View Full Version : RSS Patch 3.3 Totems, AH Guide Part 3, Comics

12/10/2009, 14:30
Let's start the week slowly, we're still waiting for most of the interesting stuff in Patch 3.3 and hopefully we'll start seeing some loot and raid bosses this week. If some of you are still looking for a source for the Battle.net migration deadline, the FAQ is still available on the Korean Battle.net Website (http://kr.battle.net/faq/index.html?locale=en_GB)

Patch 3.3 - New Totems
A lot of shamans yelled at me because I posted a video of the new totems for dwarves and not for orcs and trolls. Fixed. Note: Dwarves Shamans will NOT be available with the patch, only the totems were included here. You will have to wait for the expansion to play one.

<div align="center">Auction House (Mini) Guide Part 3 - Prospecting!
It&#39;s monday! Time for a small addition to the ever popular Auction House guides! If you missed the first 2 posts make sure you take a look at it (even if it&#39;s not really needed)

Auction House Guide - Introduction and Enchanting (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/auction-house-guide-vanish-bugs-comics/)
Auction House Guide - Inscription (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/auction-house-guide-inscription/)

Today I&#39;m just going to point out how simple it can be to make money with little effort, the only thing you will need is a Jewelcrafter.

Just head to the Auction House and check the price of Thorium Ore (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/10620/thorium-ore/), then check the prices of

Large Opal (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/12799/large-opal/)
Star Ruby (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/7910/star-ruby/)
Azerothian Diamond (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/12800/azerothian-diamond/)
Blue Sapphire (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/12361/blue-sapphire/)
Huge Emerald (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/12364/huge-emerald/)

That&#39;s the 5 gems you will get when you prospect Thorium, the interesting thing is ... on most servers, their value is much higher than what it costs to prospect them from ore bought at the Auction House. In the past people commented on my guides to point out that I play on a crazy server and that everything I write is useless on any other server. I&#39;ll just use Wowhead&#39;s average prices this time: Thorium price is 40G a stack, gems are :

Large Opal - 20G
Huge Emerald - 20G
Azerothian Diamond - 15G
Blue Sapphire - 10G
Star Ruby - 5G

The average price of these 5 gems is 14G, you have a pretty high chance to get 2 of them (probably 30%) but I&#39;ll just assume that you&#39;re very unlucky and always get one. 4 gems at an average price of 14G will sell for 56G ... That&#39;s a 40% profit just for pushing the "prospect" key.

The profit is much higher most of the time because you get more than one gem but I don&#39;t really like to theorycraft about that kind of stuff, if you need a spreadsheet to figure out if it&#39;s worth doing it, the profit is already too low and you shouldn&#39;t do it (or you really suck at maths but let&#39;s pretend you&#39;re all smart!)

You can also expand that to a few more ores, but Thorium is usually the most profitable. (You will also need to wait a few days before actually doing that, because everyone on your server saw this guide and relisted the Thorium at 300% of its original price)

Dark Legacy Comic #209 (http://www.darklegacycomics.com/209.html) and Teh Gladiators #95 (http://www.tehgladiators.com/?p=95) are out!

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/october/dl209.jpg (http://www.darklegacycomics.com/209.html) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/october/tehglad95.jpg (http://www.tehgladiators.com/?p=95)

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/patch-3-3-totems-ah-guide-part-3-comics/)