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Thread: Cataclysm Details, Blue posts

  1. #1
    The Bad Azel's Avatar
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    RSS Feed Cataclysm Details, Blue posts

    The second part of the Auction House guide will most likely be available in a few hours.

    Cataclysm details in PC Gamer UK
    PC Gamer UK published a few more details on Cataclysm in this month's issue. I could threaten a few people from the UK to get that article or just link to's article and keep the interesting parts because they did all the work.

    If you saw the pre-Blizzcon leak (World of Warcraft - Cataclysm you might recognize a few things here.

    • Garrosh is confirmed to be the new leader of the Horde. He has redesigned Orgrimmar and the Taurens and Orcs are the oly races allowed in the center of the city because they're the only ones strong enough to defend it.
    • The Ruins of Lordaeron / Undercity will be expanded with a pit opening into the Undercity.
    • Zoram'gar Outpost in Ashenvale will be changed to a Warsong Hold style base.
    • Stranglethorn will be the most altered zone.
    • Apparently Southshore wasn't retaken by the horde (it was mentioned during Blizzcon) but has succumbed to tidal waves.
    • The new raids will be more like Naxxramas than Sartharion. (Probably means that we won't get one-room / one-boss raids this time)
    • There are a few extra details on the lore behind the Goblins and Worgens starting zones, just check's Article for that.

    Blue posts
    Quote from Blizzard staff
    Grunty-Pet Code. No e-mail yet.
    If you've checked spam filters and still haven't received your Grunty code, please contact RayV Support by emailing them at using the email address used to create your RayV account. (Source)

    Night Elves Mages in Cataclysm
    If we allowed Humans to have Warlocks, despite them being shunned and only barely tolerated, then it's logical that we allow night elf mages to be active in the Alliance even if the folks at Darnassus are a bit uncertain about the situation. Like the Humans, they've every right to be cautious about the things they consider wrong, especially when these are being practiced by their own people. But it may well be that also like the Humans and their warlocks, the Night Elves might find good reason to not completely shun those of their kind who work with the arcane.

    Nobody at the Temple of the Moon is rushing forward with open arms to greet them; the emissary is being given the cold shoulder. Even if we'd like them to hurry with it, they still need time to work over the idea of the arcane being used by their people while representing them in the active ranks of the Alliance. But they're not exactly escorting him out with guards, either... (Source)

    There was a fix to Blink crossing terrain (such as indoor to outdoor) in 3.2.2. If you find situations where it fails, it's more helpful to mention those curcumstances than to just say it "always" fails.

    True bugs, like this one, will get processed more quickly if reported in the bug forum. But again, you have to be specific.

    [...] All rapid movement events on a client - server game are going to be tricky. Remember that in addition to having the client and server actually agree on where you are, we also have to bulletproof the heck out of that code to prevent exploits (anything from getting where we don't want you to go to outright hax).

    Charge and Death Grip work more often than Blink because they have another character as a target. Blink (and a few other spells) target a location. Elevation changes or terrain borders (e.g. the infamous Warsong tunnel) can make the movement check more complicated.

    The programmers did a lot of work on Blink (and related events) for 3.2.2 and more fixes are getting made even between patches. I'm just asking you to notice if it works more consistently without just falling back into the "hasn't worked in 5 years, mages aren't a priority" rhetoric (c.f. thread title) that doesn't actually give us information we can use. (Source)


  2. #2
    Member Beghi's Avatar
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    Default Riferimento: Cataclysm Details, Blue posts

    Tauren FTW!

  3. #3
    Piccolo Spammer KappaKappa's Avatar
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    Default Riferimento: Cataclysm Details, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by Azel View Post

    • Garrosh is confirmed to be the new leader of the Horde. He has redesigned Orgrimmar and the Taurens and Orcs are the oly races allowed in the center of the city because they're the only ones strong enough to defend it.
    I poveri Troll sono banditi da orgrimmar?
    KERNEL . . . . . KRONOS . . . . . KK

  4. #4
    Member Serrangel's Avatar
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    Default Riferimento: Cataclysm Details, Blue posts

    Non c'è che dire.... a Garrosh piacciono grossi.....

  5. #5
    Piccolo Spammer Panico's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Piccolo Spammer shino's Avatar
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    Default Riferimento: Cataclysm Details, Blue posts

    buuuuuuuu...i troll are the best...buuuuuu garrosh...buuuuuuuuuuu

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