Posso craftare finalmente l'ARCANITE MECHANICAL DRAGON
90 sec fighting duration, 1 hr cool down. Hits for about 90 damage every attack, criticals for about 180, occasionally does flame damage for 300ish and casts a buff on enemy that increases fire damage received by +60
Spotta i rouges stealthati
? un item unique, quindi non posso craftarvene se ho gi? il mio; ergo, chi ne volesse uno, si mettesse in lista prima che lo abbia craftato per me.
Questi sono i reagenti necessari:
1x Mithril Mechanical Dragonling
8x Delicate Arcanite Converter
10x Enchanted Thorium Bar
6x Thorium Widget
4x Gold Power Core
6x Enchanted Leather
La spesa ? di circa 400g