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Estratto FANTASTICAMENTE UBBA dalla suddetta wiki:
Sticazzi, mica lo sapevo, io cliccavo semplice da stealth. Se invece faccio powerattack fa piu' male? Maremma. Ditelo!!!Quote:
- Sneak attacks will do more damage with a power attack as opposed to Oblivion where sneak attacks and sneak power attacks did the same damage.
- The Assassin's Blade perk is the highest damage-modifying perk in the game, at 15x normal damage. If using the Shrouded Gloves provided to you by the Dark Brotherhood, this multiplier goes up to 30x, and with the One-handed perk Armsman maxed out, the damage goes up to 60x(although the game counts it as 30x of the base 2x). This damage can be improved even further by landing a critical strike, using a power attack, dual-wielding daggers or the Orc racial trait Berserker.
Sticazzi parte 2 !! Oneshotto un gigante cosi' !
Dualwield powersneakattack ! MIOO !!