View Full Version : RSS Celestial Steed and Lil'XT to be sold in the Blizzard Store

15/04/2010, 12:45
Celestial Steed and Lil'XT to be sold in the Blizzard Store
According to the Blizzard store, the Lil' XT (http://db.mmo-champion.com/s/75906/lil-xt/) companion pet and the Celestial Steed (http://db.mmo-champion.com/s/75614/celestial-steed/) mounts will be available from the Blizzard Store! This is the first time Blizzard sells a mount through the Blizzard store, we don't have the price yet but we can assume we'll hear about it very soon.

The Celestial Steed seems to scale depending on your existing mounts. If you already have a 310% flying mount, the celestial steed will be a 310% as well. If you don't, it will just be a regular 280% flying mount. (or 150% if you never bought the epic flying skill)

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/april/lilxtcelestial_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2010/april/lilxtcelestial.jpg)

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20/04/2010, 15:40
The fancy horse costs $25 and offers no new abilities to players, only riding as fast as a character's riding skill will enable it to go.

According to wow.com, the download queue as of 1:45 Pacific time was at 80,000. At $25 a pop, this means that this noble steed has generated sales of $2 million since its approximate debut at 9:30 this morning, or around $500,000 an hour.

wow nutella boy + micro transaction = http://www.mediabistro.com/unbeige/original/money%20house.jpg :asd:

Cloud Wallace
20/04/2010, 20:00
25 dollari per il binbo so' soldi

altro che micro

20/04/2010, 20:22
ma tra 20 anni la posso vendere a un negozio di antiquariato sta mount nutellosa?
con 25 dollari mi compro 5 scatole di condom scadenti in pacchi da 10. Almeno faccio sesso sicuro 50 volte :asd: altro che mount pacca..

20/04/2010, 20:47
il biNbo nutella di wow mi sā che č leggermente maggiorenne :v

20/04/2010, 21:37
Appena messo l'annuncio online in giro ce n'erano giā tre nell'arco di 15 minuti, per 20 euro :asd:

23/04/2010, 17:30
sto pensando di mettere /laugth in macro... lo facevo a tutti quelli che vedevo in sella a quella cosa, ma cominciano ad essere veramente tanti...

in compenso vorrei l'xt T_T