View Full Version : RSS Neverdied LVL 80 Mage, MLG Orlando, Blue posts

24/12/2009, 09:35
Neverdied - LVL 80 Mage - No Quest, No Dungeons, No Death
It's Christmas eve and I have a wonderful story for you! Neverdied (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-statistics.xml?r=Durotan&cn=Neverdied&gn=Chimera), a mage from Chimera (http://www.worldofchimera.com/) (US - Durotan) reached level 80 yesterday!

Character Armory Profile (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Durotan&cn=Neverdied&gn=Chimera)
Character Statistics (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-statistics.xml?r=Durotan&cn=Neverdied&gn=Chimera)

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/december/neverdied.jpg (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Durotan&cn=Neverdied&gn=Chimera)

Of course it's not just another level 80, the character was leveled without any quests, instances, or even deaths! Here is the mail I received:

Back in may I saw http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=17367601961 (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=17367601961) and http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=17779679689 (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=17779679689) and thought it would be fun to combine them.

First try I died to being over confident, second try I died to 3 casters respawns on top of me while in higher levels, last try was death due to server lag.

At first I was only going to do no deaths and no achievements but as I was grinding I thought I could do this without quests. On the second try I thought I could avoid flight paths all together. Then on the third try I had made a list of all the restrictions I thought I could go through.

They had to be:

No death
No questing
No instances, BGs or Arenas
No mounts or flight paths
No professions
No loot
Just grinding.

Contrary to what people think this took a lot of practice and planning. I had to be careful what parts of maps to discover, what mobs to grind and be aware of places I could fall from. Cautious the warrior died from falling so a mage would help. Also I needed to travel a lot so portals would help a ton moving around. Actually the ports where the main reason I picked a mage and also for invisibility at higher levels which saved my arse many times.

Finally since this was a pve server I didn t need more escape mechanism than what mages had. Played was about 10 days and 12 hours but that also involves many hours on the AH scanning and looking for gear so it is not that accurate. I did use RAF on the first try but it wasn t efficient to dual box and I abandoned the idea on the second try because it would have been not worthy.

It was full solo 31900 mobs grinded in about 4 months. Some 6 hours sessions, some only rested XP. Basically a little everyday. Next is finishing the same thing on a pvp server...but on a different name and a different class and no you can not know what server http://www.mmo-champion.com/Smileys/classic/smiley.gif

Congratulations to him for such an impressive achievement, that's definitely a lot of time and dedication!

<div align="center">World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship
A new MLG WoW tournament is coming in early January! This one should be slightly less intrusive than the previous ones and I&#39;ll try to make sure the tournaments are once again an enjoyable experience for everyone on the site.

GotFrag.com (http://www.gotfrag.com/wow/story/44767/) - Teams have been officially announced for the Major League Gaming 2009 PC Circuit Championship, taking place in Orlando, Florida, at the Gaylord Palms Resort, January 9th-10th. The top four MLG Ranking Points teams for 2009 will battle it out in a double elimination, winner take all bracket for $15,000 and the right to be called 2009 MLG PC Circuit Champion.

Check 6, SK.EG, Complexity, and Button Bashers take the stage Saturday for a very special exhibition style "All-Star" tournament. Then Sunday, those four teams will compete for the gold in the championship bracket.

[...] The show begins Saturday January 9th at 12:30pm EST with the All-Star 3v3 Challenge and then again Sunday January 1oth at high noon for the 2009 MLG PC Circuit Championship. Every minute of action will be brought to you with expert commentary from, Keith "Igoaf" Trahan and Jared "Vhell" Coulston, supported by the veteran coverage staff right here at GotFrag.

Team Details
Check World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship Teams (http://www.gotfrag.com/wow/story/44767/)!

Saturday January 9th, 2010
12:30pm - Welcome/Pre-Game Show
1pm - All-Star Challenge Winners Round 1
2pm - All-Star Challenge Winners Round 1 B
3pm - All-Star Challenge Losers Round 1
4pm - All-Star Challenge Winners Finals
5pm - All-Star Challenge Losers Finals
6pm - Dinner Break
7pm - All-Star Challenge Finals
8pm-8:15pm - Wrapup
Sunday January 10th, 2010
11:30am - Welcome/Pre-Game Show
12 noon - Championship Winners Round 1 A
1pm - Championship Winners Round 1 B
2pm - Championship Losers Round 1
3pm - Lunch Break
4pm - Championship Winners Finals
5pm - Championship Losers Finals
6pm - Championship Finals
7pm-7:15pm - Award Ceremony
To purchase the HD WoW Weekend pass for the 2009 MLG PC Circuit Championship live from Orlando, go to www.mlgpro.com/live/2009/Orlando/purchaseHD (http://www.mlgpro.com/live/2009/Orlando/purchaseHD).

Spectator passes are available for those wishing to view the action in person HERE (https://secure.mlgpro.com/store/category.php?action=view&cid=21).

Winter&#39;s Veil Achievement and Quest Concerns
Quote from: Zarhym (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/22049517783-winters-veil-achievement-and-quest-concerns.html))
Posted by Syndri on the Customer Service forum: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=22048397469&sid=1


We’re aware that many players have experienced difficulty completing the achievement “’Tis the Season” and the quest “Metzen the Reindeer.” While the Game Master department will not be in a position to grant credit for this achievement or quest, here are a few tips to help you complete them on your own.

‘Tis The Season

We’ve received many reports of players not receiving the “Tis’ the Season” achievement despite meeting the listed requirements (eating Graccu’s Mince Meat Fruitcake with 3 pieces of Winter Clothing equipped), and this is most often related to “broken” Winter Clothing.

To ensure that you are able to receive this achievement, please check the durability of your Winter Clothing and repair any broken pieces prior to eating Graccu’s Mince Meat Fruitcake. If any pieces of equipped Winter Clothing are broken at the time that Graccu’s Mince Meat Fruitcake is eaten, you will not be eligible for the “’Tis the Season” achievement.

Metzen the Reindeer

We’ve also received a number of reports that Smokywood Satchels do not always include a Pouch of Reindeer Dust if received while in a raid group. Unfortunately, without the Pouch of Reindeer Dust, the quest “Metzen the Reindeer” cannot be completed.

To guarantee that your Smokywood Satchel contains both Metzen’s Letters and Notes and the Pouch of Reindeer dust, please make sure that you are not in a raid group when you accept this quest. If you have this quest in your log currently but are unable to complete it due to the missing quest item, please abandon the quest and accept it again while not in a raid group.

World of Warcraft Movie Contest
Quote from: Bornakk (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/22050167861-world-of-warcraft-movie-contest.html))
We&#39;re pleased to announce the Alienware-sponsored World of Warcraft Rise to Power Movie Contest. Players are once again being called on to create movies set in Azeroth. This is a great way for up-and-coming directors to display their moviemaking skills. The four winning entrees will receive $2,400 credit towards an All Powerful Alienware desktop or laptop. Interested? Click here to learn more.

Contest Information: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/contests/risetopower/index.xml

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/neverdied-lvl-80-mage-mlg-orlando-blue-posts/)

04/01/2010, 11:38
Non capisco come fa ad avere solo 80 punti achivment :|
Come ha fatto a fare l'80 senza fare nssuna quest?
Se qualcuno lo sa me lo dica^^

04/01/2010, 15:46
ha grindato mob e basta :|

04/01/2010, 20:22
che pazienza stò tipo :|

05/01/2010, 02:50
They had to be:

No death
No questing
No instances, BGs or Arenas
No mounts or flight paths
No professions
No loot
Just grinding.

Che noia, oppure guardava i film come facevo io mentre farmavo :asd:

05/01/2010, 03:14
che pazienza stò tipo :|
E' semplicemente esaurito :asd:

05/01/2010, 17:44
Non capisco come fa ad avere solo 80 punti achivment :|
Come ha fatto a fare l'80 senza fare nssuna quest?
Se qualcuno lo sa me lo dica^^

"It was full solo 31900 mobs grinded in about 4 months."

in pratica e' un idiota.... si e' nascosto nella foresta di Elwin e ha ucciso 31900 volte lo stesso cinghiale!!! AHUAHAHHA come quelli di South Park!!!

05/01/2010, 18:12
E' semplicemente esaurito :asd:

la pazienza era riferita al fatto che quello non fosse il primo pg con cui avesse provato :asd: e nonostasse questo avesse le palle di riprovarci :v

PS: Syno Spadino ma perchè hai cambiato nome? :v

05/01/2010, 21:21
la pazienza era riferita al fatto che quello non fosse il primo pg con cui avesse provato :asd: e nonostasse questo avesse le palle di riprovarci :v

PS: Syno Spadino ma perchè hai cambiato nome? :v

Perchè questo è il mio nome :v

06/01/2010, 15:27
Perchè questo è il mio nome :v


ormai lo sanno tutti che sei Syno Spadino :v

06/01/2010, 20:39
Invece di rinominarmi perchè non vieni a giocare con noi ? :v

06/01/2010, 20:46
Invece di rinominarmi perchè non vieni a giocare con noi ? :v

perchè su uau non posso pippare motorini :asd:

06/01/2010, 21:10
"It was full solo 31900 mobs grinded in about 4 months."

in pratica e' un idiota.... si e' nascosto nella foresta di Elwin e ha ucciso 31900 volte lo stesso cinghiale!!! AHUAHAHHA come quelli di South Park!!!
Avevo pensato qualcosa di simile (in peggio), ma avevo evitato di postare perché certa gente non merita considerazione neanche in negativo.

06/01/2010, 22:20
perchè su uau non posso pippare motorini :asd:

Ti regalo la motomount , devo solo andare a vender il culo alle cascine :asd:

07/01/2010, 01:32
Ti regalo la motomount , devo solo andare a vender il culo alle cascine :asd:

zomg co la motomount si che mi hai convinto... :v

oh wait non ho più log e password :look:

08/01/2010, 02:37
