è ufficiale.. la goa si stacca dalla mithic e ci butteranno tutti nei server americani.. con conseguente calo delle prestazioni dal punto di vista della latenza.. è forse questo un segnale della FINE?!?!1 oMFG!!!


June 25, 2010 - Transition to Mythic Service
Today we announce that GOA will cease publishing, operating and subscription services for Warhammer® Online: Age of Reckoning® (WAR) in Europe and transition the operation of the game to Mythic Entertainment.
We have enjoyed a lot of great times with you. Over the past couple of years we have fostered a fantastically vibrant and active community; we saw the world’s first Tchar’Zanek and Karl Franz kills pre 1.3.5 and hosted undeniably some of the most professional guilds to ever play WAR.

Over the next few weeks we will be working very closely with the Mythic Team to ensure you all get settled as smoothly as possible. We wish to assure you that all characters, guilds and account information will be migrated to Mythic servers and will be available to present and past players.
We will share more information on next steps, together with a FAQ, in the coming days.