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Thread: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

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  1. #1
    Piccolo Spammer Ingro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Rimini, ITA

    Default Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    Finalmente la Blizzard ha aperto i test per la prossima patch... un sacco di novità:
    - finalmente i canali di chat!
    - hotkey completamente personalizzabili!
    - master league inserita sopra la diamond!
    - un sacco di cambiamenti all'interfaccia e bug, soprattutto la priorità nel venire attaccati dei SCV sarà la stessa dell'unità che stanno riparando!
    - buff ai protoss, yay!

    Per ora il PTR è aperto solo ai player dell'area NA, non si sà se aprirà anche in EU ma credo che la Blizzard conti di rilasciare la patch a breve...

    StarCraft II Patch 1.2.0 - PTR Notes


    • Chat Channels have been added:

    -- Players can now join others in both public and private channels.

    -- Added in-game chat bar command to whisper to other players. Using the /w command will pop up an auto-complete list which includes: friends, party members, chat channels, and other players within your current game.

    • Added a option to auto-join previous private channels.

    • Added a option to prevent chat channel text from appearing in the in-game chat display.

    Custom Maps

    • Map makers can now use custom UI layout files to create new UI or override existing game UI.


    • Stalemate Detection has been added:

    -- The game will end in a tie for all remaining players if no players have income, production, or destroyed any structures for three consecutive minutes.

    -- A countdown timer will now appear when the game detects this scenario.

    • Several help dialogue and tech tree improvements have been made:

    -- In-game help is now available in

    -- The help dialog’s tech tree has been improved.

    -- Unit information in the help dialog now displays abilities and upgrades.

    • Selecting different units in quick succession will now fade out existing replies to play the most recent reply.

    • When selecting a Vespene Geyser, the number of current harvesters will be displayed in the info panel.


    • An Extreme graphics option has been added:

    -- Players can now configure screen space ambient occlusion.

    -- Unit information in the help dialog now displays abilities and upgrades.


    • Customizable Hotkey Support has been added.

    • Mouse buttons can now be bound to the Push-To-Talk hotkey.

    • System Alert panel has been moved to the top of the screen – duration of most system alerts has been reduced.

    Added a hotkey to Pause/Resume game for both single-player and multiplayer (Pause/Break key).

    • Added a toggle button to the in-game replay panel to show or hide duration information.

    • Added a hotkey indicator option to show the primary hotkey on top of command buttons.

    • Added an option to disable any error sounds. The Response Sounds checkbox now controls whether unit-specific audio is used for error sounds instead of a generic buzz.

    Leagues and Ladders

    • A new Master League has been added.

    -- This league now represents the highest tier of ladder players.


    • Several Save/Replay File dialogue improvements have been made:

    -- Prints current directory name above file list.

    -- Added sort order icons to Name and Date columns.

    -- Added the ability to rename.

    -- Added filters for Autosave and Unsaved.

    -- Added an option to permanently save all replays. Checking this option will mark all unsaved replays as being saved.

    • Camera following behavior for observers and replays has been improved.



    -- Hallucination research time decreased from 110 to 80.

    -- Observer

    Cost decreased from 50/100 to 25/75.

    -- Phoenix
    Build time decreased from 45 to 35.

    -- Void Ray

    Now deals 20% more damage to massive targets.

    Flux Vanes speed upgrade removed.

    • TERRAN

    -- Bunker

    Build time decreased from 35 to 30.

    This is only a temporary change for the patch 1.2.0 PTR.

    -- SCV

    Repairing SCVs now assume the same threat priority as the unit they’re repairing.

    SCV construction movement made more consistent.

    • ZERG

    -- Infestor

    Fungal Growth no longer affects air units.

    StarCraft II Editor

    • Map locale management has been added.

    • Further editor tips and hints have been added.

    • Copy/Paste support has been added to the upgrade editor.

    • Modifed the Locales dialog (also in the Locale sub-menu) for adding or removing text locales.

    • Locale sub-menu is now available in Map/Mod menu for changing the active text locale for the current document.

    • The game will now properly find custom imported files within mods.

    • Maps can now depend on even more mods.

    • Mod Info dialog is now available from the Mod menu for more easily changing mod name and description text.
    • Change Focus commands are now available in the Trigger module View menu for switching input focus directly to different areas.

    • Font Style Files can now be added to Mods and Maps using the FontStyleFileArray field in GameUIData. Existing styles can have their individual attributes overridden or entirely new styles can be added.

    • UI Layout files can now be added to Mods and Maps using the CustomLayoutFileArray filed in GameUIData. Most existing frames can be modified or overridden and entirely new templates can be added, which can be created from the Dialog system within the Editor.

    • Dialog Items can now be hooked up from already existing frames within a created Panel.

    • Attributes and values can now be hidden in the game lobby, configured through Game Variants.

    • Editor Tips dialog in the Help menu (and optionally on start up) improved with tips for using the editor effectively.

    • Created a new type of Dialog Item called Panel. Panels are containers for other dialog items to help with grouping and hierarchy.

    • The water editor layout has been improved.

    • The mouse wheel now scrolls the control under the cursor.

    • Copied doodads now retain their height offset.

    • Effect offsets can now optionally contain a Z component.

    • Attribute and Veterancy behaviors now normalize vitals when new levels are applied.

    • Mouse clicks and highlights are now allowed while in relative camera mode.

    • Edit boxes are now available for trigger dialogs.

    • Right clicking an item in an inventory will now have the icon appear immediately next to the cursor.

    • Behaviors can now be replaced by either the shortest duration (the original method) or by farthest distance.

    • Behavior abilities can now properly charge the player using the ability instead of always charging the owner.

    • New trigger action have been added:

    -- Set Visibility Type Of Text Tag, used to control whether fog or black mask hides the tag.

    -- Remove Inventory Item, used to instantly remove a requested item from an inventory.

    -- Bank Option, used to change options for banks including adding a signature

    • New unit properties have been added:

    -- Carried Minerals, Carried Vespene, Carried Terrazine, and Carried Custom Resource.

    -- Bounty (XP), used to grant experience when a unit is killed.

    • New trigger function: Verify Bank, used to verify that a bank’s signature is intact.

    • New trigger event: Mouse Moved, sent in response to the mouse being moved in the game world.

    • New Effect Used event property: Life, Shields, and Energy changed.

    • Added new UI to insert text tags for data references, unit info, and hotkeys.

    • Added an effect range to the effect ability to restrict how far away the effect can be placed. This will allow effects to behave like the Stalker Blink effect.

    • Added a behavior flag to suppress fidgeting.

    • Added a new stalemate melee option to determine whether the stalemate detection checking is enforced.

    • Added a new “Creator” player to effects. It will be set to the player issuing an order if available.

    • Added a new type of item that can use an effect ability.

    • Added a validator that checks to see if a unit can path to a point.

    • Added a validator that checks if there is a cliff between two points.

    • Added MinimapRenderPriority to CActorUnit and MinimapRenderPriorityList to CActorGlobalConfig. This allows custom map makers to define the render priorities of units on the minimap.

    Bug Fixes


    • Harvest orders will no longer end if an order is queued while waiting to return cargo.

    • Harvesting units no longer avoid enemy units.

    • Fixed an issue with units trying to get out of the way so buildings can be constructed.

    • Hold position units no longer automatically move out of the way when placing a building.

    • Fixed an issue with harvesting units bypassing force fields.

    • Fixed an issue where melee units were unable to attack a colossus when it was on a cliff.

    • Fixed an issue where larva would not wander around.

    • Fixed an issue where loading a saved challenge could improperly overwrite the best score.

    • Fixed an issue where animation stutters when flying units are separating.

    • Added “Detector” text to the info panel for units which can detect cloaked or burrowed units.

    • Added combat reveal tinting to help show that combat reveal units cannot be hit. All diagonal ramps are now the same with regards to unbuildable locations at the bottom of the ramps.

    • Enemy units no longer show passive buttons in the command card.

    • Critter health bars are now hidden unless highlighted or selected (if status bars are set to show when units are selected).

    • Orders can no longer be canceled by clicking on the info panel in challenges before the challenge begins.

    • Missiles are no longer affected by Vortex.

    • Autocast repair will now charge the player requesting autocast functionality.

    • Autocast state for abilities is reset to the default state when unit ownership is permanently changed.

    • Repair will now clear its autocast state if the owning player leaves the game.

    • Actors with a large number of create events no longer crash the map.

    • Text tags are now paused when the game is paused.


    • Protoss structures can no longer be powered without a power source if constructed while powered by a Warp Prism under the effects of Neural Parasite.

    • Mass Recall can no longer target larva or eggs.

    • Fixed an issue where units that were picked up by a Graviton Beam would still block pathing on the ground.

    • Fixed an issue where a Zealot could burn his Charge cooldown without actually moving.


    • Changed the position of the Select Builder button on Terran buildings, and changed the hotkey to Q.

    • Fixed nuke dot not being visible all the time.

    • Fixed an issue where you could see an enemy MULE drop pod in some cases where you didn’t have vision of the target location.

    • Fixed an issue where a Medivac would be able to continue healing a unit that was stuck in a Graviton Beam if the Medivac had started healing the unit before it was picked up by the Graviton Beam.

    • Fixed an issue where a Thor would continue to channel 250mm Strike Cannons on an uplifted terran building if it lifted off at just the right time.

    • Fixed an issue where a Thor could get stuck channeling if a player queued up multiple targets for 250mm Strike Cannons.


    • The Ultralisk’s arc-shaped damage area is now centered at the front of the Ultralisk instead of at its center.

    • Fixed an issue with the Ultralisk being unable to attack a row of sensor towers.

    • The Burrow and Cancel Neural Parasite buttons have been moved on the command card.

    • Creep will now spread evenly in all directions.

    • Fixed an issue where Larva could produce units by holding down hotkeys.

    StarCraft II Editor

    • The "For Each Real" and "For Each Integer" actions will now correctly execute once when the starting and ending bounds are equal while the increment is also zero.

    • Standard dependencies can no longer be modified in the Dependencies dialog (only added or removed).

    • Publish dialog now updates storage information after removing a published file in the Managed Published window.

    • The View Script command will now view library scripts if the library list has focus.

    • Dropdowns now correctly select items as you type using partial matching.

    • Fixed an issue with editing stylized text values when using system locales other than English.

    • Fixed an issue when editing mover data where values were not being saved correctly.

    • Fixed an issue that prevented certain changes to angle values.

    • Fixed an issue where the scroll bar for tree views could disappear.

    • Fixed an issue where triggers setting the mouse relative could result in the mouse being stuck in relative move mode.

    • Fixed an issue where setting the color of a dialog item of type label wasn’t working.

    • Fixed text truncation with Set Text actor message.

    • Fixed a crash that could occur while editing upgrade values.

    • Fixed display of ability command links in the Overview Manager.

    • Fixed many areas where English text was displayed instead of localized text.

    • Fixed an issue where selection circles would drop when a flying unit was over a cliff.

    • Veterancy experience share filters have been fixed.

    • Carried and equipped item behaviors and weapons are now restored properly when a unit is revived.

    • Items dropped from an inventory will now use their default height when dropped.

    • Fixed a crash when destroying a persistent effect.

    • Camera following can no longer be disabled via hotkeys if it was requested via triggers

    Repairing SCVs now assume the same threat priority as the unit they’re repairing.

    SCV construction movement made more consistent.

    Fungal Growth no longer affects air units.

    Ingro Salle Dacil[FK] on Universo Shard
    Ingro(F) on Starcraft

  2. #2
    Piccolo Spammer Awake's Avatar
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    Pisa, Italy, Italy

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    patch che approvo al 100% e mi auguro arrivi al più presto.

    Originariamente Scritto da Gantritor
    I tuoi wall of text di stronzate, invece, meritano grande rispetto. Un invito: prova ad andare su teamliquid e scrivere le tue perle. Ti suggerisco il titolo per qualche topic: "Raven, an underrated unit: pro and cons" oppure "DT expand into 6 gate push: based on Inca's wisdom".
    Originariamente Scritto da Gantritor
    W ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ e si aprono i cancelli della master league

  3. #3
    Piccolo Spammer Ingro's Avatar
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    Rimini, ITA

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    beh a dire il vero speravo in qualche cambiamento maggiore nelle dinamiche del PvT... il nerf all'infestor mi sembra un filo esagerato, già era molto poco usato... per il resto un'ottima patch, speriamo davvero arrivi presto!
    Ingro Salle Dacil[FK] on Universo Shard
    Ingro(F) on Starcraft

  4. #4
    Piccolo Spammer Awake's Avatar
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    Pisa, Italy, Italy

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    in tvz è un must go

    il pvt, secondo me, sarà l'ultima cosa che toccheranno^^

    Originariamente Scritto da Gantritor
    I tuoi wall of text di stronzate, invece, meritano grande rispetto. Un invito: prova ad andare su teamliquid e scrivere le tue perle. Ti suggerisco il titolo per qualche topic: "Raven, an underrated unit: pro and cons" oppure "DT expand into 6 gate push: based on Inca's wisdom".
    Originariamente Scritto da Gantritor
    W ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ e si aprono i cancelli della master league

  5. #5
    Piccolo Spammer Oktav's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    ma porca troia daiiii

    contro massa muta ZvZ il fungal growth era una contromossa fottutamente utile... ora non rimane che rispondere con un numero maggiore di muta...

  6. #6
    Piccolo Spammer Ingro's Avatar
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    Rimini, ITA

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    Per la gioia di Awa che si sà, è un filantropo e amante della razza Zerg, alcuni cambiamenti del PTR sono stati rimossi in una recente patch al test realm, asd:

    1) Bunker build time reduction removed as previously noted

    2) Fungal Growth’s terrestrial limitation has been removed and the ability once again affects air units

    3) It will once again be possible to hold down a key to repeat a hotkey command
    Ingro Salle Dacil[FK] on Universo Shard
    Ingro(F) on Starcraft

  7. #7
    Piccolo Spammer Awake's Avatar
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    Pisa, Italy, Italy

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    "oh noes, why terran always 2 rax and all in, DAMN I SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE 3gold EXPO BEFORE THEY CAN ATTACK ME. I DON'T HAVE 200-200 BANELINGS"

    --> zerg standard QI.
    purtroppo glielo fanno pure fare, boh.

    p.s. insomma, un'altra patch di nerf ai terran (addio al thor rush - che io peraltro avrò fatto una volta in vita mia, vs ingro, lol). Poi ci si lamenta che i game del gsl tra pro siano tutti all in dopo 10 minuti.
    almeno i pvp -forse- saranno più interessanti?
    patch sempre più alla wc3.........

    Originariamente Scritto da Gantritor
    I tuoi wall of text di stronzate, invece, meritano grande rispetto. Un invito: prova ad andare su teamliquid e scrivere le tue perle. Ti suggerisco il titolo per qualche topic: "Raven, an underrated unit: pro and cons" oppure "DT expand into 6 gate push: based on Inca's wisdom".
    Originariamente Scritto da Gantritor
    W ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ e si aprono i cancelli della master league

  8. #8
    Piccolo Spammer Ingro's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Rimini, ITA

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    asd Awa la soluzione è sempre quella... BANELINGS BANELINGS BANELINGS!

    cmq il Thor rush era davvero inguardabile e così pure il mass repair sulla PF, ma i terran non avevano bisogno di altri nerf, soprattutto al lategame... questa patch infatti li rende ancor più deboli sia per il sopraccitato nerf ai repair sia perchè con i phoenix che si costruiscono più in fretta diventa più semplice riuscire a creare quella combo colossi-phoenix che fà whinare tanti T, soprattutto in Korea...
    Ingro Salle Dacil[FK] on Universo Shard
    Ingro(F) on Starcraft

  9. #9
    Piccolo Spammer Awake's Avatar
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    Pisa, Italy, Italy

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    eh..l'ho iniziata a provare sulla mia pelle..diventa davvero dura reggere quella combo e sono costretto a giocare veramente aggressivo di 3 rax :S
    Guardo un po' come va e magari mi prenderò il colosso :P mi mancano 200 win in fin dei conti. 4 aiur!

    Originariamente Scritto da Gantritor
    I tuoi wall of text di stronzate, invece, meritano grande rispetto. Un invito: prova ad andare su teamliquid e scrivere le tue perle. Ti suggerisco il titolo per qualche topic: "Raven, an underrated unit: pro and cons" oppure "DT expand into 6 gate push: based on Inca's wisdom".
    Originariamente Scritto da Gantritor
    W ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ e si aprono i cancelli della master league

  10. #10
    Piccolo Spammer Ingro's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Rimini, ITA

    Default Re: Patch 1.2.0 PTR!

    nooo se torni P non ci gioco più contro di te xD
    Ingro Salle Dacil[FK] on Universo Shard
    Ingro(F) on Starcraft

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