View Full Version : RSS Auction House Guide - Inscription

29/09/2009, 21:26
This guide is much bigger than the one I wrote yesterday, I might add a few things if I realize that I forgot to mention something important. (And I probably did)

Important: Make sure you read Auction House Guide - Introduction and Enchanting (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/auction-house-guide-vanish-bugs-comics/) or you won't understand some of the things mentioned here.

Auction House Guide - Inscription
Welcome to the second part of the wonderful Auction House guide, this time I will explain why a few people can make tons of money out of Inscription. If you thought that the Enchanting part was fun, you're going to have a good laugh with this one.

Leveling Inscription
I'll start with the basics, most people didn't bother checking Inscription when it was released and I think a huge part of the playerbase just doesn't know exactly how it works. (Note: DO NOT sell any of the glyph you will craft during your leveling, just keep them for later)

You buy herbs from the Auction House (or gather them, obviously) and mill them to get pigments. Then you use these pigments to craft inks, then you need one (or two in a few cases) ink and a parchment bought from the NPC to craft a glyph.

Most people just buy the herbs from the AH, craft all the inks themselves, and level like that ... Bad idea.

A few patches ago, Blizzard introduced an "Ink Trader" named Jessica Sellers (http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=33027) to the game, this NPC will let you trade the Ink of the Sea (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/43126/ink-of-the-sea/) you get by milling any Northrend Herbs for ANY lower level ink. If you want to compare it to other professions, just imagine it as a NPC that will give you Iron and Mithril in echange for Saronite.

The easiest way to level Inscription is to buy the first tier of low level herbs (because stuff like Peacebloom (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/2447/peacebloom/) or Silverleaf (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/765/silverleaf/) is usually really cheap) and then buy Adder's Tongue (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/36903/adders-tongue/), Lichbloom (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/36905/lichbloom/), Icethorn (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/36906/icethorn/).

These 3 herbs yields the highest amount of pigments to create the Ink of the Sea (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/43126/ink-of-the-sea/) you will need to buy the lower level inks. You can always check the AH every now and then for the lower level herbs if you think it's a cheaper alternative but on most servers, it won't.

Note that if you are really evil and don't want to level Inscription, you can usually buy Ink of the Sea from the AH and trade it for lower level inks to relist them at the AH with a 100 or 200% margin. People who don't have inscription and need their glyphs often buy the mats from the AH and ask a guildmate to craft them for free, this is where you cash the easy money.

Learning new Glyphs
That's the small problem with Inscription, just like Jewelcrafting you won't start with all the recipes and you can't just buy them from the AH or farm them. There are two ways to discover new glyphs :

Run Minor Inscription Research (http://db.mmo-champion.com/s/61288/minor-inscription-research/) and Northrend Inscription Research (http://db.mmo-champion.com/s/61177/northrend-inscription-research/) daily. (24 Hours Cooldown)
Buy Book of Glyph Master (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/45912/book-of-glyph-mastery/) to instantly learn a new Glyph recipe. (But this is actually a bad idea)

Run your research every day as soon as you can, BOTH of them, minor glyphs sell as much as major glyphs. Buying a lot of Book of Glyph Master (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/45912/book-of-glyph-mastery/) sounds tempting but you shouldn't do it for two reasons :

You cannot discover ALL glyphs with these books, and the inscription research will give you the most used Glyphs most of the time.
A lot of people will start buying and reselling them with a 300% margin as soon as this guide hits the front page.

Being able to sell more glyphs is always good, in the end you should just decide if Inscription brings enough money to be worth the investment.

The Real Price of Glyphs
Why is it so profitable to sell Glyphs? It's easy, on most servers it won't cost you anything to craft them ... Let's say that you buy a stack of Adder's Tongue (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/36903/adders-tongue/) / Lichbloom (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/36905/lichbloom/) / Icethorn (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/36906/icethorn/) for 15 gold, you will get an average of 12 Azure Pigment (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/39343/azure-pigment/) and 4 Icy Pigment (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/43109/icy-pigment/) out of each stack. That's 2 x Snowfall Ink (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/43127/snowfall-ink/) and 6 x Ink of the Sea (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/43126/ink-of-the-sea/) ...

Snowfall Ink (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/43127/snowfall-ink/) is used to craft a few high level items, the Runescroll of Fortitude (http://db.mmo-champion.com/s/69385/runescroll-of-fortitude/) added with Patch 3.2.2, and Northrend's Darkmoon Card (I'll talk about that later) .... and usually sells for something like 10G at the AH.

Yes, you just got 20G worth of Snowfall Ink (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/43127/snowfall-ink/) out of a 15G stack of herbs, and the 6 x Ink of the Sea (http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/43126/ink-of-the-sea/) are a "free" bonus.

Crafting glyphs costs pretty much nothing and most of your sale will be 100% pure profit.

Let's make some Glyphs!
Selling Glyphs is really hard and will require you to do a lot of research to find the most valua.... No, just kidding, you just sell all of them. Trying to figure out what glyph is worth crafting or not is just a waste of time because the glyph market is always moving and ALL glyphs will sell, no matter how bad they are.

If you just started with inscription you shouldn't be able to craft a lot of glyphs, just start with a short supply of all of them like ... 3 units of each.

Go to the AH, open the Auctions Tab and click Summary.
Now click Glyphs and Get Data, Quick Auctions will scan the AH for a while
You will end up with a list of glyphs and their price. (Do not pay attention to them, the price of Glyphs move really fast)
Glyphs with a red X next to their name are all the glyphs you cannot create yet

To craft a glyph, double click its name in the list, type the amount of glyphs you want, and hit enter. Do that for all the glyphs, it shouldn't take more than a minute or two.

Now open your Inscription tradeskill window and click the small "QA" button at the top right, a new window will appear with the list of all the glyphs you want to craft.

The bottom of the list will list all the materials you need to craft these glyphs
You can craft a Glyph by clicking its name once.

At this point you will need to buy parchments from the inscription supplies vendor and all your inks from our good friend Jessica Sellers (http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=33027). Just stockpile enough Ink of the Sea to be able to buy everything you need.

I'll have to admit that I never found an "easy" way to do it (and I'm sure someone will be nice enough to point me to a decent addon to help with that), buying 500 inks at once require you to click 500 times and is just not possible. Personally, I just use FreeRefills (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/free-refills.aspx), for example if you need to buy 137 Lion's Ink just type :

/freerefills add [Lion's ink] 137

Please note that you need to use the ITEM LINK and you can't just type the name of the item in the command line. The mod will automatically buy 137 Lion's Ink from the vendor next time you visit it, once you're done make sure you type :

/freerefills del [Lion's ink]

You need to delete it once you're done because Free Refills will ALWAYS try to make sure that you have 137 Lion's Ink in your inventory, this is a problem when you use that to buy your parchments, forget about it, and end up with 400 parchments the next time you visit the NPC.

When all the supplies are in your inventory just sit in front of your screen and click each glyph one by one ... Yes, this is the boring part, no, there is no way to craft all the glyphs at once. Just use that time to start rumors about your raid leader in the guild chat.

http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/september/glyphcraft_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/september/glyphcraft.jpg) http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/september/glyphcraftlist_small.jpg (http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/september/glyphcraftlist.jpg)

(Finally) Selling Glyphs
Now that you understand how Glyphs work, and that all your Glyphs are in your inventory we can finally move to the easy part. Selling!

Type /qa config and create a new item group called "Glyphs are cool", the settings are really straightforward:

Undercut by: 10s
Threshold price: 6g (It depends on your server, really, but 5g or 6g is usually a good threshold) [/l...

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/auction-house-guide-inscription/)