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13/11/2009, 16:50
Blood Queen Lana'thel and Deathbringer Saurfang Videos
It's time for PTR testing videos! Myth (http://www.myth-gilde.net) released a video of the fight against Blood Queen Lana'thel and Cuties Only (http://www.qtsonlyguild.com) released one of Deathbringer Saurfang.

<div align="center">Patch 3.3 Buff/Debuff Management Clarifications
Quote from: Ghostcrawler (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/13/21042556686-33-ptr-buffdebuff-management--feedback.html))
There isn&#39;t a hard and fast rule for what goes into the box. We tried to go through the list of everything and make judgement calls. Very spammy things that you are grateful for but don&#39;t need to be reminded of constantly (say Replenishment) go in the box. Long-term buffs go into the box with a couple of exceptions. Things with relatively short ranges, like say totems or paladin auras, stay out of the box because you need to know if you move out of range of them. Things that are very core to your class, like Shadowform, paladin seals or warrior stances, stay out of the box. Inner Fire stays out because it has charges. Things like Inspiration and Heroism that might actually alter your behavior stay out. Anything related to a specific encounter will stay out of the box. If in doubt, we left it out.

The other new option, the castable debuffs, is a way to just see "your stuff" on a target, especially a raid boss. If you want to see your Corruption and CoA and not every lock&#39;s dots, it works well for that. It does not work well for debuffs that share the same exclusive category, like say Mangle and Trauma. That functionality is something we&#39;d like to add in the future. If you&#39;re a raid leader, it&#39;s not going to let you see if all of the critical debuffs are being applied. But if you aren&#39;t a raid leader, don&#39;t have a lot of fancy mods to monitor such things, and just want to make sure your DK diseases are still up, it&#39;s great for that.

We find both new tools to be really useful, but they default to off, so we wanted to make sure players didn&#39;t miss them on the PTR while there was still some time to iterate on the design.

Blue posts
Quote from Blizzard staff
No Quel&#39;delar for Tanks
We don&#39;t feel there is a need for it? We aimed to make sure that every class had something to gain from the Quel&#39;Delar series, but that doesn&#39;t mean every spec of every class. Could a tank use the one handed dps version of Quel&#39;Delar? Yes, it may give them more threat. Is this ideal for surviving while tanking? No, but there are other items available for that. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/21043886736-queldelar-weapons.html))

Rumors of Blizzcon in Las Vegas
We haven’t announced any details regarding our next BlizzCon, so please refrain from making any travel plans at this time. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/20860803518-blizzconin-vegas.html))

Mimiron&#39;s Head in Patch 3.3
There are no plans to remove this mount in patch 3.3. Good luck on more Yogg+0 attempts! (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/20861003068-mimirons-head-unavailable-in-33.html))

Deathbringer Saurfang Issues on PTRs
The dodge and crit issues will be fixed in a new build, the higher values of those are a quirk of a setting we used on him.

It&#39;s just the Blood Beasts that have the AE damage reduction aura, you should be able to damage Saurfang just fine with Whirlwind and similar effects. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/13/21038226210-deathbringer-saurfang--feedback-nov-12.html))

Emblems of Frost Plate Tanking Chest Bug
If you are talking about a certain badge chest, there is no block on that item. It has bonus armor, expertise and defense. [...] I think in this case it&#39;s actually a bug. We create some items by cloning old items and sometimes the old stuff doesn&#39;t get correctly removed. (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/26/21048546495-badge-gear-with-block-valueblock-rating.html))

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/iwarlocks.gif Warlock
Warlock Threat
There is nothing to warlock spells that make them cause more threat than a similar spell by say a mage. The exception are spells like Searing Pain that specifically state that they generate increased threat. That issue is from a (possibly antiquated) design where the lock might need to pull off of their pet to save its life while soloing.

In general, it&#39;s not a good strategy to compare your spells to other classes. They are different for a reason, which is namely that we want different classes to play differently. One of the first arguments we tune out is "The only class who...". Our response to that is usually: Good!

If you feel like you have threat issues, those are totally valid to discuss. I would do so without saying "But this other class has a better spell." (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/21035173936-warlock-threat-part-2.html))

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/iwarriors.gif Warrior
Heroic Strike
We have become pretty dissatisfied with the on-next swing mechanic. Come Cataclysm, we&#39;d love to get rid of all of them. Obviously that will necessitate some pretty significant changes in how warriors generate threat or do damage (unlike Maul or Rune Strike, Heroic Strike gets a lot of use outside of tanking), which makes it too risky a change for 3.3. We think some of the other ideas like toggling the ability are also risky in the sense that they might require a lot of iteration to feel right, or worse, might mess up threat generation or damage dealt.

The original design of HS as a tanking tool wasn&#39;t that you replace every white swing with a Heroic Strike. You did it when you wanted to burn off rage. These days tanks (and increasingly dps warriors too) are rarely rage starved beyond perhaps the first few seconds of the fight. That turns Heroic Strike into a button you always push.

A couple of other ideas we have considered, as someone above referenced, were making Heroic Strike do more threat the more rage you have but also spend more rage. Another is that you somehow go into "high rage mode" at which point everything costs double but hits harder. This would work for dps warriors too. Those are just ideas at this point, not announcements. Please don&#39;t tell us in a few weeks that you were promised these changes for 3.3. http://www.mmo-champion.com/Smileys/classic/sad.gif (Source (http://blue.mmo-champion.com/26/21043886521-why-no-heroic-strike-fix.html))

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/icecrown-citadel-videos-blue-posts-126825/)