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20/04/2011, 11:31
Complete Rift Macro Basic Command List

(All emotes are /"emote")


Complete Rift Macro Basic Command-General List

(All commands are /"Command")

abilitybar - Selects a specific ability bar page from your main bar.
afk - Sets you "Away From Keyboard" with optional message.
alias - Allows you to create alias for your commands.
cancelbuff - Cancels a buff by name.
cast - Casts a specific spell.
clearfocus - Clears a focus set by the /Focus command.
combatlog - Brings up the combat log.
dismount - Dismounts you from your mount.
dnd - Sets your chat to "Do not Disturb" with optional message.
duel - Starts a duel
dungeoninfo - Displays dungeon info.
equip - Equips selected item
equipslot - Untested
filter - Turns adult chat filter on or off.
focus - Sets your focus to selected NPC or player.
follow - Follows the target.
friend - Add player as a friend.
help - Brings up available commands
inspect - Looks at a target players gear.
loc - Gives your location
macro - Brings up the macro section.
motd - Edits message of the day.
played - Shows your time played.
pvptoggle - Toggles your PVP flag on or off.
random # - Rolls a number randomly up to the number specified.
report - Reports a player.
returntorespawn - Returns you to the graveyard if you are dead.
role # - changes your role.
startattack - Starts melee auto-attack.
startrangedattack - Starts ranged Auto-Attack.
stopattack - Stops your attack.
stopcasting - Cancels casting.
target - Selects target player or NPC.
targetexact - Selects the exact name of a NPC or Player.
targetmark - To target the marked target specified by
time - Displays the server time and the local time.
version - Gives you the current RIFT version.
who - Opens the social window.

Complete Rift Macro Basic Command-Party List

(All party commands are /"Command")

clearallmarks - Clears away all target marks.
dumpraid - Creates a file that lists the members of a raid.
invite - Invites target player to your party.
kick - Kick player from your party.
leader - Transfer party lead to player.
mark # - Mark a target with designated number.
partyleave - Leave your party.
raid_create - Create a raid.
raid_disband - Disband a raid.
readycheck - Prompts a ready window for everyone to confirm readiness.
resetinstances - Resets a instance.

Complete Rift Macro Basic Command-Chat List

(All Chat commands are /"Command")

chat # ,# - Selects a chat channel you have joined and enters a message when a message follows the space after the number. See /chatlist for chatlist numbers.
chatlist - Gives the list of chat channels and their numbers you have joined and that can be selected by /1, /2, etc. Aliases of this command are chatinfo and chatwho.
guild - Selects the guild chat channel and enters a message when a message follows the space after the command. Aliases for this command are /gu, /gc and /g.
join - Joins a chat channel when the channel exists or not. Aliases for this command are chatjoin, cjoin, channel and chan.
leave # - Leaves a chat channel by giving its number. See /chatlist for chatlist numbers. Aliases for this command are /chatleave, /chatexit, /cleave and /cexit.
lfg - Short command to join the LFG channel (/join LFG).
party - Opens a party channel and sends a message when a text follows the space after the command to all party members. Alias for this command is p.
tell - Opens a tell/whisper channel to another character and sends a message in this private channel when a text follows the space after the character name.
Aliases for this command are whisper, w and t. The hotkey 'r' ot the command reply can be used to repond to the last person sending you a tell (or whisper).
wf - Opens a warfront team channel and sends a message when a text follows the space after the command to all warfront team members.
raid - Opens a raid channel and sends a message when a text follows the space after the command to all raid members. Alias of this command is /rsay.
say - Opens an local channel and sends a message when a text follows the space after the command. Alias for this command is s.
yell - Opens an local channel and sends a message when a text follows the space after the command. Work like say but the text get another colour to emphasize it. Alias for this command is shout.
announce # - Enables join/leave announcements for a given channel. Alias for this command is /ann.
chatban # - Kick and bans a player from a chat channel. Aliases for this command are /ban, /bk and /cban.
chatinvite # - Invites a player to a private chat channel. Alias for this command is /cinvite.
chatunban # - Unbans a player from a chat channel. Aliases for this command are /unban and /cunban.
moderator # - Make a player character moderator of the given channel. Alias for this command is /mod.
owner # - Transfers channel ownership to another player character.
password # - Sets the channel's password, or clears it if no password entered.
private # - Make a channel private. People must be invited using /cinvite to join.
public # - Makes a channel public. Anyone can join who is not on the ban list.
unannounce # - Disables join/leave announcements for a given channel. Alias for this command is /unann.
unmoderator # - Remove moderator permissions for a player character on the given channel. Alias for this command is /unmod.

Complete Rift Macro Basic Command-Pet List

(All Pet commands are /"Command")

petaggressive - Sets your pet to attack anything that comes into range.
petattack - Sets your pet to attack the current target.
petcast - Your pet will cast the spell given.
petdefensive - Pet will only attack when attacked.
petfollow - Pet will follow you.
petstay - Pet stays at current location.
petname - Sets your pet name.
petpassive - Sets your pet to do nothing, even if attacked.

Complete Rift Macro Basic Command-Guild List

(All guild commands are /"Command")

dumpguild - Generates a file with the entire guild roster on it.
ginvite - Invite a player to the guild.
gleave - Leave the guild.
guild - Type a message to the guild.
gkick - Kick a player from the guild
glog - Brings up the guild log
gsetmotd - Sets the guild Message Of The Day
gpromote - Promotes a guild member to a rank designated
gsetnotes - Changes the Guild Notes message.

Complete Rift Macro Special Macro Commands List

/saveequip followed by an index number (e.g. “/saveequip 1″)
o This saves the currently equipped set of equipment to the specified index.
/loadequip followed by an index number (e.g. “/loadequip 1″)
o This loads the saved set of equipment from the specified index.
/cast followed by an ability name (e.g. “/cast Motif of Tenacity”)
o This casts the specified ability. You can specify a target for that ability using special targeting syntax (e.g. /cast @mouseover Commander’s Order)
/wait followed by a number of seconds (e.g. “/wait 1″)
o This is used to tell the game engine to wait the specified number of seconds before issuing the next command.
o This tells the game engine to stop the current action and is a necessary intermediate step between chained macro commands.
/use item
o This uses the item named (e.g. /use Blessed Tome)

Complete Rift Macro Special Commands List

exportui -- exports your UI, Chat, macro settings to a file
importui -- imports your UI, Chat settings from a file. This works across characters, shards, factions, and even accounts.
exportkeybindings -- exports your keybinds to a file
importkeybindings -- imports your keybinds from a files. This works across characters, shards, factions, and even accounts.
tweetpic - Tweet a Screenshot
Tweet - Opens the twitter (http://www.pubarticles.com/trends-twitter-1.html) interface.
%o - *Example* /p Attack %o. -> Attack him. or Attack her.
%p - *Example* /s Take %p loot. -> Take her loot. or Take his loot.
%s - *Example* /t %s is waiting. -> he is waiting. or she is waiting.
%T - displays the target selected in chat.
@Focustarget - Cast a spell at a target of a focused target, E.G. /cast @focustarget Soul lance
@Lasttarget - Cast a spell on your last target before your current target
#show “ability” - Causes the macro to inherhit the icon and ability icon of the skill.