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Thread: Gisgo godiiiiiiii!!! Resource REVAMP!

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  1. #1

    Default Re: Gisgo godiiiiiiii!!! Resource REVAMP!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud Wallace View Post
    Resources are reduced to a single currency and acquisition timers are removed.

    ok, e le cert spese per ridurre i timer?
    Sicuramente saranno rimborsati oppure convertiti in uno sconto sulle risorse... è solo un piccolo particolare (tralaltro li ho tutti maxati).
    Ma l'Ant sarà un cert per il sunderer... vero?
    Tutto molto bello e molto in ritardo... ma vabbé meglio tardi che mai; i convoy sono particolarmente fighi mancavano proprio le road battles.
    Adesso serve un link tra i continenti e le battle islands.

    Hai notato che da quando l'enclave ha mollato Malorn si è messo a lavorare?

    ps. ho preso una hd7850 per 75 euri, l'altra sera ho finalmente giocato un po' con grafica high e posso anche tenere la gt550 a gestire il physx! Peccato che sto cmq a 35fps per colpa del processore.
    Last edited by Gisgo; 20/07/2013 at 19:18.

  2. #2
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gisgo godiiiiiiii!!! Resource REVAMP!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gisgo View Post
    Sicuramente saranno rimborsati oppure convertiti in uno sconto sulle risorse... è solo un piccolo particolare (tralaltro li ho tutti maxati).
    Ma l'Ant sarà un cert per il sunderer... vero?
    Tutto molto bello e molto in ritardo... ma vabbé meglio tardi che mai; i convoy sono particolarmente fighi mancavano proprio le road battles.
    Adesso serve un link tra i continenti e le battle islands.

    Hai notato che da quando l'enclave ha mollato Malorn si è messo a lavorare?

    ps. ho preso una hd7850 per 75 euri, l'altra sera ho finalmente giocato un po' con grafica high e posso anche tenere la gt550 a gestire il physx! Peccato che sto cmq a 35fps per colpa del processore.
    la physx fa crashare a nastro e come fai a farla girare con un ATI? :O
    comunque si l'Ant è confermato, probabilmente sarà un unlock del sunderer, così fanno prima, ti riquoto quello che ha scritto malorn
    3. Mechanic is very ant-like: Deploy, charge up, transport, deploy to dispense. And yes, ground vehicles. Air vehicles would circumvent the geography and detract from the desired gameplay.
    settimana prossima mettono il lattice su Esamir (sul test server looka troppo figo), poi tocca ad amerish e poi ci siamo per il continent lock! hanno confermato che le battle island avranno un ruolo nel continent locking e saran tipo 125vs125 o cose cosi

    altre info:
    Few clarifications to some questions here and on other feedback channels:

    There are two resources: Facility resource (power), and Personal Resource (nanites). Personal resource income is affected by power level. So a facility at 50% power will have half the resource income to players being supplied by that facility.

    Power is drained based on players being supplied, not their actions. So one player pulling a vehicle is not going to be harmful. The more players being supplied the more power is drained (it's a stepwise function, not linear). Idea is that small groups will have little or no effect on power drain but it is a much more significant factor in larger battles. The 'steps' closely map to the activity levels - squad, 2 squads, platoon, 2 platoons, etc.

    Warpgates provide a small amount of power inflow to connected facilities. This is enough to offset any drain for small groups, and empty facilities will slowly recharge over time on their own (so no running around fueling up bases). Severing lattice where possible can be very impactful to the facilities that are cut off.

    How players spend their resulting resources does not affect other players. That part of the system works the same as it does today - players have resources and they spend them on vehicles and consumables. Instead of having 3 separate resources there will be one resource.

    Roughly speaking you should be able to go from empty to full resources in about 10 minutes in ideal conditions. That may change but that's the ballpark. The goal is that if you want to do one thing like drive tanks or fly aircraft, you can do that if you save your resources for those things. We also don't want to have too much save-up power so you are affected when resource income is reduced. Deep pockets insulates that so we don't want pockets to be too deep.

    Acquisition timer certs will likely be refunded. This seems like the most fair way to handle it.

    The power-fetching aspect is intended to be focused around large battles to spread them out. Power-carrying vehicles would show up on the continent map so they would be mobile objectives, primarily for vehicle combat. This isn't intended to be a boring tedious thing so much as a sort of capture-the-flag style gameplay where the power carrier is highly likely to see action.

    Warpgates are facilities that do not suffer power drain, so they are always available as a recharge point.

    Of course everything above is subject to change, and that's one reason we want your feedback!
    Last edited by Torok; 20/07/2013 at 20:10.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Gisgo godiiiiiiii!!! Resource REVAMP!

    Quote Originally Posted by Torok View Post
    la physx fa crashare a nastro e come fai a farla girare con un ATI? :O
    Non so ancora COME ma so che con WIN7 si possono installare 2 driver video, assegnare una scheda video come "primaria" e una a gestire solo il physx.
    Pare che serva anche un programma esterno per ingannare il physx che si disabilita in presenza di una radeon.

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