Aggiornamenti Roadmap

-Unscheduled - Amerish Battle Flow Improvements
Pulling this out temporarily so the team can focus on getting Hossin ready. We'll re-visit Amerish then.

sapete questo cosa vuol dire?


-Drop-podding is horrible. Get rid of it.
We don't plan on removing drop pods, but a polish pass on them is in progress. The following is what is planned, but of course is subject to change.

1) Drop pod maneuverability reduced so they drop closer to their origin points.

2) Instant action origin points changed such that attacker pods spawn in a doughnut shape around the facility while defender pods spawn near the center.

3) Squad spawn changing to be like redeploy but does the quick-deploy-to-squad behavior that currently works at the warpgate.

4) Squad beacon will go on cooldown when a player becomes squad leader.

Feedback is welcome!

-September - Class Update: Infiltrator
Queue price is right fail sound. Not going to make August. :/

I am Disappoint. One day drones will creepily float through the sky and Stalker cloaked infiltrators will roam the plains, wild and free... but August is not that day.