View Full Version : RSS Invincible FAQ, Arena Issues, Gear changes in Cataclysm

29/01/2010, 00:10
With all the Season 8 / Tier 10 announcement, I missed a couple of minor announcements in the past 2 days, including a few Arena issues and a veeeery long posts about warriors stealing my hunter's gear, like my Brutality Blade wasn't enough.

Invincible FAQ
Quote from: Crygil (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/22748778637-invincible-rising.html))
Q. Is the mount available in both 10 and 25 Heroic?
A. Invincible will only be available in the 25-person Heroic encounter with the Lich King.

Q. Is it a random drop or is it a guaranteed drop?
A. Much like Mimiron's head, one lucky player will be able to attain this incredible mount when the Lich King is defeated in his strongest form.

Arena Point Wipe Clarification
Quote from: Crygil (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/11/22748778917-arena-point-wipe-clarification.html))
Arena points were wiped during the recent maintenance following the end of the Arena season on January 19th. We initially intended to launch the next arena season this week, but it was delayed due to the minor content patch that needs to coincide with the beginning of the season having some last minute issues to resolve.

Due to the delay in the arena season we are in the process of reimbursing arena points to all eligible participants. Characters will be returned to the amount they had on Tuesday, January 26th. All Arena points will then be wiped when season 8 begins. We apologize for the confusion this caused and appreciate your understanding

2v2 Arena Titles
Quote from: Eyonix (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/11/22748778313-2v2-arena-titles.html))
Select players in the 2v2 bracket were mistakenly awarded end-of-season awards and titles. This was due to a game bug, and not at all intentional. We will be removing the mistaken awards and titles. For some players this will occur upon logging out. For others we will correct the error on the next maintenance period.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.

Epic Crafting: Gunship Battle
Quote from: Zarhym (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/22749238577-epic-crafting-gunship-battle.html))
As the confrontation with the Lich King draws nearer, fire erupts in the skies above Icecrown Citadel. Skybreaker and Orgrim's Hammer, the flag-flying gunships of the Alliance and Horde, clash near Deathbringer's Rise -- but it wasn’t too long ago that they were just ideas on paper. Read on to find out how our development team built this airborne assault: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/gunship-battle.xml

The Night Elf Mohawk Has Packed Up
Quote from: Crygil (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/22748778362-the-night-elf-mohawk-has-packed-up.html))
You’ve pitied and you’ve been pitied, but the time has come for the Night Elf Mohawk to pack up his Mohawk Grenades and move on. You looked goooood while his visit lasted, Azeroth, but his work here is done...for now.

Plate DPS Classes Using Mail/Leather
Quote from: Bornakk (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/22748778611-plate-dps-classes-using-mailleather.html))
We currently understand that plate dps classes are picking up leather and/or mail items as some of them currently work better for their class/spec. This post is a reminder of what we mentioned at BlizzCon 2009. In Cataclysm, plate items will have Strength on them while mail and leather will have Agility and the difference between these items will be greater than they are now. We don’t want anyone who is investing in certain items right now to be disappointed with them when the changes take effect.

As we have done in previous expansions, we plan to release a patch that updates the game systems shortly before the full expansion content goes live so you will still be experiencing Wrath of the Lich King content with the new stat systems for at least a short period of time. All classes will be changing a lot in Cataclysm and we will announce all of the changes in advance to try and prevent players from being taken by surprise. In the mean time, please make your item selections with both current and future content in mind.

[...] I wanted to address some of the points that have been brought up in this thread so far.

The original post was directed at the plate wearers because a mail-based class who is wearing leather going into Cataclysm won’t be at the same disadvantage as a plate-based class who is wearing leather or mail will be.

For an enhancement shaman or hunter, the mail will lose its Intellect, but the physical dps mail and leather will both have Agility that enhancement shaman and hunters want. However, we are also going to offer a small additional incentive for characters to wear “their” armor so it will encourage shaman and hunters to wear mail over leather, balance druids to want leather over cloth, holy paladins to prefer plate, etc.

We realize everyone will have lots of questions about what will happen to their gear, and we will eventually share all of that with you. We just wanted to post this reminder for plate wearers who are currently after leather and/or mail items to let them they will really not want it when we convert to the next expansion.

Part of the Cataclysm re-itemization will be to change all of the old (pre-Wrath of the Lich King) items, which will include doing things like actually having low level balance druid leather or holy paladin plate.

[...] If you are focused on Icecrown progression right now, as you probably should be, then pick whatever gear makes the most sense for your character. All we wanted to point out is that once we get closer to Cataclysm, all of your gear is going to change. In most cases, a good piece will still be good for you. In the dps warrior, paladin and DK case, the now +Agility leather and mail you might be wearing will be bad for you. If you plan to keep raiding after the conversion, that might be a problem. If you planned to use your Icecrown gear to help you level in Cataclysm, that might be a problem. It's just a public service announcement for players who might not be familiar with the Catalcysm stats plan.

[...] The intention isn't to have people change their bidding/rolling habits right now. If the item is an upgrade right now for current content you should probably go for it.

The intention is to make sure players know that the leather/mail items probably won't be very useful when we do reach Cataclysm so having some extra plate items as backups will probably be more helpful than another abyss crystal at that point in time. Cataclysm is not right around the corner but if you are using (just tossing a number out there) 8 leather items, replacing all of them may take more than a couple weeks.

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/invincible-faq-arena-issues-gear-changes-in-cataclysm/)