* PvP Titles are now awarded for each Prestige rank obtained.
* Peacekeeper guards no longer accuse you of Disturbing the Peace for walking around or playing songs, or even for fighting in Warfronts. They will, however, still be angry if you start a fight right in front of them!
* Oh hey, we were able to make it so quest hub Wardstones can be attackable on PvP servers (and still not attackable on PvE servers)!
* Guards on PvP servers should not receive a damage reduction from players or a damage increase against players.

* Joining a Warfront while polymorphed will not leave you unable to mount.
* Gaining access to the opposing side's starter area in Warfronts will now teleport you back to your own.
* Fixed a bug where you were not able to kick a player out of your party if they were in a warfront.
* When leaving a Warfront, if you should not normally be PvP flagged, you will immediately drop the flag after zone without needing to wait 5 minutes. (If you were already flagged PvP before entering, you'll still have a de-flag timer.)
* Added zone-specific drops to level 40-50 instances of the Black Garden, The Codex, Whitefall Steppes, and The Battle for Port Scion.

* The distribution of Toughness, Hit, and Focus on end-game gear has been updated. These stats should now be found on a more limited number of slots, and more consistently on gear for those slots.
* Collector's Satchel: Now binds on pickup.
* The Big Book of Eth Conspiracy artifact collection now rewards a rad book of conspiracies!
* Fallen Warden's Blade, Fallen Warden's Maul, Fallen Warden's Dress Sword, Fallen Warden's Ripper: These can now be equipped.
* Fae Sticker, Faesteel Warblade, Fae-Touched Oaken Staff, Satyr's Foe-Cleaver, and Fae Spell-Touched Blade: Now have valid appearances.
* Updated dyes to use new icons.
* It's no longer possible to purchase puresource from planar vendors. Added a 20% chance to get planarite as a reward from puresource.

* Planar dust is now harder to acquire large piles of.
* Items used in crafting now have tooltip text hinting at how they're acquired. Harvested/core materials should say 'Crafting Material', vendor-purchased items say 'Crafting Good', and dropped items should say 'Crafting Ingredient' (such as planar dust).
* Fixed an issue where Epic, Rare, and Uncommon Crystals did not have use text and broke into 15 powders, instead of 9.
* Fixed a bug where some recipe scrolls could be taught to characters who were not appropriate crafter types.
* Apothecaries now sell Vinegar Concoctions.
* Reduced the overall amount of drops coming from Butchering mobs.
* Fixed more instantly respawning harvest nodes.
* You now hear an audio cue when successfully Runebreaking or Salvaging an item.
* Added a cast time and animation to Runebreaking.
* Salvaging now produces usable materials which can be combined to be used as recipe materials in the near future.
* Salvaged materials are now automatically looted if auto-loot is enabled.
* Fixed some text errors in Runecrafting materials.
* Applying a rune to a piece of equipment now displays a brief visual effect.
* Updated icons for Thwarting Runes.
* The following crafting augments have had their stat bonuses adjusted:
* Faerie Wings: Increases Dexterity and Valor.
* Phylactery: Increases Intelligence and Valor.
* Deep One Fang: Increases Strength and Valor.
* Mistwalker Essence: Increases Spell Power and Spell Crit.
* Golem Core: Increases Spell Power.
* Scorpion Stinger: Increases Wisdom and Valor.
* Basilisk Tail: Increases Attack Power and Melee Crit.
* Vespid Stinger: Increases Attack Power.

* Achievements with item rewards now deliver them via mail.
* From Outcast to Hero: This achievement now grants a reward upon completion.
* Added achievements for defeating each zone event colossus and one for defeating all of them. Titles can now be earned for defeating all colossi in each zone.
* Breaking and re-combining Runecrafting materials is no longer credited as 'crafting' for achievements.
* '...Something Blue' is no longer triggered by crafting an Epic item.

* Male Dwarves no longer look so... weathered. Current male Dwarf characters will probably appear to have lost a few years off their face somewhere.
* Fixed a bug where character coloring could be messed up after being polymorphed.
* Character hair should be properly hidden when previewing helms.
* Cleaned up Rift appearance when viewed from a distance.
* Corrected some armors that didn't 'ghost' or 'stealth' properly.
* Channel spells will originate from the correct hand again.
* Using emotes after casting spells or jumping will play the emote animation - once you've finished whatever you're currently doing.
* Fighting and casting while underwater should now animate better.
* When sheathing weapons post-combat, they should stop randomly appearing again.
* Fixed rifts getting stuck in odd graphical modes when logging in beneath them.
* Casting spells directly from the drinking animation will now actually cast and animate the spell.
* Persistent spell effects are now hidden while a target is polymorphed.
* An ability sound effect and volume mixing pass has gone in. Things probably sound a bit different, now!
* Dwarven lady Bards should now play their instruments!
* New Bahmi male default and emote voiceovers.
* There is now an audio cue when receiving a tell.
* Enabled separate sliders for UI, Voiceover and Sound Effect volumes.

* /ra now works to chat in Raids.
* /pvptoggle has become /pvp.
* Assigning ctrl+key to an action bar slot will stop trying to preview usable items in that slot and actually use them.
* Fixed issues with ALT+TAB when using the low quality renderer.

* Moved Soul Trees into a windowed UI instead of fullscreen!
* Setting a keybind to a number pad key will now differentiate it from regular number keys.
* Loot messages from parties and raids now have their own channel filter.
* Failed area quests (zone events, etc) will be removed from your quest log and quest stickies after 15 seconds.
* Party members' minimap indicators should no longer show at the top left corner while teleporting.
* Mount icons on hotbars now grey out when in no-mount areas.
* Icons will no longer display as greyed out in the abilities binder.
* Fixed pets appearing very large in the character UI.
* The quest acceptance window and guild quest window now show the quest type and repeat interval (ex: Guild, Weekly) for guild quests.
* Stat names on tooltips have been updated to match stat names on the character sheet.
* Inspecting a player will now show hidden helms and all equipped weapons. It also shows equipped Planar Focus and Essences.
* Raid pet groups are now properly labeled in Edit Layout mode.
* Raidframes can now only be dragged via the drag handle at the top of the window, or in Edit Layout mode.
* Fixed a bug causing the minimap clock to reset to showing server time on logout and zoning.
* Bonuses to your mana, power, or energy will be shown in the same place as healing effects for combat text.
* Equipment can no longer be previewed while polymorphed.

* Intro movies will now only play on the first client startup, with a button at character selection to allow you to replay it later.
* Improved detection and notification of corrupted data.
* Fixed some issues with the client hanging/crashing on shutdown.
* Added a setting in rift.cfg to enable combat logging to a file by default. The setting can be found in the [Client] section, called LogCombatConsole. It will appear after you turn on the combat log for the first time.
* Failed attempts to connect to the character selection server will time out after 5 seconds, and display a progress message for each attempt.