View Full Version : RSS Cataclysm Screenshot, Ruby Sanctum, Elitist Armory

18/05/2010, 10:49
The activity on Blizzard's side is fairly restricted these days since most of the activity seems to be on the Alpha forums according to what I hear. I will probably start pushing live the Cataclysm menu and a few other things today (= I might break the site a little) since the NDA lasts longer than I expected and it's probably worth it to do temporary pages.

Also, don't forget that Ruby Sanctum testing is tonight!

Cataclysm Screenshot of the Day
A new screenshot has been added to the official Screenshot of the Day Gallery (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/downloads/ssotd/). Today is another look at Gilneas.

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/ss1326_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/ss1326.jpg)

Reminder - Ruby Sanctum PTR Testing Today
Quote from: Daelo (Source (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?sid=1&topicId=24702035046))
Now that the 3.3.5 patch is available for PTR testing, we wanted to have a round of focus testing for Ruby Sanctum. Only normal mode will be available, with Heroic testing to occur at a later date.

Everything related to this zone is implemented for this test, please note any issues with the trash creatures and sub-bosses, loot, achievements, and quests.

US Testing Schedule:
Date to be determined

EU Testing Schedule:
Tuesday, May 18 starting at 19:30 CEST.

We plan to allow testing for an extended period. However since this is the Test Realm, unforeseen issues could delay or cancel testing at any time.

Elitist Armory
Today is a slow news day, so here’s a new armory website that popped up! It’s related to an addon I mentioned a few months ago, Elitist Group (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/elitist-group-blue-posts-comics/).

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/may/elitistarmory_small.jpg (http://www.elitistarmory.com)

Elitist Armory (http://elitistarmory.com) is done by the author of Elitist Group, as with Elitist Group it gives you information on what kind of equipment, gems and enchants a player is using. It also tries to show you information you need, rather than just giving you everything and the kitchen sink.

I’ll be lazy and steal the examples used on the website, Shadow (http://elitistarmory.com/us/mal'ganis/shadow) is a perfect profile, while Amarand (http://elitistarmory.com/us/mal'ganis/amarand) has multiple item and talent issues.

Powered by
You can add support for tooltips showing Elitist Armory information by using the powered by (http://elitistarmory.com/powered) support, all you have to do is include a little bit of Javascript.

The guild feature will allow you to quickly see how good and how accurate your raid teams gear is. This guild (http://elitistarmory.com/g/us/mal'ganis/internet%20relay%20chat/0/9) is probably not going to be killing 25-man heroic Lich King anytime soon!

Equipment, gems and enchants
Items are categorized into their basic types by stats. Items with defense rating are tank items or if they have spell power then it’s a caster item. Players are classified into a tank, caster dps, melee dps or range dps role depending on their talents and profiles are built based on if an item is useful for them. A Hunter would be penalized for wearing items with Spirit, while a Holy Priest would not.

Unlike Elitist Group, it will also warn players who are Jewelcrafters, but don’t have three Dragon’s Eyes socketed, or Blacksmiths who aren’t using there extra sockets. It will even show a players gear for both of their specs if it’s available.

It includes basic searching for item upgrades by their type, such as finding upgrades for Boots of Wintry Endurance (http://elitistarmory.com/item/45565/spirit-healer).

Dungeon experience
Rather than showing experience by a long list of achievements, you can a simple summarized percent based on the same numbers used in Elitist Group. Dungeon experience is broken down by number of players and by heroic vs normal difficulty. Claiming a character (http://elitistarmory.com/faq#claim), will let you show your main characters experience if you play a lot of alts.

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/cataclysm-screenshot-ruby-sanctum-elitist-armory/)