View Full Version : Onyxia Key Quest Guide

13/04/2005, 13:20
Per entrare devi avere la chiave nn pensare che t possa aprire un amico mauhahuahu

Onyxia Key Quest Guide



Currently there are two big targets for high-end PvE. Molten Core, an instance with several bosses that requires a full raid of 60s, and Lady Onyxia, a dragon that also requires a full raid of 60s to kill. Molten Core, or MC, is accessed through Blackrock Depths, and does not require a key to enter. Anyone can go there, but be assured that you would be pwned by the first mobs in the zone unless you were very well prepared.

Onyxia's lair, however, requires a key. To obtain this key, every member of the raid must complete a quest chain that is sometimes difficult, but in general very fun. What follows is a guide to getting your key to Onyxia.

Step one is to get to at least level 55. Blackrock Depths is a difficult dungeon, and the majority of the real work in the quest chain is done there. You cannot do any of the steps while in a raid. You must be in a 5-man group.

The first quest that you do is called Dragonkin Menace, and it is obtained from the night elf named Helendis at Marshall's Refuge in the Burning Steppes. He has you kill a bunch of dragonkin, most of which are elites, so it may be best to bring a group to do this part. After you turn in this quest he will give you another quest that I don't remember the name of. But it's simply a "go talk to such and such person" quest. Then follows several quests of going to Lakeshire, Stormwind, and back to Burning Steppes, including one session of listening to a dwarf drone on and on and on.

Finally you will get a quest to go look for Marshall Windsor in Blackrock Depths. He is located in the prison section, and you have to kill a mob to get the key to the cell, but this is easy enough, as the mob is in the prison section not far from the cells. Marshall Windsor will then complete your quest and give you another one to go back to the camp in Burning Steppes.

After you do this, the line is seemingly over. It's not. Go back to BRD and kill mobs until you get a drop of "A Crumpled Up Note" This will give you a quest to go back to Windsor in his cell. He will give you a quest to kill the General and the Golem Lord. Neither of these bosses are very difficult or a pain to get to. Once again, you have to be in a 5-man group to loot the required items. When you have the items, return to Windsor and complete the quest.

Now comes the hard part. Windsor has finally decided it's time to leave. He doesn't do the smart thing, however, and just bolt for the door, but dilly-dallies around for a good half an hour, taking you through a large part of the instance. It is very easy to fail this quest and wipe your group in the process. The best strategy is to clear out the entire prison area, save the middle section with the boss that drops the key to the cells, where Windsor doesn't go. Note that you have to clear out another part that has prison cells in it as well.

Others have said that it's possible to do the quest without clearing all the mobs, but I think this is pushing it. Repops are very slow in BRD, so it's easy enough to just clear and be on the safe side.

There are several triggered spawns as Windsor beats up on some of the inmates that he doesn't particuarly like, and frees one of his buddies. After his little tour he will run to the exit. Fear not, there are no last minute ambushes.

After you get the quest complete message you can get another quest from him to see Marshall Maxwell back in the Burning Steppes. After you do this you will receive Stormwind Rendevous. Go to, you guessed it, Stormwind.

Windsor will meet you just outside of the Stormwind gate. Not on the bridge but just outside in Elwynn Forest. He spawns and gets off of his horse. You will complete Stormwind Rendevous and can then get The Great Masquerade. This is another escort quest, but it's considerably more fun than the last one. Start it, and Windsor will walk up to our hero, General Marcus Jonathan. Lady Katrina yells that Windsor should be arrested, and the guards line up to do it, but Windsor convinces the general to let him pass. Stroll through the city and up to Stormwind Keep.

When you get to the keep, Windsor will have a scene where he reveals that Lady Katrina, who normally stands next to the king of Stormwind, is actually the dragon Lady Onyxia. Onyxia blasts Windsor and teleports out. The fun part is when a bunch of the guards transform into level 61 elite dragonkin. You would think this would be a problem, but Highlord Bolvar barely breaks a sweat as he and his guards slowly but surely slice up the dragonkin. The trick here is just not to die. You could fight the dragonkin, I suppose, but there's no reason to. Stay back as the scene plays out and you won't get aggro. If you have any low-level people that you don't like, tell them to stand where the king should be standing during the fight. Tell them they'll get the best view from there. Even if you do die, don't release your spirit and you'll still get credit for the quest.

After he finishes owning the dragonkin, Bolvar tends to the dying Windsor, then gets back on his dais and you can complete The Great Masquerade. Then he offers you another quest, this one to restore a medallion that should grant you access to Onyxia's lair. The quest description gives you little clue as to what to do, but I cast Google Rank 4, I found out that you must go to Winterspring, where cave with all the blue dragons you'll find a pentagram. Step on this and be teleported up to talk to Haleh. Haleh will give you a quest to restore the medallion. The item that you need drops from one of the tougher mobs in the game, one that requires a full raid to kill. General Drakissath is located in Upper Blackrock Spire. This time, being in a raid is no problem. However, the general will only drop one blood per kill, so in order to have a raid force that can all get into Onyxia's lair, one must kill the general multiple times. Oh, well. He drops nice stuff in addition to the quest item.

13/04/2005, 13:33
Tenendo conto che Onyxia la si fa di solito con i membri della propria gilda, ? un evento dopo tutto, e che Blackrock Spire ha un cap di 15 persone in raid, vuol dire che ognuno di noi dovr? fare almeno 15 volte il bossone, questa mi sa che ? la parte peggiore.

13/04/2005, 14:28
Ownato una volta si owna sempre,
Cmq perepe' per fare la chiave bisogna fare tutte le quest che hanno a che fare coi draghi nelle burning.

13/04/2005, 14:46
domanda idiota: ma una volta che ho la chiave mi rimane anche dopo aver fatto onyxia spero :look:

Cloud Wallace
13/04/2005, 20:35
Si, come tutte le chiavi :ph34r:

13/04/2005, 21:33
Io sono al pezzo del crumpled note^^ Beh ci sono quasi... :wacko:

13/04/2005, 22:13
Io nn mai visto Marshal Windsor LOL.

15/04/2005, 22:04
Originally posted by Q(F)M@Apr 13 2005, 12:46
domanda idiota: ma una volta che ho la chiave mi rimane anche dopo aver fatto onyxia spero :look:
Per l'esattezza ? una collana possa