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08/05/2009, 12:51
<font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>Recent In-Game Fixes - 05/07</b></font><br /><div class="blizzquotewrap"><div class="blizzquoteinner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span><div class="blizzquoteheader"><span>Quote from: <b>Crygil (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/23/16474158165-recent-ingame-fixes--41609.html#rp_13" target="_blank" style="color: white;">Source</a>)</span></b></div><div class="blizzquote">Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted. <br /><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>5/7/09</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>The Impale ability used by the Iron Ring Guards in the Thorim encounter should now hit the player tanking them and only that player tanking them.</li><li>The damage done by Swamplord Musel’ek’;s Aimed Shot ability has been reduced and be more in line for players at the appropriate level to face him.</li><li>We have corrected an issue with the two-piece set bonus for the Paladin set, Conqueror’s Aegis. Holy Mending no longer costs additional mana.</li><li>We recently made a change to the sell value of Nerubian Legguards. The material costs used to create this item were unintentionally low, and we were prompted to make changes to minimize the impact on the game&#39;s economy.</li></ul></div><span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div></div><br /><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>Blue posts</b></font><br /><div class="blizzquotewrap"><div class="blizzquoteinner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span><div class="blizzquoteheader"><span>Quote from <b>Blizzard staff</b></span></div><div class="blizzquote"><span style="color: white;"><b>Rating requirements changes on ilvl 239 PvP Weapons</b></span><br />We had to think pretty long term on this and make the change rather quickly before the PvP 239 items started flowing. The weapons on Algalon were included in other hard mode encounters so it doesn&#39;t require an Algalon kill to get them. Over time more than zero people will kill Algalon though and we should see a decent chunk of players with the ilvl 239 weapons, hopefully it&#39;s not too much though. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/11/16904263617-arena-rating-system--requirement-changes.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br />The balancing between PvE and PvP is an estimate on our side but we figured it was better to make the change now instead of waiting until a good chunk into the season or just waiting for next season. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/16903573988-2350-rating-and-algalon-access.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Healing in Raids</b></span><br />Mimiron phase 2 is pretty insane to heal. But phase 1 and phase 3 feel pretty different. Then phase 4 is crazy again. Even in phase 2 a lot of the damage is avoidable. I know some players on this forum have felt before that they are still unfairly blamed when dps die when standing in fires, but in my experience, it&#39;s pretty easy to tell when someone failed to move out of the rockets.<br /><br />Another way to think about it is that in Naxxramas if you brought a healer to the raid for the first time, there aren&#39;t too many things you&#39;d have to explain. "Heal the MT," or "Heal the raid," are plenty of advice for most fights. There&#39;s nothing wrong with that for the first tier of raid content. But in Ulduar there is more ebb and flow to the battle. You need to know when and where the big damage moments are coming. You need to know when to give it all you&#39;ve got. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/27/16904293997-we-actually-want-healing-to-be-less-spammy.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Mana regeneration still powerful in Raids</b></span><br />To be honest, despite all of the nerfs, mana regeneration still doesn&#39;t seem to be an issue for healers in Ulduar. You can often still afford to cast your largest heals and not care about overhealing because the risk of people dying feels like a far greater risk than running out of mana.<br /><br />We&#39;re not sure that will lead to us making any additional nerfs at this time (and Replenishment would probably be the target if we needed to.) So far we&#39;re really happy with how the various fights in Ulduar feel. There are very intense moments (like Frozen Blows) but there are breaks as well (in between Mimiron phases for example). Many of the fights are dynamic -- you heal in one fashion at times (say MT healing) and then another fashion at other times (say raid healing during add moment or big AE spells). There aren&#39;t too many times where you&#39;re just spamming your spells every cooldown or GCD, and when it happens it&#39;s not necessarily for too long.<br /><br />That said, we think we can still make healing more interesting. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/27/16904263407-a-question-about-healing-direction.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Boosting classes instead of nerfing them?</b></span><br />If we were to do this, there would be more problems than you may first imagine. The problem here is this: As an example, take an ability that is a little too strong and performs with an advantage we did not foresee. If we were to fix this through only buffing classes or abilities to restore a little more order, then we would have to buff every other class in a way that made the original problem less of an issue. Performing multiple buffs across all classes to counter one &#39;overpowered&#39; element is something that may only lead to further unforeseen issues. We may also end up with people running around with 90,000 hitpoints to counter the 23,000 crits flying their way... and whilst big numbers are fun, they are not necessarily the best solution.<br /><br />We do know that receiving a nerf is not the nicest feeling in the world, and that receiving a buff often makes your day much brighter, but ultimately changes are made in the most efficient and logical way possible. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/11/9158126929-stop-the-nerf-madness.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ipaladins.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #F58CBA;">Paladin</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=610" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?paladin" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Exorcism in 3.1.2 and 3.2</b></span><br />We are considering making Exorcism not work against players or pets for 3.1.2. It would be a PvE only ability. In 3.2 we still intend to make it work differently. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/16904204830-simple-questions-regarding-balance-direction.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)<br /><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/iwarriors.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #C79C6E;">Warrior</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=600" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?warrior" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Juggernaut</b></span><br />We may yet make Juggernaut changes, but we don&#39;t have any to announce yet. (<a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/16904204830-simple-questions-regarding-balance-direction.html" target="_blank"><b><span style="color: white;">Source</span></b></a>)</div><span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div></div>

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=54499.0)