_00011.jpg)DayZ Bounty’s creators hope that adding military bases and other structures will de-centralize the best areas for loot in the game.

Ultimately, Ortiz, Stewart, and Defee all express an interest in keeping DayZ Bounty small enough to manage, and small enough where players feel invested in a shared competitive experience. “It comes down to community. We want them to speak up if things are going on in the game that they see. They can speak up and say, ‘Hey, I saw this guy teleporting around.’ ‘I saw this guy camping on a spawn point and killing people.’ We’re trying to be as open with them as they are with us. We want it to be one big happy family.”

07/11/2012, 17:37
non lavorerò mai più :asd:

08/11/2012, 11:47
quindi ci sarà un classico meccanismo per cui se uccidi dei sopravvissuti diventi bandito e/o fuorilegge (mi sfugge la differenza) e ti viene piazzata una taglia sulla testa?
se si, mi pare una buona cosa

e addirittura vogliono introdurre le taglie in denaro vero?
questa sincerament emi pare una cosa moooolto richiosa per loro: hanno idea di quanti furboni si accorderanno per truffarli? (c'era chi si accordava per perdere i bg per far fare algi altri le medagliette, figuriamoci per soldi veri...)

08/11/2012, 13:31
quindi ci sarà un classico meccanismo per cui se uccidi dei sopravvissuti diventi bandito e/o fuorilegge (mi sfugge la differenza) e ti viene piazzata una taglia sulla testa?
se si, mi pare una buona cosa

e addirittura vogliono introdurre le taglie in denaro vero?
questa sincerament emi pare una cosa moooolto richiosa per loro: hanno idea di quanti furboni si accorderanno per truffarli? (c'era chi si accordava per perdere i bg per far fare algi altri le medagliette, figuriamoci per soldi veri...)

già,con i soldi di mezzo ci saranno le peggio porcate,se ovviamente va in porto la cosa...
ma penso non lo faranno mai

08/11/2012, 14:19
quindi ci sarà un classico meccanismo per cui se uccidi dei sopravvissuti diventi bandito e/o fuorilegge (mi sfugge la differenza) e ti viene piazzata una taglia sulla testa?
se si, mi pare una buona cosa

e addirittura vogliono introdurre le taglie in denaro vero?
questa sincerament emi pare una cosa moooolto richiosa per loro: hanno idea di quanti furboni si accorderanno per truffarli? (c'era chi si accordava per perdere i bg per far fare algi altri le medagliette, figuriamoci per soldi veri...)
infatti da quel che ho capito è l'iniziativa di un gruppo di rednecks (zotici) per il loro server privato nn c'entra un cazzo con dayz

08/11/2012, 14:33
infatti da quel che ho capito è l'iniziativa di un gruppo di rednecks (zotici) per il loro server privato nn c'entra un cazzo con dayz

ma ci fanno fare un giro con le loro cugine e sorelle quindi??:asd:

08/11/2012, 18:28
quindi ci sarà un classico meccanismo per cui se uccidi dei sopravvissuti diventi bandito e/o fuorilegge (mi sfugge la differenza) e ti viene piazzata una taglia sulla testa?
se si, mi pare una buona cosa

e addirittura vogliono introdurre le taglie in denaro vero?
questa sincerament emi pare una cosa moooolto richiosa per loro: hanno idea di quanti furboni si accorderanno per truffarli? (c'era chi si accordava per perdere i bg per far fare algi altri le medagliette, figuriamoci per soldi veri...)

attento a non fare confusione, come ha scritto yuki quello che ho postato io (DayZ bounty) non centra con il gioco ufficiale, è una mod della mod DAWG :asd:
invece il meccanismo eroe --> survivor --> bandito esiste già attualmente in dayz, c'è sempre stato, anzi rocket vorrebbe arrivare a un 2 fazioni + banditi.

10/11/2012, 02:09
torok tu fai confusione tra uomini e donne... :asd:

10/11/2012, 03:19

10/11/2012, 10:55

10/11/2012, 12:05
una delle mie scenette preferite :asd:

10/11/2012, 12:18

10/11/2012, 12:38

ce l'ho in casa quel libro pure! :D

OOOHH giochiam a dayz?

18/11/2012, 03:22
manca pocooo! 1 mese alla release si vocifera!

18/11/2012, 17:39
3 nuovi screen di interni

Some new screenshots from the article:



18/11/2012, 20:23
manca pocooo! 1 mese alla release si vocifera!

ma poco tempo fa nn si vociferava fine novembre?

18/11/2012, 21:49
ma poco tempo fa nn si vociferava fine novembre?

da quel che so io è sempre stato "fine anno" ergo dicembre

19/11/2012, 01:18
le texture sono indegne

meglio così, meno carico sull'hw

ma si potrà entrare in tuttitutti gli edifici?

19/11/2012, 11:50
anche l'hdr è indegno :asd:

19/11/2012, 13:10
le texture sono indegne

meglio così, meno carico sull'hw

ma si potrà entrare in tuttitutti gli edifici?

non saprei proprio, diciamo che dayz mod puoi entrare nel 15% degli edifici :asd:
dagli screen che ho visto un buon 75% è stato raggiunto... cmq penso che l'idea sia tutti tutti

leggevo poi che gli screen non sono definitivi ma gli aggiungeranno dettagli del tipo vissuto, sporco, sanguinoso, etc etc, io voglio vedere degli zombie fighi dal canto mio... ho letto che avevano assunto dei concept artist con delle bozze stupende, vedremo, perchè i civili di arma 2 con la camicia a quadri e il basco mi fan spisciare xD

22/11/2012, 11:35
rolling patch


Build Notes: (https://raw.github.com/R4Z0R49/DayZMod/master/Documentation/Changelog.md)

* [NEW] class Mi17_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned. (Mi17_DZ)
* [NEW] An2_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned.(AN2_DZ)
* [NEW] AH6X Now Unbanned. (AH6X_DZ)
* [NEW] BAF_Offroad_D Now Unbanned.
* [NEW] BAF_Offroad_W Now Added.
* [NEW] Fully Removed Save button from action menu.
* [NEW] New combat mode icon (G17) thanks Alexander.
* [NEW] Gender section screen thanks F0rt.
* [NEW] You can no longer place tents in ponds.
* [NEW] Disabled greeting menu .
* [NEW] Disabled radio messages to be heard and shown in the left lower corner of the screen.
* [NEW] General speed up of the login process.
* [NEW] Street Lights now active in towns. (will be removed in hotfix)
* [NEW] (*.2 Hotfix)Added some Anti-cheat.
* [NEW] (*.3 Hotfix)Added local copy of cert if it cant get one online, version checks.
* [UPDATED] Combat Logging "Fired Near" checks are now limited to 8 metre radius.
* [UPDATED] Combat Logging "Projectile Near" Have now been removed while we look for a less intensive way to track projectiles.
* [UPDATED] Combat Logging is now removed on death.
* [UPDATED] Corrected legs and hands fractures they must be set with actual value.
* [UPDATED] (*.1 Hotfix)Updated hive .dlls to fix a reconnect issue with prepared statements.
* [UPDATED] (*.1 Hotfix)Increased m107 loot chance to 0.02.
* [UPDATED] (*.1 Hotfix)Lowered As50 loot chance to 0.01
* [Fixed] Adding checks for female skin humanity/login.
* [Fixed] Adding female skin to variables.
* [Fixed] Fixed Parachute so jumping out of choppers won?t kill you.
* [Fixed] Event Handle for wrecked choppers this should allow the smoke on wrecks to work all the time.
* [Fixed] Event Handle for Vehicles this fix's problems with local vehilce damage calls..
* [Fixed] Remove objects from DB by objectID and objectUID only. (Should fix Deployable problems)
* [Fixed] Debug menu options are no longer editable.
* [Fixed] Locked Singleplayer Menu
* [Fixed] (*.1 Hotfix) Players with high CharacterID weren't dying properly.
* [Fixed] (*.2 Hotfix) Fixed 2nd Parachute removal issue.
* [REMOVED] Damaged logging to .rpt removed all traces of dmg to a player.
* [REMOVED] An2_1_TK_CIV_EP1 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.
* [REMOVED] An2_2_TK_CIV_EP1 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.
* [REMOVED] MV22 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.
* [REMOVED] S1203_ambulance_EP1 Got replaced during testing to a hmmv class vehicle.
* [REMOVED] BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS From Loot table.
* [REMOVED] UH60_wreck_EP1.
* [REMOVED] HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 Removed due to its heal abilty.
* [REMOVED] Dogs Removed while we rewrite the hud and correct a few other issues. (attak, Getin/out of vehicles)
* [REMOVED] UH60M_MEV_EP1 Removed due to its heal abilty.

23/11/2012, 09:44
script error #45 u were kicked from ze server!

29/11/2012, 17:40
Dev Report: November 2012 (http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/36771692833/dev-report-november-2012)


08/12/2012, 16:22
pagina 97 disagio xD


09/12/2012, 09:04
leggo bene?
slittato a gennaio 2013?

09/12/2012, 11:59
leggo bene?
slittato a gennaio 2013?

ne parlan da mesi di un possibile slittamento :D cmq nessuno sa nulla su quel forum infatti fa ridere perchè ognuno lancia un prezzo e una data e poi si mangiano su quella, sembra il mercato del pesce

09/12/2012, 12:18
sarà facile pure a marzo...

11/12/2012, 20:26

12/12/2012, 00:49
niente è yuki che trolla :asd:

12/12/2012, 12:16
Macche trolla e trolla. Bisogna tener presente una cosa: lo stanno rifacendo da zero e l'unica cosa che hanno postato sono dei modelli di interni. Oggettivamente, quando degli sviluppatori cercano di fare un gioco nuovo usando un motore grafico esistente pensato per un altro tipo di gioco c'e il rischio che in fase di sviluppo saltino fuori delle magagne tremende. Quando Rocket ha annunciato la beta dello stand alone per fine anno stava trollando http://www.epicgifs.net/images/show/9SHKVGW0

12/12/2012, 14:37
Macche trolla e trolla. Bisogna tener presente una cosa: lo stanno rifacendo da zero e l'unica cosa che hanno postato sono dei modelli di interni. Oggettivamente, quando degli sviluppatori cercano di fare un gioco nuovo usando un motore grafico esistente pensato per un altro tipo di gioco c'e il rischio che in fase di sviluppo saltino fuori delle magagne tremende. Quando Rocket ha annunciato la beta dello stand alone per fine anno stava trollando http://www.epicgifs.net/images/show/9SHKVGW0

nope! il motore grafico già ce l'hanno, visto che è una via di mezzo tra arma 2 e arma 3, 2.5 come detto da rocket, e visto che di arma 3 il motore grafico già l'è bello che finito visti i video presentati all'E3 ancora estate passata, anzi si può dire che il lavoro sia pure più semplice visto che l'hanno alleggerito mmo-style spostando tutto ciò che fai sul server che elabora i dati anzichè client-sided

bella la pic :D

16/12/2012, 04:37
sta collassando :asd: speriam si riprenda sto natale

It's taken a bit longer to get the news out than I expected, simply because I spent 30 hours in a plane, arrived home for the first time in a year, and realized how dog-tired and sick I was from having worked like crazy for a year. I slept for about 20 hours in a row.I'm drafting together the roadmap, and the news will be good and naturally not perfect. We're happy with how things are going, and the more time that goes on the more we can confirm. For me, the most important thing is not to confirm anything in the devblog that we don't have a high confidence in. Sometimes that means I have to leave stuff out, or wait to say stuff, because we just don't know how it will turn out. We're very, very early in the development process - at a time when experimentation of core elements is still very much in vogue.
While me heading back to NZ for a couple of weeks is going to make things a bit slower, already the psychological benefits are feeling massive for me.
The December target I set was a good and bad thing. It was good because it forced our development to push heavily towards a target. Without that target, I have no doubt we would be significantly further behind than we are, and we probably would have made some different decisions which would have not been as positive for the project. It was bad because of the expectations it set. That target relates to what was achievable in terms of releasing a "mod on steroids", whereas halfway through we abandoned that and went for a "new game based on the mod" - which is far more ambitious and really what everyone wants. But that meant achieving the december release is much harder, still because I'd made that promise it made the programmers work much harder.
It does become a bit overwhelming when literally everywhere I go, both on the internet and in real-life, everyone bombards me with wanting to know what is happening.

source (http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/14vzj1/sa_rocket_end_of_the_week_is_nigh_what_happened/c7h7wag)

18/12/2012, 01:32
tutte scuse,deve lavorare e non lamentarsi!:asd:

20/12/2012, 14:08


I know I have been very quiet lately. So this will be really all I'll say for the moment.I've been pretty depressed about the whole situation. From a personal standpoint, this whole "saga" of the development made me seriously question if I wanted to be involved in the industry and I gave serious thought to cutting my losses and not being involved in the project.
At my Army Discharge medical this week, they noted I now have high blood pressure. Some things in life just aren't worth worrying about.
I've been getting hammered by a massive amount with requests for information about DayZ release, interviews and my reactions to this and stuff and such - but for my own sanity I retreated and have kept to myself. Right now I'm just at home doing bits and pieces on the DayZ development. The rest of the DayZ team is doing the same.
I realize that I went back on my word about releasing an update, but went back into my shell for a bit last week, and I'll come out when the dust is all settled.

I could say "it has been delayed" but what has been delayed? there are many forms and ways to release something. The fact is, there are many things we COULD do, and we're checking to see that what we can do is the best for where we want to be in a few months time.
So saying it will be delayed would be incorrect, as it may not be delayed. But exactly how, what, and in what way of release - all these things need to be considered against how they factor into future releases. It is not only me, or even the dev team, who make those decisions so there are many stakeholders. I could announce all these things but it is unfair until all those stakeholders involved have a chance to input as they are affected (or some, such as Steam, required to do some work as part of it).

20/12/2012, 15:46
sta sclerando..

20/12/2012, 23:18

22/12/2012, 15:50

necessito di spararti nelle gambe :asd:

05/01/2013, 11:24


Bean King
http://dayzmod.com/forum/uploads/profile/photo-thumb-199.jpg?_r=1342211600 (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/199-rocket/)
DayZ Staff
1598 posts

Posted Yesterday, 08:44 AM

Why so quiet, Rocket?

Kju (ArmA legend and DayZ team member) made a good point that I should really say something, linking me to the points made in http://dayzmod.com/f...-under-the-tree (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/114594-no-gifts-santa-doesnt-love-us-or-dayz-community-is-the-best-it-needs-a-gift-under-the-tree) - So here I'm going to just sort of give a literal off the cuff not-announcement.

I'd taken a deliberate step away from the spotlight, particularly given the scandals that have gone on with things with the WarZ. I won't dwell on this issue, only to say that while gamers can tell the difference between the two products - many people can't and it became quite unpleasant for me when I became approached both in real-life and through the internet associating me with the War Z.

Meanwhile, development continued at an even greater pace with the entire project beginning to gel even more than before. I won't give any specifics here, I think the specifics should come with something that you can actually see/play and that will make much more sense. I'm currently in an airport lounge in Sydney, on the long journey back to the Czech Republic.

The year 2012

I can't really even begin to summarize what that year has been for Bohemia, the project, or for me - so I won't try. What I will do is thank everyone for being involved, for making something really amazing out of the idea I started with. There are thousands of people who have and are now directly involved in developing the mod, and it's really amazing for us all to see the wonderful user created content etc coming out. So thank you, to everyone. Because of everyone's support we're now "living the dream" and turning this basic idea into its own game. In fact, we've gone even further than I could ever have hoped... we're not only making the game, we're redoing the engine specifically for the game

Where is the game? Where is the Tumblr post?

Obviously they aren't there yet and I promised that. I also promised more contact, and then I disappeared off the face of the Earth. Now isn't really the time to get into all that, so all I am going to do is say that on all those account I failed and I'll deal to those in good time.

I'm really sorry that on those three counts I've failed, hopefully in time the reasons will all make some sense and the end product will justify all the madness of this year. Now is not the time for me to rush out a tumblr update, nor rush out a build. Both of those will, for the moment, need to wait - and both mean I didn't do what I said I would.

So... 2013?

Let me just say this:

Every progressive day during December, I have gotten more and more excited about the Standalone and it's potential. Each day the whole team is seeing the strength of the development and we're very pleased with how it has been progressing.

Thank you everyone for your support, and particularly, for your patience. Also a big thank you and shout out to the forum mods for their hard work.

07/01/2013, 19:55


08/01/2013, 00:19
nooo beh...nooo
che spruzz!

p.s: voglia la tovaglia a quadretti per mimetizzarmi

08/01/2013, 00:21
e quindi e.t.a.?

Cloud Wallace
08/01/2013, 23:11
when it's ready

scegli tu

08/01/2013, 23:49
quindi anyday now parte la closed beta con streamers, 500-1000 tester, fatta quella, che serve a vedere quanto sia stabile la struttura attuale decideranno una data release. e la release avverrà per 50K key vendute alla volta.

50K key vendute alla volta

09/01/2013, 01:01

09/01/2013, 06:26
http://harryart.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/d1_town_010002.jpg (http://www.notbeaten.com/Valiant/pics/motivational/Zombie_Jailbait.jpg)

09/01/2013, 17:47
http://harryart.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/d1_town_010002.jpg (http://www.notbeaten.com/Valiant/pics/motivational/Zombie_Jailbait.jpg)

Riesci sempre a stupirmi quando trovo i link in giro hahha

13/01/2013, 01:05


sborr sborr sborr

13/01/2013, 22:07


sborr sborr sborr

non so leggere :(
fammi un disegno :asd:

14/01/2013, 11:30
si giusto
fai dei disegnini esplicativi per gli ignoranti come me e Balsa
noi sappiamo leggere solo le interiora di polipo a scopo divinatorio ;)

14/01/2013, 12:16
si giusto
fai dei disegnini esplicativi per gli ignoranti come me e Balsa
noi sappiamo leggere solo le interiora di polipo a scopo divinatorio ;)

( io so leggere ma voglio far sclerare torok a fare i sunti ahhaha)

15/01/2013, 16:08
( io so leggere ma voglio far sclerare torok a fare i sunti ahhaha)

non dirglielo!
altrimenti non ci fa più i disegni con i pastelli

16/01/2013, 11:18

16/01/2013, 11:24

denoto poco stile e cuore in questo dipinto,oltre ad una palese invidia del pene.
probabilmente hai avuto un blocco nella fase anale della tua giovinezza.


16/01/2013, 12:07

però sono fiducioso: quello in basso a destra sembra un "1"
Vuol dire che è solo la priam pagina. Adesso arrivi al dunque sviscerando il contetto vero?
Di cosa ti sei rotto il cazzo?
In quanti pezzi?
E soprattutto, il tuo di cazzo?

16/01/2013, 13:24
però sono fiducioso: quello in basso a destra sembra un "1"
Vuol dire che è solo la priam pagina. Adesso arrivi al dunque sviscerando il contetto vero?
Di cosa ti sei rotto il cazzo?
In quanti pezzi?
E soprattutto, il tuo di cazzo?

a me sembra un pene stilizzato :asd:

16/01/2013, 14:18
E siamo sicuri che la fase anale della giovinezza sia gia' stata superata?

Cmq ad un'analisi grafologica dello scritto in questione, a giudicare dall'altezza delle linee, dall'inclinatura delle stesse e dal tratto vibrato, appare evidente che non ho studiato grafologia.

16/01/2013, 17:49
Ve l'avevo detto che rocket trollava duro
Ma il peggio è che il mod è ingiocabile l'ultima volta che sono entrato per terra c'erano solo zaini :v

16/01/2013, 19:57
Io ooodio xxxxx (<-- riempire a piacere)

17/01/2013, 02:53
basta cazzi!

moar Q&A

Some more questions answered on Reddit by Rocket, will add more as they come.

Q: How long is the closed technical test going to last?
A: As long as it takes to smooth out the architectural issues.

Q: Can we expect any new guns/gear upon foundation release?
A: Yes, lots.

Q: Have you made any improvements in terms of sound?
A: Sound isn't something we've played with a lot yet. It's something we can easily improve - we want the freedom now to innovate, which means not getting locked down because we created certain content. The pace of our innovation is insane at the moment and is entirely changing the landscape of the future content changes.

Q: Will the standalone bring an FPS improvement?
A: Yes, but I follow the usual pessimistic thought that whatever FPS increases we see will likely be taken up with new things added to DayZ. A staggering amount of code that was unused by DayZ has been removed, and is ongoing. This includes UI code and object related code, everything. This provides some benefits. There has been a huge amount of art asset optimization, again helping. Overall, I would say DayZ standalone will offer a smoother experience but not necessarily an FPS increase. I.e if you run it on High now, you won't be running it on Very High but you should get a much smoother experience.

Q: Any plans for Minecon-style DayZ events in the future?
A: Probably, no plans as yet. I would say by June we have a good picture on the success of DayZ as a whole and sometime around then we'll have a good think about the future.

Q: What are your plans for end game content?
A: Firstly, once we have DayZ stabilized into something reasonable - we will look at some advanced vehicle stuff. I.e. sort of vehicle construction, adding different parts to vehicles etc...
Then towards the end of the year, probably, looking at base construction as an entirely new game mode.

Q: What about vehicle customization?
A: Not initially, vehicles will remain very, very basic. But later we will add great depth to the parts mechanic something like a "vehicle construction" system. This will be our first foray into "endgame" type content, after we have stabilized the build.

Q: Has Marek Spanel (CEO at Bohemia Interactive Studio for those who don't know) played the mod/sa and given any feedback on it?
A: Marek has been extremely involved since very early in DayZ (since shortly after it's release really). He continues to be a key contributing member of the team both at a management/steering level and also with design.

Q: What about the price?
A: Cheap for a start, rising in price during development. I'm just going to come right out and say it, so that people start to stop with this whole "competition is good" thing. Competition can be good, under the right circumstances. Personally, the WarZ scandal and the price people have been paying has made me think, personally, that we've been undervaluing the project in terms of price. If one company releases a product, that doesn't perform well and is at a high price, and succeeds - what example does that set for other companies? People need to behave like rational consumers and not just instantly buy everything they see - otherwise all they will end up with is crap. The moment gamers start organizing and rewarding developers that meet what the consumers want - is the moment the publishers will be forced to value their developers more (and pay them more). Regardless, it's never going to be at a full retail price.

Q: How often will updates come out?
A: Daily/weekly. Pushed through steam as delta updates (<3 you steam!)

Q: Will there be some kind of report system in case of hackers?
A: TBC, likely something we will have to work on improving for the entire life of the product.

Q: To what extent will customization go, e.g clothing, character
A: Clothing, full range of selections: Head, eyes, torso, pants, feet, gloves, vest, backpack.

Q: What about player numbers, 60 seems low currently but obviously that will depend on the map design and new areas etc, what do you think is an ideal number?
A: This has been a key focus for redevelopment of Chernarus. I think about 150 is a good number, from our testing in terms of design.

Q: I've been quite impressed by Seattle map in TOH. Would it be possible to rework the map to make it playable in DayZ
A: It's very impressive map, but the issue is more it was designed for something specific (helicopters). DayZ needs interiors, they're really important. I think DayZ needs a new map, BI made, that features a western city... let's just say I have plans. http://dayzmod.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png

Q: Will there be other animals in the woods such as wolfs, bears, a horde of zombies? Will there be caves, etc?
A: One of the artists is working on a deer, and I believe a rat has been done. The main issue is animations, they have to be generated (often by hand, although once a horse was mocap'd here in the studio for another game!).

Q: Has a chainsaw been added yet?
A: Nope, not yet. We've only really started on item art asset development recently, as we just confirmed all our desired item architectural changes are possible.

Q: Are you aware of the issues with rendering vegetation, obscuring items, tents and players at close range while they remain visible at long range?
A: It is important, we're aware of it - but we haven't got it planned to be addressed yet. We're still on these major, sweeping, architectural changes.

Q: How do you deal with the stress of the game? When you get overloaded with Questions and the difficulties with the development etc. What's your method of keeping things together?
A: Bizzarely enough, aside from running or one of my hobbies like mountaineering or wakeboarding (which I can rarely do here) - the greatest stress relief comes from modding someone elses game.
I love KSP and love modding for it, and I am really in love with Space Station 13 at the moment, and loving making new maps and editing/modding it. There is something inherently beautiful about modding that I just love. I probably was having a slow-moving nervous breakdown towards the end of last year, really. But this year has been great, the progress has been outstanding and all the huge gambles we took architecturally last year have started paying off.

Q: How do you plan on making lone-wolfing more interesting as well as player interaction?
A: I really want to increase the amount of activity in the game, such as hunting and just general surviving/traveling. I hope this makes the lone-wolf play more interesting, which in turn will add more value to any human interaction.

Q: How does the whole humanity thing work?
A: My first thought was "not well". Then I realized I made it, and I just felt bad for myself http://dayzmod.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.png I think we can do better with the standalone with some good experimentation and innovation.

Q: Is the idea of making security systems for underground structures still in?
A: I'm playing a lot of Space Station 13 at the moment and it is giving me some tremendous inspiration for ideas for base construction. But expect this more towards the end of this year. We have much ground to cover first.

Q: Will the ragdoll system be initially available in the SA or will you implement it later?
A: No ragdoll currently, it is a significant amount of work and one we haven't done yet. We looked at it, even tried some, but it was just going to cause far too much delay.

Q: When ArmA 3 comes out, are you going to mod DayZ into it or let the community do it?
A: My real hope, is that the next "DayZ" comes out and get's it's big break in ArmA3. I made a space mod for ArmA2 that I never released, maybe I might make that for ArmA3! I guess someone will mod DayZ for ArmA3 and it will probably be great for it, that's the awesome thing about this community.

Q: Can we expect some unannounced surprises in the standalone release?
A: Absolutely. For the next 12 months at least, probably beyond that.

Q: Are you still looking for SA testers?
A: I am not handling the SA technology test tester list, Matt handles that. I'd probably implode with all the queries I'd get with it (my twitter/facebook/email is full now already).

Q: Will private hives on the SA allow for admin controlled starting gear?
A: Private Hives still haven't been thought out much. For a start, we're going to issue the architecture to some of the big hosters initially until we can secure it and lock it down more for general release. So initially, you'll either need to connect centrally to the main DayZ hive when running a server or you'll need to connect to one run by a commercial hoster. But we still haven't decided this fully yet.

Q: Are you still considering underground bases? It was mentioned early on but not so much since.
A: Once we have things really stable and solid, like a really good experience (I estimate loosely on my return from Everest in June), I think we will start with base construction. I've been playing A LOT of space station 13 and it has given me some great ideas.

Q: Will there still be a 'dot' system and will it potentially still allow ESP hacks (which are hard to detect)?
A: I want to remove the crosshair but I suspect we will have it configurable by servers. Same with 3rd person, but no firm decision is made yet we need to test everything out with you guys first. Hacking is something we will have to work on for the life of the product. I.e. forever. We just have to try this new architecture and continually innovate, adapt to the change of pace. That's just the reality of the world.

Q: Are we going to be able to hide from zombies in trees and bushes? *Here comes a swarm of zombies, I'll just sit in this bush until they give up.*
A: Yes. Although for a few months expect these new mechanics to spontaneously break and hilarity ensue

Q: Do you have anything in the works for more obtainable skins like the hero and bandit skins?
A: You can cloth yourself in custom items for each body part. So effectively, you create your own skin. We're still looking at options for humanity and we aren't tied down to a system yet.

Q: What's after DayZ? Can we expect a DayZ 2?
A: I've got two "ultimate game ideas" that I have wanted to make for many years, and I'm hoping this is my ticket to fund and develop them completely myself and make them the way I want, with no marketing department input. So I'd probably be more interested personally in pursuing these once DayZ is 1.0. But sequels are really just a numbers game. If the idea is still fresh, I hope the harsh approach of DayZ spawns a sequel, so long as that sequel tried something new and fresh (but with the same flavor) on, say, the PS4 and/or the Steambox. I mean, why not? But I'm not sure how involved I would be with that.

Q: Did you play The WarZ at all? Anything from that game that you liked/disliked?
A: Yes, both me and Matt did. It's rather hard to compare because it just wasn't the kind of game that I would want to play. I am not a good barometer for what is a good game or not (the games I played most last year were OpenTTD and KSP..., and this year it is SS13). My taste in games is very "out there". So to say it wasn't my kind of game is putting it in company with the new XCOM and many other well received games. Their out of game UI was very polished and overall gave a much better impression about the product from the word go compared to DayZ. The DayZ standalone, probably will not ever match that either mainly because I'd rather have that artist working on assets for the game rather than a menu or some out of game screen. But that level of polish was really good. Connecting was simple and straightforward, and quick. The melee was "better", although with some caveats. I mean, the bar is pretty low, the melee I mod'ed into ArmA2 is probably as basic as it gets. Continued... (http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/16mq1u/before_the_holidays_rocket_asked_for_harder_and/c7xzw12?context=3)

Q: Any possible date or time frame for the closed technical test?
A: We're down to the last few things to fix before the first test servers pop online and we run the first full servers. Slowly we'll hand out the first keys and get a few servers running. Then we will reassess. It could go really well and we open up quickly, or it could go badly. Don't expect the tech test to be fun, or very pretty. It's a tech test, any game design that makes it into that will be a bonus.

Q: Do you think SA will come before April?
A: Yes I think so, but anything could happen and usually does. We'll know more when the results of the tech test are out. Any dates before then would be pure speculation, and my last speculation didn't work out so good.

Q: Any plans to implement a sewage/drainage system in the major cities?
A: I really want too. We'd need to do some magic though (or instancing... but only I am really happy with instancing as a solution at the moment! the programmers want to do it properly).

http://www.reddit.co...for_harder_and/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/16mq1u/before_the_holidays_rocket_asked_for_harder_and/)

17/01/2013, 11:03
looking at base construction

spruzz :asd:

26/01/2013, 11:10
eccoci aprite questa pagina del dev blog per tutte le news succos


Comparison Screenshot between ArmA2 and DayZ using the same graphics settings

Player character wearing a hoodie, jeans, and baseball cap

The three current playable races (both male and female available)

Chernarus ain't what it used to be!

Sample of the volumetric clouds and lighting changes

Sample of the volumetric clouds and lighting changes

New wrecks better designed to enable loot finding

Female zombie

One of the many new areas on the map

Hiking boots, probably one of the most important clothing items

31/01/2013, 00:23
così sembra stalker

31/01/2013, 01:05
Non parlarmi di stalker valà ahah oggi dramma con balsa abbian ripreso in mano datz con mod namalsk... drammatico.. bloodsucker violatori anali e impulsi radio assassini, drammatico

31/01/2013, 01:42
Non parlarmi di stalker valà ahah oggi dramma con balsa abbian ripreso in mano datz con mod namalsk... drammatico.. bloodsucker violatori anali e impulsi radio assassini, drammatico

è bello cosi :asd:

31/01/2013, 13:22
voio picchiara anch'io i zombi!
(ma non ho voglia di comprarmi Arma2 e fare strani maneggi per installare il mod)

31/01/2013, 22:32
no infatti meglio lasciar perdere per ora, l'ho disinstallato giusto ieri

31/01/2013, 23:18
dayz origins è davvero bello,comunque per chi non ha arma 2 e espansione meglio non comprare..aspettate lo standalone

01/02/2013, 00:13
dayz origins è davvero bello,comunque per chi non ha arma 2 e espansione meglio non comprare..aspettate lo standalone

sei un frocio dovevi aspettarmi!!

cmq raga per chi aspetta lo standalone ricordatevi, non avrete un gioco completo, uscirà in BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

e seguirà un development stile minecraft, man mano che viene sviluppato sale il prezzo ed esce content, prevedono nuovo content/bugfixes settimAnale asd

voio picchiara anch'io i zombi!
(ma non ho voglia di comprarmi Arma2 e fare strani maneggi per installare il mod)

installare dayz è la cosa più semplice del mondo ora, c'è un programma chiamato dayz commander che fa TUTTO LUI, patcha, installa, scarica mappe, trova server, applica filtri, salva favoriti, non fa il caffè, ha pure la friend list!
e per quanto riguarda picchiar zombie...
è l'ultima cosa che vuoi fare su dayz :>
o ti fottono o glitchano i muri ahah, se spari ne aggri a VAGONATE

a meno che tu non stia ultrarosicando che il gioco (una scala o una porta) ti abbia appena rotto le gambe allora ok ti è permesso tentare lo sfogo sugli zombie, un pò come me ieri :asd:
mi ha ucciso una scala dopo ^^

01/02/2013, 01:36
Maledette scale ! Vi avro', e vi trasformero' in pure'!

01/02/2013, 02:36
oggi io e balsa abbiamo avuto un incontro ravvicinato del 3o tipo


ah dopo che è uscito dal museo è stato investito. true story
io invece ho schiantato un aereo ahhaha

01/02/2013, 11:00
non volevo piu vivere dopo la visita del museo a tema :asd:

01/02/2013, 13:47

01/02/2013, 19:36
screen dei bloodsuckers plox

02/02/2013, 01:57
screen dei bloodsuckers plox


02/02/2013, 09:13
che puccioso
sinceramente spero non aggiungano troppe varianti rispetto allo zombi tradizionale che ogni aggiunta secondo me rovina un po' l'atmosfera "alla walking Dead" per portarlo vero un fps horror qualunque

02/02/2013, 11:37
che puccioso
sinceramente spero non aggiungano troppe varianti rispetto allo zombi tradizionale che ogni aggiunta secondo me rovina un po' l'atmosfera "alla walking Dead" per portarlo vero un fps horror qualunque

ti stai sbagliandoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo
questa che abbiamo giocato io e balsa è una mod della mod!
"Dayz" e "Dayz Standalone"
saranno il più classic possibile, il fratello di rocket è pure un virologo e ha scritto un 20 pagine gdr sull'infezione :asd:

02/02/2013, 20:56
ti stai sbagliandoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo
questa che abbiamo giocato io e balsa è una mod della mod!
"Dayz" e "Dayz Standalone"
saranno il più classic possibile, il fratello di rocket è pure un virologo e ha scritto un 20 pagine gdr sull'infezione :asd:

oggi sono morto inseguendo un bus che avevo riparato...maledetti niggas!:asd:
altro che zombie virulenti

02/02/2013, 22:09
niggas! Luridi bastardi! :v

03/02/2013, 03:40
yuki ho messo uno screen sulla pagina di faccialibro...

03/02/2013, 11:16
oggi sono morto inseguendo un bus che avevo riparato...maledetti niggas!:asd:
altro che zombie virulenti

e io mi ero fatto 8 km per venirti incontro :|

03/02/2013, 12:32
e io mi ero fatto 8 km per venirti incontro :|

sei lento e obeso

04/02/2013, 15:02

DayZ mod patch!

USE THE LATEST BETA: 101480 (ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_101480.zip)

The ideal place to load bugs is at the community bug tracker:

Please make sure they are listed to the DayZ project. Feature requests can also be made through this system.

Patch Download
Dayz Files: http://cdn.armafiles...7.5.1-Patch.rar (http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/1.7.5/@Dayz-
Hive Files: http://cdn.armafiles...7.5.1-Patch.rar (http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/1.7.5/@Hive-

Full Download
Client Files: http://cdn.armafiles....7.5.1-Full.rar (http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/1.7.5/@Client-
Server Files: http://cdn.armafiles....7.5.1-Full.rar (http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/1.7.5/@Server-

* [Prerequisites] beta-patch ((Newest)).
* [Prerequisites] Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86 Redistributable (http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=8328 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8328))
* [Prerequisites] New Mission File Downloaded from (http://www.silentspy...sion-generator/ (http://www.silentspy.net/utility/dayz/mission-generator/))

Build Notes

Affected addons:
* dayz code
* dayz anims
* dayz server (server admins only)
* mission file (server admins only)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58P_EP1. (Military)
* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_EP1. (Military)
* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_RCO_EP1. (MilitaryS)
* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_CCO_EP1. (MilitaryS)
* [NEW] Weapon - G36C. (HeliCrash)
* [NEW] Weapon - G36C_camo. (HeliCrash)
* [NEW] Weapon - G36A_camo. (HeliCrash)
* [NEW] Weapon - G36K_camo. (HeliCrash)
* [NEW] Weapon - M40A3 (MilitaryS)
* [NEW] Vehicle - HMMWV_DZ.
* [NEW] Vehicle - MH6J_DZ.
* [NEW] - Ability to flip ATV's.
* [NEW] - Zeds spawn while in vehicles.
* [NEW] - Zeds now have the ability to damage vehicles. This is limited to glass only once glass is destroyed players within will be damaged.
* [NEW] - Zeds now have the ability to pull you from open vehicles.
* [NEW] - New Load screens added.
* [NEW] - Chopper weapons can now be reloaded.
* [NEW] - UH60Wreck added
* [NEW] - New zed & loot spawn systems rewrote Phase 1.
* [NEW] - Revamped GUI icons to now empty as you lose the relevent item (blood,food,water) Thanks Des
* [NEW] - Infection changes when eating food and drinking water. (tin and canned items don't count)
* [NEW] - Epeen monitor added to display player stats. (Zombies Killed, Headshots, Murders, Bandits Killed, Humanity) - Press Scroll Lock to use
* [NEW] - Toolbox is now needed to build Wire,tanktrap.
* [NEW] - Etool is now needed to build Sandbags.
* [NEW] - 5 New types of food ("FoodmuttonCooked","FoodchickenCooked","FoodBaconCooked","HIDDEN","FooedRabbitCooked").
* [NEW] - 4 New Raw food. ("FoodbaconRaw","FoodchickenRaw","FoodmuttonRaw","foodrabbitRaw")
* [NEW] - Bloodbags can now give an infection.
* [NEW] - Added moving combat roll (KK's Volt).
* [NEW] - Survived Dayz added to Epeen monitor.
* [NEW] - Cutting down trees now attracts zeds.
* [NEW] - After you have eatern a canned product you now get an empty tincan back.
* [NEW] - Added definition of arrays for meatraw / meatcooked
* [NEW] - You can now eat raw meat (low hp add + possible infection), and Cooked meat (high hp add w/o infection)
* [NEW] - RawMeat blood values (beef-100,rabbit-400,bacon-150,chicken-100,mutton-100).
* [NEW] - Cookedmeat blood values (beef-600,rabbit-1600,bacon-400,chicken-400,mutton-400).
* [NEW] - You can now boil water using a fire,TrashTinCan or ItemSodaEmpty and fullwaterbottle
* [NEW] - Water (possible infection), and Boiled Water (w/o infection)

* [UPDATED] - BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS replaced with BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo. (HeliCrash)
* [UPDATED] - Added a much faster login process. (Advantages: Login Speed up)
* [UPDATED] - Limted amount of ammo found with weapons.
* [UPDATED] - Gender selection images updated thanks Des.
* [UPDATED] - Updated infection chance during zed attacks from 1/1000 to 1/500.
* [UPDATED] - Changed Loot tables to increase the supply of Antibiotic drops.
* [UPDATED] - Combat Mode is now affected by everything you do and everything done to you
* [UPDATED] - Updated Mi17_DZ and UH1H_DZ to max ammo Max 100 rounds per gun.
* [UPDATED] - UH1 Crash sites no longer all spawn on server start but throughout the game.
* [UPDATED] - Damage processing for zombieattacks with prebuilded weighted arrays. (Advantages: speedup and saves a lot of cpu cycles)
* [UPDATED] - Much faster fn_instring.
* [UPDATED] - Cargo space redo.
* [UPDATED] - CZ_VestPouch_EP1 to be more useful 12 slots 0 weapon slots.
* [UPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 80 meter.
* [UPDATED] - Combat Logging is now active during Zombie chase.
* [UPDATED] - Backpacks updated.
* [UPDATED] - Animal Meat reset. 6(cow),4(goat),4(sheep),4(boar),2(Hen),1(Rabbit)
* [UPDATED] - Epeen monitor moved to scroll lock key and work started on moving to diary
* [UDDATED] - Massive cleanup remove all useless files.
* [UPDATED] - Redone all public EH's
* [UPDTAED] - Combat/zombie logout + anti-duping overhall
* [UPDATED] - String tables to include = English, German, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, French
* [UPDATED] - All base class's have been updated to match the dayz removal proc's (weapons)

* [FIXED] - Zeds hearing should now be fixed.
* [FIXED] - Temperature icon color now ranges from iceblue (cold) to red (hot)
* [FIXED] - German Tranlations updated.
* [FIXED] - mi17 gunner seat is now fixed (you no longer stand outside)
* [FIXED] - Bloodbag glitch fixed.
* [FIXED] - UH1Y_DZ animation issues.
* [FIXED] - Infection is now fixed loss of blood 3 per sec (will not drop below 3k blood)
* [FIXED] - Epeen monitor animation should now work correct without the fps drop.
* [FIXED] - DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch backpack class config.
* [FIXED] - Variable spelling mistakes hsould be corrected now.
* [FIXED] - Moved all new foods to stringtable.
* [FIXED] - Fixed infection chance when giving blood.(No longer applys to player giving blood) :-(
* [FIXED] - ALT F4 Sync issue now fixed
* [FIXED] - Pause menu can no longer be assigned to mouse keys to bypass respawn.

* [REMOVED] - BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS (Based on poll)
* [REMOVED] - Banned m136 as it never really worked and served no real purpose.
* [REMOVED] - In Combat bot removed while we work on speed improvements.
* [REMOVED] - Peripheral Vision. (Peripheral Dots)
* [REMOVED] - MPTable Removed.

Hotfix Changes

* [UPDATED] - STR_ITEMWATERBOTTLEBOILED_CODE_DESC - German (Eine Flasche mit abgekochten Wasser)
* [UPDATED] - STR_ITEMWATERBOTTLEBOILED_CODE_DESC - French (Une bouteille a été remplie d'eau bouillie qui peut être consommée.)
* [UPDATED] - HMMWV Cargo space. (transportMaxWeapons = 4;, transportMaxMagazines = 12;, transportmaxbackpacks = 4;)

* [FIXED] - HMMWV Should now be able to be repaired fully.
* [FIXED] - Gut object should be working without errors.
* [FIXED] - Repair option should now only work on vehicles.
* [FIXED] - AS50 was mistakenly banned now unbanned.

04/02/2013, 15:16


"DayZ has just popped up on Steams 'Community Hub' (No store page up yet though)

DayZ - http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100 (http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100)
DayZ Server - http://steamcommunity.com/app/223350 (http://steamcommunity.com/app/223350)
DayZ Mod - http://steamcommunity.com/app/224580 (http://steamcommunity.com/app/224580)

Join up to the DayZ group and jump in chat http://dayzmod.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png

Update: Seems they are now redirecting to the steam front page, you can still join the group though.
http://steamcommunit...m/games/221100/ (http://steamcommunity.com/games/221100/)
Edited by smasht_AU, Today, 05:45 AM."

05/02/2013, 11:27

primo video ufficiale dello STANDALONE!

06/02/2013, 18:10

16/02/2013, 01:14
in soldoni, sta venendo troppo bello, ci vorrà sempre di più :asd:

madonna madonna che cazzo di roba sti bastardi, sembra troppo bello


Full-Size Images:Spoiler http://i46.tinypic.com/ogfnma.jpg
Dean "Rocket" Hall and Ivan Buchta pause in the middle of a design meeting held during a trek in the Czech wilderness

Comparison shot of female heads

One of the new female character heads

Another of the new female character heads

A view of one of the entirely new areas being created in the world

A view of one of the entirely new areas being created in the world

A view of one of the entirely new areas being created in the world

A view of one of the entirely new areas being created in the world

A view of one of the entirely new areas being created in the world

A view of one of the entirely new areas being created in the world

16/02/2013, 02:32
vi prego qualcuno gli dica che hanno messo le porte da calcio al contrario :D

16/02/2013, 13:04
vi prego qualcuno gli dica che hanno messo le porte da calcio al contrario :D


16/02/2013, 13:44
Come ho visto ste immagini ho pensato che fossero le foto "campione" per creare il background, l'ambientazione
E invece sono immagini tratte dal gioco

Sticazzi che spettacolo O.o

16/02/2013, 13:51
una cosa che adoro è che quando esce avrà poche armi, e probabilmente saranno le più tristi o le più deboli (che sono poi le più belle da usare, il buon vecchio WINCHESTER) quindi all'inizio sarà veramente drammatico ahahah, l'accetta dominerà il mondo

19/02/2013, 12:49
non bisogna farsi ingannare dalle apparenze!

23/02/2013, 10:36

25/02/2013, 20:24
cazzo che patchona signori


soprattutto per quanto riguarda l'ai degli zombie :O

09/03/2013, 03:40

Our latest Developers blog is now live yay

We’ve gone for a reasonably quick and dirty video blog this week, mainly because things have been very busy for us.

Inventory System
One of the biggest improvement areas has been the inventory system, now almost ready for a public display. This new inventory system supports crafting, interchangeable clothing, degradation, tracking, weapon customization, and much more. It’s really a revolutionary system for us and we’re extremely proud of the results that Jirka (our programmer assigned to this) has achieved.

Not touched on in the video, but what we will be showing soon is the basics of how users can interact with items in the world - this is the next step in development of our inventory system beyond where it is now. This is not a traditional crafting system, but one that encourages layers to explore the ways in which items can be crafted.

Zombie pathfinding
In the video, towards the end, some before and after footage of work on the zombie AI pathfinding. Not only has this changed the role, threat, and speed of the zombies - but it has also yielded performance improvements. The increased accuracy of the zombies movement allows their movement to be slowed down to more sensible values, in line with those of the players themselves. We still have some other avenues to explore in this regard, but we’re very pleased with the results so far.

Mass zombie spawning server side
Now all zombies are spawned directly on the server and their movement is governed directly on the server itself. This has allowed us to provide increased security and hack prevention mechanisms by disabling functionality at the client level. It also means that zombies no longer “pop” in and out of the world, previously used as a mechanism to tell if someone was in the area. It also paves the way for us to allow migrating zombies and zombies traversing open areas in search for their next meal.
We still have some way to go in performance, the initial tests of 4000 zombies spawned reduced the server FPS to 4. After performance optimizations this increased up to 21. We’re now confident we can have the server FPS back up to 30+ with maximum numbers of zombies in the near future.

Expanding health system
Health is extending far beyond just blood, into a system that incorporates health, blood, and consciousness level. How these are all interrelating will be touched on in its own devblog in future. Some of the exciting developments coming include longterm play effects such as poor diet affecting your long term health levels. All this translates into the importance of a longterm plan for survival of your character, and we’re sure the role of medical specialists will become very important - hopefully emphasizing social interaction opportunities.

Chernarus Expansion
This continues at a huge pace. The two new villages in expand Cherno and provide it a true city feeling. Also expanding is the top (north) map area and the continued development of our large-scale features being added to the map. More to follow on this! (we can’t wait to show some more of this!)

Loot spawning
Finding loot now involves scavenging inside of vehicles, looking for items stuck between furniture, prying open car boots, or strewn in the wasteland itself. Consuming your bounty now results in rubbish, such as empty cans after consuming your beans. This is no mere gimick, because your trash can be used to track you.

There is a great deal more that can be covered, but we’re really deeply in the thick of development at the moment and we just wanted to get something quick and dirty to all those waiting for standalone. We know that you want it released, and we know you want to know when this will be - but we’re 100% committed to making this a great game, and that means we are making sure to do things properly. We’re happy and confident about the progress, so it’s one foot after another and soon we’ll be at the finish line.

09/03/2013, 09:01
E.t.a. 2nd half 2013 a 'sto punto, ci stanno infilando troppa roba :v

25/03/2013, 20:50
niente dayz prima di st'estate, GG addio scimmia, go planetside2

26/03/2013, 16:12

13/06/2013, 21:23

Cloud Wallace
13/06/2013, 22:06
si certo

26/08/2013, 15:15
post molto dettagliato e interessantissimo

The Bohemia Battle Bunker.
An iconic figure of any major gaming convention. During Gamescom it can be found triumphing in hall 9, booth C32.
This year, the release content of Arma 3 and of course the current pre-Alpha build of the DayZ standalone are playable for any men brave enough to battle the bohemian pixels.
As for every battle, preparation is key; so I’ve collected questions from the community in the last few days, all written down in lovely handwriting and brought them with me.
After a quick greeting with Matt, he recognized me, knew who I am and immediately offered to go outside to evade the hectic noise of the convention to have a talk.

During Gamescom, the reworked version of Stary Sobor was the place to be.
The game was held on a local area network with 14 machines connected. Players were all starting in one place, already packed with clothing, weapons, food and the new functional first aid kits. These first aid kits were actually not just a single item but a container for some of the new content of the sophisticated medical system, like bandages, a bloodbag kit and syringes. Looking at the survivors, the variety of characters was very pleasant to see. Nobody looked the same like in the mod but sported different rain coats, hoodies, hats, protective vests, ballistic vests, shirts, jeans and was a member of different sex and ethnics. Thanks to the extensive character customization, identification with your character will be much easier. It is also planned to have these vests functional, so they offer protection.

The first thing you’ll notice when playing are the animations. They felt very smooth and usable, nothing like the impression I gained from E3.
Underlying them is a completely new animation skeleton which is much more detailed and makes features like switching your weapon while moving possible.
In hand with the new damage system, there are actually limping animations. At the moment, there’s only one but it is planned to have each leg represented accordingly. While you’re in that limping animation, you’re significantly slower and have your weapon lowered. In order to shoot, the player has to stop and raise the weapon.

Coming from Arma 3, the control scheme was confusing at first but I think DayZ should have its own reasonable set of controls and it’s no problem to get used to it. There was however a familiar feature: the combat stance. When being in the combat stance, the player will move with a speed slightly faster than normal walking, with the weapon raised above the hip and ready to fire. Moving through buildings with it felt extremely nice. There were also no problems with getting stuck in doorways.

Moving around, the place was hardly recognizable! Every backyard, passage and street was very detailed and the overall density of the vegetation made a very authentic impression. It was like walking through a new town with some elements of a subtle familiarity. Like the towns that were showcased already, every one on the map will be revisited and redone individually.

Since the environment plays a key role in the immersion factor of DayZ and thanks to the nature of Arma (pun intended), it is a very important aspect of the game.
For that topic I individually sat down with Ivan, who is together with SenChi, working on the new Chernarus which is going to be expanded with new terrain.
Ivan told me it will be ~ 40km² in the north and ~25km² in the west. Though this new terrain won’t only consist of forests and fields but actually include whole new cities, small towns, farmland, mountain villages and other new locations to explore which are authentic to the real location Chernarus is based on. These extensions will bring back the element of exploring, even to the most seasoned players.

Another specific element of the environment I am very fond of is the forest. The aim is to make the forests more “populated” in the sense of having more visual barriers instead of the barren line of trees in which you are easily visible from a distance in Arma 2. These visual barriers will be achieved through more shrubbery which make the forests more authentic and also provide essentials for more interesting combat in forests.
The different weather and temperatures will have an impact on the player.
One thing in the environment you’ll notice very quickly are the new simul weather volumetric clouds which add a great deal of depth and just pure beauty to the game. The new fog (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77Ab5YpwIFE)from Arma 3 is also being looked at.
Speaking about sharing between the games in general, the dev teams are occasionally working together and if there are certain problems, help each other out. If applicable, specific technology and code is also going to be shared.

Player interaction has a whole new importance and more importantly, necessity. I think the whole “kill on sight” behavior will change significantly.
Player interaction will be a key element of DayZ and I think it’s also one of its strongest and most unique features. Shooting is no more the easy way to acquire equipment since everything can be damaged and thus made unusable. Instead, you’ll have to try to find ways without spraying bullets all around.

Also the way blood is handled will be changed completely. Since blood goes bad quite quickly without the proper cooling etc, it’s no longer possible to just put 10 bloodpacks in your backpack and tackle any battle with confidence because you know if something goes wrong you can just patch each other up off of a fountain of health. Bloodtransfusions will be transfusions between humans.
They can be voluntary or involuntary.
Additionally, blood types will be simulated correctly. That means there’s A,B, AB and O with all the different antibodies and antigens as well. Receiving a transfusion of the wrong blood type is possible but it will harm and can, if left untreated, kill the player. If you wish to know your blood type, you’ll need to find a testing unit.
Medical conditions and diseases will, just like in reality, play a major role in survival. If I remember correctly, there are about 10-15 different diseases at the moment, which all have their respective symptoms etc.
The principle that real knowledge you posses can also help you in the game (like knowing how to read and orientate on a map, navigate with the stars or a watch) also applies to diseases so there might be some ways of treating them without having to use medication.

There will also be a new way of communicating. Radios can be found and used with their different frequencies. However, direct VOIP is also still featured and represents regular talking or shouting. You can also type but over distance, random letters are actually going to go missing.

Another new element of player interaction are the recently implemented restraining animations. Handcuffs with functioning keys can be used to arrest people. While it is possible to struggle out of these, it will show a visible animation and require some time.

The technology behind the inventory system and the crafting works really great but I see and observed some practical problems with it. Currently, you need to rightclick and then again click on the small window that has been created in order to perform the action. Many times, it was very troublesome for people to hit that small window and not cancel everything. I think it would be much more usable if you could simply rightclick on the item to select it and then confirm the action with spacebar, the new action key.

The weapon of choice for gamescom was the M4. It was a completely new model with very detailed textures and new sounds. There was also a tan version of it.
As you probably already saw, the weapon customization goes into great detail. You can find and attach different parts of it like buttstocks, foregrips, scopes, handles, different magazines, silencers and even attach a knife to use it as a bayonet. At the moment the melee wasn’t properly finished yet but later you’ll be able to stab zombies or people with it. Even unarmed melee will be implemented.
Generally speaking, the weapon selection will be focused more towards makeshift weapons or civilian hunting rifles etc. It will be more plausible to what would actually be available in such a region. Though that doesn’t mean that there won’t be any high-end military-grade weapons but they, and especially their ammunition, will be very rare.
Reloading also contributes to the complexity attached to a rifle. Ammunition comes in boxes, which have to be opened and seperated. You’ll then need to remove the magazine from the receiver, add the bullets to the magazine (which even had its own sound) and then put it back into the rifle to reload it.
This might sound like a very hideous task and the current implementation of the right-click crafting really isn't optimal but remember if you have multiple magazines, you can just load them in all at once and then reload normally. Nonetheless, I think the UI should be changed to limit the right-clicking.
There are also new WIP muzzleflashes which are going to be individual for the weapons and the recoil has been reworked and made more realistic as well.

Zombie AI has been basically unchanged so far, apart from some behavior and pathfinding adjustments. However, just a few days ago Dean finished a written proposal for the planned rework of the whole system so they are seen as a very important part of the game which needs to be worked on but it just wasn't possible yet. The way that zombies think and act will be changed significantly and they will even receive their own FSM.
It is basically going to be less “planning out a route of how to reach the player which changes every time he moves”.
The models for the zombies themselves look really good! They don’t look like bloody monsters with glowing eyes but rather like sick and dirty humans with strong facial expressions on their visage. I actually really, really like this more realistic approach since it adds this very interesting morbid element of realizing that those beings you're slashing were actually normal people just like you who just got infected.

Overall, the game looked and felt very good and I already have all these different scenarios and new things to do rushing through my head. While there have been the occasional bugslike floating items, zombies just standing around and the weapon switching back when it’s being dragged into the hands through the inventory, a lot of the groundwork and experimental features have turned out great.

The release is still following set milestones, with the network bubble (the way that the clients and server are interacting and who knows and has to process what) being the primary focus. At the moment it’s of course not known how long it’s going to take until current problems are resolved but it is Ondrej, a exceptionally intelligent and talented coder who created the RV engine, working on it and I can tell you the network bubble and MP structure is coming along nicely http://dayzmod.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png

Also, this. (http://i.imgur.com/SVDxWll.jpg)
Yes, it’s Matt in his “Let’s kill every visitor in the booth in less than 2 minutes” outfit.