View Full Version : APB: nerf ! (era ora) e vari fix che non fanno mai male (04 / 08 / 11)

04/08/2011, 14:58
Game Update 1.5.2 (110)

Here are the patch notes to the latest version 1.5.2 (110) update hot off the press.


Fixed a bomb target that was in the middle of the road in Financial.
Updated 'There's no EYE in team' based on Forum bug report (added an opposed drop off at the end and disabled takeouts)
Fixed an issue with 'Get the Look' where the last stage wouldn't show up.
Fix to 'Pineapple Cocktail' mission. Removed takeout requirement from penultimate stage. Added text to final opposed stage.
Added opposed ending objectives to several missions.
General fixes and improvements to the following missions:

‘Dirt on the Department’
‘Bankroll Collection’
‘Fire and Brimstone’
‘Bugs and Drugs’
‘Constructive Criticism’
‘Game Copy Crackdown’
‘Piracy Purge’
‘Divide and Conquer’
‘Bride and Boom’


Fixed bug with the Stabba - PIG "Susanowo". It now has Three Point Sling rather than Magazine Pull.
(Questa pataccata faceva si' che la stabba pig avesse ZERO colpi. Uno di base nel caricatore, meno UNO dovuto al 10% arrotondato per eccesso grazie al mod Magazine Pull = ZERO. Ora l'han fixato)
Updates to Obeya CR-762:

Increased Standard Accuracy, Decreased Marksmanship Modifier, Increased Run Modifier (though this is offset by the accuracy increase).
Overall this makes the weapon more accurate at base level, but have less effect from Hunting Sight. (Cosi' ci beccheremo spessissimo gente con l'obeya moddato a CoolingJacket3 (velocita' di sparo) Rifling3 (incremento gittata) e HuntingSight 1 o 2(aumento precisione e zoom in maniera inferiore)

Reduced Concussion Grenade damage (Increased Hard Damage to compensate). It now does less damage to players (does not fully 1-shot) but does slightly more damage to vehicles. (Nerf pesante. Avra' poca differenza dalle granate a frammentazione. Unico beneficio, forse, e' il far saltare in aria anche un PIONEER o addirittura unfurgone blindato)
Increased Sprint modifiers for weapon accuracy across the board.
PMG: Lowered Damage (Still a 5 shot kill, just means it'll hit 6 shots to kill faster after its effective range is hit). Lowered clip size to 18. Slightly reduced accuracy and accuracy regeneration. (NERF ! Bene, era ora. Ce n'e' troppissimi di questi con arma da 'chiudi gli occhi, spara e porta a casa le kill').
NFA-9: Lowered Damage (15 shots rather than 11) Increased Fire rate significantly (slightly longer kill time than before overall, but more of a buzz-saw feel about the weapon), Increased horizontal recoil, lowered clip size to 20. Adjusted recoil so it now recoils right as well as left. Reduced Reload time. (Stesso discorso NERF di cui sopra, fino a ieri era un'arma da uccisione garantita se sotto i 5 metri. Oggi non e' piu' cosi'. Ole' !)
SAS-PDW: New recoil pattern, now has low horizontal recoil, high vertical recoil. (Nerf in misura minore.)


Replaced cancelling mods on Espacio 'Shift' and Vaquero 'BobCat' Espacio now has Quick Repair, Vaquero has Armoured Engine.
Mikro / Vaquero: Now slowed down more significantly by Task items / VIPs. (Ole'. NERF ! Niente piu' fughe easy a bordo di questa macchina sgravata dei criminali)
Mhuller M1: Now slowed down slightly by Task items / VIPs. (Minor Nerf: forse e' comunque possibile 'cavarsela' meglio con il blindato piu' che con la mini/vaquero)


Made a change that may dampen the effects of apparent server lag.
Tweaked matchmaking values in response to player feedback.
Fixed areas in Financial and Waterfront where players could escape the map, due to the increased jump height. (Questo fix previene lo sfruttamento di glitches con cui e' possibile ENTRARE nelle pareti in alcune zone, diventare immuni ai colpi nemici potendoli pero' colpire, e depositare l'item finale in zona NON RAGGIUNGIBILE, garantendosene il possesso)
Fixed a Player Vehicle Spawn Machine towards the north of Financial District. (Finalmente han fixato uno spawn inesistente!)
Changed the term "Meta-Team" to "Team Alliance" to better represent what the feature does.
Altered order of Scoreboard columns to Kills, Assists, Deaths and Arrests. Also tidies the column widths and the Player's Details.
Added new pop-up detailing the benefits of premium.
The chat window now display the bonus information for cash and contact standing in gold.
Changed the following item names:

'Bandit Mask' to the more correct 'Domino Mask’
'Vest Bodywarmer' to 'Bodywarmer'
'Boots High Top' to 'High-Top Boots'
'Gask Mask SnoutFilter' to 'Gas Mask (Snout Filter)’

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where the threat icon disappears if a players skill rating goes above a certain level.
Fixed an issue where the player cannot sprint during refire timer.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to "Moonwalk" if firing an empty weapon while sprinting backward.
Updated various icons for unlocks.
Fixed a typo in Hand-Wraps.
Adjusted sprint modifiers across the board to alleviate potential issues with previous "Action/Animation" changes.