Oggi ho beccato un cecchino in ghillie, nn so se aveva sloggato o se era morto "in piedi" cmq l'ho svuotato. NV goggles per meeeeeee!![]()
no, perchè i tentativi di torok per duparli fallivano miseramente.
in realtà funzionavano ma poi morivamoil problema è balsa che si veste e poi sparisce
a spese nostre ofc
ho una scimmia pd........ ora lo rimetto in download
poi trovo il modo di giocare su hive privati e mi provo questa
Last edited by Torok; 23/10/2012 at 13:03. Reason: fuck you balsa!
As many of you may know, two of Bohemia Interactive’s developers, Ivan Buchta, and Martin Pezlar, are currently detained in a prison in Greece, charged with allegations of spying. The arrest took place on September 9th near their hotel, and was first reported by Greek site Lesvos news
Facing up to 20 years in prison, for taking pictures of an island, just like countless other tourists before them, the Czech developers are being charged with espionage. Only because they happen to work on a computer game, a game that portrays Greece as a battlefield for a fictional futuristic conflict between the USA and Iran in the year 2035.
Ivan and Martin are no spies, but passionate community members, dedicated to the game and its experience for the player. Many of us have witnessed Ivan talking in interviews passionately about the progress of ARMA3 and all the new features, also developed by Martin.
It’s time to show our support, not only as a community, but as players and concerned citizens, for two developers, who now face a lifetime in prison for an unfortunate misunderstanding.
Ivan and Martin need your support right now, so please share this link with as many people as you can and leave a message for them as a sign of solidarity, hope and friendship.
Thank you for your time, your help is much appreciated
Ieri notte ho loggato per vedere se trovavo un motoure per il mio ATV (rigorosamente rubato ad un altro negro in game) esco da uno degli stanzini della warehouse di Polana e vado verso le scale. Oh c'erano altre 2 persone online alle 24.30 e non me ne trovo uno davanti alla faccia? Il tempo di settare l'mp5 da semi a full auto e l'ho freddato flash verde dell'arma "uuh" "crack" (ossa rotte) xxx has died. Sto bastardo aveva addosso questo versione camo silenziata con lancia patate:
non l'ho lootato subito perchè mi sentivo uno stronzo (e nn avevo spazio). Stamattina ho riloggato e il cadavere era ancora li; tutto mio.
fotutti hacker! bell'm4a3
yuki ti do una quest, sii il prometheus fremen
omg orgasmo... stasera la scarico insieme a dayz commander