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  1. #1
    The Bad Azel's Avatar
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    RSS Feed Coliseum Bosses Preview, EU Regionals, Comics

    <font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>5-Man Instance: Trial of the Champion Boss Preview</b></font> - <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Achievements</b></a><br />The Trial of the Champion is the new 5-Man instance introduced with Patch 3.2. It will most likely take place in the Argent Coliseum and will let you face the Champions of each race depending on your faction. <br /><br /><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a></div><br /><div align="center"><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>Alliance</b></font></div><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a></div><br /><div align="center"><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>Horde</b></font></div><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a></div><br />Three more bosses are shared by both factions and are NPCs you can already meet on the Argent Tournament Grounds. <br /><br /><div align="center"><table style="font: inherit; color: inherit;"><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit; color: inherit;"><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Argent Confessor Paletress</b></a><br /></div></td><td valign="top" style="font: inherit; color: inherit;"><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"><b>The Black Knight</b></a><br /></div></td><td valign="top" style="font: inherit; color: inherit;"><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Eadric the Pure</b></a></div></td></tr></table></div><br />We don&#39;t really know a lot more about these fights as they are not yet available on PTRs, but it looks like the last 3 will be fun according to the <a href="" target="_blank"><b>achievements</b></a> ...<br /><br /><div style="margin:auto;"><table><tr class="vloot2"><td><img src="" /></td><td><a href=""><b>Argent Confessor</b></a><br />Experience 5 different memories.</td></tr><tr class="vloot2"><td><img src="" /></td><td><a href=""><b>The Faceroller</b></a><br />Kill Eadric the Pure with his own hammer.</td></tr><tr class="vloot2"><td><img src="" /></td><td><a href=""><b>I've Had Worse</b></a><br />Defeast the Black Knight in 10 minutes while wearing all blue items, before 3 Volcanos erupt, while everyone in the group has at least 1 stack of Spurting Blood and there are no shamans or paladins in the party but before you spend at least 1000 gold in repairs wiping to the Black Knight</td></tr></table></div><br />The <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Argent Confessor</b></a> achievement for the fight against <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Argent Confessor Paletress</b></a> is probably the most interesting one. According to some <a href="" target="_blank"><b>datamining I did on the creatures</b></a> it seems that this encounter will let you experience previous fights with bosses from past dungeons/expansions. <br /><br /><div align="center"><table style="font: inherit; color: inherit;"><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit; color: inherit;"><b>Wrath of the Lich King</b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Algalon</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Cyanigosa</b></a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Eck</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Heigan</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Ignis</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Ingvar</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>General Vezax</b></a></li></ul><br /></td><td valign="top" style="font: inherit; color: inherit;"><b>The Burning Crusade</b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Delrissa</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Entropius</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Gruul</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Illidan</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Malchezaar</b></a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Kalithresh</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Archimonde</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Lady Vashj</b></a></li></ul><br /></td><td valign="top" style="font: inherit; color: inherit;"><b>World of Warcraft</b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br /><ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Chromaggus</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hakkar</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Herod</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hogger</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Lucifron</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Onyxia</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Thunderaan</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Edwin VanCleef</b></a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Vek&#39;nilash</b></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Mutanus</b></a></li></ul></td></tr></table></div><br /><font size="3" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><b>Raid Instance: Trial of the Crusader Boss Preview</b></font> - <a href="" target="_blank"><b>25-Man Achievements</b></a> / <a href="" target="_blank"><b>10-Man Achievements</b></a><br />The Trial of the Crusader (Grand Crusader in Hard Mode) is the new raid dungeon of Patch 3.2 and is apparently located below the floor of the Coliseum. <br /><br /><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a></div><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank">[img]</a></div>


  2. #2
    Spammer di mediocre esperienza Pizza's Avatar
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    Default Riferimento: Coliseum Bosses Preview, EU Regionals, Comics

    Defeast the Black Knight in 10 minutes while wearing all blue items, before 3 Volcanos erupt, while everyone in the group has at least 1 stack of Spurting Blood and there are no shamans or paladins in the party but before you spend at least 1000 gold in repairs wiping to the Black Knight

    asd blanis non lo puo' fare
    This work is fiction, any resemblance to people or events in your life means you're an extremely strange individual.

  3. #3
    Signore del Ghost Spam Cloud Wallace's Avatar
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    Default Riferimento: Coliseum Bosses Preview, EU Regionals, Comics

    Defeast the Black Knight in 10 minutes while wearing all blue items, before 3 Volcanos erupt, while everyone in the group has at least 1 stack of Spurting Blood and there are no shamans or paladins in the party but before you spend at least 1000 gold in repairs wiping to the Black Knight

    asd ne sa, fortuna che è un placeholder
    13 Il giorno dopo, uscì di nuovo e, vedendo due Ebrei che stavano rissando, disse a quello che aveva torto: «Perché percuoti il tuo fratello?». 14 Quegli rispose: «Chi ti ha costituito capo e giudice su di noi? Pensi forse di uccidermi, come hai ucciso l'Egiziano?».

    Se questo fosse un film d'azione hollywoodiano, Mosè direbbe "indovinato", tirando fuori due mitragliatrici e aprendo il fuoco. Ma purtroppo, come già detto, queste sono elucubrazioni, e nelle elucubrazioni non succedono cose così divertenti.

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