Patch 4.2 - PTR Build 14133
A new build is being deployed on test realms.

Item Changes
Even more items have been added to this build, including more Tier 12 and more Firelands loot.

I'm still going through them and sorting them, come back in a few minutes!

Level Type Spec Slot Name 378AxeMeleeOne-HandAxe of the Barred Door 384BowPhysical DPSRangedArathar, the Wings of Flame 365DaggerPhysical DPSOne-HandDirebrew's Bloodied Shanker 384MaceMeleeTwo-HandSulfuras, The Extinguished Hand 365MacePhysical DPSOne-HandTremendous Tankard O' Terror 384MaceSpell SpiritMain HandHammer of the Firelord 378Off-HandSpell DPSOff-HandTome of Grim Binding 365SwordMeleeMain HandThe Horseman's Sinister Saber 378WandSpell DPSRangedStinger of the Flaming Scorpion 378PlateMeleeChest Carapace of Shifting Visions 365PlateMeleeHeadThe Horseman's Horrific Helmet 378PlateMeleeWaistCinch of the Flaming Ember 378PlateMeleeWristGigantiform Bracers 378PlateSpell DPSWaistSearing Slice Girdle 378PlateSpell SpiritFeetTreads of the Penitent Man 378PlateSpell SpiritHeadCasque of Flame 378PlateSpell SpiritWristBracers of Imperious Truths 378MailMeleeLegs Erupting Volcanic Legguards 378MailPhysical DPSChest Erupting Volcanic Cuirass 378MailPhysical DPSHands Erupting Volcanic Grips 378MailPhysical DPSHandsGrips of Unerring Precision 378MailPhysical DPSHead Erupting Volcanic Helmet 378MailPhysical DPSShoulder Erupting Volcanic Spaulders 378MailPhysical DPSWaistFirearrow Belt 378MailPhysical DPSWristBracers of Forked Lightning 378MailSpell DPSChest Erupting Volcanic Hauberk 378MailSpell DPSChest Erupting Volcanic Tunic 378MailSpell DPSHands Erupting Volcanic Gloves 378MailSpell DPSHead Erupting Volcanic Headpiece 378MailSpell DPSShoulder Erupting Volcanic Shoulderwraps 378MailSpell DPSWaistGirdle of the Flaming Foothold 378MailSpell SpiritChestGatekeeper's Embrace 378MailSpell SpiritHands Erupting Volcanic Handwraps 378MailSpell SpiritHead Erupting Volcanic Faceguard 384MailSpell SpiritHeadCrown of Flame 378MailSpell SpiritLegs Erupting Volcanic Kilt 378MailSpell SpiritLegs Erupting Volcanic Legwraps 378MailSpell SpiritShoulder Erupting Volcanic Mantle 378MailSpell SpiritWristBracers of Misting Ash 378LeatherPhysical DPSChestDemon Lord's Wing 378LeatherPhysical DPSFeetSandals of the Flaming Scorpion 378LeatherPhysical DPSShoulderShoulderpads of the Forgotten Gate 378LeatherSpell DPSWaistFirescar Sash 378LeatherSpell SpiritLegsFirecat Leggings 378LeatherSpell SpiritWristGlowing Wing Bracers 378LeatherSpell SpiritWristScorchskull Bindings 378ClothSpell DPSChest Balespider's Robes 378ClothSpell DPSChest Firehawk Robes 378ClothSpell DPSChest Vestment of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell DPSHands Balespider's Handwraps 378ClothSpell DPSHands Firehawk Gloves 378ClothSpell DPSHands Gloves of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell DPSHead Balespider's Hood 378ClothSpell DPSHead Firehawk Hood 378ClothSpell DPSHead Hood of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell DPSLegs Balespider's Leggings 378ClothSpell DPSLegs Firehawk Leggings 378ClothSpell DPSShoulder Balespider's Mantle 378ClothSpell DPSShoulder Firehawk Mantle 378ClothSpell DPSShoulderMantle of Closed Doors 378ClothSpell DPSWaistEmbereye Belt 378ClothSpell DPSWristEmberflame Bracers 378ClothSpell DPSWristWristwraps of Demarcation 378ClothSpell SpiritChest Robes of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell SpiritHands Handwraps of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell SpiritHead Cowl of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell SpiritLegs Leggings of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell SpiritLegs Legwraps of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell SpiritShoulder Mantle of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell SpiritShoulder Shoulderwraps of the Cleansing Flame 378ClothSpell SpiritWristFiresoul Wristguards 365FingerMeleeFingerSeal of the Petrified Pumpkin 365FingerPhysical DPSFingerBand of Ghoulish Glee 365FingerSpell DPSFingerThe Horseman's Signet 365FingerSpell SpiritFingerWicked Witch's Ring 384NeckPhysical DPSNeckChoker of the Firelord 378NeckSpell DPSNeckFlowform Choker 365TrinketTrinketBitterer Balebrew Charm 365TrinketTrinketBubblier Brightbrew Charm 365TrinketTrinketCoren's Chilled Chromium Coaster 365TrinketTrinketMithril Stopwatch 365TrinketSpell DPSTrinketPetrified Pickled Egg 365TrinketTankTrinketBrawler's Trophy 15ElixirEz-Drop Parachute 70MountVicious Gladiator's Twilight Drake

Originally Posted by MMO-Champion

  • ERR_TRAVEL_PASS_NOT_ALLIED = "You cannot invite players from the opposing faction.";
  • ERR_TRAVEL_PASS_NOT_LEADER = "You are not a group leader.";
  • ERR_TRAVEL_PASS_NO_INFO = "Retrieving information...";
  • GUILD_MOVE_COMPLETE = "The guild move process is complete. Please visit |HurlIndex:1|h[this web page]|h for more information.";
  • GUILD_MOVE_STARTING = "Your guild is in the process of being moved. The guild bank will be temporarily inaccesible until the move is completed.";
  • GUILD_RENAMED = "Your guild has been renamed. Please visit |HurlIndex:1|h[this web page]|h for more information.";
  • TRAVEL_PASS_INVITE = "Invite to Group";

Also a lot of encounter journal strings, not really relevant but it looks like we'll get even more info from the journal. (Healer/DPS/Tank Alerts, Disease/Poison/Magic/Curse Debuff alerts, etc ...)

Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion






Death Knight (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)

  • Annihilation now increases damage dealt by Obliterate by 15/30/45%, up from 12/24/36%.
  • Howling Blast damage has been reduced by 8%, from [ 1441 + 48% AP ] + [ 721 + 24% of AP ] to [ 1322 + 48% of AP ] + [ 661 + 24% of AP ]

  • Necrotic Strike absorb effect now scales from 70% of AP, down from 75% of AP.

Druid (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Ferocious Bite now heals you for 1% of your total maximum health for each 10 energy used.
  • Ravage! now deals 975% damage plus 3218, up from 850% plus 2805.

Hunter (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Companion Pets
  • Intervene now reduces the damage done by the next melee attack or ranged attack made against the target by an amount equal to 50% of your pet's total health.

Paladin (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Holy Shield now increases the amount your shield blocks by an additional 10% instead of increasing your chance to block by 5%.
  • Beacon of Light now heals for 100% of the amount when Holy Light is used.
  • Holy Shock now costs 7% of base mana, down from 9%.
  • Infusion of Light now also affects Flash of Light.


Priest (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Focused Will now procs from any damage greater than 10% of your total health.

Shaman (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Healing Surge healing has been reduced by 20%, from [ 5605 - 6404 ] to [ 4484 - 5122 ]

Warlock (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Drain Life damage has been reduced by 25%, from 109 Shadow damage to 82 Shadow damage.
