View Full Version : non ho capito

17/03/2005, 18:01
uhm? (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/faq/charactermove-list.html)

17/03/2005, 18:41
Vale per i americani quello&#33; ^_^ Noi siamo EU <_<

17/03/2005, 19:14
Si cmq ? questo che stiamo aspettando^^

Cloud Wallace
17/03/2005, 19:19
Come al solito in usa ce l&#39;hanno prima... :ph34r:

17/03/2005, 19:20
Character Migration
Ryann, 17/03/2005
Realm population imbalance has resulted in players on a number of realms experiencing login queues, while other realms have lower-than-average populations. Character migrations are now being offered in North America, and after localization testing is complete, we will offer the same service to our European community shortly.

Please be aware that while these character migrations are optional, each realm selected for migration will have only one designated realm to which characters will be moved. Once character migrations are ready for deployment, we will announce a rollout schedule for the migrations to take place.

18/03/2005, 11:52
Originally posted by Cloud Wallace@Mar 17 2005, 18:19
Come al solito in usa ce l&#39;hanno prima... :ph34r:
Dipende dove&#33; :rotfl:
Io preferisco vedere come va a los americanos :asd:

18/03/2005, 16:52
Originally posted by brosio83@Mar 17 2005, 17:01
uhm? (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/faq/charactermove-list.html)
? te che stiamo aspettando bro <_<

18/03/2005, 17:34
Originally posted by Q(F)M@Mar 18 2005, 15:52
? te che stiamo aspettando bro <_<
l&#39;ho trovato in wow europe e speravo di afre cosa gradita <_< :asd:

18/03/2005, 19:00
Originally posted by brosio83@Mar 18 2005, 16:34
l&#39;ho trovato in wow europe e speravo di afre cosa gradita <_< :asd:
allora, quando vieni a giocare con noi? :D

18/03/2005, 20:38
Originally posted by Q(F)M@Mar 18 2005, 18:00
allora, quando vieni a giocare con noi? :D
aaaahhhh&#33; beh penso...mai :asd:

nel senso che wow nn fa per me :dunno: