omaigad la interlink facility è bellissima

Hossin Changes
There were a couple of Hossin changes with GU8 including the breaking down of the giant bio-lab sized trees into indvidual parts.

Also with GU08, we have some new flora to trample with our war machines.
Pistol 003
Almost sneaking past me this week were the models for the next round of Faction Specific Pistols. On the Roadmap these are listed as a fully automatic pistol for the TR, a shotgun pistol for the NC, and a charge-up pistol for the VS.
The Interlink Facility
I spoiled this earlier but it's worth mentioning in this content analysis. The Interlink Facility is now in the files, and a fully functioning and cool base.

Also, in GU6 there was a 'BridgeConsole' that was added to the files. I'm not sure what this does yet but I have a theory, the Interlink has gaps in the bridges and attached to them are something called 'IFF Bridges' using the same materials as the IFF Doors we all know and love from the spawn rooms. I suspect that the BridgeConsole will be for the energy bridges on the Interlink facility. Perhaps something to hack as an infiltrator?
The Bridge Console
Also included in this patch are sound files for Hossin, a brand new Tutorial, and the Mission System. Additionally Hossin is still coming along and looks like it could still be on track for release by the end of the month even though it is unscheduled. Searhus did not see any new changes in GU8 but that continent is further out.
There is quite a bit of content that I didn't feature (as always) and you can vew it all in these albums:

You can follow me on twitter: @RoyAwesome, where I release pictures of new content as they hit the test server.