View Full Version : RSS Putricide, 01/06 Hotfixes, MLG Orlando, Blue posts

07/01/2010, 07:58
Paragon kills Professor Putricide (25)
I do not usually posts about normal mode kills but so far it looks like Professor Putricide won't be an easy fight, even in normal mode. Paragon (http://www.paragon-wow.com/) (EU-Lightning's Blade) was the first guild to defeat him, congratulations to them!

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/december/paragonputricide_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/december/paragonputricide.jpg)

Recent In-Game Fixes - January 2010 - 01/06
Quote from: Bornakk (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/23/22418851790-recent-ingame-fixes--january-2010--14.html))
Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted.

To review previous in-game fixes, please visit: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=21723843880&sid=1


Deathbringer’s Will trinket will now proc haste as a replacement for armor penetration.
The val’kyrs spawned by the Nibelung staff will now always hit with their smite attack and their damage has been increased for both normal and heroic versions of the staff.
The chance for the proc to activate on the Black Bruise weapon has been increased.
In the Rotface encounter, big oozes should now properly combine.
Rotface’s acidic blood and Festergut's acidic blood now function appropriately through the use of the group looting and master looting systems.

06/01 MLG World of Warcraft 3v3 Championship!
Quote from: Vaneras (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/11/12165796983-0601-mlg-world-of-warcraft-3v3-championship.html))
The 2009 Major League Gaming PC Circuit comes to a grand showdown in Orlando, Florida on January 9-10, 2010. The top four teams from the 2009 regular season MLG PC Circuit will gather at the Gaylord Palms Resort for a two day World of Warcraft Arena clash. The action begins Saturday, January 9 with Check 6 (US), SK (US), Complexity (US) and Button Bashers (KR) competing for the right to be called the 2009 MLG PC Circuit Champions and for the $15,000 winner-take-all prize.

For more information on the tournament, how to watch all the action (http://www.mlgpro.com/pro-circuit/2009/index5.php#watchlive), purchase advance order spectator passes (http://www.mlgpro.com/pro-circuit/2009/index5.php#spectator) or HD stream access (http://www.gotfrag.com/) visit Major League Gaming's website here: http://www.mlgpro.com/

Blue posts
Quote from Blizzard staff
Professor Putricide is working as intended
Just as a point of clarification. The Professor Putricide encounter is working as intended. You are only allowed one abomination up at any given time in both 10 player and 25 player modes.

[...] We are attempting to reproduce the spawning of multiple aboms. It's definitely not intended and will be hotfixed.

[...] Wing end bosses will all be extremely difficult and should feel like a step above everything else - even in non-heroic difficulty (10/25 person). They will, of course, reward appropriately for the rise in difficulty, granting tier 10 armor tokens (25 player/10 player heroic only).

If anything the 10 man version might be slightly overtuned. We'll be keeping a close eye on the fight and watching player feedback/stats. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/12/22418852670-professor-putricide.html))

Upcoming changes to Forge of Souls for casters
We do recognize this as an issue to an extent. I don't have any immediate plans for changes to Bronjahm to share with you at the moment, but we do plan on changing the Spell Reflect abilities of some of the creatures in Forge of Souls in an upcoming minor patch. We plan to implement a cast time on this ability, reduce the number of reflection charges it provides, and decrease its overall chance of reflecting spells. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/22418972678-h-icc-forge-of-souls-why-so-anticaster.html))

Ashen Band of Courage Proc Rate (Ashen Band of Courage (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50375/ashen-band-of-courage/)
So far it seems to be working right and we suspect that avoidance may be the cause of the issue. I don't have anything else to share but just wanted to post here to let you know that we are aware of the discussion regarding this ring and keeping an eye on it. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/26/22418972886-ashen-band-of-courage-proc-rate.html))

Melee/Caster Friendly Encounters
Providing creative and fun boss encounters is tremendously important to us and too an awful lot of players. We're not going to guarantee that every boss will be equally good for every spec, nor even that there will be an even and alternating pattern of them. We don't even want raids to fall into a predictable pattern like "Oh, here is the gear check single target guy. Here is the lots of adds guys." The game is five years old and we've gone through a lot of bosses. Our team will commit to keep throwing new fights at you. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/22419022839-2nd-wing-out-dps-in-raids.html))

Classes DPS disparities in raid
It is a big deal, in our minds, if some specs are legitimately holding back progress. The problem comes when players believe in their hearts that this is either happening or will happen in the near future. It rarely happens anywhere to the degree that it is expressed on the forums. Most hardcore guilds tend to run with the best players they have. Most pugs tend to run with whoever they can get. There are misinformed raid leaders out there who say dumb things like "I don't bring Elemental shaman on my raids," but we don't balance around the misinformed.

If we things will get too far out of whack, we'll adjust them accordingly. In the mean time, focus on beating the bosses not beating your fellow raid members.

[...] Now some guilds will constantly swap people in and out for particular fights, because that's just what they do. Fewer guilds than you probably think actually do this.

But do we think mages, warlocks, Elemental shaman, Balance druids, hunters or Shadow priests are going to be "Sunwelled" (defined here as parked at the curb because the group benefits more from bringing someone else), no, we don't think that's going to happen.

[...] If mages et al. have an important job on a boss, then defeating the boss is partially contingent on mages doing that job well. What puts me in sarcastic mode is the contention (from some of you, certainly not everyone posting so maybe this doesn't apply to you individually) that because mages have to manage adds or dodge poison clouds or whatever that they aren't important on that fight or that it's not fair that they can't do rogue damage because they're doing other things.

If the mage and the rogue can't compete on the theoretical perfect fight target dummy then it's a problem and we'll get it taken care of. If rogues out dps mages on Saurfang (given how the Saurfang fight works) then we're not worried about it.

I agree players do and should care about their dps. My advice is to work hard to make sure your dps is as good as it can possibly be. If you think you're doing that, well I'm skeptical, but beyond that, gratz, you won WoW.

[...] Nobody really cares about winning the target dummy (at least they shouldn't). But when you balance a fight around an encounter what that means is that you shouldn't really have the expectation that dps will be similar at all depending on the encounter mechanics. Wow, DKs and Fury does great on Anub'arak. Well, sure, they can cleave everything to death. WoW, Arcane mages do awesome on Jaraxxus. Wonder why.

One of the things I try to stress over and over is not to treat max dps as some real world number the way you can measure temperature or miles per gallon or clicks per minute. There is no test bed case for dps under idealized circumstances because those circumstances don't exist in a raid. In some sense every fight if a gimmick fight. Yes, it's possible for your dps to be too high or too low and we adjust that when we think it's out of alignment (and players will come here to try and convince us that it is or it isn't). But for the most part, you should focus on maximizing your contribution to your raid. There are specs that still do underperform in raids, and that is something we want to get fixed, but at least those classes have alternative specs that fulfill the same basic role. For the most part everyone else is getting to raid if they are interested and halfway decent. If you're not getting a boss killed, I can almost state for a certainty that it's not because you have e.g. more mages than rogues in your group. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/22419022839-2nd-wing-out-dps-in-raids.html))

More artworks have been added to the Battlecry Mosaic Page (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wowanniversary/battlecry/).

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/december/08-e3alliance_small.jpg (http://us.media.blizzard.com/wow/anniversary/_images/ilovesc/unlockables/08-e3alliance.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/december/07-mulgore_small.jpg (http://us.media.blizzard.com/wow/anniversary/_images/ilovesc/unlockables/07-mulgore.jpg)

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/putricide-0106-hotfixes-mlg-orlando-blue-posts/)