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27/03/2009, 20:00
<font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>3.1.0 PTR Patch Notes Update - 03/27</b></font><br />The <a href="http://blue.mmo-champion.com/13/8136495630-310-ptr-patch-notes.html" target="_blank"><b>official patch notes</b></a> have been updated once again with more changes! Below are the latest additions.<br /><div class="blizzquotewrap"><div class="blizzquoteinner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span><div class="blizzquoteheader"><span>Quote from <b>Blizzard staff</b></span></div><div class="blizzquote"><span style="color: white;"><b>General</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Applying a glyph no longer requires a Lexicon of Power. The same rules for switching between dual talent specializations now apply to switching glyphs and cannot be performed while in combat, Battlegrounds (except when Preparation is up), or Arenas (no exceptions).</li></ul><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>PvP</b></span><br /><b>Battlegrounds</b><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Battleground quests “Concerted Efforts” (Alliance) and “For Great Honor” (Horde) now require an Alterac Valley Mark of Honor in addition to the current requirements. These quests now award more honor upon completion.</li></ul><b>Alterac Valley</b><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Drek’Thar, Vanndar Stormpike, the tower Heralds and Warmasters have received a hit point and damage upgrade in the level 80 version of Alterac Valley.</li></ul><b>Strand of the Ancients</b><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Capturing the Southern Graveyard will now automatically capture both the East and West Graveyards.</li></ul><b>Lake Wintergrasp</b><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>All players who attack a siege vehicle should now get credit if it is destroyed.</li><li>Daily quests “Slay Them All!” (Horde) and “No Mercy for the Merciless” (Alliance) have had their PvP kill requirements reduced to 10 from 20. NPCs defending the fortress and south towers now count toward these dailies as well.</li><li>The number of NPCs defending fortress has been increased.</li><li>The time between battles will be saved should a realm shut down. If Wintergrasp is active when a realm shuts down, the game will restart from the beginning when the realm is once again live.</li><li>Towers in Southern Wintergrasp now have more defensive cannons.</li></ul><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Races: General</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Command (Orc Racial): Applies to shaman pets, and now correctly applies to death knight pets.</li></ul><br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Classes: General</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>The damage threshold for Fear, Psychic Scream, Hex, Intimidating Shout, and Turn Evil to break early has been significantly reduced.</li><li>The shaman’s Fire Elemental and Spirit Wolves, mage’s Water Elemental, and druid’s Treants have all gained avoidance from area-of-effect damage similar to what warlock and hunter pets already have.</li><li>Taunts: All player or pet-generated taunts now have a shared diminish category. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">In addition, Taunt-type effects from pets and from classes other than death knight, druid, paladin, and warrior have been set such that bosses can be made immune to them while still affected by death knight, druid, paladin, and warrior taunts.</span></li></ul><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ideathknights.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #C41E3A;">Death Knight</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=650" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?deathknight" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Anti-magic Shell: The amount of damage this ability can absorb is now limited to 50% of the death knight’s health.</li><li>Death Strike: The <del>weapon damage percent on this ability has been increased from 60% to 75%, but the</del> amount of healing per damage done has been reduced by 20%.</li></ul><span style="color: white;"><b>Blood</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Dancing Rune Weapon: Damage done by, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">and duration of</span> this pet is reduced by 50%, but the cooldown is reduced to 90 seconds.</li><li>Heart Strike: Bonus damage for diseases is now a multiplier rather than a flat bonus. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">No longer affected by Glyph of Blood Strike.</span></li><li>Spell Deflection: This talent has been increased to 15/30/45% damage reduction <span style="text-decoration: underline;">from a direct damage spell</span>.</li></ul><span style="color: white;"><b>Frost</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Black Ice: This talent now provides a 2/4/6/8/10% bonus to Frost and Shadow damage instead of 4/8/12/16/20% to Frost.</li><li>Howling Blast: Base damage and scaling doubled. This doubled.This ability no longer deals bonus damage to targets with Frost Fever. Cooldown increased to <span style="text-decoration: underline;">8 seconds</span>. Swapped positions with Hungering Cold in the talent tree.</li><li>Improved Icy Touch: Now increases Icy Touch damage by 5/10/15% instead of by 10/20/30%.</li><li>Rime: When this talent triggers, it also resets the cooldown on Howling Blast.</li><li>Tundra Stalker: Now increases the damage on abilities by 3/6/9/12/15% instead of 2/4/6/8/10%.</li></ul><span style="color: white;"><b>Unholy</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>New Talent: Ghoul Frenzy: Grants 25% melee haste to your pet and heals it for 30% of its maximum health. Costs 1 Unholy Rune. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Requires at least 30 points in the Unholy tree.</span></li><li>Impurity: This talent is reduced to 4/8/12/16/20% bonus to attack power scaling.</li><li>Master of Ghouls: Now also reduces the cooldown on Raise Dead by 60 seconds. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">This talent now requires at least 25 points in the Unholy tree, and has Night of the Dead as a prerequisite.</span></li><li>Night of the Dead: Redesigned to grant a flat reduction on cooldown to Raise Dead and Army of the Dead instead of a reduction from using abilities. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Requires at least 15 points in the Unholy tree; prerequisite for Master of Ghouls.</span></li></ul><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/idruids.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #FF7D0A;">Druid</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=700" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?druid" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Typhoon: Now causes a 3-second daze.</li></ul><span style="color: white;"><b>Feral</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>New Talent: Primal Gore: Grants the periodic damage from your <del>Rake</del>, Lacerate and Rip abilities the chance to critically hit.</li><li>Primal Tenacity: The damage reduction while stunned effect now only works in Cat Form.</li><li>Rend and Tear: The critical strike bonus for Ferocious Bite reduced to 5/10/15/20/25%, down from 10/20/30/40/50%.</li></ul><span style="color: white;"><b>Restoration</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Tree of Life: Now receives 240% increased armor. You can now use Nature&#39;s Grasp and Thorns while within this form. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">In addition, the discount on heal-over-time spells from this talent is now active at all times, whether or not the druid is in Tree of Life form.</span> Mana cost reduced to match the cost of Travel Form.</li></ul><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ihunters.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #ABD473;">Hunter</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=620" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?hunter" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Survival</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Entrapment redesigned: When your Frost Trap, Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap and Snake Trap are triggered, you entrap all afflicted targets, preventing them from moving for <span style="text-decoration: underline;">2/3/4 seconds</span>. (Down from 2/4/6)</li></ul><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/images.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #69CCF0;">Mage</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=670" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?mage" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Fire</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Improved Scorch: Increased critical strike chance is now 1%, down from 2% per application of the Improved Scorch effect. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">In addition, the critical strike chance of Scorch, Fireball, and Frostfire Bolt is increased by 1/2/3%.</span></li></ul><span style="color: white;"><b>Frost</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Winter’s Chill: Increased critical strike chance is now 1%, down from 2% per application of Winter’s Chill. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">In addition, the critical strike chance of Frostbolt is increased by 1/2/3%.</span></li></ul><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ipaladins.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #F58CBA;">Paladin</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=610" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?paladin" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Seal of Blood/Seal of the Martyr: The damage done by these two seals has been increased but the damage done by their judgements decreased. The balance is now roughly 60% from either seal and 40% from a judgement on total damage done. The total damage done should be roughly the same.Please note that the 3.0.9 tooltips had incorrect values for the damage done, but the tooltips should be much more accurate in 3.1.0.</li></ul><span style="color: white;"><b>Retribution</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Divine Storm: Damage increased.</li><li>Judgement of the Wise: The immediate return of base mana from this spell has been increased to 25%, up from 15%.</li><li>Righteous Vengeance reduced to 3 ranks for 10/20/30%. The damage done by this talent no longer receives modifications from effects that increase or decrease damage done by a percentage. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Now triggered by Crusader Strike as well.</span></li></ul><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ipriests.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b><span style="color: #FFFFFF;">Priest</span></b> (<b><a href="http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?page=640" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Skills List</span></a> / <a href="http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?priest" target="_blank"><span style="color: orange;">3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.</span></a></b>)<br /><span style="color: white;"><b>Shadow</b></span><br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li>Psychic Horror: Has been redesigned and is now a 1-point talent. You terrify the target, causing them to tremble in horror for 3 seconds and drop all weapons (disarm effect: including bows) for 10 seconds. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">2</span> minute cooldown. (Up from 1 minute) Instant cast. The horror effect can be dispelled, but the disarm cannot.</li></ul><br /><img src="http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/irogues.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <b>[color=#FFF56...</b></div><span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div></div>

Fonte (http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=46574.0)