Ore 14:10, uccido un Gordok Mauler. Normale...
Ore 14:10:01, mi ricordo che tra 20 minuti ho l'esercitazione in laboratorio e devo fare la doccia.
Ore 14:20, ho finito la doccia ed esco di casa. Buono.
Ore 14:25, ad una media di 80 orari senza esagerare, il nostro eroe arriva in anticipo in laboratorio, e giustamente "elabora".

Ecco i due template x warrior e warlock su cui mi potrete insultare e sui quali poi discuteremo


WoW Talent TemplateSaved Template

Class: Warrior
Level: 60

Arms Talents (31 points)

Improved Heroic Strike - 3/3 points
Reduces the cost of your Heroic Strike ability by 3 rage points.

Improved Rend - 3/3 points
Increases the bleed damage done by your Rend ability by 35%.

Tactical Mastery - 5/5 points
You retain up to 25 of your rage points when you change stances.

Deep Wounds - 3/3 points
Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 60% of your melee
weapon's average damage over 12 seconds.

Anger Management - 1/1 point
Increases the time required for your Rage to decay while out of combat by 30%.

Improved Overpower - 2/2 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Overpower ability by 50%.

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - 5/5 points
Increases the damage you deal with two-handed weapons melee weapons by 5%.

Impale - 2/2 points
Increases the critical strike damage done by your abilities in Battle,
Defensive, and Berserker stance by 20%.

Sweeping Strikes - 1/1 point
You next 5 melee weapon swings strike an additional nearby opponent.

Axe Specialization - 5/5 points
Increases your chance to get a critical strike with Axes by 5%.

Mortal Strike - 1/1 point
A vicious strike that deals 200% weapon damage and wounds the target, reducing
the effectiveness of any healing by 50% for 10 seconds.

Fury Talents (20 points)

Cruelty - 5/5 points
Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

Improved Demoralizing Shout - 5/5 points
Increases the attack power reduction of your Demoralizing Shout by 25%.

Piercing Howl - 1/1 point
Causes all enemies near the warrior to be dazed for 6 seconds.

Improved Cleave - 3/3 points
Increases the bonus damage done by your Cleave ability by 60%.

Improved Battle Shout - 1/5 point
Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Battle Shout by 5%.

Enrage - 5/5 points
Gives you a 40% melee damage bonus for 4 swings any time you are the victim of a
critical strike.

Protection Talents (0 points)



WoW Talent TemplateSaved Template

Class: Warlock
Level: 60

Affliction Talents (5 points)

Suppression - 5/5 points
Reduces the chance for enemies to resist your Affliction spells by 10%.

Demonology Talents (7 points)

Demonic Embrace - 5/5 points
Increases your total Stamina by 15%, but reduces your total Spirit by 5%.

Improved Healthstone - 2/2 points
Increases the amount of Health restored by your Healthstone by 20%.

Destruction Talents (39 points)

Improved Shadow Bolt - 5/5 points
Your Shadow Bolt critical strikes increase the next 4 sources of Shadow damage
dealt to the target by 20%.

Cataclysm - 5/5 points
Reduces the Mana cost of your Destruction spells by 5%.

Bane - 5/5 points
Reduces the casting time of your Shadow Bolt and Immolate spells by 0.5 seconds.

Aftermath - 5/5 points
Gives your Destruction spells a 10% chance to daze the target for 5 seconds.

Devastation - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Destruction spells by 5%.

Shadowburn - 1/1 point
Instantly blasts the target with 87 to 99 Shadow damage. Requires 1 Soul Shard.
If the target dies from Shadowburn, and yields experience, the caster gains a
Soul Shard.

Improved Searing Pain - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Searing Pain spell by 10%.

Destructive Reach - 2/2 points
Increases the range of your Destruction spells by 20%.

Ruin - 1/1 point
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Destruction spells by 100%.

Inferno - 5/5 points
Increases the damage done by your Fire spells by 10%.

Postate di seguito commenti, e io vi risponder? con le mie considerazioni. Nel caso abbiate ragione voi (facile, perch? senza discutere in real time ? pi? difficile fare il template "perfetto") aggiorneremo assieme il TP.