View Full Version : RSS Dragonwrath, Teracgosa's Rest Preview

06/05/2011, 12:30
WARNING! WARNING! - This news post is an entire, giant, big, tasty, spoiler. If you plan to discover the legendary questline by yourself, cover your ears and close your eyes while you sing "la! la! la! la! la!" and hit the space bar with your elbow. However, if you want to know what's up with the legendary questline, check the preview below.

Once again, be careful, there are a couple of >>>> major spoilers <<<< in there.

Dragonwrath, Teracgosa's Rest Preview
Now that we can finally take a look at the game files the questline for the Legendary staff is starting to look much clearer, especially after Blizzard's preview! It's time to take another look at the now finished questline for the legendary staff, and a couple of other things.

http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath1_small.jpg (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath1.jpg) http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath2_small.jpg (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath2.jpg) http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath3_small.jpg (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath3.jpg)
http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath4_small.jpg (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath4.jpg) http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath5_small.jpg (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath5.jpg)

A couple of achievements are tied to Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Feats of Strength

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest (http://db.mmo-champion.com/a/5839/dragonwrath-tarecgosas-rest/#13914/14002) Owner of Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest.

Guild - Dungeon & Raids

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest - Guild Edition (http://db.mmo-champion.com/a/5840/dragonwrath-tarecgosas-rest-guild-edition/#13914/14002) Owner of Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest. Reward - Dragonwrath Whelpling (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/71033/dragonwrath-whelpling/)
Obviously, it was also added to We Are Legendary (http://db.mmo-champion.com/a/4861/we-are-legendary/#13914/14002), A Legendary Collection (http://db.mmo-champion.com/a/5009/a-legendary-collection/#13914/14002), and The Ultimate Collection (http://db.mmo-champion.com/a/5010/the-ultimate-collection/#13914/14002).

Early datamining seems to indicate that the Dragonwrath Whelpling (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/71033/dragonwrath-whelpling/) rewarded to the guild will be the "Tarecgosa Whelp" model but there is no confirmation yet.

http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/tarecgosawhelp_small2.jpg (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/tarecgosawhelp.jpg)[/center]

Dragonwrath, Teracgosa's Rest - Questline
After going through things and stuff and poking at even more stuff, I eventually got the entire questline for Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest.

According to that screenshot released by Blizzard (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/april/dragonwrath1.jpg) I wouldn't be surprised if some of the very important of the questlines were played as in-game cutscenes.

A Legendary Engagement (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29129/a-legendary-engagement/) / A Legendary Engagement (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29132/a-legendary-engagement/)
Objective - Speak to Anachronos in the Caverns of Time.
Description - I expected that I would find you here, <class>. But then, we of the bronze flight have somewhat of an advantage when it comes to such things.

*Coridormi smiles.*

For reasons unknown to me, my master seeks audience with you. I would counsel you not to take this invitation lightly, <name>. Anachronos seldom has cause to interact with mortals. Wisdom would dictate that you seek him out in the Caverns of Time at once.

Speak to me when you are ready and I shall personally deliver you.

A Wrinkle in Time (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29134/a-wrinkle-in-time/)
Objective - Speak to Anachronos in the Caverns of Time to witness the future of Azeroth.
Description - Listen carefully, <class>, for though we are only beginning, time already grows short and the consequences of our failure are unfathomable. An event in the recent past has been obscured from my vision by the most powerful of magics. Its impact, however, has not.

If action is not taken to change the course of this timeline's future, the outcome is clear. Brace yourself, mortal, and behold the future of Azeroth.

All-Seeing Eye (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29135/all-seeing-eye/)
Objective - Collect 25 Living Embers (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/69237/living-ember/) from Firelands and 3 Sands of Time (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/65893/sands-of-time/).
Description - I perceive the questions that burn within your mind and I must confess that I share in your uncertainty... a rare position for one such as I, and a most unsettling one. As I scour time to find traces of this obscured event, you must aid me in the creation of an Eye, both to test your worthiness, and to provide an essential tool in the unraveling of this mystery.

Venture into the Plane of Fire, <class>, and gather Living Embers. Bring them to me with Sands of Time and I will create the Eye.

On a Wing and a Prayer (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29193/on-a-wing-and-a-prayer/)
Objective - Bring the Timeless Eye to Coldarra.
Description - Time well spent, mortal.

While you were struggling in the Plane of Fire, my watchers and I were able to determine where and, most importantly, when our vision was obscured. We have discovered that the shroud was placed over the Nexus, far to the north in the realm of the blue dragonflight.

I have attuned the Timeless Eye (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/69238/timeless-eye/) to show you the occurrences that remain hidden to us here. Go at once to Coldarra and search out a place suitable for the Eye's activation.

Travel well, friend.

Through a Glass, Darkly (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29194/through-a-glass-darkly/)
Objective - Use the Eye of Eternity at the Nether Vortex in the Nexus. Meet Tarecgosa inside the Nexus where she will escort you to the rift.
Description - Tarecgosa listens as you explain your presence in Coldarra.

Your tale rings true, <class>. Much has changed since the death of Malygos - little of it for the better. I know of the device you carry, and I recognize Anachronos' magic in its creation. There is but one place in all of Coldarra that would allow this Timeless Eye to be used discreetly.

You will need my assistance if you hope to succeed. Speak with me again inside the Nexus and you shall have it.

Actionable Intelligence (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29225/actionable-intelligence/)
Objective - Speak to Kalecgos at Nordrassil in Mount Hyjal.
Description - <Tarecgosa listens intently as you describe your vision.>

Impossible! Not even Arygos would dare to go to such lengths. I do not question your integrity, <class>, but you must understand - your mortal mind can easily be deceived.

Regardless, Kalecgos must be informed of these events. You must travel to Nordrassil at once to seek him out. I shall remain here to conceal the evidence of our activities. Speak of this to no one else!

Delegation (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29234/delegation/)
Objective - Recover the Branch of Nordrassil (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/69646/branch-of-nordrassil/) from the Firelands.
Description - I am duty-bound to look into your claims immediately, <race>, which means my mission here now must fall to you. A surge of ancient magic, far too strong to have occurred naturally, drew me here. I have since discovered a most troubling development.

A bough from Nordrassil has been ripped from the tree and taken deep into the Firelands. There, a powerful ritual threatens to corrupt Nordrassil, consuming it in flame. You must find a way to interrupt the ritual and reclaim the world tree's branch.

Nordrassil's Bough (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29239/nordrassils-bough/)
Objective - Speak to Kalecgos to offer him the Branch of Nordrassil (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/69646/branch-of-nordrassil/).
Description - Much has transpired since last we spoke. I have taken it upon myself to visit the Nexus and recover Anachronos's artifact, but not before using it for myself. Now I too have witnessed that which you have seen.

Before discussing the matter further, allow me to express my gratitude to you for your assistance, both here and in the Plane of Fire. Give me the Branch of Nordrassil, <name>.

Emergency Extraction (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29240/emergency-extraction/)
Objective - Accompany Kalecgos to Coldarra. Speak to him when you are ready.
Description - Now, back to the matter at hand... I am convinced that the vision in the Nexus is one of Deathwing's illusions designed to bring conflict into our flight at a very fragile time. The Worldbreaker would only be strengthened were we to fall to infighting.

Still, a gnawing sense of unease tempts me to take a path of caution. It would be wise for me to take Tarecgosa and withdraw until the time of choosing.

At One (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29269/at-one/)
Objective - Speak to Kalecgos to agree to his proposition.
Description - I was charged with her protection, yet it was she who sacrificed herself for my sake. I cannot bear to lose her, <name>. I must make a solemn request of you.

Never has a mortal borne the essence of a true dragon, but with your permission I would make an exception. Please, while there is life in her, will you allow me to bind Tarecgosa to you?

Time Grows Short (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29270/time-grows-short/)
Objective - Collect 25 Seething Cinders (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/69815/seething-cinder/) from the Firelands.
Description - Tarecgosa is bound to you, <name>, but only temporarily. An aspect's power is required to permanently seal her essence. Malygos's successor will not be chosen until Azeroth's moons next eclipse, and the bond you share will not last until then.

Fortunately, there is a way to buy us the time we need. Powerful elements exist that can extend the ritual's effects. Some of these can be found in the Plane of Fire, with which you've become familiar. Obtain them, <class>, and sustain Tarecgosa until the eclipse.

Alignment (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29285/alignment/)
Objective - Accompany Kalecgos to the blue dragon council. Speak to Kalecgos in Coldarra when ready.
Description - The time of choosing has arrived, <name>. While only members of the Blue Dragonflight may attend, Tarecgosa's binding makes your presence requisite.

I must ask that you take on her form and vote on her behalf. Do not tarry. The moment of the eclipse draws near....

Heart of Flame (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29307/heart-of-flame/)
Objective - Obtain the Heart of Flame (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/69848/heart-of-flame/).
Description - You are the first mortal to witness a dragon council, <name>, and among the only beings in Azeroth to take part in the choosing of an Aspect. My ascension has endowed me with incredible power. I have taken the liberty to strengthen Tarecgosa's bond with you, though she will require a more... permanent home.

I would have you venture one last time into the Plane of Fire and bring me the heart of Ragnaros. When next we meet, I will be able to suitably thank you for all that you have done.

The Stuff of Legends (http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/29312/the-stuff-of-legends/) (Temporary name?)
Objective - Speak to Hallegosa / Witnessed Kalecgos Ceremony in Stormwind
Description - It is an honor to make your acquaintance, <race> Your deeds echo in the ears of Azeroth's creatures, mortal and immortal alike.

I shall present the heart of Ragnaros to Kalecgos when he arrives. Its power is to be harnessed to further endow your weapon. The ceremony is to begin shortly. I have been appointed to escort you there when you are ready.

Dragonwrath, Teracgosa's Rest - Transcripts
Last but not least, the sound files for the questlines are available and we have transcripts! Thanks to Radux, Sunshine, Buckwald, Magekid, Elysia, Syronius, Bahumut5, Treeston, and Zao for the help on those!

VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_01 - Listen well, mortal.
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_02 - Countless threads are woven to create the fabric of our timeline.
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_03 - As the Wardens of Time, we of the Bronze Dragonflight observe their infinite combinations.
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_04 - When disruptions are detected by our watchers, we are charged with their repair.
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_05 - A recent event obscured by powerful magics remains masked, even to me.
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_06 - But the catastrophic outcome is plain.
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_07 - Azaroth will burn!
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_08 - While the details remain shrouded from our view, one thing we have gleaned
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_09 - is that the fate of Azeroth hinges on the deeds of a mortal.
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_10 - Are you the mortal on which so much depends?
VO_QUEST_42_ANACHRONOS_VISION_11 - Only time will tell.

VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_01 - We gather to determine the fate of our troubled flight.
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_02 - Our history has been wraught (sp?) with great challenge.
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_03 - Our future promises even greater threats.
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_04 - These circumstances demand a powerful leader.
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_05 - I was raised at the feet of my father.
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_06 - I watched as he steered us through adversity - never flinching from difficult decisions.
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_07 - Some called my father mad, but even in his darkest hours his vision was clear.
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_08 - He put the needs of this flight first and foremost.
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_09 - He sought to consolidate our rightful power, fortifying us for the cataclysm that he saw coming!
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_10 - Brothers, we must take what is ours. Under my leadership, this flight will rise again. Beyond the glory of our past, onwards to an even greater destiny. I will see to it!
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_ECLIPSE_11 - Fools! Neltharion take you all!
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_EYE_01 - I have agreed to this meeting, Worldbreaker - but at great risk. If this is discovered...
VO_QUEST_42_ARYGOS_EYE_02 - And once this... new order is established, my place will be secure, yes?

VO_QUEST_42_LEGENDARY_DEATHWING_01 - Call yourself Arygos, your barrier will buy you all the time you need.
VO_QUEST_42_LEGENDARY_DEATHWING_02 - With Kalecgos death, your destiny, as the blue aspect, shall be realized.
VO_QUEST_42_LEGENDARY_DEATHWING_03 - Your reign, over the realm of magic will be absolute. Even after the hour of Twilight.
VO_QUEST_42_LEGENDARY_DEATHWING_04 - But be warned, Arygos, son of Malygos. Do not make the mistakes of your father!
VO_QUEST_42_LEGENDARY_DEATHWING_05 - Cross me, and your punishment will be greater than the madness he suffered!

VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_AMBUSH_02 - What is the meaning of this?
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_AMBUSH_03 - Noooooooooooooooo!
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_AMBUSH_04 - Ugh, Deathwing's vermin.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_AMBUSH_07 - Ohh.. Tarecgosa..
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_ECLIPSE_01 - Brothers, sisters, Arygos speaks of our troubled past.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_ECLIPSE_02 - Indeed, we have suffered greatly.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_ECLIPSE_03 - But, I would contend that we are, at least, partly to blame for the scars we bear.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_ECLIPSE_04 - Let us turn from our old ways.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_ECLIPSE_05 - Let us not seek to extinguish magic from the world.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_ECLIPSE_06 - But to use it responsibly for the benefit of Azeroth and all its inhabitants.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_ECLIPSE_07 - It is true that our choice here today will affect the destiny of our flight, and, likely, the destiny of the world.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_ECLIPSE_08 - May the titans guide us. May we be inspired to choose with wisdom.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_01 - Welcome, we've been expecting you.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_02 - You are to be congratulated for the success in the Firelands.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_03 - But praise alone will not suffice.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_04 - We owe you a great deal for the part you have played in the destiny of our flight.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_05 - Present me your staff that we may endow it with great power.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_06 - Finally, Tarecgosa, our beloved sister who's essence you have generously borne, has chosen this staff as her permanent home.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_07 - May her presence be a source of comfort and companionship to you.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_08 - We thank you, friend of the blue dragonflight.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_FINAL_09 - We owe you a great deal for the part you have played in the destiny of our flight.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_GOSSIP_01 - You seem troubled.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_GOSSIP_02 - What brings you to me, mortal?
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_GOSSIP_03 - Speak freely, friend.
VO_QUEST_42_KALECGOS_GOSSIP_04 - Something about you seems.. familiar.

VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_AMBUSH_02 - You shall not have him!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_INTRO_00 - What? What foolishness is this?
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_INTRO_01 - You there! Have your senses abandoned you?
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_INTRO_02 - Coldarra is no place for mortals now.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_INTRO_03 - You must leave at once, if you value your life.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_01 - The rift can be reached through this hall. Follow me.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_02 - Stay close. If we are caught, it will be the end of both of us.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_03 - Security here is much stronger than I recall. What is Arygos protecting?
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_04 - A sentry approaches. Hide yourself, quickly!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_05 - The threat has passed. Come now, we must hurry!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_06 - More sentries approach. There's no other way!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_07 - I'll handle this one. See if you can find any others.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_08 - Follow me, mortal. The rift is near.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_A_09 - At last, we have arrived!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_B_01 - Fight harder, mortal! We mustn't fail!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_B_02 - Let none escape! Our efforts here cannot be discovered!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_B_03 - Defeat them quickly, before more arrive!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_B_04 - Augh, we cannot afford this delay!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_C_01 - Assist me! There are too many!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_C_02 - Watch out! More sentires!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_C_03 - Arygos's drakes are attacking! Let none escape.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_C_04 - Defend yourself, friend! Our attackers are formidable.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_C_05 - Quickly, onto my back! We must escape this place.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_D_01 - Protect me, while I break the barrier.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_D_02 - What?! Twilight dragons? Here?
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_D_03 - Quickly! Make your way across the chasm.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_D_04 - Careful, avoid his breath at all costs.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_D_05 - I've destroyed his shield. Unleash your power now!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_D_06 - Be filled with my power!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_NEXUS_D_07 - Accept the blessing of the blue dragonflight!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_01 - I am with you.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_02 - Aaah, I feel myself slipping!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_03 - Arygos must pay for his betrayal.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_04 - Aaaah, I cannot hold on much longer!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_05 - Be strong, mortal. Azeroth needs you.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_06 - My thoughts are with you, mortal!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_07 - Please, friend. Arygos must not prevail.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_08 - Stay focused. Please, you must prevail!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_09 - Please hurry! Little time remains!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_10 - Hope is not lost. You mustn't fail!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_A_11 - I am still with you, but barely!
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_B_01 - I am with you always.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_B_02 - You are a treasure to Azeroth.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_B_03 - Your deeds will live on forever in the memory of the Blue Dragonflight.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_B_04 - Fight on! Hope shines through even the most utter darkness.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_B_05 - Never give up.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_B_06 - You are a master of the arcane, but never allow it to have mastery of you.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_B_07 - Your power is great, but you are destined for even greater.
VO_QUEST_42_TARECGOSA_WHISPER_B_08 - Keep your mind and heart clear.
VO_TARECGOSA_GOSSIP_01 - Yes mortal, what is it?
VO_TARECGOSA_GOSSIP_02 - Beware, mortal. If you are spotted here, you will be killed on sight.
VO_TARECGOSA_GOSSIP_03 - You show great courage, for a mortal!
VO_TARECGOSA_GOSSIP_04 - Hurry mortal! You are not welcome here!

VO_QUEST_42_LEGENDARY_BLUE_SENTRY_01 - Well done M'Lady. I will have the intruder disposed of at once.

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/899582-Dragonwrath-Teracgosa-s-Rest-Preview?goto=newpost)