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Thread: DayZ

  1. #81
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ

    niente è yuki che trolla

  2. #82
    Apostata Yukitopia's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ

    Macche trolla e trolla. Bisogna tener presente una cosa: lo stanno rifacendo da zero e l'unica cosa che hanno postato sono dei modelli di interni. Oggettivamente, quando degli sviluppatori cercano di fare un gioco nuovo usando un motore grafico esistente pensato per un altro tipo di gioco c'e il rischio che in fase di sviluppo saltino fuori delle magagne tremende. Quando Rocket ha annunciato la beta dello stand alone per fine anno stava trollando

  3. #83
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukitopia View Post
    Macche trolla e trolla. Bisogna tener presente una cosa: lo stanno rifacendo da zero e l'unica cosa che hanno postato sono dei modelli di interni. Oggettivamente, quando degli sviluppatori cercano di fare un gioco nuovo usando un motore grafico esistente pensato per un altro tipo di gioco c'e il rischio che in fase di sviluppo saltino fuori delle magagne tremende. Quando Rocket ha annunciato la beta dello stand alone per fine anno stava trollando
    nope! il motore grafico già ce l'hanno, visto che è una via di mezzo tra arma 2 e arma 3, 2.5 come detto da rocket, e visto che di arma 3 il motore grafico già l'è bello che finito visti i video presentati all'E3 ancora estate passata, anzi si può dire che il lavoro sia pure più semplice visto che l'hanno alleggerito mmo-style spostando tutto ciò che fai sul server che elabora i dati anzichè client-sided

    bella la pic

  4. #84
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ

    sta collassando speriam si riprenda sto natale

    It's taken a bit longer to get the news out than I expected, simply because I spent 30 hours in a plane, arrived home for the first time in a year, and realized how dog-tired and sick I was from having worked like crazy for a year. I slept for about 20 hours in a row.I'm drafting together the roadmap, and the news will be good and naturally not perfect. We're happy with how things are going, and the more time that goes on the more we can confirm. For me, the most important thing is not to confirm anything in the devblog that we don't have a high confidence in. Sometimes that means I have to leave stuff out, or wait to say stuff, because we just don't know how it will turn out. We're very, very early in the development process - at a time when experimentation of core elements is still very much in vogue.
    While me heading back to NZ for a couple of weeks is going to make things a bit slower, already the psychological benefits are feeling massive for me.
    The December target I set was a good and bad thing. It was good because it forced our development to push heavily towards a target. Without that target, I have no doubt we would be significantly further behind than we are, and we probably would have made some different decisions which would have not been as positive for the project. It was bad because of the expectations it set. That target relates to what was achievable in terms of releasing a "mod on steroids", whereas halfway through we abandoned that and went for a "new game based on the mod" - which is far more ambitious and really what everyone wants. But that meant achieving the december release is much harder, still because I'd made that promise it made the programmers work much harder.
    It does become a bit overwhelming when literally everywhere I go, both on the internet and in real-life, everyone bombards me with wanting to know what is happening.

  5. #85
    Spammer di mediocre esperienza DADE's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ

    tutte scuse,deve lavorare e non lamentarsi!
    Balsagoth Pancake

    "I fremen, cuori duri,spietati.Ai bambini, per il compleanno,regalano sassi " " oh mamma!! è sassosissimo!!"
    "Il classico non si batte"

  6. #86
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ


    I know I have been very quiet lately. So this will be really all I'll say for the moment.I've been pretty depressed about the whole situation. From a personal standpoint, this whole "saga" of the development made me seriously question if I wanted to be involved in the industry and I gave serious thought to cutting my losses and not being involved in the project.
    At my Army Discharge medical this week, they noted I now have high blood pressure. Some things in life just aren't worth worrying about.
    I've been getting hammered by a massive amount with requests for information about DayZ release, interviews and my reactions to this and stuff and such - but for my own sanity I retreated and have kept to myself. Right now I'm just at home doing bits and pieces on the DayZ development. The rest of the DayZ team is doing the same.
    I realize that I went back on my word about releasing an update, but went back into my shell for a bit last week, and I'll come out when the dust is all settled.
    I could say "it has been delayed" but what has been delayed? there are many forms and ways to release something. The fact is, there are many things we COULD do, and we're checking to see that what we can do is the best for where we want to be in a few months time.
    So saying it will be delayed would be incorrect, as it may not be delayed. But exactly how, what, and in what way of release - all these things need to be considered against how they factor into future releases. It is not only me, or even the dev team, who make those decisions so there are many stakeholders. I could announce all these things but it is unfair until all those stakeholders involved have a chance to input as they are affected (or some, such as Steam, required to do some work as part of it).

  7. #87
    Spammer di mediocre esperienza DADE's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ

    sta sclerando..
    Balsagoth Pancake

    "I fremen, cuori duri,spietati.Ai bambini, per il compleanno,regalano sassi " " oh mamma!! è sassosissimo!!"
    "Il classico non si batte"

  8. #88
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ


  9. #89
    Spammer di mediocre esperienza DADE's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ

    Quote Originally Posted by Torok View Post

    necessito di spararti nelle gambe
    Balsagoth Pancake

    "I fremen, cuori duri,spietati.Ai bambini, per il compleanno,regalano sassi " " oh mamma!! è sassosissimo!!"
    "Il classico non si batte"

  10. #90
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: DayZ

    HE'S BACK!

    • Bean King
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    Posted Yesterday, 08:44 AM

    Why so quiet, Rocket?

    Kju (ArmA legend and DayZ team member) made a good point that I should really say something, linking me to the points made in - So here I'm going to just sort of give a literal off the cuff not-announcement.

    I'd taken a deliberate step away from the spotlight, particularly given the scandals that have gone on with things with the WarZ. I won't dwell on this issue, only to say that while gamers can tell the difference between the two products - many people can't and it became quite unpleasant for me when I became approached both in real-life and through the internet associating me with the War Z.

    Meanwhile, development continued at an even greater pace with the entire project beginning to gel even more than before. I won't give any specifics here, I think the specifics should come with something that you can actually see/play and that will make much more sense. I'm currently in an airport lounge in Sydney, on the long journey back to the Czech Republic.

    The year 2012

    I can't really even begin to summarize what that year has been for Bohemia, the project, or for me - so I won't try. What I will do is thank everyone for being involved, for making something really amazing out of the idea I started with. There are thousands of people who have and are now directly involved in developing the mod, and it's really amazing for us all to see the wonderful user created content etc coming out. So thank you, to everyone. Because of everyone's support we're now "living the dream" and turning this basic idea into its own game. In fact, we've gone even further than I could ever have hoped... we're not only making the game, we're redoing the engine specifically for the game

    Where is the game? Where is the Tumblr post?

    Obviously they aren't there yet and I promised that. I also promised more contact, and then I disappeared off the face of the Earth. Now isn't really the time to get into all that, so all I am going to do is say that on all those account I failed and I'll deal to those in good time.

    I'm really sorry that on those three counts I've failed, hopefully in time the reasons will all make some sense and the end product will justify all the madness of this year. Now is not the time for me to rush out a tumblr update, nor rush out a build. Both of those will, for the moment, need to wait - and both mean I didn't do what I said I would.

    So... 2013?

    Let me just say this:

    Every progressive day during December, I have gotten more and more excited about the Standalone and it's potential. Each day the whole team is seeing the strength of the development and we're very pleased with how it has been progressing.

    Thank you everyone for your support, and particularly, for your patience. Also a big thank you and shout out to the forum mods for their hard work.

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