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Thread: ver 1.4.2

  1. #1
    Apostata Yukitopia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Dat Ass Land!

    Default ver 1.4.2

    The Pretty Scary Update!
    + Added a beacon
    + Added flower pots
    + Added item frames
    + Added anvils
    + Added cobblestone walls
    + Added pumpkin pies
    + Added carrots and potatoes
    + Carrots can be put on a stick to control pigs while riding
    + Added a boss mob
    + Added a new skeleton type
    + Added witches
    + Added bats
    + Added mob heads that can be placed
    + Zombies now infect villagers, but can also be cured
    + Added wooden button
    + Items can be cloned with the “pick block” action in Creative Mode
    + Items can be quickly moved to the hotbar by pressing 1 through 9 while hovering an item
    + Added /difficulty, /spawnpoint, /weather, /gamerule and /clear commands
    + Added “target selectors” for commands
    + Added option to hide capes
    + Added option to toggle vertical synch
    + Added customization to superflat worlds
    + Minor additions to the world generator
    + New potion recipes
    + Leather armor can be dyed
    * Maps now start more zoomed in, and can be extended
    * Redstone repeaters can now be set into a “locked” position
    * New sound effects
    * Portals to the Nether can now transport items and mobs
    * Adventure mode now allows placing and removing blocks, but only when using the correct tools
    * Changed method of placing sideways wood logs
    * Improved server list
    * Improved debug (F3) options
    * Spawn protection is now automatically disabled if there are no defined admins
    - Removed Herobrine

  2. #2
    Vero spammer Fiordiluna's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: ver 1.4.2

    com'e' che rimuovono herobrine in ogni patch?
    OH DON PIANO ! - Continuano a bannarlo da Iutub ! 'Stardi !
    (E infatti l'hanno ri-bannato. Ma io l'ho ritrovato ! Pappappero.)

  3. #3
    Apostata Yukitopia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Dat Ass Land!

    Default Re: ver 1.4.2

    boh, cmq mai visto.

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