View Full Version : RSS Algalon Update, US First Proto-Drake, Blue posts

25/05/2009, 14:40
<font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>Algalon 10-Man Loot Table Update</b></font><br /><a href="http://www.ensidia.com" target="_blank"><b>Ensidia</b></a> killed Algalon in 10-Man once again this week (with another group) and got discovered 4 new items in Algalon&#39;s loot table. <br /><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/breastplateofthetimeless.jpg" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Breastplate of the Timeless</span></b></a> (Plate - Tank)</li><li><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/shoulderplatesofthecelestialwatch.jpg" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Shoulderplates of the Celestial Watch</span></b></a> (Plate - Melee.DPS)</li><li><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/starlighttreads.jpg" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Starlight Treads</span></b></a> (Cloth - Spell)</li><li><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/drapeofthemessenger.jpg" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Drape of the Messenger</span></b></a> (Cloak - Spell Hit)</li></ul><br />Items dropped after the <a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=57011.0" target="_blank"><b>previous kill</b></a>.<br /><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/pulsargloves.jpg" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Pulsar Gloves</span></b></a> (Cloth - Spell Hit)</li><li><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/replycodealpha.jpg" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Reply-Code Alpha</span></b></a> (Quest Item)</li><li><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/pendantofthesomberwitness.jpg" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Pendant of the Somber Witness</span></b></a> (Neck - Spell MP5)</li><li><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/darkmatter.jpg" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Dark Matter</span></b></a> (Trinket - Phys.DPS)</li></ul><br /><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>US First Heroic: Glory of the Ulduar Raider</b></font><br /><a href="http://www.premoguild.com/" target="_blank"><b>Premonition</b></a> (US-Sen&#39;jin) was the first guild in the US to complete <a href="http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=2958" target="_blank"><b>Heroic: Glory of the Ulduar Raider</b></a> and were rewarded with <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hivT9-Pl-tk" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: #A335EE;">Ironbound Proto-Drake</span></b></a>! Congratulations to them.<br /><br /><div align="center"><a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/brannsletter.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/brannsletter_small.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/premoheroiculduar.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/premoheroiculduar_small.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/premoachievement.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/may/premoachievement_small.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></a></div><br /><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>Blue posts</b></font><br /><div class="blizzquotewrap"><div class="blizzquoteinner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span><div class="blizzquoteheader"><span>Quote from <b>Blizzard staff</b></span></div><div class="blizzquote"><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b><span style="color: #90FF53;">Player vs. Player</span></b></font><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Casters vs. Melee</b></span><br />Now there are a lot of concerns about how casters are struggling against melee, but we don&#39;t think that is a "burst too good" issue. For the players complaining about Arms and Juggernaut, the issue is not that they get Mortal Striked for 10,000 or whatever. Plenty of casters can get off big nukes, but they aren&#39;t the problem du jour according to the forums. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/17367977436-we-dont-think-burst-is-a-problem.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Burst damage in Arenas</b></span><br />Players complained about burst and DKs last season and had every right to. We think both are in a better place now.<br /><br />There are definitely some situations where you can get into with a class and die too quickly. There are also situations where CC or healing or dispelling are too dominant. Arena balance isn&#39;t perfect and we&#39;ll continue to make changes as we go along. However, we don&#39;t feel like you can just summarize all of this season as being too bursty (which we do think happened last season before people got enough resilience). If you look at a lot of the complaints coming out of Arenas right now, they are about healing (Disc, Resto druids and various paladin specs at least) and melee (or at least Arms, Unholy, Ret and rogues) vs. casters. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/17367977436-we-dont-think-burst-is-a-problem.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br />[...] What is even more interesting is you appear to hold as fact or at least widespread consensus that PvP burst is too high, while writing off all the players who disagree with you as dumb too.<br /><br />We think burst was too high in the previous season. That was because players were dying quickly before they could even respond or counter. If you go into an Arena match today and die, that does not mean burst is too high. Don&#39;t confuse dying and burst. Remember, you are probably going to lose about half your matches. That&#39;s the way the matchmaking system works. That doesn&#39;t mean the system is broken just because you don&#39;t win a lot.<br /><br />There are situations in which one class can burst another down too quickly. There are also situations in which crowd control or healing are too dominant. We are trying to clamp those down when they get out of control. But "ZOMGBURST" is so last season. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/17367757877-revelation-about-ghostcrawler.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Class balances and consequences on PvP representation</b></span><br />My point was that when you change a PvE ability, it usually only affects that class. When you change a PvP ability, it often affects multiple, perhaps all classes.<br /><br />The intent I get from some posts is that some players assume that if their class is say 5% low in Arena representation that a simple buff might bring them up 5% and then everything is cool. But when they go up, nearly always other classes go up or down. You can buff a class indirectly by nerfing another one. Happens all the time. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/17367977789-pve-vs-pvp-balance.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Resilience</b></span><br />We&#39;re not convinced melee stop improving their resilience. Typically that only works for a class with such high CC or defensive potential that they just aren&#39;t taking damage much (rogues typically have fallen into this category). Resilience doesn&#39;t lower damage -- it lowers burst damage. It means you have to whack at a guy a few times and can&#39;t just explode him on contact. It means you have to play smart -- blow cooldowns, use crowd control to minimize defenses, tie up the healer and otherwise cause damage at the right time instead of just causing damage. Remember as a caster, most melee have no inherent defense against you -- their armor does *nothing* versus magic damage. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/17367977436-we-dont-think-burst-is-a-problem.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b><span style="color: #90FF53;">Itemization</span></b></font><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Balancing around best in slot items</b></span><br />We don&#39;t balance just around best in slot because so few players will ever be at that point, and by the time they are, the content is usually on farm for them. You don&#39;t need best in slot to make progress in Ulduar and by the time you are halfway through Ulduar you probably have added a lot of Ulduar gear. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/17367976663-stop-wasting-gcs-time.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b><span style="color: #90FF53;">Classes</span></b></font><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Hybrid classes</b></span><br />Our stance hasn&#39;t changed since Lich King. Originally (pre-LK) we tried to keep hybrid specs at 40% or more behind the pure damage-dealers, but then we also treated warriors as pure damage-dealers. If you really know your class, and I mean really know it, and if you have good gear, the right buffs, and a group that backs you up, then you are fully capable of topping the damage meters on certain fights. Overall we do want to make sure the pure dps classes are slightly higher when all things are equal, otherwise there is no point to those entire classes existing. Do warriors beat mages on some fights? Absolutely. What&#39;s the issue?<br /><br />I&#39;m not sure what you&#39;re getting at with that last part. Ret paladins were not a serious raiding option for many players pre-LK. Now they certainly are. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/17367976663-stop-wasting-gcs-time.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ideathknights.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #C41E3A;">Death Knight</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=650" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?deathknight" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Death Knights in PvP and Frost Strike</b></span><br />The DK has to have a lot of runic power to use that ability, so they can&#39;t unload with it right off the bat the way say a Ret can. Unholy is still far more dominant in PvP, which makes us think this problem is a little overblown. We might remove the dodge and parry prevention from it, which we added to make sure DKs didn&#39;t just Deathcoil instead. There are enough talents for Frost Strike now that it&#39;s going to be attractive regardless. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/17367977436-we-dont-think-burst-is-a-problem.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br />[...] Yes, the resource has a ton to do with it. Nobody complains about PoM Pyro (much) because it can be done so infrequently. Frost Strike and Scourge Strike are essentially finishing moves. It&#39;s harder to use them as openers.<br /><br />Now that&#39;s not to say finishing moves can never be unbalanced, but I must admit to being a little surprised at all the focus on DKs. They were without a doubt too good last season, but currently they are below rogues in the brackets that "matter" and far below healers across the board. If I wanted to stack the deck to be succesful in Arena, I would be rolling a Disc priest, not a DK. ([u...</div><span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div></div>

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=58520.0)