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11/12/2009, 06:48
The Ashen Verdict Reputation Rings
The Ashen Verdict (http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=910) page has been updated with all the reputation rings. A few players farmed trash mobs and are already exalted!

SpecFriendly (251)Honored (259)Revered (268)Exalted (277)TankAshen Band of Courage (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50375/ashen-band-of-courage/)Greater Courage (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50388/ashen-band-of-greater-courage/)Unmatched CourageEndless CouragePhys.DPSAshen Band of Vengeance (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50376/ashen-band-of-vengeance/)Greater Vengeance (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50387/ashen-band-of-greater-vengeance/)Unmatched VengeanceEndless VengeanceSpell DPSAshen Band of Destruction (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50377/ashen-band-of-destruction/)Greater Destruction (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50384/ashen-band-of-greater-destruction/)Unmatched DestructionEndless DestructionHealingAshen Band of Wisdom (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50378/ashen-band-of-wisdom/)Greater Wisdom (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50386/ashen-band-of-greater-wisdom/)Unmatched WisdomEndless Wisdom

Recent In-Game Fixes - December 2009 - 12/10
Quote from: Bornakk (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/23/21723843880-recent-ingame-fixes--decmeber-2009--129.html))
Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted.

To review previous in-game fixes, please visit: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=20677858456&sid=1


Onyxia will now move at a normal at her regular speed when casting deep breaths.
Onyxia has been cut off from the magic that sustained her invulnerable state.
Players will no longer die while zoning into Icecrown citadel as the Gunship event resets.
The Battered Hilt will show it’s appropriate faction-racial restrictions.
Hunters, Rogues, and Shaman will once again be able to roll need on off-hand weapons when the need before greed looting system is active.
Earthen Power now properly removes snare effects.
Hunger for Blood now increases a rogues damage by 10% down from 15%.
The Ephemeral Snowflake trinket now has a very short cooldown to prevent it from restoring inappropriately large amounts of mana.
The Shadow damage from Scourge Strike will no longer be able to critically strike. The physical component will continue to be able to critically strike.
You are now able to recast Mind Flay after missing with the spell without receiving a “This spell is not ready yet” message.

Impending 3.3 hotfixes
Quote from: Ghostcrawler (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/21730605184-impending-33-hotfixes.html))
After evaluating damage dealt in instances and PvP over the last two days, we are going to deploy three changes. There could always be more along the way. These hotfixes should hit sometime today (Dec 10).

Hunger for Blood now increases damage by 10% instead of 15%. We wanted to increase Assassination rogue damage, and we were succesful, but we overshot the mark. We buffed Hunger for Blood back when Assassination needed a damage boost, so we're more than happy that this talent won't account for such a huge dps increase. Because of the nature of hotfixes, it is unlikely the tooltip will change to 10% right away.

Scourge Strike can now crit only once. The Shadow portion of the damage cannot separately crit. We wanted to keep the double crit mechanic as a way of making Scourge Strike do more than just being an attack that hits for equal part physical and Shadow damage. The change just proved to be too bursty in PvP and provide too much sustained damage in raids. The Shadow portion Scourge Strike will continue to be increased by effects that currently boost Shadow damage.

Rolling Corruptions no longer use the initial haste value indefinitely. This is really more of a bug fix than a nerf. The problem here was that players could inflate the initial cast of Corruption and have the spell tick for that damage indefinitely as long as it was refreshed. This resulted in some "jaw dropping" damage. Technically this was a tricky one to fix but we wanted to keep the Glyph of Quick Decay and were able to ultimately find a solution. When this fix goes live, the hasted Corruption should correct itself to your current haste within a tick or two of the spell being refreshed.

Ideally, we'd rather make changes while we're still in PTR before a patch goes live, but in the end we'd rather make changes than allow something imbalanced to continue just because we didn't change it pre-patch. To the community's credit, some players predicted these issues might become a problem. We appreciate the feedback as always, even if we don't always immediately make changes suggested by the community.

I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread, but only because it covers three different topics and not because we're trying to limit any response or feedback to this announcement.

Add an Authenticator, Adopt a Core Hound
Quote from: Nethaera (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/21726114509-add-an-authenticator-adopt-a-core-hound.html))
Show everyone in Azeroth that you're serious about account security with man's (and orc's) best friend! Beginning today, any World of Warcraft player who protects his or her Battle.net account using either a Blizzard Authenticator ( http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_US&articleId=24660 ) or the Battle.net Mobile Authenticator ( http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_US&articleId=26109 ) will get their very own in-game Core Hound Pup, a fiery and feisty guard-dog pet. Adopting this molten mutt is easy: If you've got any kind of Authenticator attached to your account, you'll find your new canine companion waiting for you the next time you log in.

We've also just released a new Blizzard Authenticator token featuring a Core Hound-themed look and design. Click here ( http://us.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=1100000822 ) to order one through the online Blizzard Store. For more information on account security and the various Authenticator options available to you, check out our Account Security ( http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_US&articleId=20572 ) and Authenticator ( http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_US&articleId=24986 ) pages.

Core Hound Pup Pet FAQ

Q: How do I get the special Core Hound Pup pet for Authenticator users?
If you have a Blizzard Authenticator or Battle.net Mobile Authenticator attached to your Battle.net account, you’ll find the Core Hound Pup item waiting for you in your in-game mailbox the next time you log in. Simply use the item to add the pet to your collection.

Q: Can the Core Hound Pup help me in combat?
No, his bark is infinitely worse than his bite. The Core Hound Pup is a non-combat guard dog, trained to intimidate rather than eviscerate.

Q: What if I remove my Authenticator?
If you remove the Authenticator from your Battle.net account, the Core Hound Pup will disappear from the pets collection of all of your characters after you log out of the game. You’ll need to reattach an Authenticator to receive the pet again, at which point you’ll find him in your mailbox once more. If you switch Authenticators while in-game, your pet will remain intact.

Q: Which characters will receive the Core Hound Pup pet?
Each existing character on every World of Warcraft account associated with the Authenticator-protected Battle.net account will receive the Core Hound Pup pet, as will each character you create in the future while the Authenticator is attached.

Q: In what regions is the Core Hound Pup available?
The Core Hound Pup is available to players on realms located in North America, Europe, and Korea. A Battle.net account is required in all of these regions in order to claim the pet.

Q: Do I need to buy the Core Hound-themed Blizzard Authenticator to get the pet?
Nope. Any Blizzard Authenticator or Battle.net Mobile Authenticator product will do!

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