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Thread: GU08 Anticipations

  1. #1
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default GU08 Anticipations

    fin'ora sappiamo che conterrà sicuro:

    Max Revamp

    forse le buggy, visto che son quasi finite, ma non ci conterei, needano ancora bug fixes e audio, nonche non le butteranno mai fuori senza customizazzioni per farci più $$$

    di sicuro nuovi max cosmetics

    guardateli, son molto belli gli elmi NC

    poi nella gu08 ci sono dei buff per i tank contro fanteria e lolpodder! (CAZZO SI)
    poi ci sarà questo, gize sarà contento

    Also for GU08: Map&HUD indicator colors can be configured separately for infantry/vehicles vs facilities, objectives, terminals & territory

  2. #2
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations


    The generators that control the shields which protect the SCU room are now gone. We are trying out a new system where the shields will go down based on the percentage of capture. Currently, they will go down when the enemy capture bar is halfway full. If the defender retakes the point, they need to bring the capture status back below that percentage to restore the shields.

    The idea behind this change is to stop attackers from disabling the spawn too early, which can cause the fight the end and in some cases never happen. This will give defenders time to recover or react to a facility that is under attack.

    Known Issues:
    There is no messaging of when the shields are disabled. We will be adding some VO audio to indicate when these shields go down in the near future.

  3. #3
    Io sono l'Alfa e l'Omega Q(F)M's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations

    mmm...stanno buffando la difesa quindi...boh, forse era meglio aumentare il tempo necessario alla distruzione dei generatori relativi allo spawn...così come lo fanno ora renderà la difesa un semplice zerg dei control point

  4. #4
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations

    Quote Originally Posted by Q(F)M View Post
    mmm...stanno buffando la difesa quindi...boh, forse era meglio aumentare il tempo necessario alla distruzione dei generatori relativi allo spawn...così come lo fanno ora renderà la difesa un semplice zerg dei control point
    asd meglio una semplice difesa dei control point che nessuna difesa affatto, non sai quante volte vorrei difendere una base ma non hai nemmeno lo spawn ancora prima che abbiano cappato anche solo una flag, e poi quando arriva il lattice gli outpost saranno territori veri e non semplici spawn point che cappi in 20 secondi (ci vorranno ben 4 minuti!) quindi se lo spawn andasse giù ancora prima che comincia il fight sarebbe controproducente, una gara a chi arriva primo,

    sono cambi dovuti, ripeto, avrei voluto vedere gli scudi delle spawn room andar giu una volta che perdi l'SCU, meno spawnrape + brained fights, i difensori si deployano da qualche altra parte dove non sono farmati, si riorganizzano, e tornano a prenderti la base.

  5. #5
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations

    confermato max e buggy in gu08! ma niente lanciagranate e lanciafiamme non riescono a tunarli asd

  6. #6
    Spammer di mediocre esperienza Bloodyboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations

    GM Fremen su GW2

    Se fossi cioccolata giuro che mi mangeri subito!

    Sono il Kizzo chi mi conosce sa!

  7. #7
    Io sono l'Alfa e l'Omega Q(F)M's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations

    Quote Originally Posted by Torok View Post
    confermato max e buggy in gu08! ma niente lanciagranate e lanciafiamme non riescono a tunarli asd
    ci manca solo un max con lo scudo in una mano ed il lanciafiamme nell'altra!

  8. #8
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations

    Attachment Changes

    • Compensator
      • Right now this attachment gives a flat 10% reduction to the weapon’s vertical recoil, which is either a big reduction or a hardly noticeable change depending on the base recoil of the weapon.
      • Post-patch: This attachment is being modified so that it gives different recoil bonuses to different weapons, which will result in a greater recoil bonus across the board.
      • The hip-fire penalty currently on live will remain the same.

    • Suppressor
      • The projectile speed penalty on carbines will be reduced, to match the slower starting projectile velocity of the weapon class. Suppressors on all other weapon types will be unchanged.

    • Forward Grip
      • Post patch forward grips will gain two additional benefits. They will reduce the horizontal pull of weapons with an angled recoil pattern, and they will slightly reduce the max horizontal recoil that any weapon can do.
      • Forward grips on live currently reduce the vertical recoil of LMGs and sniper rifles in addition to a horizontal recoil reduction. This is being removed from LMGs, as it is possible to stack the forward grip and compensator on some weapons and have recoil that is lower than carbines and assault rifles.
      • Right now the forward grip is the only non-optics attachment without a negative to offset its bonus. Post-patch the forward grip will be gaining a small weapon swap time penalty, which only applies when swapping to the weapon with the forward grip attached.

    • Velocity Ammo
      • Currently, velocity ammunition gives a flat 5% increase to all weapons. Like the compensator, this is either a great or poor attachment based on the base weapon’s stats.
      • Post-patch this attachment will give unique projectile speed bonuses on a per weapon basis. This will result in a buff to velocity ammunition on most weapons.

    • Grenade and smoke underbarrel launchers
      • Post-patch: These weapons will collect ammunition from engineer ammo packs at a slower rate.
      • The above change does not apply to the underbarrel shotgun.

    • 6x scopes
      • All 6x scopes will be getting weapon sway, similar to sniper rifles.
      • All 6x and higher scopes, including sniper rifles, will be getting a longer hold breath duration.
      • Any attachment not listed will be unchanged.

    Weapon changes
    GU08 will be the largest weapon tuning patch yet, with the majority of infantry weapons tweaked in small ways based on data collected from the server and player feedback.

    Noticeable changes:

    • All assault rifles, carbines, and SMGs will equip faster.
    • The majority of assault rifles and carbines will gain reload speed buffs to make these weapon classes more competitive with LMGs.
    • Lower capacity LMGs (50-60 rounds) will also be gaining swap speed and reload buffs to make them more competitive.
    • Underperforming ranged weapons will be brought up in effectiveness, mainly through recoil changes and the above attachment tweaks.

  9. #9
    Io sono l'Alfa e l'Omega Q(F)M's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations

    i mitra del medico come si classificano in inglese?

  10. #10
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU08 Anticipations

    Quote Originally Posted by Q(F)M View Post
    i mitra del medico come si classificano in inglese?
    Assault Rifle

    questa cosa cmq è ECCEZZIONALE

    Quote Originally Posted by Torok View Post

    • Velocity Ammo
      • Currently, velocity ammunition gives a flat 5% increase to all weapons. Like the compensator, this is either a great or poor attachment based on the base weapon’s stats.
      • Post-patch this attachment will give unique projectile speed bonuses on a per weapon basis. This will result in a buff to velocity ammunition on most weapons.

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