View Full Version : Recruiting

28/04/2008, 03:41
Applicant Should Just Scroll Down to Read Our Application Guidelines then PrivateMessage/Mail (klimt@fastwebnet.it) them to me.


Fremen – Alliance/Crushridge EU is currently OPEN to new recruits of the below classes to assist with the Sunwell raiding and beyond.

Feral Druid
Pala Holy
Warrior DPS

Raid Requirements

• You are able to raid from 20.30-01.00, as many days a week as is required when pushing new content. Typically two nights a week when clearing ‘farm’ content, five on progress
• You have the ability to adjust your schedule to allow for occasional earlier raiding when pushing new content if required.

• You have knowledge of the English language; you can write and speak it at an understandable level.
• You have a working microphone and not afraid to use it should it be deemed necessary on the guild ventrilo.

Gear & Consumables
• End-game tier 6 quality gear is required.
• You gather and farm your own consumables/gold. You bring and use consumables to always 110% maximize your performance in raids.

• NO CLICKERS, expecting full key binds for most tasks
• You can handle harsh criticism at times, and learn from your mistakes, instead of getting offended.
• You have a computer that can easily handle 25 man raid content and a stable connection that will keep you online for 6+ hours at a time.
• You can focus, and pay attention for 4+ hours if necessary.
• Dedication to raiding, to the guild, giving your all on everything.

================================================== ===============

What we Offer

We offer a solid reality (the guild exists since the first day of wow) combined with a tranquil and very enternaining environment , ready to embrace in no time the new members. Fremen Guild is the best italian guild with high achievements despite the fact that we raid less than any well-known , hard-core guild . We used to be a fully italian guild but we decided to make a pass to english-speaking players too since the italian pool is rather obselete and with narrow options when it comes to high-end PVE content.
At this point we should mention that we recently won a full sponsorship which will provide the guild with an e-portal(sk-gaming style) , forum and a free ventrilo server .
You should know that yet we are a PVE guild we are not fully consumed by it . Most of us are active PVP players with outstanding performance , so if PVP is your way to relax when not raiding you will not be disappointed.
Kalecgos Top 30 World
Brutallus Top 100 World
Felmyst Top 50 World
Twin Eredars Still Work in Progress :\
We also offer free kittens!

Bare in mind that the impression we get about you is drawn fully from the application you send.
The application is completely private and only officers have access to it




Talent information - Shows us your template and remember that you should always be able to change your talents if that is needed by the guild


Do you have any rare receipe ? If it is so please mention which

Played time of your character:

Link to your armory profile:

Link to a picture of your interface:


Age :

Where do you live?

What do you do when you don't play wow ? (job,studies)

What do you enjoy most when playing wow ?

Have you been in other guilds ? If yes , which?

Have you ever been an officer,class leader,forum administrator in your ex guild?

Descibe yourself in short terms.We are interested in your pros but in your cons as well . Please be 100% sincere!

What's the thing you appreciate most about the game and the thing you like most about your class?What is the most challenging thing about your class and why? Think carefully before you answer

What is the reason you want to join us ? Do you know anyone from our guild ? Why should we choose you?

List some things we should know about you and your personality that you feel are important and we forgot to ask you

If we would ask your ex GM what does he think about you , what do you think would be his answer?What is your opinion about him?

Write in a few lines your pc's specifications,your connection type and if you possess a microphone.

28/04/2008, 03:52
Ma perchè fare una application in inglese se siamo e vengono gildati tutti italiani? ^^

28/04/2008, 04:04

We used to be a fully italian guild but we decided to make a pass to english-speaking players too since the italian pool is rather obselete and with narrow options when it comes to high-end PVE content.

Benvengano Italiani capaci, seri e possibilmente adulti ove ne siano rimasti..

28/04/2008, 04:09
Potrò Sfoderare Il Mio Inglese !

28/04/2008, 05:18
Omg .... Free Kittens!!!!!!

28/04/2008, 11:43
Pala Holy

Possibilmente che sappiano fare bop :ph34r:

28/04/2008, 12:52
sigh...siete ally...se eravate orda ci sarei venuto anchio!!!:7::7::7:

28/04/2008, 15:05
IO ho un lock su crushridge ma lasciato tanto tanto ma tanto tempo fa!!!!
è vestito come un negro! asd asd asd

28/04/2008, 16:41
malathor comincia ad imparare:




go! :D

28/04/2008, 16:52
malathor comincia ad imparare:




go! :D

nei hai dimenticato uno fontamentale



28/04/2008, 17:21
Certo che ripensandoci... ci vorrebbero delle palle quadrate, anzi cubiche per uno non italiano raidare con noi... non solo perchè la chat raid gilda e ventrilo sono monopolio italiano, ma anche la general la LFG la trade ecc ecc... veramente ingiocabile.
E' come per noi raidare in una gilda russa dove parlano cirillico in ventrilo e su tutte le chat del server :/

Chi si gioca 5 euro contro di me che in 3 mesi non arriverà NESSUNO non italiano?

28/04/2008, 17:23
vedremo come vanno le cose in caso si cercheranno delle soluzioni ^^

28/04/2008, 17:38
vedremo come vanno le cose in caso si cercheranno delle soluzioni ^^

tipo genocidio su crushridge?

28/04/2008, 17:39
Certo che ripensandoci... ci vorrebbero delle palle quadrate, anzi cubiche per uno non italiano raidare con noi... non solo perchè la chat raid gilda e ventrilo sono monopolio italiano, ma anche la general la LFG la trade ecc ecc... veramente ingiocabile.
E' come per noi raidare in una gilda russa dove parlano cirillico in ventrilo e su tutte le chat del server :/

Chi si gioca 5 euro contro di me che in 3 mesi non arriverà NESSUNO non italiano?

non capite, è scritto in inglese, cosi chi non capisce cosa c'è scritto è già tagliato fuori, è la prima scrematura, dopo basta vedere solo se riescono a linkare l'interfaccia, le altre domande sono solo di rutine, le 2 cose fondamentali sono quelle citate sopra :asd:

28/04/2008, 17:46
Come fate a scoprire se sn clicker? gli obbligate a mettere il microfono senza push to talk vicino alla tastiera e sentite se piagiano i tastini? :asd:

28/04/2008, 17:48
gli mandiamo gabbo a casa a controllare! :v

28/04/2008, 18:12
vabbeh, anche gatina ha imparato l'italiano! (beh!)
da arabo a italiano però, bisogna riconoscere che ha fatto grandi progressi

Lightmage [Ow]
28/04/2008, 18:30
Mi offro da traduttore per i nuovi arrivati.

Gatina e l'italiano, hanno affinità come me e la natura.

28/04/2008, 18:42
;284942']Mi offro da traduttore per i nuovi arrivati.

Gatina e l'italiano, hanno affinità come me e la natura.

ti vedo bene, tipo luca e paolo quando fanno lo schetc di bin laden :asd:

Lightmage [Ow]
28/04/2008, 19:39
Si arriva lo straniero e fa

"Hi i'm john, and i come from a famous Guild on Burning Blade"


"Salve a tutti sono John, e succhio i cazzi ai cavalli su Burning Blade :v"

28/04/2008, 23:45
Si, qualcuno si ricorda MALATHOR sul PTR quando abbiamo raidato con i pickup in english, co malathor che non capiva un cazzo e se tajava su vt.

29/04/2008, 00:18
;284971']Si arriva lo straniero e fa

"Hi i'm john, and i come from a famous Guild on Burning Blade"


"Salve a tutti sono John, e succhio i cazzi ai cavalli su Burning Blade :v"

Ti avrei adorato come professore di inglese :asd:

29/04/2008, 10:44
laitmaig :v