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19/05/2010, 08:24
Introducing the Remote Auction House
The Remote Auction House is now available on iPhone and from any computer with a web browser. I have to admit that I'm a little scared of how the system could be abused but I'll assume that Blizzard is full of smart people who added protections against that.

When the beta test is over, it will cost $2,99/month to buy and sell from the Auction House remotely.

Free Web Auction House (http://www.wowarmory.com/auctionhouse/)
Free Mobile Auction House on iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/app/world-warcraft-mobile-armory/id321057000?mt=8)

iPhone Remote AH

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_01_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_01.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_02_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_02.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_03_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_03.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_04_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_04.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_05_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_05.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_06_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/screen_06.jpg)

Web Remote AH

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_01_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_01.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_02_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_02.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_03_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_03.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_04_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_04.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_05_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/wscreen_05.jpg)

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/remoteah.jpg (http://www.wowarmory.com/wow-remote.xml)

Quote from: Blizzard (Source (http://www.wowarmory.com/wow-remote.xml))
Free Features

Browse the Auction House
Get real-time notifications when your auctions sell or expire
Get real-time notifications when you win auctions or when you are outbid
View your characters' current gold
View the status of your auctions and search for similar auctions
View the items you can sell in your bags, bank, and mailbox
View the status of auctions you are bidding on
View the items you've sold in the Auction House
View your expired auctions
View the status of auctions you created
View your successful auctions

Subscription Features

Bid on auctions
Buy out auctions
Create auctions from items in your bags, bank, and mailbox
Collect gold from successful auctions
Collect gold from unsuccessful bids
Collect all outstanding gold with a single click
Cancel your auctions
Relist items for sale from your expired auctions

Auction House Beta Test
Quote from: Bashiok (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/t/24915154220/remote-auction-house-beta-test/))
The World of Warcraft Remote Auction House beta test is now open for business! The Remote Auction House is a new service in development that lets players access the World of Warcraft Auction House from the Armory website (http://us.wowarmory.com/auctionhouse/) or the Mobile Armory app for iPhone and iPod touch (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=321057000&mt=8). Players can browse their characters’ local Auction Houses with the same search functionality available in the game, as well as see the real-time status of each of their current bids and auctions.

As we’d mentioned previously, certain features of the Remote Auction House will be premium-based. Once the beta test is complete and the Remote Auction House is live, players will be able to subscribe to a new service called World of Warcraft Remote (http://us.wowarmory.com/wow-remote.xml), which will allow them to buy items; post items for sale from a character’s bags, bank, or mailbox; collect gold from their bids and auctions; and more. During the beta test, players can try out these features for free, and each World of Warcraft account will be able to perform up to 25 transactions per day. (Please note this limit will be increased at launch.)

The list of realms eligible to participate in the beta test is displayed below. If your realm is not on this list, please check again soon, as we plan to eventually open the beta test to all realms.

Blackwater Raiders
Cenarion Circle
Echo Isles
Sisters of Elune
The Forgotten Coast

For more information on the Remote Auction House, refer to the FAQ (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/REMOTE). We hope you enjoy trying out this new service, and we look forward to hearing your feedback in the thread below.

Remote Auction House FAQ
Quote from: Blizzard (Source (http://www.wowarmory.com/faq-auction-house.xml))
What is the World of Warcraft Remote Auction House beta test?
The Remote Auction House is a new feature, currently undergoing beta testing, that allows players to log in to the Armory and browse any Auction House that the characters on their World of Warcraft account have access to. Once beta testing is complete and the Remote Auction House is live, players who subscribe to an upcoming service called World of Warcraft Remote will also be able to bid on or buy out existing auctions; post items for sale from their bags, bank, and mailbox; and collect gold that they earn in auctions or that is returned as a result of being outbid, all through the web or their compatible mobile device. During the beta-testing period, players will be able to try out and test all of these features, including premium features such as making bids and posting auctions, without a subscription to World of Warcraft Remote.

How do I browse the Remote Auction House via the web?
After you log in and designate a primary character, click on the Browse Auctions tab, and then enter the search term in the field. You can narrow your search using the filters and options, which are similar to those available in the game. To switch between the character’s faction-specific auction house and the realm’s neutral auction house, click the faction symbol in the upper-right corner of the interface. A World of Warcraft Remote subscription will not be required to browse the Auction House in this fashion; however, please note that after the beta test concludes, you will need to subscribe to World of Warcraft Remote in order to bid on or buy out items from the results window.

How do I create auctions?
From the Create Auctions tab, select the item you wish to sell from the list on the left side of the screen. You can sell any transferable item (excluding account-bound items) from your bags, bank, or mailbox. Once selected, you can set a starting price, a buyout price, the quantity you wish to sell, and the number of stacks (to create multiple auctions for that item). Please note that after the beta test concludes, you will need a subscription to World of Warcraft Remote in order to create auctions.

How can I collect gold from successful auctions and unsuccessful bids?
To collect gold from a successful auction, click the My Auctions tab, and then click the Claim Gold button next to the successful auction, or the Claim All Gold button to claim the gold from all successful auctions. The gold will be removed from your mailbox and given to your character. You can also reclaim gold from unsuccessful bids on the My Bids tab. Please note that after the beta test concludes and the live service launches, you will need a subscription to World of Warcraft Remote to use these features.

How will I subscribe to World of Warcraft Remote?
Subscriptions to World of Warcraft Remote are not yet available; we’ll have more information about how to subscribe after the Remote Auction House beta test concludes. In the meantime, you can visit the World of Warcraft Remote FAQ for more information.

Is there a limit to the number of transactions (purchases and sales) I can make?
Yes. In order to help prevent abuse of this service, there will be a system in place to limit the total number of Auction House transactions (including bids, buyouts, and creating auctions) that a single World of Warcraft account can perform through World of Warcraft Remote each day. For the purposes of the beta test, the limit is set to 25 transactions per day per World of Warcraft account. When the Remote Auction House beta test ends and the live World of Warcraft Remote service launches, we plan to increase the limit to 200 transactions per day (with a World of Warcraft Remote subscription), thoug...

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/introducing-the-remote-auction-house/)

19/05/2010, 10:16
gogo micro-transaction!

19/05/2010, 17:37
spendere soldi veri per guadagnare soldi finti... per farci cosa poi? una volta che hai comprato tutto quello che vuoi, che ci fai con un milione di gold? e-peen? mi sa che qualcuno ha grosse sindromi di compensazione...

20/05/2010, 09:26
è il contrario.. se funziona bene tra un po' ti faranno scambiare gold con roba vera e faranno concorrenza a ebay.. e dai vendor spunteranno le ricariche vodafone ^^

20/05/2010, 09:46
3€ al mese per maneggiare le ah da un cell? :v

capirei se ci fossero ah mergiate tra server ma così mi sembra buono solo per i gold seller

@possa: quelle è da mò che ci sono, solo che su wow hanno la forma di pet e cavalli

20/05/2010, 15:52
In effetti suona molto da "legalizzazione dei gold seller". Visto che ce ne sono troppamente troppi, mi sa tanto che la blizzu abbia trovato un modo per specularci sopra, pur mantenendo la facciata del "banneremo tutti i gold seller che troveremo".

E in effetti questa feature aumentera' non di poco la gente che speculera' sull'AH di wow, cosi' da credere di poter diventare mini-gold seller e tirare su qualche euro per ripagarsi il costo mensile delle transazioni via WEB (magari qualcuno credera' di poter realizzare veri guadagni -.- )

Quando arrivera' il giorno in cui la blizza smettera' di mungere la mucca da soldi (WOW) ? Dobbiamo confidare nel 21-12-2012?

Cloud Wallace
20/05/2010, 17:03
la cina è vicina

20/05/2010, 19:15
Quando arrivera' il giorno in cui la blizza smettera' di mungere la mucca da soldi (WOW) ? Dobbiamo confidare nel 21-12-2012?

sicuro fai prima che ad aspettare un evoluzione del binbo nutella medio :asd:

21/05/2010, 14:52
btw, perchè la blizzard dovrebbe smettere di mungere la mucca wow? :look: