View Full Version : RSS Hunter Changes, Runic Power Generation, Blue Posts

08/10/2008, 20:17
<p><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)"><strong><font size="medium">Upcoming Hunter Changes</font></strong></font>
<blockquote><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)"><font size="small">Quote from: <strong>Ghostcrawler</strong> (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9679804544&sid=2000&pageNo=2#34"><font size="small">Source</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /> Here are some changes you&#39;ll see next build or so. I may have forgotten some.<br /><br /> -- Taunt no longer shares a cooldown with Growl and Cower.<br /> -- Avoidance, not Great Resistance, is the prereq for Wolverine Bite.<br /> -- We are still trying to rework Heart of the Phoenix to get around the shortcomings.<br /> -- Tenacity and Ferocity pets lost their armor multiplier but it was given to all pets at base. The net effect is that Cunning pets won&#39;t be at a stat deficit compared to the other trees.<br /> -- Roar of Recovery provides more mana.<br /> -- Lick Your Wounds now with faster licking technology.<br /> -- Carrion Feeder cooldown dropped to 30. We can&#39;t easily change the range because this spells uses the same tech as the undead racial.<br /> -- Focus cost removed from Bullheaded.<br /> -- Not directly talent-related, but rather than reworking Prowl, cats got a second damage ability, Rake. It felt odd for them to shift from most desired pet to one of the least desired.<br /><br /> As far as who belongs to which tree, those decisions were made largely based on the pet special ability, not what ecologically makes more sense with the tree&#39;s theme. Strong CC or other PvP-useful abilities were generally given the Cunning tree, just because we didn&#39;t also want to see those same pets as the most popular when raiding or soloing. The goal is to have a lot more options about which pet you&#39;re going to bring. With the Cunning stat change and tree rework, hopefully that will include those animals as well. </font><br /></font></blockquote>
<p><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)"><br /><strong><font size="medium">Runic Power Generation Rates</font></strong></font>
<blockquote><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)"><font size="small">Quote from: <strong>Ghostcrawler</strong> (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9879698626&sid=2000"><font size="small">Source</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /> We could use some more responses on runic power generation rates, because as usual, the feedback is all over the board.<br /><br /> Specifically:<br /><br /> Do you typically have too much runic power?<br /><br /> If so, why?<br /><br /> -- Because you have talents (e.g. Dirge) to generate more?<br /> -- Because you&#39;re leveling and killing things fast?<br /> -- Because you don&#39;t want to hit the Death Coil button now that the number is low?<br /><br /> You don&#39;t need to post your spec, but at least mention if you&#39;re mostly Blood, Frost or Unholy.<br /></font><font size="small">------------------------------------------</font><font size="small"><br /> So it sounds like runic power generation is at a decent rate coming in. But there are two problems:<br /><br /> -- Death Coil doesn&#39;t do enough damage relative to other attacks. Even if we buffed DK dps across the board, Death Coil needs to be relatively higher so that it&#39;s a button you want to push.<br /><br /> -- Even if Death Coil were better, Blood with Sudden Doom doesn&#39;t spend as much runic power on Death Coil over time, so their bar fills up.</font></font></blockquote>
<p><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)"><br /><strong><font size="medium">WotLK Beta - Blue Posts</font></strong></font>
<blockquote><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)"><font size="small"><strong>HK Titles & Black War Bear reward</strong><br /> Actually, we moved the "of the Horde" and "of the Alliance" titles to 100K HK&#39;s.<br /><br /> The new reward for "For the Horde" and "For the Alliance" is a Black War Bear. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9879908555&pageNo=1&sid=2000#3"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>New Feat of Strength</strong><br /> We added a Feat of Strength for having the Tabard of the Protector. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9879878507&pageNo=1&sid=2000#5"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>About the new consumption achievements</strong><br /> They are supposed to have a progress bar. They are both currently bugged and being worked on. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9879878739&pageNo=1&sid=2000#1"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>Dungeons - The Oculus not available</strong><br /> Sorry, we&#39;re moving the instance portal for the Oculus and currently it&#39;s not available. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9679913162&sid=2000&pageNo=1#2"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>Death Knight</strong><br /><strong>Master of Ghouls and DK Pets</strong><br /> This has been confusing, so we&#39;re trying to clean up the design a little bit.<br /><br /> Raise Dead -- 2 minute duration. 5 minute cooldown. Summons a guardian (no pet bar).<br /><br /> Ravenous Dead -- extends duration (passively)<br /> Night of the Dead -- lowers cooldown (actively)<br /> Master of Ghouls -- the summoned ghoul is a pet instead of a guardian. This means he gets a cute name, a pet bar, and there is no duration to the ability. If your ghoul is killed, you will have to wait for the cooldown before bringing him back. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9879878171&pageNo=1&sid=2000#11"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>Subversion and Blood/Unholy threat</strong><br /> We recently made a change so that Blood Presence and Unholy Presence generate less threat. This is consistent with warriors and the bonus all melee dps classes get when in dps mode.<br /><br /> So you should only need the threat benefit part of Subversion if you are really good or really overgeared compared to your tank (which does happen, which is why we offer those talents). You shouldn&#39;t need Subversion to boost Scourge Strike damage though. It has lots of talents that affect it. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9879908286&pageNo=1&sid=2000#13"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>Hunter</strong><br /><strong>Pet talents feedback</strong><br /> We need to finalize the pet talents pretty soon, so I wanted to created a thread that focused on their discussion. There are already some good posts on the topic, but they are mixed in with threads on various aspects of hunters.<br /><br /> So please give the pet talents some love here.<br /><br /> Focus on specific talents, and on how the trees are put together. Please don&#39;t use this particular thread to discuss more global pet issues (like feeding, leveling or PvP burstability) or pet stats in general.<br /><br /> EDIT: However, discussing pet special abilities (Warp, Ravage, Sting) would be helpful. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9679804544&sid=2000"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>Shaman</strong><br /><strong>Lava Lash still being worked on</strong><br /> We&#39;re still working with the design of the ability. We&#39;ll make sure your rotation isn&#39;t too insane. But hey, you asked for a new attack. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9879938366&pageNo=1&sid=2000#15"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>About Hex</strong><br /> In PvE it has an invisible scatter shot effect. It basically makes the creature confused in a small circumference (so he hops around in a small area). We originally made it "pacify" (i.e. it cannot attack or cast spells) the creature, but it caused it to run off as a frog down the dungeon halls aggroing everything... (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9879908847&pageNo=1&sid=2000#7"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)<br /><br /><strong>Warrior</strong><br /><strong>Titan&#39;s Grip design philosophy</strong><br /> I&#39;ll explain a little bit of our logic here. You might disagree at any step along the way, which would break the chain, but at least you might understand where we&#39;re coming from.<br /><br /> -- Being able to use a second two-hander will be too much of a dps increase. It needs some kind of penalty, but not a penalty so stiff that it makes the talent undesirable.<br /> -- A damage penalty on Titan&#39;s Grip doesn&#39;t feel right. It is essentially turning your two-handed weapons into one-handed weapons. Other that the stat boosts from the two-hander, it doesn&#39;t feel like a net gain.<br /> -- A haste penalty on Titan&#39;s Grip does bad things to the Fury tree. Two-handed weapons are already slow, and to some extent, Fury is dependent on getting quick hits it.<br /> -- Hit on the other hand, is consistent with the normal penalty for dual-wielding. It is also something you can stack to try and minimize the penalty, even at lower levels. However, if you&#39;re stacking more hit than than another warrior, you are giving up other stats, which brings the damage down to what we feel is a safer level (i.e. a net increase for taking the talent, but not an OP one).<br /><br /> It&#39;s a cool idea overall, but one that&#39;s hard to balance. Unlike many talents, there isn&#39;t a lot of granularity to adjust its power. You can&#39;t say "You can wield one two-handed weapon and 85% of a second two-handed weapon." You can make the second one hit for 85% damage, but as I suggested above, that starts to feel like you might be better off just looking for two one-handed weapons with more dps on them.<br /><br /> Hope that clears up the intent a little. If we find warriors with Titan&#39;s Grip are not able to do reasnable dps (if the talent isn&#39;t justified) then we&#39;ll adjust the numbers. (</font><a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9679804467&sid=2000&pageNo=8#157"><font size="small">src</font></a><font size="small">)</font></font></blockquote><div class="cb"></div><div style="clear:both;"></div><img src="http://wow.curse.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=14981" width="1" height="1">

Fonte (http://wow.curse.com/blogs/wow-en-news/archive/2008/09/17/N13381Id.aspx)