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  1. #1
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Verona, Italy, Italy

    Default Game Update 10 & Server Downtime

    All servers will come down for maintenance at 6:00 AM PT (3:00 PM CEST) for game update 10. Downtime is anticipated to be less than 2 hours. Players may note the following changes:
    GU10 Patch Notes
    Alert Updates

    • Taking all facilities of the specified type will win the alert for your empire immediately
    • If time expires without an empire claiming all of the specified facility type, the reward is divided between all empires based on the percentage of the facility type owned when the alert expires.

    New Alert Types
    There are 11 new alerts that focus on taking specific installations across Auraxis or on specific continents:

    • Capture Biolabs (global)
    • Capture Tech Plants (global)
    • Capture Amp Stations (global)
    • Capture Biolabs: Amerish
    • Capture Tech Plants: Amerish
    • Capture Amp Stations: Amerish
    • Capture Biolabs: Indar
    • Capture Tech Plants: Indar
    • Capture Amp Stations: Indar
    • Capture Biolabs: Esamir
    • Capture Amp Stations: Esamir

    New in the Depot
    Added Harasser Windshield Guards and Sunderer Tire Spikes

    Infantry Updates
    Weapon Art
    The following weapons have had their cosmetic look updated:

    • NC: Razor GD-23, Carnage BR, and LA1 Anchor
    • TR: T5 AMC, TAR, MSW-R, T16 Rhino, T32 Bull
    • VS: Ursa and Corvus VA55

    Toggle Zoom
    Toggle zoom is now canceled when any of these actions are taken:

    • Reload
    • Weapon swap
    • Sprint
    • Melee
    • Toss a grenade

    Bug Fixes

    • Optic attachment and iron sight views have been made more consistent across all three empires.
    • Muzzle flashes are now visible for the full render distance of infantry.
    • Shotgun slug ammunition now uses a tracer that is similar to sniper rifles.
    • Tracers are now more visible during the daytime.
    • NS tracers are now white.
    • Reduced acceleration/deceleration speeds of MAX units with Zealot Overdrive active to minimize third person warping.
    • Fixed the missing audio when cocking a bolt action rifle for TR and NC.
    • Ammo clip for the LA1 Anchor should no longer appear to float below the weapon model
    • Updated the Adrenaline Shield and Medic Tool descriptions with correct values. No functionality was changed.
    • Added a speculative fix for an issue where players sometimes accept a revive, but stay stuck on the deploy screen until they are killed again
    • Walking forward and right while holding out C4 will no longer cause issues
    • Added 1st person audio for the TR MAX while in lockdown
    • Lock on rocket launchers will no longer fire “ghost” rockets if you ADS immediately after reloading
    • Night vision fixed for low and medium graphics settings

    Vehicle Updates
    Vehicle Projectiles Now Originate from the Camera
    This should makes shots more reliably line up with the crosshair and reduce issues when the muzzle of the weapon is offset from the camera by a large amount.
    AMS Sunderer Deployment Area Change
    The anti deploy radius for AMS Sunderers has been reduced to 130 meters, so Sunderers are able to deploy more closely to each other than before.
    Flash and Harasser Airborne Control
    Steer left and steer right will now cause the Flash and Harasser to roll slightly when airborne.
    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where sometimes a vehicle turret’s camera would stutter to the left/right when the vehicle was in motion.
    • Players in the rumble seat of the Harasser should no longer be able to hit the vehicle when firing with the exceptions of the repair tool and physics based projectiles (C-4, grenades, etc)
    • Players in the gunner seat of the Harasser should no longer be able to hit players in the rumble seat when firing
    • The Halberd maximum ammo capacity tooltip has been corrected to match the cert functionality
    • Harasser chassis lights should now display properly when activated
    • Fixed an issue that would cause significant visual issues (black dots) when being fired on by the Scythe
    • Fix for Magrider proximity radar not working correctly
    • Fix for various issues with Lumifiber effects

    UI Updates
    Customizable Squad Colors for Platoons
    Players can now customize their squad colors with a dropdown color picker on each squad name in the platoon management screen

    • This is personal/client-side only – platoon leaders don’t pick everyone’s colors

    Find Facilities Feature on Map
    We have added a search field to the map to locate facility by name.
    Streamlined Kill Notifications
    The text for these notifications was made smaller and will no longer display outfit tags or titles to help mitigate issues with name text being cut off.
    Connected Facility Indicators
    We added HUD indicators to show connected facilities:

    • These share the same states as the facility indicators on the map (capture progress, cap time, ownership, etc)
    • These should go away once you’re within the facility area
    • These only show the detailed information (name, cap time, distance) when you look directly at the indicator

    Enemy Health Bar Change
    Enemies farther than ten meters away will no longer display health bars when spotted; this applies to both infantry and vehicles.
    Misc. UI Changes

    • Current vehicle weapon name is now displayed above the HUD ammo counter
    • Vehicle weapon switch icon now briefly appears when switching weapons or when changing seats
    • Alert icons added to map and warpgate terminal screen for continent-specific alerts
    • Added a notification for when a “next alert” timer starts counting down
    • Added continuous zoom to the minimap
    • Tweaked some HUD text to be more legible during the day
    • A general notification and chat message is sent when a squad or platoon waypoint is added or updated.
    • Waypoint indicators now display region name when highlighting with reticule

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with capture timers not displaying correctly under certain circumstances
    • MAX bundles will now describe which arm the weapon is for
    • Bundles in the bundle category should now list the contents in the detail pane
    • Fixed an issue where logging out and back in on the same character will leave the XP bonus displaying as 0 for a short time
    • Previewing an item in a bundle should now give the option to preview it on a character or vehicle
    • Q menu controls are no longer inverted if the mouse axis is inverted

    Facility Updates
    Warpgate Roation
    Faction warpgates have been rotated counter-clockwise
    New Ammo Towers Added on Indar
    Ammo Towers were added to the former facility satellites and to the Seabed Listening Post.
    SCU Shields

    • SCU shields on Amp Stations and Tech Plants will now disable when the capture has reached 50% instead of 75%.
    • Bio Lab SCU Shields are once again controlled by the generator and no longer disable based on capture percentage.

    Bug Fixes

    • Addressed some LOD issues at low graphics settings for interior facility structures
    • Fixed a broken garage shield at Allatum
    • Addressed a terminal that was clipping into other objects at Scarred Mesa Skydock
    • Fixed a bug that showed the Saurva Overflow Depot redeployment location at an incorrect spot on the map

  2. #2
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Verona, Italy, Italy

    Default Re: Game Update 10 & Server Downtime

    Flash and Harasser Airborne Control
    Steer left and steer right will now cause the Flash and Harasser to roll slightly when airborne.
    So. much. Fucking. Win.
    finalmente posso darci di turbo sui salti con l'harrasser senza paura di cappottarmi ogni cristo cazzo volta. GG

    Enemy Health Bar Change
    Enemies farther than ten meters away will no longer display health bars when spotted; this applies to both infantry and vehicles.
    non si saprà più un cazzo
    cambierà tutto il gameplay lol, tutto, fanteria non troppo visto come muore ma Veicoli vs veicoli lawl, finchè non li vedi fumare non avrai un indicatore decente per sapere se rischiartela o meno, DRAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, riporto questo pezzo dai forum ufficiali che è veramente interessante
    Jesus people think about. Remove the ability to magically see the health and number of occupants in a vehicle.
    Then introduce the Implant called "Enhanced targeting" which returns the ability.
    Learn to Dev.
    un implant di planetside 1 che ti dava tante informazioni utili, che arriverà per SC/Cert prossimo game update , fair enough

    New Alert Types
    There are 11 new alerts that focus on taking specific installations across Auraxis or on specific continents

    SCU Shields

    • SCU shields on Amp Stations and Tech Plants will now disable when the capture has reached 50% instead of 75%.
    • Bio Lab SCU Shields are once again controlled by the generator and no longer disable based on capture percentage.
    Spaziali, quello delle amp mi fa jizzare, adoro fightare alle Amp Station, e poi in questo modo ci saranno fight più duraturi a queste basi e quindi più occasioni di giocare in un certo modo, Lightning a zurvan sto guardando te (like in the good 'ol release days) per chi è terrorizzato dai biolab almeno han rimesso il generatore, e nelle altre basi l'scu va giu al 50% , (però ancora gli scudi non van giù meh)

    Warpgate Roation
    Faction warpgates have been rotated counter-clockwise
    mhmhhmhm, avevamo il miglior accesso a the crown, e ottimi punti per farmare veicoli, vedremo! quell nord è comunque un ottimo continente su Indar

    Customizable Squad Colors for Platoons
    Players can now customize their squad colors with a dropdown color picker on each squad name in the platoon management screen

    • This is personal/client-side only – platoon leaders don’t pick everyone’s colors
    ora gize può giocare in plotone ^^

    AMS Sunderer Deployment Area Change
    The anti deploy radius for AMS Sunderers has been reduced to 130 meters, so Sunderers are able to deploy more closely to each other than before.
    drama in difesa, ottimo in attacco, qualcuno sa quant'era prima? asd

    • Reduced acceleration/deceleration speeds of MAX units with Zealot Overdrive active to minimize third person warping.


    riporto poi questo discorso di higby che è STRAINTERESSANTE, cloud fatti 2 risate

  3. #3
    Io sono l'Alfa e l'Omega Q(F)M's Avatar
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    San Donato Milanese (MI)

    Default Re: Game Update 10 & Server Downtime

    Quote Originally Posted by Torok View Post
    Enemy Health Bar Change
    Enemies farther than ten meters away will no longer display health bars when spotted; this applies to both infantry and vehicles.
    questo è un game-changer. imo non dovrebbero mettere l'implant!

  4. #4
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    Verona, Italy, Italy

    Default Re: Game Update 10 & Server Downtime

    Quote Originally Posted by Q(F)M View Post
    questo è un game-changer. imo non dovrebbero mettere l'implant!
    l'implant l'ha detto un tipo a caso, dicendo che nell'1 c'era, e quindi non è detto che lo mettano
    fin'ora sappiamo solo questo:
    Implants would utilize a new loadout slot and provide special bonuses that allow you to further tailor your class to the way you want to play.

    • Example implants might include stuff like:
      • Silent running
        • Your character emits no footstep audio

      • Safe Landing
        • Allows you to fall greater distances before taking damage

      • Audio Amp
        • Increases distance that enemies are spotted based on firing

    What kinds of implants would you like to see added?

    personalmente voglio un implant che mi riduca il tempo in cui rimango spottato nella minimappa
    beccatevi qui ci sono quelli dell'1, magari ne copiano più di un paio

    poi c'è da dire che sul test server han trovato questa


    e ho letto da qualche parte su reddit che c'è un nuovo elemento della UI, quindi vuol è probabile che siano come nell'1 che alcuni sono attivabili e consumano "stamina" o simili, FIGATA
    Last edited by Torok; 05/06/2013 at 15:05.

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